Update to Customer Care Situation & Challenges | Cases older than 14 Days



  • N 1756679

    02 october 2023

    you said at the beginnning 7 day…

    now,i’m on the 40th day of waiting!!!!!!!

    it’s stressful to wait for a long time

    Do something fanatec .

  • Rob FordRob Ford Member
    edited November 2023

    I placed an order (1764732) on the 12th of October which swiftly moved to Completely Shipped. A month later and the only update other than a tracking number (which is only visible in a desktop browser by the way) is 'Label Created' on the UPS site.

    I’d appreciate any kind of update.


  • Order Number 1748518 from 23rd September.

    I have started refund proceeding with PayPal now. They are waiting for Endor AG response. But, you still have time to redeem yourselves by getting this order sent out, which is what I would prefer than having to go down this path.

  • I'm in the exact same boat, even down to the date i placed my order. My hunch is that there is a massive disconnect between website availability and what is in stock at the warehouse. There is no other logical explaination about why it would take so long to process an order if there weren't items not in stock

  • Ryan BennieRyan Bennie Member
    edited November 2023

    Order number 1778191

    Order placed 28/10/23 and by 30/10/23 had become “fully shipped”

    Update 3/11/23 about resolving export document issue, same as a vast majority on this forum, and stating I would receive an email from UPS, and be able to view my order tracking details, as well as it being able to be seen via the tracking number attached to the bottom of the complete overview on invoice, tracking number still not attached as of 13/11/23.

    Please update on my order! I trusted Fanatec on my accession to Direct Drive, and going by what’s on this forum thread, maybe I was wrong to.

  • You are probably right. If you check your order there will be most products already with a serial number. The ones without it probably not in stock. Why they keep saying they have it in stock when clearly is not.

    My order is missing 2 serial numbers, Podium Wheel Rim R300 and CSL DD (5 Nm). There are the only ones without serial numbers.

    The rest of the order has it. And for me the warranty should start from the moment you have your products at home.

  • Im a first time customer and im really dissapointed with all this situations.

    Been sending emails and waiting for replies and nothing.

    Customer service non existent.

    Like I said last week if I do not hear about my order by the end of the day I will ask for refund.

    Order: 1782103

  • Bonjour, quelqun serai me dire est ce que cela est normal

  • Je n’ai pas reçu de tracking number je sais pas pourquoi mais j’attend 🤷‍♂️ commande faite le 28oct

  • Est-ce que tu l'as reçu d'UPS ?
    C'est pourquoi vous devriez les contacter pour plus d'informations.
    à mon avis

  • Order Number 1781483.

    Been on completley shipped status since 3rd November, Got a tracking number, but no delivery date. Please advise me of when my order is going to be delivered to myself.

    I have emailed and the response I received was "But until our delivery partner picks up the packages, no tracking number is issued."

    Why would I be told this if i have a tracking number already? My order must be somewhere! This needs to be delivered in the next 7 days or I will be getting a refund and going elsewhere.

  • Liam GannonLiam Gannon Member
    edited November 2023

    yeah that's a really clever spot by you. Just checked my products page and one of my items is missing a serial number, the rest have been updated. So now i know i've gotta wait for that to come back in stock before my total order ships.

    Which also adds weight to why we're seeing such an array of delivery times, even within the same location e.g UK.

    So someone who happens to be lucky and order items that are in stock, will get a quick delivery (they'll even think delivery is fixed). But then if they make a second order in fairly quick succession, like i did, but their order happens to have an item out of stock even though it doesn't say that's the case on the website, they'll be left scratching their head about why the second order is taking longer to arrive.

    i think we've figured out the issue with Fanatec. Funnily enough, the shifter clamp, which is the item i'm waiting to come back in stock, isn't out of stock on their website and looks like its avaialble, allbeit with a 4-7 day turnaround which clearly isn't accurate.

    This all comes down to communication. It does say on the fanatec website that orders won't be shipped until all items are in stock, but if you ask me, that's a pretty pointless message to state if you're unale to correctly say which items are not in stock. All it does is leave people second guessing what is going on.

  • Same time line as me but the diference I dont have a tracking number.

    How could I have it? They had everthing in stock and know not so sure they had it.

    Good luck for you

  • The time I made the purchase everything was in stock in the website.

    I choose that bundle because they had it in stock.

    Makes no sense to me.

    I also work in a company wich we deal as well with orders and sales.

    Never I left any of the costumers without any type of response.

    Im aware of the problems they are having but they should have suspended the sales and resolve all the orders they had and then resume the sales again.

    I was really looking forward with buying form Fanatec because of their long history and products.

  • This theory doesn't seem right o me. I have the same thing going on (2 of my products on my replacement order have a serial number for some reason).

    But - on my original order that was actually shipped but returned to sender, there are no serial numbers at all.

  • can you help me please ?


  • Not even one reply from Fanatec!!

    People here wanting some answers and nothing!

    Not only the nice costumers that talk good things and such deserve an answer!!

    Point is, Shit happens! Someone has to step up and talk to costumers and really help them and give a straight and honest response.

    This is what people want! At least is want I want

  • I understand the frustration and disappointment of paying for something and getting the run around, I share those feelings. But as a community making threats or calling names is unacceptable.

  • Non se que fais fanatec est innactable c du vole tous simplement ! On pays mais on ne reçois pas nos produit ? On est sensée rester innocent et rien dire ??

  • Ian, I would say you certainly can post to complain, inquire, vent your frustration, give your opinions. I too am frustrated and have posted my fair share of snarky comments regarding the less than optimal means Fanatec deals with this and previous shipping issues.

    Collecting money under the pretenses that a delivery is imminent and then week after week push that delivery date further out and offer little if anything in return is just wrong.

    A publicly owned company in the USA must adhere to a set of standards, not least of which is accounting practices. Having been included in these types of audits it would be a major non-conformance to do what Fanatec appears to be doing. Which is collecting money without providing goods on the agreed upon date, albeit an availability date.

  • Hello, I live in Turkey. I don't understand why orders are delayed so much. My only wish is to have my cargo in my possession as soon as possible. I hope other motorsport enthusiasts will receive their orders as soon as possible. My order number is 1782526. I'm waiting to hear from you fanatec

  • N 1756679

    02 october 2023

    I’m starting to lose patience plz fanatec do something for my orders

    It’s too much .

  • So what's going on??? No update from you in over 14days and you've just sent others an email regarding getting in touch about delayed orders but not me! Even sent it to people who have already received their orders.

    What is the delay with my order and why has it sat ready for UPS to collect for 2weeks with no movement? And why have you not contacted me at any point since to update me?

    Why is this so dysfunctional??

  • I my name Is Giorgio Dosio and i have made an order in 09/11/2023 my order Number Is: 1787278

    I Need help, my order now Is in New Jersey buy i live in Italy and i made the order from here (San Mauro Torinese) in Italy. So why my product are in America?

    I have recived an email from FedEx Yesterday that email showed that the package was taken to the destination but the receipt was not signed and therefore it was sent back.

    However, if I look at the link that I find on the FedEx email at name of "tracciamento" (tracking) it tells me that the package is blocked at border with a fee to pay of 1.95 dollars (I specify that the email came to me from FedEx this link Is on the email but of I check the package code on UPS tracking it' seems ti be arrived at destination at 25 May???( I made the order in 09/11/2023)

    What should I do? How can I resolve this situation?

    Please i really Need someone that maybe know what can i do.

  • Started refund proceedings with PayPal , Order: 1782103.

    ID Case: PP-R-JGT-503779160

  • edited November 2023

    CSL Steering Wheel P1 V2

    7th September 2023 22:47:00 order No. 1739900 UPS Standard Completely shipped.

    They issued me with a new order No. 1779275 and this was 12 days ago.

    This is how long I've been waiting for my order! Sent back to sender. Then, made a promise it's arriving!

    Time to take proceedings, if I'm not too late! HELP!

  • Has anyone received a response from Fanatec regarding these latest complaints?

  • Order number: 1777960

    Ordered 28th October and moved almost immediately to 'completely shipped'. It's showing a serial number, but no tracking number. How do I find out what on earth is going on??

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