Fanatec Driver 464 - Release Version



  • Andrew ScobieAndrew Scobie Member
    edited December 2024

    Just received an early Xmas present of a CS DD+ F1 bundle.

    I have a few questions if anyone can help?

    1) I installed and tested the kit to ensure it all works before xmas day (replacing a CSL DD / CSW v2.5) I upgraded the drivers and firmware as recommended by the installer. However, i get frequent disconnects in AMS2 etc when the base is under load and severe FPS drops when it does this?. Is there a recommended driver for PC users of a DD+? (I am using both PC and Compat CSW v2.5 mode)

    2) The wheel has a slight ~wiggle~ to it once powered on? As soon as the base has calibrated, with the original firmware and the new updated FW when not in use, sat still, the wheel has a minor left/right wiggle? If i hold the wheel it stops (very very light) but as soon as i let go, it starts again.

    3) Any other advice i should know before i assume its before and RMA it?


  • I got the same bundle 6 months ago, I updated it only with driver 455, no problem on PS5..

  • Same problem of deconnexion on AMS2 and ACC i am with thé driver 4.64 .what Can i do please

  • edited December 2024

    What is RMA? Excuse i'm french

  • Hello, I have just received my Fanatec gear, first time digging into sim racing: CSL DD QR2 (8 Nm) + Formula V2.5 X.

    With both this and driver 463 (I downgraded because of the known issues of missed shifts) I regularly have shifts that are missed in F1 24 (I haven't other games yet).

    Is this really a driver issue or potentially something else wrong with my equipment? I read alot of people recommend driver 455 to be free from this issue, should I downgrade to that?

    Do I also need to downgrade the firmware of everything?

  • Andrew ScobieAndrew Scobie Member
    edited December 2024


    RMA = Return Merch Auth (Send back to manufacturer)

    I have downgraded to 455, downgraded firmware for base / hub and wheels and it still crashes the minute you put any load through it?

    Do the support team have any clue as to why this is? It did this fresh out the box, did it after i upgraded (to try solve the issue) does it now i have downgraded to 455 and all associated firmware?

    This was a very expensive gift and was hoping it would be usable over the holiday period, am i to return this, is this DOA until a new driver or firmware fixes it? is this a hardware issue with the CSDD+?

  • Thanks Andrew . I don tknow what version can i used . I'm in 4.64 ans i have loose of FFB sometimes in ACC and AMS2.

  • Same, i think i will return mine and re visit this when they have the issue sorted out as i run in a lot of LFM races on AMS2 and cant be without a wheel?

    Unreal that this product is over a year old, has been updated and simply is unusable on day 1 on the 2 sims i use? Bitterly disappointing. They are lucky I'm just returning it to be fair, if i were to review it/them they would get scalded!

    I assume they will refund any charges for sending it back, as surely they cant send me broken items and charge me delivery both ways?

  • Daniel LeggDaniel Legg Member
    edited December 2024

    I had the issue with the CLUBSPORT STEERING WHEEL FORMULA ORACLE RED BULL RACING 2024 wheel, where whenever I used the Funky switch as a d-pad it was sending the push button input (X button on playstation) about 50% of the time I moved the d-pad. 

    I updated from the 0.something fw version the wheel shipped with, to the version supplied in driver 464. That eliminated the inadvertant push button input.

    Unfortunately there is a bug in the firmware provided with driver 464, and I now have a different issue. In Gran Turismo 7, in-race, the Funky D-pad no longer cycles through and adjusts the MFD as it’s supposed to and did with previous firmware. Now it is instead doing look left, look backward, look right (and doing nothing with d-pad up input).

  • Unfortunately there is a bug in the firmware provided with driver 464, and I now have a different issue. In Gran Turismo 7, in-race, the Funky D-pad no longer cycles through and adjusts the MFD as it’s supposed to and did with previous firmware. Now it is instead doing look left, look backward, look right (and doing nothing with d-pad up input).

    Can you show a picture of this tuning menu?

  • 2) The wheel has a slight ~wiggle~ to it once powered on? As soon as the base has calibrated, with the original firmware and the new updated FW when not in use, sat still, the wheel has a minor left/right wiggle? If i hold the wheel it stops (very very light) but as soon as i let go, it starts again.

    Try to set NFR to off.

    • Fanatec (PC/Mobile App): All-new software that combines the Fanatec Driver, FanaLab, and Mobile App into one. Beta starts soon, keep an eye out on the forum!

    coming soon but 2026🤡

  • Can anyone try this for me?

    Recreate disconnect bug 100%

    1) Connect a wheel with a digital display and LEDs, ideally with rumble motors and a set of CSPv3 with rumble motors, connected directly to the CSDD+ base.

    2) Load AMS2 with base in CSW2.5 compat mode. I have tested the latest drivers, 455 and 457!

    3) Take BMW GT3 M4 car to Interlagos and at turn 7/8/9 fully load the FFB. Turn full lock to the right, stay in 1st/2nd gear with MAX RPM - REV Lights must be flashing, ideally CSP v3 pedal rumble motors , wheel rumble motors etc should be active too due to wheel spin/revs etc too.

    4) FFB will cut out if you do this for a few seconds.

    I can recreate this 100% always and can kind of solve the issue by using "PC Mode" and not using the lights / motors or LED display of my wheel/pedals etc.

    However, when i use PC mode AND use Fanalabs to activate the lights, rumble etc. the same issue can be detected.

    It seems like the port/wheel/base/connction is being overloaded with FFB, LED, Rumble effects for Wheel / Pedals rumble motors and then gives up?

    I have reduced the FFB to 5nm and the issue still persists, so its not tied to strength, but information?

    Using default+ 65

  • its actually reported some time ago that motors may cause issue

  • Andrew ScobieAndrew Scobie Member
    edited December 2024

    Thats even worse, they know about it? Do you know for how long, where has this been mentioned or reported?

    If that's the case, they really should add a notice stating that the CSDD+ has a particular issue that literally renders it unusable on PC.

    Why make me purchase it, spend thousands, deliver it to me, only for me to go ... Ohh it doesnt work... and have me ship it back to them, This will cost them the shipping fees both ways as i wont be stung for the shipping of a product they know to be faulty?

    Simply add a notice to the product page...

    ** CS DD+ Does not currently function in PC / Compat mode with wheel rims that contain digital screens, LEDs and/or Rumble motors**

  • Hello Christophe,

    Thank you very much for your comment and your support. Very appreciated! 😀

    Good to read that a software/firmware update might most likely resolve the issue.

    @Maurice Böschen:

    Maurice, from that what Christophe wrote and what I have read in different threads, I assume that Fanatic should be aware of the 'missed shift' issues. Can you confirm this? And can you please also answer the following questions:

    1) Is Fanatec working on a wheel firmware update that will solve the issue and when can we expect it?

    2) Christophe recommends to use driver 455 and the related Wheel Firmware If I’m not wrong, the release notes of driver 455 refer to CS Formula V2 firmware V47, but not to Can you please advise in which driver package the wheel firmware is included?…since I’m not used to manual firmware downgrade and afraid I might ruin the wheel (CS Formula V2 for PS5) accidentally.

    Looking forward for your feedback.

    Thanks in advance and best regards,


  • Of course we are aware of the miss-shift issue, therefore it is listed as a known issue in the first post.

    And of course we are working on a base (not wheel) firmware update which will solve the issue. There is no ETA yet - not this year anymore for sure, sometime next year. The issue has top prio.

    Driver 455 contains Firmware 47 for old Formula V2 wheels and for newer Formula v2 wheels.

  • Hi Maurice,

    Thank you very much for the feedback. So based on what you said, can I assume that the wheel firmware downgrade to might resolve the issue for the time being (while leaving all other components on the latest firmware of driver 464)? I use a CSL DD 8NM as wheelbase + APM+ CSL Elite Pedals with Load Cell).

    Thank you and have a nice weekend!

  • Daniel LeggDaniel Legg Member
    edited December 2024

    I could, but wouldn’t it be far more relevant to show the Podium screen since the wheel I’m talking about is visually identical to it and uses a Podium wheel hub?

    If it matters, I’m on PS5 Pro.

  • edited December 2024

    No. As I said, the general miss-shift issue relies in the base firmware, not the wheel firmware. However, apparently we also have a separate miss-shift issue which relies in the Formula v2 Firmware on top of the miss-shift base firmware issue so you should downgrade both base and wheel to be on the safe side.

  • The picture of the settings for the CS DD+ (GT DD Extreme steering wheel) shows that the Funky Switch is assigned to show a look left, right, back and show/hide ghost.

  • Andrew ScobieAndrew Scobie Member
    edited December 2024

    @Allan Lehtla

    @Stefan Denninger

    @Maurice Böschen

    I can confirm that as per the message dated "Sept 8th 2024" (mentioned and linked above) and from my own independent, comprehensive testing that disabling the rumble motors in wheels that have them DOES indeed "work around" the issue of complete loss of FFB on the CSDD+ in comp mode.

    There is an issue with Comp Mode and Wheels that have rumble motors in them, disabling the rumble motors DOES work around the issue and stops the base from crashing, but of course this renders the rumble motors in the wheels useless/ineffective.

    This is 100% reproducible in all scenarios with a brand new CSDD+ and F1 2.5x et al.

    Unbelievable that this has gone unnoticed and unfixed since then, even reading the comments it appears it was dismissed as a users issue??? Its categorically, undeniably, irrefutably, demonstrably the source of the issue!

    I have brand new F1 2.5x Fanatec wheels and a DD+ base plus my wheels from my CSL DD+ such as BMW/Porsche et al and the CSDD+ base that arrived in the last few hours fails to work with the entire collection when rumble is enabled.

    It exhibits the issue 100% of the time in ALL instances! and disabling rumble solves the issue 100% of the time!

    This needs investigating ASAP as this is 100% for sure the cause of the issue and has rendered $$$$'s worth of equipment completely redundant for me, in which case i have no choice other than to return it.

    Unbelievable... Reading that thread is very disheartening as the users reporting it were 100% correct but were hand wave dismissed away, and here i am, months later, buying $$$$'s worth of xmas presents only for it not to work and having to return it all due to the exact issue they reported!

    Test it! It's 100% reproducible in every case!

    Easy Test:

    Simply create 2 identical profiles, one with "SHO - ON" and one with "SHO - OFF"

    As soon as you switch to the SHO ON profile (in game such as AMS2/ACC/WRC as described above) on the wheel and rev/wheel-spin etc. to active the rumble motors in the wheel, the base crashes, every... single... time... without fail!

    This is on brand new, updated, CSDD+ and ANY wheel with rumble motors that were tested/delivered in the last few hours!

    SHO-ckingly simple to recreate, the fact that this was dismissed sits uneasy with me, as this was a XMAS gift to my self after a lot of overtime this year, and i must now return the items as the issue has been hand wave dismissed months ago as a user issue?

    This would have taken seconds to test and verify but it was ignored?

    The fact i came to the same conclusion in my message/test above is testament to how easy it was (and would have been) as i only got my base today and found the issue, how has the entire team let this go unnoticed for over a year, when it appears users have been telling them about it the entire time? Surly this is simply ignorance, arrogance, incompetence or...... i don't even know???

  • Daniel LeggDaniel Legg Member
    edited December 2024

    Weird, I’ll try changing those. Thank you. I had not changed those since updating, seems the FW update did. Are those default values?

  • @daniel legg

    In GT7 buttons are assigned using the Base you own, so you have to look at that picture and map the same buttons on your wheel to the matching ones shown in the Pro/Extreme picture

  • So when is this year's promised hotfix dropping?

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