Black Friday Orders | Shipping Update 2



  • Ange LesageAnge Lesage Member
    edited December 2023

    I was refunded for my order so they are in trouble

  • I'm coming with a new information !

    They answered me on Instagram.

    They say that order status of BF orders is going to be updated by the end of the week or an email will be sent to customers.

  • Hi. What a fuck... Order on 28 and don't send yet...

    Let's go everyone cancel the order??

    To see if they open our eyes....

    Don't respond the tickets...

  • donc ils ne respecte pas leur conditions de vente, et essaye de rembourser les clients pour caler cette erreur

  • Thank you for reporting this.

    Hope they will be able to ship everything soon, it's ok for me to wait also Jenuary (I ordered on 24th) the important is only to know it.

  • Canceled

  • Can we legally do something?

  • Quelqu'un a expliqué le problème avec le V2.5x et les remises de BF. Le plus simple en terme de gestion pour eux est en effet de supprimer les commandes problématiques et d'offrir une compensation en guise d'excuse (certains parlent d'une remise de 10% sur les prochains achats). Je ne sais pas si cette réduction va suffire pour les protéger légalement au niveau du droit allemand, européen, etc. Mais vouloir que tous les clients suppriment leur commande est débile et va juste aggraver le problème pour ceux qui n'ont pas de commandes avec ce problème.

    J'ai commandé un CSL DD (5nm), un volant CSL P1 V2, le pédalier CSL, le kit embrayage CSL et le support de table pour CSL DD, j'ai eu une remise de 150€ car j'ai commandé le CSL DD avec un volant et un pédalier. Commande passée le 8 décembre, le statut indique "Completely shipped" depuis le 9 décembre. J'espère avoir des nouvelles d'ici la semaine prochaine.

  • only Fanatec knows if there is an error in the system.

    maybe they went for the cancellation of such accounts, which turned out to be extra favorable because they did not expect that someone like you would calculate to take such a combination.

    which is the ultimate advantage.

    I believe that instead of the csl pedal and boost package, you took say V2 or V3 pedals, there would be no problem.

  • I don't know if we can do something legally. Fanatec's first respons was 12 days after my first order about the v2.5x that it was a glitcch

    24th nov to 6th dec

    Is it legal for them to cancel an order after 12 days with comfirmed shipped?

    Fanatec told us only after we ordered what that means so thats also false advertisment?

    Also i didn't recieve my money in the first 12 days so fanatec knew there was a problem but still holded my money after i recieved the email.

  • I don't think it will worth the time... if you already received a refund, just buy to another manufacturer and get your stuff already next week.

  • Dans le droit français tu as un délai de rétractation de 14 jours à réception de la commande, n'ayant pas reçu ta commande tu peux tout à fait réclamer un remboursement total de ta commande.

  • Based on the terms and conditions on their website they have deemed to have accepted the contract within 5 days if they have done any of the following:

    "2.3 The Seller may accept the Client’s offer within five days,

    • by transferring a written order confirmation or an order confirmation in written form (fax or e-mail), insofar as receipt of order confirmation by the Client is decisive, or

    • by delivering ordered goods to the Client, insofar as receipt of goods by the customer is decisive, or

    • by requesting the Client to pay after placing his order.

    The contract shall be concluded at the time when one of the aforementioned alternatives firstly occurs. Should the Seller not accept the Client's offer within the aforementioned period of time, this shall be deemed as rejecting the offer, with the effect that the Client is no longer bound by his statement of intent."

  • I have a whole fanatec simulator, I don't want to be reimbursed but I want to receive my order

  • If they did not reject your order within five days, based on the terms on their site that form your contract with them, then they should be supplying it to you at the price you paid.

  • I agree with you but since they reimbursed me even though I want to receive the package, does it work?

  • Yes, by law you have a right to claim the goods at the contracted price. You'd need to speak with a legal representative in your country for advice.

  • My new Order from 29.11 (my origin order was 2.11 and was stuck at "label created" for weeks) has finally a UPS Tracking Number (Label created 12.12) lets see if they "lose" the order again.

  • Helder NevesHelder Neves Member
    edited December 2023

    Completly according!

    Besides, after this time we lose the opportunity to buy other options at a discount too.

  • Mine just changed to on way after been stuck at label created ever since 29/11 now shows on way an origin scan hamburg v2 pedals UK

  • thank you I made 2 requests to 2 European consumer centers

  • Steve DeweySteve Dewey Member
    edited December 2023

    My order was for a formula 1 2023 wheel+APM, dd2 base, and pedal set. Everything was a blackfriday discount. Originnalu shipping on the 28th, backed up the 8th. Then the 15th. I ordered on the 21st, in the US. It says it is waiting on the qr2, but people have bought after me and already getting their QR2 orders.

    When I look at the order, there is a mystery 53.95$ bundle discount off of 199.99$ purchase. Nothing I purchased cost 199.99. All of the other discounts added up and were right. With this bundle, the APM rang up as 179.95, the wheel was 399.95 with an 86$ discount on the wheel bundle. Have to factor in 8% local sales tax for it to add up right.

    I emailed fanatec as soon as i heard about the apm issues, and have yet to hear anything back.

    I cancelled and went with a competitor brand, and it is being delivered today, ordered on Monday. It was slightly more expensive, but a better wheel base, and the customer service is night and day difference. See you all at the "track" and good luck with your equipment.

  • All I know is that I ordered 25/11 so status was completely shipped on 27th and last week got a tracking number for ups, label created but no goods, asked UPS if it was a bug from their part but they said that they billed me the 5th december but they have no package yet... it's been more than 2 weeks and they said they'd ship 7 to 10 days after billing and still nothing... sadly I own a PS5 and the only DD that works for ps5 is the dd1 or the dd gt, bought the GT DD 8nm btw and i'm from switzerland.

  • Yes, there was some very good deals and most of the people finaly managed to bundle all deals together in one order. Probably there was a big number of cancelations previous orders for the same reason

    If I remeber correctly, on Nov 24th around noon (cet) they published on Blog what discounts are in order for that day, and after that, site went down for some hour or so. I manage to put F1 wheel in the basket in that time. But discount wasn't visible on BF page, it appeard later, maybe around 14:00.

    But, I check my cart around 13:30 and price for F1 wheel was changed to 199 and I emidiately bought it.

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