Update to Customer Care Situation & Challenges | Cases older than 14 Days



  • Same here . its a shame how you the treat your costumers FANATEC

  • What does status open means

  • Hi,

    Order number 1839494

    I placed this order on November 24th.

    Status "Completely shipped" from November 27th

    didnt have a tracking code, my brother (same address) bought the same pack, the same day, and already have the products.

  • Refunding the shipment cost would be a good gesture but I don't think there will be any sort of compensation.

  • Hi Fanatec,

    I've placed an order on 24th of November. The shipping should be within 5-7 days when i ordered.

    Unfortunately my status is on "Completely shipped", but i haven't received anything. Didn't receive a tracking number aswell.

    Can you check my order number ?


    I hope everything goes well in these busy days because i haven't experienced this delays with my earlier bought products.


  • This is a complete joke. Ordered as many many other people on the 24th of November, and today (7th of December) no news whatsoever. No tracking number, no replying to my email. They have an online chat in their website between 14.00 - 16.00, but guess what! No agent is found during these two hours, al. Trying calling their customer support, guess what! They have stopped receiving calls in order to have more time to respond to emails. WHAT AN ABSOLUTE JOKE for a company. I will wait for a few days more and then I will ask for a refund and start the negative reviewing wherever I can. Potential new customers, avoid at all means if you are actually interested to play some games in a timely manner.

    Order number: 1836022

  • Come on fanatec. Where are the responses on October and November orders that were placed before Black Friday deals.

    £3000 of my money say with you for weeks with no response.

  • I think i gonna ask my money back en go for the moza bundle realy bad service you guys a big SHAME

  • Bonjour commande le 24 novembre 2023 20:32:00

    numéro 1840314

    Fanatec faudrait se réveiller. Depuis le 27 novembre la commande est totalement expédiée. J'habite à 3h de L'Allemagne pas au bout du monde. Même aliexpress à un meilleur suivi et sont plus rapide alors que c'est en Chine. Ils sont où les 4/7 jours pour recevoir la commande ? Personne ne répond aux mails... On paye des frais de port pourquoi ? Même en venant à pieds j'irai plus vite. Une honte à vous ! Pour une première commande chez vous je suis très déçu. J'aurai mieux fait de commander chez Moza ou aseteck. J'espère avoir un bon geste commercial car là, on se fout des clients.

  • I made my order on 24th of Nov. status „completely shiped” and still no tracking number. Please for info when can i expect my order delivery. It's Christmas gift for my son who loved You and was dreaming about Your product for years. Order number: 1842318

    Pease let me know if shipment is possible before Christmas.



  • For me the same but how? and how long we have o wait till our money is back

  • Fanatec, when are we going to get an update on your current backlog?

  • Meine Bestellung Nr.: 1843574 hat seit dem 24. November 2023 den Status „vollständig versandt“. Heute ist der 08.12.2023 und noch keine Sendungsverfolgungsnummer von UPS. Diese Lieferung ist schlecht und einfach inakzeptabel, da ich Tage meiner Garantie verliere.

  • Made order 1801259 on 19 November 2023, all products were in stock with 4-7 days, I live in Switzerland.

    Received UPS tracking number, status on 21 November 2023 was "Shipper created a label, UPS has not received the package yet" and then "The package will be held until all packages associated with this shipment have arrived." on 23, 24 and 27 november 2023.

    Since 29 November 2023, UPS tracking status is now "The package will be returned to the sender." and no further information, already sent 2 mails and 1 form to support, never got any answer.

    Very frustrating to not get any news on my order, still waiting since now 14 business days, resend the package asap and before xmas, hurry up please !!!

  • Hello.

    Order 1780309 of 31/10 returned to sender because I did not received any tracking number from Fanatec or message from UPS.

    On 04/12 you created a new order, 1865550, to resend the items, but so far, no tracking number or new contact.

    I will be leaving the country on next saturday, 16th, back to my home so will not be possible to receive the items later.

    Please, give attention to my order.

    Coming from a poor country is very difficult and expensive to have access to these items. For a long time, has been a dream of mine to have Fanatec sim, but 39 days after the first order, it is becoming a nigthmare. The answers are not fast enough and are mostly vague, without solving the problems.

    Thanks for your attention.

  • Gilles FaureGilles Faure Member
    edited December 2023

    Le problème, pour moi en tout cas, ce n'est pas le fait que la livraison soit en retard. Ce sont des choses qui peuvent arriver, surtout en période de fin d'année comme actuellement. Dont acte.

    Non, le GROS souci, c'est de n'avoir AUCUNE NOUVELLE de ce qui se passe. Le matos est commandé, payé, et ... RIEN. On attend dans le brouillard absolu. Aucun mail, aucun message sur le ou les forum(s). RIEN !

    La moindre des choses serait de tenir au courant les clients, qui payent le matos rubis sur l'ongle et des FRAIS DE PORT, des frais dont on se demande à quoi ils servent en ce moment !

    Payer OUI, mais être tenu au courant des problèmes ou retards de livraison, c'est juste respecter ses clients, chose que Fanatec oublie fortement en cette période de fêtes, car je vois pas mal de personnes qui attendent le matos pour faire des cadeaux de fin d'année.

    Je suis client chez Fanatec depuis un bon moment, mais là ce comportement est juste inacceptable.

    Bien sur, c'est juste mon avis sur la situation.

  • Order placed 21/11

    Order returned to sender 29/11 (due to paperwork)

    No communication from Fanatec since the items have returned.

    Giving authorisation to send the items again.


  • Just got my tracking info....from FedEx, nothing from Fanatec yet 🙄. Progress at least though.

  • Hello,

    order number is 1860490

    im somewhat „glad“ that other people are experiencing the same issues I’m experiencing, although I’ve ordered it at 28th November. The time they need to answer mails is atrocious, it’s really frustrating. It’s not even been sent, although the product says it’s available..

  • Hallo.

    Ik heb 23-11-2023 bestelling gedaan.bestelnummer 1821450.

    helaas nog niks ontvangen hoe kan dit ?


  • Ordered 6th November.

    tracking number provided 14th of November but still hasn’t been passed to UPS.

    Not sure why this has to take over a month when others have ordered after me and received their purchases. At least a little communication wouldn’t go amiss, just a little carrot dangled to let me know you’re fixing the problem. Just to let me know I might see something in transaction for the money you’ve taken from me. ( I hope u invested it in warehouse staff wages 😂)

  • I’m so weirdly glad I found someone else in the same boat as me.

  • Same here. Place an order novembre 24th (1829200), still nothing .... I wont be able to have it for my husband's birthday (december 17th). You need to inform your custumers, you Can t keep us in the dark like that. Please contact me as soon as possible.

  • geht noch schlimmer 😡

    • Rally Monte Carlo Wheel Bundle bestellt am 14.11. (Ordner Nr. 1791060)
    • seit über 2 Wochen auf "Vollständig versandt gelistet
    • bisher keine UPS Trackingnummer
    • keine Reakion auf Nachfragemails seitens Fanatec Support

    Was soll das Fanatec, versprochene Transparenz, besseres Shopsystem, bessere Kommunikation zum Kunden (Zitat CIO Fanatec) !!!???

  • Leeann MuirLeeann Muir Member
    edited December 2023

    Placed an order on the 26th of November 1851633 and 1851629

    Ive got tracking numbers.

    Shipper created a label, UPS has not received the package yet.

    05/12/2023 17:01

    It is now the 10th of December and nothing has changed.

  • I placed an order on 11/11, i got trucking number on 22/11

    Same thing as yours

    Since that nothing, no updates, no reply, just nothing

    In 2 weeks t's will be christmas and they will use it as another reason for delay


  • Hi!

    I've ordered on 13 Nov 2023 and I have the status "Completely shipped" as others. My order number is 1789644 so it seems that there were more than 60000 orders since then and others have already got their orders. Is there anything what we can do to make Fanatec to review our orders and check what went wrong?



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