Black Friday 2019 UPDATE2 A big THANK YOU



  • Hallo Herr Jackermeier,

    Ich hatte auf einen Deal des Podium Advanced Shifter Modules ( im Bereich von 120-140€ gehofft. Wenn sich da etwas machen lässt können Sie mir gerne eine PM zukommen lassen.

    Andererseits habe ich mir vor gut einem Jahr das McLaren Wheel gekauft, welches ich nun schon einmal ersetzt und 2 mal repariert bekommen habe und der Schaltfehler immernoch nicht behoben werden konnte. Auf die Frage nach einer Art Gutschrift für die aufgetreten Probleme, hieß es jedoch immer, es wäre nicht möglich.

    Daher wäre ich Ihnen doch sehr dankbar, wenn sich zumindest etwas mit dem Preis des Shifter Modules machen lässt.

    Mit Freundlichen Grüßen


  • As Mr. Thomas Jackermeier tells us what we would like as offer :) .. To me the 2.5 WB with a 25% discount would be an instant buy. It is still a great base lots of people are looking to and never been involved in a black friday offer. Thank you so much if you can let it happen!

    Keep racing!


  • I have DD1, CSL Pedals, clubsport shifter, formula V2 and handbrake so it is fair to say I am a Fanatec fan and committed to the ecosystem.

    I have everything except a round wheel for using with road cars. I was hoping either Porsche 918 or BMW GT2 would go on sale as they are now quite old wheels.

    The standalone wheels on offer really aren't useful as you need to then spend another €350 on the universal hub.

    For everyone suggesting Fanatec should do a site wide discount, that would ruin their business for the rest of the year as everyone would wait until black friday to buy stuff.

  • Same here was hoping for a deal of about 10%-15% off the podium racing wheel F1 ps4. I was looking forward to get both the podium f1 and the new gt3 wheel for around $2000.

  • It would be a tough decision for me if:

    Xbox One Competition Pack will be for 670eur

    and CSL Elit Pro kit for PS4 for 570eur

    I also remember previous prices, before the website update :(

  • I’d second the call for Podium Pedals or at least knowing if they’re on the immediate horizon. Would hate to pick up the V3s with the BF offer and then be pre-ordering a podium set a few months later.

  • I can't help thinking that asking the community what deals it would like to see and at what price AFTER you have announced this years deals is a risky move and has potential to make a bad situation worse. Is it likely that Fanatec will offer further discounts based on feedback and if so whose suggestions will they follow? Will they offer a fixed percentage cut across the site? Or will they use this for feedback for future years? I'm genuinely interested to see how this pans out.

    From a purely selfish perspective I wanted to see a discount on either DD, don't really care which one - at the moment there is very little difference in the value proposition between the two - a DD1 with kill switch and 5 year warranty costs almost the same as a DD2 and user feedback is that in real world use (as opposed to 100% FFb challenges) the performance is similar. I don't understand why there is two - why not just sell the DD2 at DD1 price and make the 5 year warranty and kill switch optional? It makes no sense at the moment.

    And I would like to see an introductory offer on the leather Porsche podium wheel. Coz I'm greedy!

  • Florian AFlorian A Member
    edited November 2019

    Like to see a Starter Package for under 600 Euro like last year

    CSL Elite + Pedal + F1 Rim

  • I would snap up a Clubsport Formaula V2 with a 5-10% discount

    I think you would find that very popular seller



  • It would have been great to see the Xbox competition pack go from $800 to $700 or less. I would have instantly bought it. Or even if it stayed the same $800 but the loadcell pedal was included. I would have even purchased a CSL Elite full set if it was offered at a good price and in America. Was really hoping to make the jump for a Logitech G27 into a quality Fanatec setup this year.

  • With 10% on everything I would instantly join the Fanatec ecosystem. At the very least put the DD1 at the pre order price. As of now I will continue using the equipment I have and probably look at other brands.

  • Hi, a Fanatec 'newbie' here! Just a few months ago I ordered the Clubsport V3's (and the BPK offcourse) to replace my T3PA's. I'm absolutely hooked on these pedals and have been craving for a Fanatec wheel eversince. My dad (57) is also into SIM racing, he ordered a T300, but after multiple issues sold it to buy a CSL (he already replaced the shitty pedals from TM too).

    Now after testing the CSL I feel that when I should upgrade from my current T300 I'd like a CSW 2.5 to add to those lonely ClubSport pedals ^^

    My wish would be a CSW2.5 bundled with a wheel (like the ClubSport Steering Wheel GT XBOX ONE) for around € 725 - € 775.

    Add to this I think it's weird that when you buy the CSW2.5, Universal hub and the same rim you pay € 100,- more than when you choose the same components assembled. Let alone the fact it probably add's up to shipping cost ordering 3 instead of 2 products.

    Pretty please??? 😅

  • Guys,

    A company is free to charge what the market demands and they owe you nothing. You see the prices and you agree or not to pay the price. Just because you cant afford their prices isnt something a business that wants to stay in business can worry about.

    Having said that it is clear fanatec used the Black Friday to launch new items without any real discounts after making a big announcement. Fanatec doesnt owe us big discounts but this stragey sure isnt going to make your customer base happy.

    One last thing he is being sarcastic when he posted to name the item you want with the price you will pay, kinda went right over most of your heads!

  • I would love to see any CSW 2.5 bundle discount. I am looking for the 2.5 base, pretty much any wheel, and LC pedals. I'd be happy with the xbox one competition pack at a discount and I could purchase the LC kit on top of it.

  • I was not sarcastic but I wanted to prove a point. My assumption was that it is impossible to please everyone as every single customer is looking for a different deal. Looking at the feedback I got so far it seems that this is the case.

    If 60% of all people here would say "I want the ClubSport Universal Hub with a 20% discount" then this would certainly influence the BF deals 2020 but I cannot even see a trend.

    A general discount on everything makes absolutely no sense as we would just move all turnover to this weekend and damage our brand. This will never happen. In the past we always discounted only a few selected items and it is difficult to please everyone. At least we picked the CSP V3 which is our single best selling product in our portfolio so some people might like it. And the shifter is gorgeous and also a good deal.

  • Josh OskamJosh Oskam Member
    edited November 2019

    So many people posting unreasonable pricing suggestions here. For one thing...

    Why would Fanatec suddenly offer huge discounts on a new line of products that other (more loyal) Fanatec customers have only recently paid full price for? Would that be a logical business decision? 🤔

    I don't think so.

    If I were Thomas Jackermeier, I certainly wouldn't be in any rush to annoy customers who've already bought products from the new Fanatec range in order to please people who haven't. 🤪

  • Mohamed EmaraMohamed Emara Member
    edited November 2019

    Oh well ...shocking disappointing.

    this seems more like stock/storage clearance (but with different colors to spice things up)

    was hoping for a DD (maybe along a second wheel) but guess there are other places to get a DD with a discounted price...

  • Rinus HuismanRinus Huisman Member
    edited November 2019

    Well, I think the rims would sell much better if the Xbox hub also had a discount. I don't know about the sales, but I think not a lot people have the Xbox hub. A bundle with the rims + hub + discount would sell and clear the stock a bit

  • edited November 2019

    Not to be annoying but I've seen quite a lot of requests for the Formula V2 and Advanced Paddle Module, some DD scattered between the PS4 version and others.. etc.

    I'm sure the pedals are a great seller but seeing so much "filler" and better offers in the past.... can really ruffle the people's feathers.

  • All the current deals could be fine if they had a real Black Friday discount. Now the V3 is the only one.

    give 20% discount on the other deals and still not everybody is happy but at least it’s a real Black Friday promo again.

    only new products and nw colors for the normal price isn’t Black Friday. Maybe it’s something for a other moment cos Black Friday is more of a price minded event

  • CSL Elite F1 PS4 bundle for AUD$899 you had last year would be amazing. I would buy that in a heart beat. Or even just throw in the load cell with that kit for free at the normal price would be great.

  • Looks like blackfriday will fail fanatec this time. Too bad for the people who have extra stored on it. A deal for example on the DD-Base PS4 without steering wheel for € 999.99 or universal hubs for € 249.99 would have been a suitable bf offer. Too bad, this year another company is swallowing my money.

  • Certainly not up to the standard of deals of previous years, personally I was hoping for a bit of discount on the Clubsport shifter.

  • Hi,😭

    I am also disappointed, I expected the CSL Elite Pedals LC on sale, at least 15% or 20%. It also seems to me that at least they should have free shipping for all orders over 50 USD.

    I want the CSL Elite Pedals LC 😭😭

  • Honestly I don't feel entitled to having any kind of discount, but as far as trends I would agree it's difficult to please everyone with which products are discounted, however I have seen multiple people agreeing that having the discount on the elite bundle that still costs more than it did earlier in the year is pretty underwhelming, after all the expectation was set by your own previous BF deals.

    I was planning on buying some stuff just before the CSL Elite v1.1 was released but I thought since you updated the wheelbase on the xbox side that maybe the P1 steering wheel or something might also receive an update to bring it in line with what comes with the PS4 version. Shortly after the prices went up so I decided I'd may as well wait until BF and get it at a price I felt was more reasonable.

    I just wish I could swap out the wheelbase in the bundle and save €50.

  • How about the Xbox One Competition Pack for $688.95 as it's price breakdown adds up to on the website right now? That would be pretty sweet.

  • All I was waiting/asking for was a little discount like 75$OFF on a Podium DD1. It represent a tiny reasonable 6-7% rebate and you had me made the step from my V2.5 to the direct drive revolution ! I started with a CSL elite when it came out and did the switch for a V2.5 clubsport last year but the step to go to a Podium is so huge that a little discount would help greatly.

    Ho well I guess I will have to spend that thousand dollars to upgrade my Pimax 5K+ vr headset for their new 8K+ or 8KX instead.

  • You make a nice product and run a solid business, Thomas! Thanks for the innovation. I'd love to see fanatec tackle the fragmented and complicated tactile transducer space next and continue fanalab development.

    The noise here is just strong signals of fanatec product demand, people do not complain when they have an alternative better option.

    I waited to see if podium DD2 would be discounted, it wasn't, so today i placed a full price order for a DD2 and Porsche GT3 R wheel, and I'm still happy! It'll make a nice addition to my CSPv3 and shifter v1.5 setup, I'll deprecate the CSL elite PS4 once it's returned (out for warranty RMA).

    I considered other DD brands but Fanatec makes a great product, their support is slow, but they have established a reputation for standing by their products and honoring claims - I'm not sure the other brands are equal.

  • That's the thought I can't get rid of. On one hand I'm very happy with my DD2, I like the idea of one interconnected platform, and so I want to get Podium pedals. On the other hand, a competitor has, per every review I've seen, a very good set of pedals (even if I don't quite get why they use a load cell instead of a Hall effect sensor on the throttle) and they can get them to my doorstep by the end of the week.

    I'm still holding off, but my previous wavering has turned to a loud wobble.

  • Made an account JUST to comment.

    Everything here is relatively the same price and you even have a price mark up for a shifter that is just a different color! There is literally only ONE deal here, the pedals, and even then I was looking forward to the inverted pedal deal (you had an amazing deal on them a year or two ago). These have to be the worst Black Friday offers I have ever seen. I bet there have been better offers just on other regular days randomly throughout the year.

    I was looking forward to buy a whole set of items (first time buyer): DD1, the new Porsche Podium suede wheel (or maybe R300 Podium), inverted pedals, handbrake, and shifter. That adds up to $2500 give or take. I figured Black Friday would help out judging on past deals, but it looks like nothing good yet. If I could take those items to $1900 or so I would have already bought them. I think funny enough with deals a year or two ago that could have happened.

    If these deals get better I am still looking to buy those items, all at once, but if not maybe I'll get into SIM racing at some other time when the deals are there, with whoever that may be.

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