Black Friday Orders | Shipping Update 3



  • Please provide 2.5X orders the option to switch to 2.5 non X instead.

  • Yes, got it now. Thanks guys

    Well, since I already have base, wheel and pedals, I'll wait because this 2.5X worth more than any other wheel with 25% off 🤷🏻‍♂️

    Am I satisfied? No. Especialy when I know my order was one of the first ones in lines and I know other people behind me already got it.

  • For some unknown reason they can´t do this like they can not send the order without the V2.5 x.

  • edited December 2023

    I Will wait. I order a complete setup. I still have my t300. The complete price is better then 25%.

    I think now we are safe from Storno.

  • Dear Fanatec team, Thank you for the continuous information. It's not always good news, but at least I know something is happening and it's moving towards a successful end. I understand that handling 60,000 orders is extreme. Well, we will have to arm ourselves with patience and hope that you will handle everything as best as possible.

  • but there remains the big problem of canceled orders from the bf

  • that is gooood point!

    now they can no longer screw up customers, except by waiting for the steering wheel to be available.

    but that's why customers can screw them up, so that everything we ordered, we will get very cheaply.

    HA HA HA

  • Well 20 days of waiting to be warned of a so-called stock bug in the meantime they have taken the money no bug for sure that ...

    Then, as if 20 days weren't long enough to destroy several people's Christmas, we're told that the next stock will be available (MAYBE!!!!!!) at the end of January, otherwise we'll have to wait until mid-March....

    First experience with fanatec…….

  • Remember

  • Anyone hasn't received this mail ? Still waiting, order 183xxx and no mail in sight

  • My order 183xxx (email in my mailbox). They fucked us well.

  • First I received the update about v2.5x issue. And I want to say to you to stop lying when you say you treat orders from the first to last but it’s not true. Some people order at the and of the day like 9p.m 24th and got their wheel delivered. Me personally I ordered at 2 pm and got nothing so first lie.

    so now you propose 25% of a new order but we can’t ordered another wheel because their is no qr1 or qr2 available

    WHY you don’t add the option to switch to a v2.5 for the people who don’t need to play on Xbox or the option to keep our allocation of the qr1 which is currently out of stock.

    im very disappointed because I don’t have any wheel to play and now you say January to mid March wtf guys ..:

    Or just give the option to purchase v2.5 without a qr1 so we can at least go the wheel

  • If the 25% was to act as a motivation to cancel it failed as many indeed recieved a 43% discount on BF. From the perspective of the buyer the option to cancel is just to avoid having to deal with orders individually and offer people their money back.

    Customer service should provide us with options beyond cancel. Like pick an alternative, partial shipment, partial refund or full refund.

    i find it laughable that i order products and a month later recieve an email asking if I still want to recieve them. What happens if I dont fill in the form? Do I opt out of the order and refund options? This just makes it all less clear to me. I would agree for a 40% discount code at this point as it would allow for an approximate match of my current agreement, and would find a comperable setup in stock. Also waiting for the refund would be an inconvenience.

    not mad, just dissapointed. Get your shit together

  • you are not the only ones to be angry he still does not respond to the email so for me who has this order canceled it does not solve anything

  • What was your order number? i still did not get any email

    and did anyone confirm that they actually ship orders as they came in or just randomly?

  • Order was made on Nov 24th at 13:32

    Randomly 🤦🏻‍♂️

  • Will the qr1 be in stock again. I was offered for a 25% discount but the qr1 is out of stock so I can’t order another one either.

  • mine was same day, but later at night.

    if its randomly it means there is still a possibility that some people will get it. sorry to hear for your order though.

  • Good evening,

    Is the 25% discount on the entire catalog or just on the wheel drives... I'm starting to be suspicious of them...

  • given that the 25% voucher is valid until April 30. it is to be believed that the QR1 will be on sale again by then. unless by then Fanatec decides to completely abolish the QR1 system and completely live the QR2 era.

    I'm just somehow afraid that by then the price list of all products will increase significantly because of the QR2 system. so even that 25% voucher may no longer make sense, sometime in March or April.

  • Like many of you who ordered the formula 2.5x, I received the same email. I have 2 options, wait 4 months, or receive 25% off future purchases. I'll start by saying that I also have the v3 pedal board on order, also with a 40% discount, but they can't ship it because it was included in the same order. So, if I want it, I have to pay more than the agreed price despite the discount. That being said, I will not cancel my order. Your problem, not mine. 4-7 days for refund? I don't believe you Fanatec, given this experience. I prefer to open a dispute with PayPal, also because you can put your fucking discount up your ass. and I hope many of you do the same, maybe in the future they will at least think twice before screwing customers.

  • i had canceled the order. I do not wanna wait up to 4 months and then maybe longer. i hope whe really get the 25% discount of any combination. But i think this solution is a good compromise.

    I´m still have my 8 Nm CSW 2.5 and M3 GT2 and Mc Laren Wheel. So no need to left the fanatec eco system

  • Hi all 🤓

    Thanks to cancel your order 😎

    To give me more chance to receive it 😀


  • Any update to f1 2.5 wheels?

  • When you talk about the canceled price error orders, then no, that has been clarified and Fanatec is legally on the safe side. For those who didn't take advantage of the pricing error, the 25% coupon isn't bad or they just wait. Now all they have to do is step on the gas and deliver. Everyone should be able to live with that now and practice patience. Those with the pricing error story should accept it because legally they have zero chance. Shit happened, just learn from it. Now all that's missing is information about the DD+ delivery!

  • I didn't get neither. My order hasn't been cancelled, nor sent. I haven't got the email, even in my SPAM...

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