Black Friday Orders | Shipping Update 3



  • holy jesus christ. i hope this is not the case for US orders. the 2.5x that was IN STOCK and avail to ship in 4-7 days at the time I ordered and if it gets delayed until MARCH.. this will be very disappointing. there is no way I'm allowing fanatic to lie to my face about inventory just to hold my money without any products to show for it for FOUR months???? no way.

  • I hope not, this 'update' bears absolutely nothing in terms of the 2.5x. I am almost 10000000% certain this was a defensive legal move advised by their lawyers, to immediately change the status name from 'completely shipped' to cover their ass against lawsuits, just shifting blame to their warehouses not the company. so clear to tell

  • edited December 2023

    It's such a shame Fanatec insists on handling their logistics themselves. Just focus on what you can do well, which is building sim gear. And let someone like Amazon handle the logistics. Even if i's costly, debacles like this massively hurt the brand reputation which is also very expensive in the long run.

    At this point I am pretty convinced that Fanatec is in complete chaos mode. They had bad logistic issues before BF, and now they have tens of thousands of orders on top of that. They don't tell us what we can expect when, because they probably just don't know themselves.

  • Question: I ordered on the 20th the Limited F1 wheel with the APM and free QR2 along with the V3 Black Friday set and paid through the site. I see people talking about the invoice but I have not gotten an invoice and assumed that I was good. I got confirmation email saying they had my order and my credit card was charged immediately after I did the purchase. What is this invoice people mention and should I be worried that I didn't get it? I checked my fanatec account and their are no invoices related to my account. My items were all in stock except the QR2 which was listed as backorder with the availability of December 8, 2023. It was changed on the 8th to the 15th which is today. I have no serial numbers attached to any of the items listed in my order. The order status is "Order in Process" and hasn't changed from the time I placed the order. My order starts in the 1806XXX so I believe I got in fairly early on the BF deals.

    I also ordered a DD+ a few days later and that has the same status and everything from the payment being processed immediately and the email confirmation from Fanatec as well.

  • Im with you, same issue. Have a QR2 base side on my order, originally date was supposed to be Dec 8th, monday it changed to Dec 15 with no email about a delay whatsoever. all i have is the very first order confrmation from the day i ordered. my order is also blue dot in process, i have no invoice either. all we can do is hope that by this week they figure our orders out. Good luck, i am east coast usa btw, order 183xxx

  • What a total shitshow.

    We get the delays and all that given the huge amount of orders but at least be clear and communicate consisely to the people that paid you in advance and you left them in the dark. Let us know why the orders are taking so long and what is going on with the 2.5X wheel so that people can move on. And stop with all these vague updates that all they do is make matters worse.

  • but we know that pre-order dates are crap

  • Have they changed the completely shipped to handover to warehouse to stop the confusion?

  • My order has a tracking number since 22nd of November.i was also under the impression that once the order leaves the warehouse you get a tracking number, that's what their website says however not how it works with fanatec, they just "reserve" the number. My order also went from completely shipped to handed to warehouse. Keeping me and everyone in the dark, I had to submit a form to ups for lost parcels when the parcels didn't even leave their warehouse I'm truly disgusted with the way they lie to everyone and keep making excuses. If and when my order arrives I'll seek compensation for such a terrible and unlawful service

  • Frank,

    Thanks, I'm in the US also so I'll post back if anything comes my way so you have an idea on yours too. My order seems to be slightly ahead of yours but I'm not sure how Fanatec is processing orders. I'm crossing my fingers as this is my first order with them and for sim gear. I have my rig that arrived waiting to be built but I'm stuck as I want to play on PS5 as well as PC later on.

    Thanks and best wishes to you.

  • ROFL Before my order said "Completely Shipped" even though it had only been handed over to the warehouse. Now my order, that has been completely shipped (and received) says "Handed over to warehouse" :-D

  • Same here, I have now "Handover to warehouse" ordered on 24th nov. And invoiced 27th nov. Belgium delivery.

    First experience here... wtf chiasse grosse chiasse

    I've been working for 13 years for a top ecommerce website in different positions (customer support, website owner, supply chain,.... ) Fanatec is like a startup with dumb people... management seems shitty not looking on daily operations... all your C aren't aware of this shit?? Insane

    Other ecommerce website in covid period do best than you in a fucking black friday.... you are shit at e-commerce....

  • Hi, I am wondering if for me (in the netherlands) or those in Germany we would be able to drive to your warehouse and pick up our orders?

    At this point it appears that order processing and logistic partners are the bottleneck, however I might be wrong and that stocking is the limiting factor….

    Either way, currently I have no idea if this option would actually help.

  • I just receive mail from Fanatec

  • Frank TschepeFrank Tschepe Member
    edited December 2023

    maybe fanatec realize that canceling orders after that time is against german law in addition with the reason for canceling. So they move the available date 3 months in the back and hope that people now cancel the orders from their side. But if this product not available as they stated they must offer us a alternative in my eves. As a side effect they could operate with the money 4,5 months.

    Like the f1 Esports wheel or something like that or cancel this single product. But they can not cancel the complete order. Not after 3 weeks and can not say its a mistake or high traffic. because this offers where at least 2 to 3 days offered as available in 4 to 7 days. As a seller you can´t step that easy back from contracts, because you say it was a mistake.

    the best way and the cleanest way is to offer us the goods without the f1 v 2.5 x or a alternativw wheel. otherwise they have to deal with a lot of lawsuit which cost in the end much more. If not money than reputation. At the moment the situation can be handled. But if social media steps in they get a lot negative publicity.

  • I just receive email from Fanatec. Shorter version:

    Dear customer,

    First of all, we would like to thank you for your patience and apologize for the delay in providing you with information on your recent Black Friday order. We understand that you have been eagerly awaiting an update on the shipping status.

    Due to the exceptionally high volume of traffic on our site during the sales event, there was a temporary synchronization issue between our website and warehouse management system. This resulted in an overselling of the ClubSport Steering Wheel Formula V2.5X. As we cannot process partial shipments, we are currently unable to ship your order.

    In light of these circumstances, we would like to present you with two options.

    1) Wait for availability:

    - We will resume production of the steering wheel, so you can wait until it is available and have your entire Black Friday order delivered once everything is in stock.

    - The first units may already arrive at the end of January, but the majority will not be in stock until mid to end of March 2024. Shipments are processed in the order in which your order was received (first come, first served).

    - Any other items in your order will be reserved until then. Partial shipments are not possible.

    2) Cancel your order:

    - If you prefer to cancel your order, we will offer you a voucher for 25% off any combination of products in your next order.

  • I received the same email

  • Sehr geehrter Kunde,

    an erster Stelle möchten wir uns für Ihre Geduld bedanken und uns dafür entschuldigen, dass wir Ihnen erst jetzt Informationen zu Ihrer Bestellung vom Black Friday geben können. Wir verstehen, dass Sie seit längerem auf ein Update über den Versandstatus warten.

    Aufgrund des außergewöhnlich hohen Traffics auf unserer Website während der Black Friday-Aktion gab es ein zeitweiliges Synchronisationsproblem zwischen unserer Website und unserem Lagerverwaltungssystem. Dies führte zu einem Überverkauf des ClubSport Lenkrad Formula V2.5X. Da wir keine Teillieferungen verarbeiten können, ist es uns derzeit nicht möglich, Ihre Bestellung zu versenden.

    In Anbetracht dieser Umstände möchten wir Ihnen zwei Möglichkeiten anbieten.

    1) Warten auf Verfügbarkeit:

    - Wir werden die Produktion des Lenkrads wieder aufnehmen. Sie können also warten, bis es verfügbar ist, und Ihre gesamte Black Friday-Bestellung liefern lassen, sobald alles auf Lager ist.

    - Die ersten Einheiten können bereits Ende Januar eintreffen, aber der Großteil wird erst Mitte bis Ende März 2024 auf Lager sein. Die Sendungen werden in der Reihenfolge des Eingangs Ihrer Bestellung bearbeitet.

    - Alle anderen Artikel in Ihrer Bestellung werden bis dahin reserviert. Teillieferungen sind nicht möglich.

    2) Bestellung stornieren:

    - Wenn Sie es bevorzugen, Ihre Bestellung zu stornieren, bieten wir Ihnen einen Gutschein über 25 % Rabatt auf eine beliebige Kombination von Produkten bei Ihrer nächsten Bestellung an.

    - Dieser nicht übertragbare Gutschein ist bis zum 30. April 2024 gültig, gilt für eine (1) neue Bestellung und wird für das Konto aktiviert, mit dem Sie die Bestellung 183xxxx aufgegeben haben.

    - Bitte beachten Sie: Auch wenn Sie mehr als eine Black Friday-Bestellung für das ClubSport Steering Wheel Formula V2.5X aufgegeben haben, erhalten Sie einen Gutschein.

    Wie kann ich meine Bestellung behalten oder stornieren?

    Sollten Sie Ihre Bestellung behalten möchten, teilen Sie uns dies über den nachstehenden Link mit.

    Wenn Ihre Bestellung 183xxxx in Ihrem Konto noch auf grün und "In Bearbeitung" ist, können Sie sie direkt in der Kategorie "Bestellungen" Ihres Fanatec-Kontos stornieren und die Rückerstattung erfolgt.

    Sollten Sie diese Option in Ihrem Konto nicht haben, verwenden Sie bitte das Formular im nachstehenden Link, um uns mitzuteilen, dass Sie Ihre Bestellung stornieren möchten. Nach Erhalt Ihrer Rückmeldung werden wir Ihre Bestellung stornieren und eine Rückerstattung veranlassen, die abhängig von Ihrer Zahlungsart binnen 3-7 Werktagen durchgeführt sein sollte.

  • 25% LOOL

  • Finally... Cancelled my Order.

  • Why don’t they just give the option to take the V 2.5 instead of the V 2.5 X. I don’t need the Xbox compatibility, and I don’t think I am the only one

  • oh Moza

    oh Simagic




  • I also just got an email from Fanatec, it says either wait until the end of March for 2.5X or cancel the order and get a 25% off voucher... not sure what to do tbh

  • because they realized that they screwed up for BF and by combining the packages we get a lot and they get a little.

  • Same here. Ordering a V2.5 for me is almost the same price, but the problem is the QR1 which is sold out…

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