Fanatec Driver 464 - Release Version

Marcel PfisterMarcel Pfister Member, Administrator

How to report issues:

  • No off-topic.
  • Civilized and constructive feedback and discussions to help each other.
  • No offending each other!

If you report a driver or firmware issue, please make cross checks:

  1. Update driver and FW separately to isolate an issue and find out if caused by driver OR firmware.
  2. Which driver OR firmware shows the issue
  3. Which driver OR firmware does not show the issue
  4. Check if you can reproduce the issue again if you go back to the version which seems to have caused the issue
  5. Check if the issue is related to specific settings of for example the tuning menu. Is it happening more or less with a specific setting raised or lowered?
  6. Post the answers gathered from the questions above + a short description of the issue including the following info:
  • Wheel Base Model (product ID): ...
  • Steering Wheel Model (product ID): ....
  • Driver Version: ....
  • Base FW Version: ....
  • Motor FW Version: ....
  • Wheel FW Version: ....
  • FanaLab Version: ....
  • Tuning Menu settings
  • Driver/FanaLab installed on C: drive or else?
  • With driver related issues collect log files and zip them from C:\Users\Public\Fanatec Logs

Changelog of driver 464 (since 463)

Firmware versions included

  • Podium DD1 / DD2 Base: (NEW)
  • Podium DD1 / DD2 Motor: 
  • Podium DD1 / DD2 WQR: 7
  • ClubSport DD(+) Base: (NEW)
  • ClubSport DD(+) WQR: 
  • CSL DD / GT DD Pro Base: (NEW)
  • CSL DD / GT DD Pro Motor:
  • CSL DD / GT DD Pro WQR:
  • CSW V1 Base: 693
  • CSW V2 Base: 693
  • CSW V2.5 Base: 693
  • CSL Elite Base: 693
  • CSL Elite Base PS4: 693
  • CSL / CSW Motor: 22
  • Podium Bentley GT3 Wheel:
  • Podium Bentley GT3 Video:
  • Podium BMW M4 GT3: 9  
  • Podium Hub: 6
  • Podium BME: 24    
  • Podium BMR:
  • CS SW Formula V2(X), V2.5(X): 47 /
  • CS SW RS: 4 
  • CS SW BMW V2: 3 
  • CS SW F1 Esports V2: 5 
  • CS UH V2 / UHX V2: 2 
  • GT DD Extreme SW: 
  • GT DD Pro SW: 8 / 
  • CSL Elite SW McLaren GT3: 37
  • CSL Elite SW McLaren GT3 V2: 47  
  • CSL Elite SW WRC: 4
  • CSL UH, CSL UH V2: 8 
  • CS P V3: 1.35
  • CSL Elite Pedals V2: 1.6
  • CSL Elite Pedals Load Cell Kit: 1.13
  • CSL Pedals Load Cell Kit: 1.8
  • CS USB Adapter - Handbrake: 1.10
  • CS USB Adapter - Shifter: 1.12
  • CS USB Adapter - CSL Pedals: 1.1
  • CS USB Adapter - CSL Elite Pedals: 0.1

ClubSport Handbrake V2 (incl. V1/V1.5)

  • Fixed flickering of handbrake input on CS DD(+)
  • Improved automatic calibration of handbrake input
  • Fixed a sometimes incorrect scaling of handbrake input when setting a maximum value manually
  • Fixed losing manual handbrake calibration over time
  • New CS HB V2 Picture available when connected via USB

Known Issues

  • We are aware of missed shifts and button inputs on the P DDs and are investigating
  • When updating the CS DD base firmware, the wheel might not be detected until performing a restart. This is explained in a pop-up during the update procedure. 
  • When entering a game menu while driving it can happen in some games that the FFB effect doesn't get canceled which results in the wheel turning to one side. (this got now fixed for the Podium DD but can still happen on the CSL DD. We will apply the fix for the CSL DD as well)
  • Natural friction can start to feel weird after some time of driving. In case you experience issues with NFR, we suggest to turn it OFF for now. (this got now fixed for the Podium DD but can still happen on the CSL DD. We will apply the fix for the CSL DD as well)
  • Even though the steering input jump which can result in a FFB jolt improved and happens less often, we still reports of the issue and want to investigate for further improvements

Compatible FanaLab Version




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