Black Friday Orders | Shipping Update 2



  • This is getting ridiculous, i cant imagine why a company like fanatec, doesnt keep it real with their customers. If the V2.5x is out of stock just refund the money or make an announcement. 2 weeks to respond an email is just not fair. My order 1841965 ordered on 24th is stuck at completely shipped as everybody. This is not a post asking for my order is just a post to let know fanatec that they are letting down their customers in a really competitive market. They could have sold 60000 units but the mouth to mouth is stronger. Please be honest with your customers.

  • Jen ChouJen Chou Member
    edited December 2023

    Yeah... it looks like my wheel, the 2.5x, hasnt even shipped. I have two packages coming and one has no duty so thats not the wheel.

    The other is stuck in LA somewhere and isnt moving and it looks like the wheel hasnt even shipped even though I have a serial number assigned in my order.

    If the one stuck is the wheel it means one of the other pieces is missing.

    Super awesome that I will have all the pieces except a wheel that was in stock when i ordered it and I will be unable to contact Fanatec or get any answers until after the new year.

    It will mean i wont be actually able to use the stuff i ordered for over 6 weeks at that point despite receiving most of it.

    Shipping stuff individually only leads to more issues and more questions for each person.

  • I lost trust in Fanatec and canceled my DD1/QR2/BMW wheel order and requested a return for my other BF order that was delivered (V2 pedals & shifter/USB dongle).

    I requested to keep the shifter & dongle, since I can use it with any system, but if that is not possible...i'll send that back too.

    Done with Fanatec (besides my csl elite/F1 wheel) and ordered SC2 Pro with GSI once, cry once I guess.

    Best of luck to all in still in limbo, hope Fanatec is able to solve this sh*tshow anytime soon.

  • Yeah playing with time with our money, that’s convenient. Not that I need it right now, id at least like some comments or communication to tell us what’s going on.

    it’s understandable for such a « small » company to be overwhelmed with orders, but not acceptable to make us wait like this without telling us what’s going on.

    guys this is 2023, please act responsible with people’s money and be transparent. Furthermore we’re talking hundreds even thousands of euros. If we didn’t know this company, we would immediately fear of a scam of some sort.

  • Je pense que chez fanatec il y a des gens complètement incompétent, on lance pas une opération black friday sans mettre des verrous de quantité, sans être mobilise derrière son pc pour maîtriser le flux de commande comme portait le faire un société qui vends sur le net, bref si j étais au commande de cette semaine entreprise je prendrai demanderai des comptes a mes collaborateurs, et surtout je les ferai bosser nuit et jour pour satisfaire mes.clients, si c est derniers j ai un peu de considération pour leur engouement de faire confiance à ma société et a mes produits

  • Same case for me: ordered on 24th a 2.5x wheel, QR1 WS and V2 pedals. Nothing else.

    Completely shipped from 25th, no infos since then.

  • joe rankinjoe rankin Member
    edited December 2023

    Is the shipping on orders placed in the USA and (supposedly) shipping from CA, the same mess as the rest of the world?e I Ordered a bundle Dec 1 and wondering if I should look for something else as this is a Christmas gift for my son. There are other options out there.

  • Yes, same issues. My order was placed before Thanksgiving, supposed to ship last week, now shipping has been pushed back, but I had the APM on my order, so I expect it to get cancelled. Reading about people waiting for months, and orders being cancelled because of fanatec mistakes, I decided to go with a different vendor and just cancelled my orders.

  • Is there a site where you can give bad ratings?

  • Placed my order on the 24th, got an email on the 26th saying that it is at the warehouse for shipment and it has not moved since. I'm hoping for the next couple of days to get some notification from FEDEX but hope doesn't buy coffee.

  • edited December 2023

    This metod possible check UPS you order needs chose country and place post code and you fanatec order number without special symbols .

  • Same for me order the 24, “complete” the 25 but nothing since the 25…

    i have order the csl dd + 2.5x, csl pedal v2, shifter v1.5 bundle, caps… all in stock, but I have received my out of stock omega gt cockpit before… unbelievable

  • In the US also and I ordered on November 23 for all in stock merchandise and the order still says completely shipped but it hasn’t. No tracking number on my Fanatec order and no tracking information on my FedEx account.

  • edited December 2023

  • Places an order on 11/27/23, nothing yet. On the website it says order complete. No Fedex # yet and have been emailing them about the issue. Fanatec really takes advantage of their 3-5day response policy. It's a real shame, great product, but horrible response time, and which leads to not great customer service. I hope they're not selling products they can't cash out on. If nothing happens soon, I'll just reverse the charge and cancel my order.

  • edited December 2023

    I really hope so...and that everything (keeps) working once you received.

    My life is too short to be treated like sh*t by a vendor that will keep me stuck in their ecosystem for a long time.

    I paid the extra 1400 EUR with a smile for a better system, better quality and MUCH MUCH better aftersales & support.

    And no matter what, Simucube is the end no more upgrading for me and should I ever transfer, I can take my wheels with me ;)


    order i made 28.11. (Boost kit + CLS load cell bundle ; QR2 Base side ; button caps) appeared in UPS. Delivery is scheduled for monday, 18.12.

    My first order I made 25.11. (F1 V2.5X + CLS DD 5nm (bundle) ; V3 bundle ; button caps and QR1 ; WITHOUT APM GLITCH) is not showing.

  • edited December 2023

    CLS = Mercedes

    CSL = Fanatec


  • I don't have wheel to play with so you mean i will not play until february... they said it's in stock so if they know they can't deliver it they need to told us

  • And i can had the warranty scam. the warranty start whenn invoice is edited so now 2-3 weeks of my warranty and my wheel don't shipped

  • The essence of this problem is not the logistical disruption caused by Black Friday sales.

    Looking at the current situation, I think they are getting orders for some items (e.g. FormulaV2.5X) that exceed their inventory.

    Patient people are suggesting that we need to wait, as these are products offered at discounted prices.

    Yes, if a long delivery time was indicated from the beginning, then they should do so.

    But since the store indicated a very short delivery time, It would be natural that there would be dissatisfaction with that.

    Fanatec has abandoned a sincere explanation of such a situation, and this has resulted in a stormy discussion.

    It is important to scramble to secure inventory, but if the delivery is going to be delayed anyway, the most necessary thing is to explain the situation to the customers.

    (Note: Of course, this is my guess, not necessarily the truth.

  • Well I was fortunate enough to get the Formula V2.5X wheel and Advanced Paddle Module new from an ebay seller for pretty close to the Black Friday price. I had made an offer and he didn't respond so I bought it anyway. Afterwards he apologized for not responding and refunded me the difference. I bought this morning and the package is already on it's way to me, will arrive by Thursday.

    This guy could teach Fanatec a lot about customer service.

  • Jen ChouJen Chou Member
    edited December 2023

    I bought the 2.5x when it was in stock to avoid delays before it went on for 199$usd

    I purposely didnt get the new 2023 so i didnt have to wait for the qr2 WS base as the 2.5x was showing in stock.

    So i paid full price and i still dont have mine and at this point I dont know if its the package stuck in LA or what looks like a package that wasnt shipped.

    I have a base and a qr1 and no wheel even though the order said fully shipped on the 23rd of Nov. I then got tracking on the 28th and it didnt actually move until the 1st of Dec. Apparently, and it looks to be the case that the wheel has never shipped and im still waiting for the second damper and shifter clamp.

    Most importantly i have the serial number for the wheel that i don't know whats happening with as that is more important then getting me proper shipping tracking by item.

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