Black Friday Orders | Shipping Update 2



  • edited December 2023

    Ok, all my stuff got delivered few minutes ago. The delivery happened very fast, took only 10 days. I ordered on December 5th. The tracking number showed up in my order status in my account this morning. Driver was on time.

    So in my case there was never any worry to be had. I'm in Germany btw.

  • richEditor.externalEmbed.description

    I don't have the serial number on the wheel base:

    But still i can see in UPS that the wheel base is in transit.

    So the lack of the serial number on the fanatec site doesn't have to mean anything.

  • richEditor.externalEmbed.description

    D'accord,vous avez eu un numéro de suivi sur votre compte fanatec ?

  • richEditor.externalEmbed.description

    What does your UPS tracking say currently?

  • richEditor.externalEmbed.description

    QR1 out of stock is visible on the shop.

    The rest is just guessing. Of corse ....

  • richEditor.externalEmbed.description

  • richEditor.externalEmbed.description

    Yes i got it today.

  • richEditor.externalEmbed.description

    I’m in UK

  • richEditor.externalEmbed.description

    Hi, Ordered CSL Pedals, CSL Elite Steering Wheel WRC, CSL DD (5 Nm) and had no shipping details and the order shows a in process!

  • richEditor.externalEmbed.description

    Interesting considering when I ordered it said the table clamp for the CSL DD ships within 4-7 days and it still currently says that so they are displaying incorrect stock and lying about it.

  • richEditor.externalEmbed.description

    I'm in the UK and placed my order on the 17th (processed and "completely shipped" on Monday 20th)... sat for ages on "Label created" but my last update sits at 'Import scan' at 1901 today at Stanford Le Hope... delivery apparently before EoP on Monday 18th December.

    Paid the import charges yesterday.. so assuming everything is intact 🤞🏻

  • Location Germany/Saarland.

    Order, CSL DD 5Nm, CSL Elite Steering Wheel WRC Xbox, QR1 lite Wheelside, CSL pedals.

    Ordered December 4th, delivery December 14th.

    Thank You Fanatec.

  • richEditor.externalEmbed.description

    Fingers crossed for you, mine is still waiting without update

  • richEditor.externalEmbed.description

    I'm in France, orders 17948XX and 18382XX (first 3 items in the first order).

  • In the US, ordered on December 6th…no update since, Order 1867545

  • richEditor.externalEmbed.description

    Join the club. I ordered November 23 and nothing.

  • I am waiting on my order 1844710 from November 25th. I don’t know what’s going on or why the did not send it.

    I am unaware of ordering complications with discounts. I just wanted to buy quality racing equipment on sale for me and the family. I don’t even know about paddle shifters etc nor did I order any.

    my order is open and if fanatec has made a mistake or accidentally run out of stock during the confusion and calamities of the successful sales event then I am willing to talk.

    I get a chilling vibe that they would just send a refund instead of helping? Can some one from fanatec give me assurances or an explanation of why everyone seems to be made good?

  • richEditor.externalEmbed.description

    Well i canceled and didn’t receive any news of cancelation or reimbursement of any kind. So I guess you are in the lottery for any move from their part to yours

  • Got all the products today 21.12.23 (ordered 26.11 ready2race bundle). When they finally shipped then got all products within 4 working days (EU warehouse to Estonia).

    No tracking information on Fanatec site, got information from UPS site with reference number (order number). UPS tracking showed 27.12, but arrived already today:)))

  • richEditor.externalEmbed.description

    lucky you, enjoy !!

  • richEditor.externalEmbed.description

    You are wasting your time. We all are. Absolutely nothing said on here has any impact on what happens with order fulfilment. All promises about escalating orders etc have just been nothing but lies. Maybe lies borne out of a willingness to help, but ultimately actions here speak louder than words. And Fanatec have taken absolutely zero constructive action since Black Friday.

    People continue to receive items having ordered long after many others who still have nothing. Not even the tracking number in some cases.

    Absolutely pathetic way to run a company. Shameful, even.

  • Hello to the community and Fanatec Team

    Happy new year for a start.

    I hope I will have some news soon from my November 27 order n° 1857214 including a ghosty CSDD+… like for everybody it was supposed to be available on december 27…


  • Sorry to break it to you but you may want to check your email. CSDD+ is waiting on Sonys approval before they will ship anything in our orders. As I Watch my QR2 wheel side in my order get bumped up 4 more days, and Likely will again… order 183xxxx 11-24-23. I am okay waiting a little longer. If I would of had the extra money in October I too would of been on that wagon.

    I will be a little more than upset if they either cancel the CSDD+ or sell the F1 ‘23 underneath me while I’m waiting and say “hey sorry we sold out of those” and lose my entire order I placed..

  • I have an order from Nov 21st and still no updates: 1811659

  • richEditor.externalEmbed.description

    Vous voulez signaler à la DGCCRF un problème de livraison : utilisez notre formulaire de contact pour adresser votre demande au service compétent territorialement :  /contact/contacter-la-dgccrf

    Article L121-2

    Version en vigueur du 01 juillet 2016 au 25 août 2021

    Création Ordonnance n°2016-301 du 14 mars 2016 - art.

    Une pratique commerciale est trompeuse si elle est commise dans l'une des circonstances suivantes :

    1° Lorsqu'elle crée une confusion avec un autre bien ou service, une marque, un nom commercial ou un autre signe distinctif d'un concurrent ;

    2° Lorsqu'elle repose sur des allégations, indications ou présentations fausses ou de nature à induire en erreur et portant sur l'un ou plusieurs des éléments suivants :

    a) L'existence, la disponibilité ou la nature du bien ou du service ;

    b) Les caractéristiques essentielles du bien ou du service, à savoir : ses qualités substantielles, sa composition, ses accessoires, son origine, sa quantité, son mode et sa date de fabrication, les conditions de son utilisation et son aptitude à l'usage , ses propriétés et les résultats attendus de son utilisation, ainsi que les résultats et les principales caractéristiques des tests et contrôles effectués sur le bien ou le service ;

    c) Le prix ou le mode de calcul du prix, le caractère promotionnel du prix et les conditions de vente, de paiement et de livraison du bien ou du service ;

    d) Le service après-vente, la nécessité d'un service, d'une pièce détachée, d'un remplacement ou d'une réparation ;

    e) La portée des engagements de l'annonceur, la nature, le procédé ou le motif de la vente ou de la prestation de services ;

    f) L'identité, les qualités, les aptitudes et les droits du professionnel ;

    g) Le traitement des réclamations et les droits du consommateur ;

    3° Lorsque la personne pour le compte de laquelle elle est mise en œuvre n'est pas clairement identifiable.

  • richEditor.externalEmbed.description

    Luckily, at my age, i can smell BS from far away. So i cancelled my order on Fanatec and already driving on my Simagic Alpha for the past two weeks. Good luck to all of the guys waiting for this pathetic company to serve them...

  • richEditor.externalEmbed.description

    Thank you for your message of all the solutions it is indeed you who is right I am in the process of reselling the Fanatec Fanatec gear to come like you to simagic at least I called them they answered directly to all my questions not like this sold box

  • I was about to cancel my order 1 hour ago , sell all my Fanatec gear and go for simagic, but there is no stock in spain and i should wait almost 2 months for them to restock again, so im pissed and fu**ed.


  • It's better to wait if you have the money back believe me....

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