Black Friday Orders | Shipping Update 2



  • Gareth BarkerGareth Barker Member
    edited December 2023

    Ordered V3 bundle 25/11

    Label created/tracking number 5/12

    Serial numbers noticed 12/12

    On the way 13/12


  • I just got new updates regarding my shippment

    Was it the same in your case ?

  • No not for me, mine never got scanned again after pickup, raised a claim with ups and they couldnt find it so declared it lost and paid fanatec the cost of order, but fanatec have not replaced my order

  • I've received today the last items, so all my orders are received.

    I hope it will be the same for you guys. Still no tracking number communicated to me, but UPS delivered 13 items yesterday and 3 items today.

    Podium Wheel Base DD2

    QR2 Base-Side (Type-M)

    QR2 Wheel-Side

    Podium Hub

    QR2 Pro Wheel-Side

    Podium Button Module Rally

    Sparco R383

    ClubSport Pedals V3 Damper Kit

    ClubSport Pedals V3 Brake Performance Kit

    ClubSport Pedals V3

    ClubSport Shifter SQ V 1.5

    ClubSport USB Adapter

    ClubSport Handbrake V1.5

    ClubSport Table Clamp V2

    ClubSport Shifter Table Clamp

  • I'm game.

    Location: US (Washington State)

    Nov 25, 2023: CSL DD Table Clamp, CSL Pedals, CSL Steering Wheel BMW, CSL DD (5NM), Boost Kit 180 (8NM), CSL Pedals Tuning Kit, CSL Pedals Load Cell Kit, Clubsport Shifter SQ V1.5, Clubsport USB Adapter, Clubsport Shifter Table Clamp, Button Caps and Sticker Set; Order on Completely Shipped, No Further Info

    Nov 27, 2023: QR2 Base Side USB-C, QR2 Lite Wheel-Side; Order on In Process (original ship date of QR2 Base Side was Dec 5, but was changed to Dec 15, and now is Dec 27 with no notificatio provided.)

    Dec 8, 2023: Clubsport Handbrake V1.5, ClubSport Handbrake Clamp Adapter; Order Shipped Dec 11; Order Received Dec 13. No notificaton from Fanatec, all info provided by FEDEX.

    Dec 12, 2023: CSL Elite Steering Wheel McLaren GT3 V2, QR1 Lite Wheel-Side (Free), QR2 Lite Wheel-Side; Order Shipped Dec 13, Scheduled to arrive Dec 14. No notification from Fanatec, all info provided by FEDEX.

    Seems like all stuff ordered at normal price is right out the door and the stuff ordered on Black Friday is pushed to the side since we dare to save a few bucks.

    Tracking numbers and serial numbers seem to get updated the next day after shipment on the Fanatec website, but the lack of communication on their part is disheartening as a new customer.

  • Foi paypal, vou aguardar mais uma semana ou 2 no máximo, e cancelo.

  • if I could cancel now I would, but it takes two weeks to get cancel too (cant cancel from paypal, they say to get in contact with fanatec).

  • Unbelievable, made my order on 22nd November and STILL hasn't been shipped, received a tracking number well over a week ago but still hasn't been shipped. This was a Xmas gift as well, what am I meant to say on Christmas day when there's no gift to open?

  • Thank you for this post and for the clarification.

    Based on the way you wrote everything, I have no doubt or need to check anything and I believe that it is exactly as you wrote.

    It turns out that BF CSL DD+V2.5X was really not a glitch if everything is like you sad.

    However, nothing is clear to me now and this literally shows that something is seriously wrong with Fanatec, which we already know.

    Imagine, you post a banner for CSL DD+V2.5X for €480, but in fact you don't advertise that you can also give pedals for €410.

    But now it just gets interesting. Fanatec offers bundle CSL DD+V2.5X. This offer already includes a discount of €150 for the steering wheel and an additional €70 for the base. On top of that you added CSL pedals for €80 to that and get an additional €150 discount.

    And okay, that's right and you explained everything. And it turns out that with R2R bundles it's been working that way for months.

    However, can anyone explain to me how and with which argument Fanatec can defend and on what legal basis it can even mention buying in bad faith bundled V2.5X/APM/caps?

    So for months since the start of the R2R bundles, they offer the option of a discount of €150 for an item of €80, but the bad faith is a discount of €225 for an item of €180.

    And like I said the biggest single discount for BF was 83% and the biggest discount for the V2.5X/APM/caps bundle was 71%.

    Where and at what amount is the imaginary border between good and bad faith of the buyer?

    I really don't think they were legally unprepared to deal with the crap they did, but I'm still convinced that they don't have the slightest legal basis for any of the proceedings.

    I don't even think they got amnesty from the orders they refunded.

  • Hi,

    Ordered back in Nov 25th and it is still in process - 1850984 .

    Please can you check when this will be shipped? Still no shipping order



  • from US

    Ordered Dec. 2- went to completely shipped on dec 4.


    from the comments ive read looks like it will be 2024 before i get anything.

  • Understood, that's helpful information. Thank you for sharing.

    However, in my case, the order I placed on November 27th was shipped earlier than the one from November 25th. The order from November 25th still doesn't have a tracking number.

  • A fairly extensive setup centred around console usage for which I have already bought a Trak Racer TR8 Pro rig:

    Initially I wanted a CS DD+, CSL Elite V2 Pedals, ClubSport Shifter Bundle, ClubSport Hub for Xbox (free QR1), a 911 Wheel Rim, and a QR2 Wheel Side. I added the button caps for good measure. Then when I went to the checkout I saw the discounted APM offer so I added those.

    On the 24th I reordered along with the Formula V2.5X (free QR1) and then I thought I might as well also add the CSL DD 5Nm and a QR2 Base Side to go with it because I have both a PS5 and an XSX. I figured I could use the CS DD+ setup as I'd intended, and use the APM that I'd added earlier with the Formula V2.5X and CSL DD 5Nm for another makeshift setup (maybe get some pedals later, but use the APM analogue paddles for the time being). I have kids who are showing interest in driving now they're getting older, so they could use something with a little less power so this seemed pretty close to perfect for now.

    All up my order from Fanatec was over AUD$3,700. I only came to the forums when I saw my status had gone "🟥 in progress" and wanted to see if anyone knew what it meant. Then I saw all the talk about pricing issues. I'm really hoping for some flexibility here as I don't want to miss out on the bulk of what I ordered. I'm not unreasonable. If a mistake has been made on pricing that should be something we can resolve by negotiating removal of the items or paying the difference. I placed the order around 1:30am (my time) after the website was having all its load issues, so I was tired just trying to make sure my order had gotten in before anything had sold out so I could then also cancel the other order I had, which I did afterwards.

  • my situation is exactly the same, origin scan on same day as yours 22nd but i raised a claim on the 1st of dec.

    if nothing changes in the next few days i will get my money back from paypal

  • Label created 4/12 for order which was on 25/11. Serial numbers on everything apart from the DD base. I hope I get good news soon.

    In all fairness I don’t mind waiting but the suspense is becoming too much.

    Fanatec obviously took on more than they could handle but hopefully they will learn from this experience and improve for future promotions.

  • I can confirm that something happens about the red square 🟥 „in progress“ cases. I’m one of it and a few hours ago my red square 🟥 turns into a 🟦 „order is in progress“ again. I guess they check every case now if there is some glitched discounts or something.

    im pretty happy now that everything is fine with my order and I just have to wait for the availability of some preorder items (from DD+ at Dec 19 till January 17th because the qr2 :( )

    i didn’t order the 2.5x because I have the f1 2023.

    so a little bit of hope here for some guys. But I’m with all of you who has cancellations of their orders :( in my opinion this wasn’t the correct way to handle this kind of technical problems… and I’m still a little bit afraid that they remark some orders into red squares again. Everything can happen with this company and you still be scared till you receive you order. So then you have to prey that you never got problems with your hardware because you never get some replacements for months I guess…

  • if you dont mind me asking what country and what was your order number? mine is low 181,xxx

  • edited December 2023

    I'm in US and placed an order on 11.26 for V2 pedals . I'm still waiting for a tracking#, I lost count of how many bossiness days this is past, Fanatec told us it will take up to 10 days to ship, now I'm close to 15 days and still waiting.

  • I'm in the same exact situation except I ordered the 27th. I was expecting to get it for the holidays but at this rate, I'll be lucky if I get my pedals for the holidays 2024. I know they got a lot of orders, but it can't be that long.

  • Frank TschepeFrank Tschepe Member
    edited December 2023

    they have now exclude the CSL DD 8nm WRC Bundle from Ready to Race promotion. That means when you now take this bundle plus v2 Pedals you pay 950 euros.

    if you order everthing as single product you pay 800 Euros because then you get the 150 discount. I would call this bad faith. They made a bundle where you think you save 50 euros but in reality you pay 150 euros more.

    it´s very clear why they afterwards exclude this bundle. so they think they can cancel now all the bundles csl dd 5nm + 2.5x.

  • Tomorrow will be three weeks since I placed my order. Still sitting in the “completely shipped” abyss so many of us are in.

  • Nie mehr Fanatec, schämt euch was ihr da leistet.

  • Ich werde mein anwalt einschalten, wen ich bis Morgen kein feedback bekomme.

    Geht mir auch so. Eins ist sicher nie mehr Fanatec,

  • Same here :-D Completely shipped on 27th, so it's been over "10 business days" with this status already :-D

  • Get on my level; ordered 24th. Fully shipped on the 25th. All items in stock whilst ordering. 😂😭

  • I also ordered on 24.11. V2 pedals, V2.5x wheel and the ButtonCaps. Since 29.11. "completely shipped". Neither the serial number nor any tracking information can be found. UPS MyChoise has no information either.

    Lochation: Germany

    Order: 18290xx

  • Hey just wondering how fanatec availabilty dates work.

    I ordered a bunch including the CSL Universal Hub V2 which I was waiting to become available on the 14th (today) now the site says it will be available on the 28th, just wondering if my order will still be shipped off of the soon or does my whole order go on delay until the 28th?

    Unfortunatley I ordered this back when the 5nm was in stock and now it is also not in stock so I cant cancel and redo my order with a different wheel.


    Order No. 1862195

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