Update to Customer Care Situation & Challenges | Cases older than 14 Days



  • Hello, I placed an order on November 23th.

    My order says "Completely shipped" since one week, but I haven't received a tracking number or an email from either Fanatec or UPS.

    My order number is:


    Please give information.


  • Despite multiple requests via this blog and also emails I am still awaiting any news on my order from 2 months ago. I have now decided to use Twitter/X to air my issues more publicly to see if that makes a difference... bbcwatchdog advised also

  • Hello, I placed a large order with Fanatec on 20.11.23 (number: 1805125). Since that day I have written Fanatec 3 emails without any reaction or success. Until today no answer came. The real one is still in process after 11 days later and I am not told why it is still in process and not already marked as paid, apart from that the real one is not shipped. So my question to you is how long does it take for fanatec to do anything? How long do I have to wait? When will I receive my order? Why don't I get any information about my order, why don't you reply to my emails?

  • I have never been stonewalled by a company in my life. No reactions after ordering my stuff. Customer service is not reachable by phone, mail or any other communicaton option.. they are unfair, not having any service after buying. I contacted payoal and if they don’t clean up there act, paypal isn’t going to approve any orders. They are getting to much complaints and are not amused.

    The material sold is ok but they have to learn who is paying there salary. If you don’t sell bevause of bad customer service, it will be a matter if time befire they get bankrupt.


    an extreme angry customer who feels scammed

  • Hiya bud,

    Just a quick question while I'm stuck in limbo with everyone else.

    Did you have to pay VAT on your order once it hit the UK?

  • What a joke... Order placed on October 5th from UK and still waiting. I also paid customs fees (October 23rd) and my money was wasted. If there was such a delay in an Amazon order, they would both ship the product and refund the money.

  • 2 Pakete von 3 sind angekommen, das dritte irrt jetzt hier schon seit fast einer Woche irgendwo umher und jeden Tag sagt UPS es ist unterwegs und wird zugestellt kommt dann aber doch nicht an. Was ist da los? Hat sich das einer von den Fahrern unter den nagelgerissen oder was? Was kann ich da tun. Reklamationsansprüche kann ich solange das Paket unterwegs ist nicht stellen bei UPS. Was jetzt?

  • Haben aus Neugier alle Artikel am selben Tag das Lager verlassen?

    (google english to german)

  • Yes, all 3 packages were in the UPS truck but only 2 were delivered to the access point and the 3rd package disappeared


    This is absolutely crazy, my first order in August shipped in September and was then returned to sender due to missing paper work and now my third replacement order 1793018 is now stuck in a UPS warehouse and after speaking to them, they are trying to get fanatec to provide them with the MISSING CUSTOMS INVOICE. I am losing all hope of them being able to get hold of these in time and fear that yet another order will be returned and I will have to start the process all over again.

  • I’m in a similar boat with incorrect documents and being sent back to fanatec. How do you actually get them to send it back out?

  • I understood why Fanatec made the status “Completely shipped” for all our orders on Black Friday and before.

    This was done specifically so that we, the customers, could not cancel the order and demand the money back. And we were forced to wait. I believe that this is a deliberate deception of customers!

  • I find it extremely funny (not in a funny way) that all these youtubers doing reviews on Fanatecs products seem to get products very easily. Oh that right, they didn't pay for the stuff 😐

  • Ordered on November 23rd.

    This evening (December 1) a tracking number appeared in the order in the Fanatec account. There were no letters about this. The estimated delivery time on the UPS website is December 5th. Order to Krakow (Poland)

  • Niek KuijperNiek Kuijper Member
    edited December 2023

    I ordered on black friday (Nov 24). I have received no tracking number or even a status update from Fanatec.

    As a matter of fact, the simucube order i placed on monday (Nov 27) was delivered on wednesday (Nov 29). With UPS. It took them 2.5 business days.

    This is not a UPS/Shipping issue, but a Fanatec issue.

    I have learned my lesson. Fanatec never again!!!

    Edit: before the end of black friday I saw a lot of products being "sold out" and then on black friday there were available again. What if they just allowed orders to be placed so that they can take the cash and make us wait while they produce the hardware.

  • Dear fanatec team,

    On black friday I made an order (NOV 24).

    After paying (paypal) the web told me an error ocurred, the payment went through and money was taken from account, i doesnt see an order “You have not recently ordered.” after some days. I didnt recieve any confimation email either.

    I am calling you and I sent few emails and didnt get any feedback.

    Please can you confirm everything is okay?

    Thanks in advanced.

    Josip Sviben

  • a common error, me too. My id of receipt is VHHTWFHJ67WZ8C32

    And my id of transaction is 0M730354WD282703M

  • Order on 24 NOV, shows Completely Shipped since the 25th, and no news about my order, but my money was taken from the account. How about we pay when we get the products we order?

  • edited December 2023

    Good morning, I placed my order on November 21st, I'm in Italy and today we are on December 4th and I still haven't received my absurd order! It says shipped within 1 week but I don't have any tracking. I also sent an email to Fanatec but still no response, can anyone give me information about my order? Thank you

  • Hello, I placed an order on November 24th.

    My order says "Completely shipped" since one week, but I haven't received a tracking number or an email from either Fanatec or UPS.

    My order number is:


    Please give information... even though I know it's a double waste of time since you're never going to respond. In any case, to debit the bank account, you press hard on the gas and during this time, we wait on the pit wall. In short, get moving because when 4-7 working days are announced and more than 10 days have passed without anything happening, it means you don't have stock. The least you can do is notify your customers and, to a greater extent, offer delivery costs. Hoping my order is good otherwise you will lose a customer.

  • Ok, I dont know what to do with this anymore so just going to post anywhere it might get seen!

    I made an Order 4th October, for the QR2, now i know there has been issues with supply, but a mate of mine made an order 2 weeks ago and it arrived today. I sent a email via your contact us also on the 8th of November, no I know your saying there is 2 week delay on replying to email but a month without a reply seems unreasonable. I just want to know what is going on. Like I'm not in a rush but atleast knowing that you have seen my issue and that at some point I will get my stuff would be nice.

  • Jeroen VijgenJeroen Vijgen Member
    edited December 2023

    This is beginning to look like a scam to take our money, even if you don't have any stock!

  • Daniel AlmondDaniel Almond Member
    edited December 2023

    Order: 1788313

    Ordered 10th November to the UK. This was returned to sender on 30th November after the appropriate paperwork was not provided.

    I've confirmed by email that I'd like this sent back out ASAP though why you would even wait for customers to confirm this is baffling - we obviously want the goods or we wouldn't have ordered.

    Surely you should send those back out as a priority over and above any new orders. Even then though, will I be provided with a new tracking number or what?

  • Order no. 1824669

    I have a UPS tracking number but UPS do NOT have the package.

  • Hello,

    I placed an order on November 25th. I am aware that there will be a delay in shipping the order. When I checked my order on December 2nd, I saw that I had received a UPS shipping tracking number. When I checked the cargo tracking number, I saw that it was not working. After 2 days (today is Monday), my cargo tracking number still seems not to be working. Can I find out the current status of my package?

    Kind regards

    Order number: 1844609

  • I made an order of Fanatec Bundle before Black Friday on November 17th, on November 28th I have recieved an email with Invoice about my Parcel was shipped but I did not recieved any Tracknummber from UPS, its already a week passed that I am sitting at home waiting when the parcel comes to me and do not miss the UPS, in my account shows Shipped completely but I did not recieved anything. The guzs who made an order even early on November 25th they akready reseved their items.

    Order number


  • Order no. 1834721. 

    I understand the challenges posed by the high volume of orders post-Black Friday, I am yet to receive any communication or a tracking number for my shipment.

    I have patiently waited for a long time now and would appreciate your assistance in expediting the processing of my order.

    Could you kindly look into this matter and provide me with an update or a tracking number at your earliest convenience?

  • UPDATE: As of 17.02, the tracking code is working. "The delivery date will be provided as soon as possible."

    It's like they were waiting for me to post on the forum :)

  • Hi Fanatec,

    After a long wait I finally received my order 😎

    Thank you !


    Rui Gonçalves

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