Fanatec Beta Driver V361 (now V365) for CSL, CSW and Podium Bases (all wheels)



  • After updating to 675 I was asked to update the BME.

    The update finished with an error and now my BME is not recognized again.

    Is there any way to start the updater for the BME again or is there any other way to bring it back to life again?

  • never mind, I was able to reflash the BME again with the DeviceModuleBootLoader flasher.

    But I'm wondering why flashing the wheel rims often gives me a headache as it happened quite some times already that the flashing process ends up with an error. Flashing the dd1 itself normaly works without a problem.

  • richEditor.externalEmbed.description

    It is included in the driver package. if you update the Motor FW it will load the Hex automatically.

  • Hello Team,

    I have updated my CSW 2.5, Pedals V3and RIM Formula F1 2019 to the latest Drivers and Firmware to use Fanalab.

    PC Driver: V365

    Motor FW Wb 2.5: V22

    Wb FW: V672

    Wheel FW: V34

    All seems to work fine with one exception. Rumble motors on the pedals don't work. Neither brake nor acceleration. They remain quite in Driver testmenu. Do I miss something?


  • richEditor.externalEmbed.description

    Did you try to reset to default values in vibration tab in fanalabs? With me the rumble motors and lights were on all the time. Fixed when i reseted everything to default.

  • richEditor.externalEmbed.description

    Hi, did it but no Change. Rumble motors don't work in PC Driver test menu.

  • So, is this the latest versions of all software?

  • Hey, I've just installed the new V365, along side the V672 and Fanalab 1.24 on my Podium F1 DD1. I've given it a short go. So far, no problem.

  • yes, that is what I got

  • richEditor.externalEmbed.description

    Who and where write this, that the New Beta does not Support csl basees? I install the new driver and update the firmware.So far no problem on project cars 2 on pc and gt sport on ps4. The only thing that scares me, on the new firmware the fan does not spinns after a few minutes of play like on the firmware that came with the 347 driver. I fear the motor could be damaged by overheating. Is this behavior normal and the temperature fancurve is rased, or is this a bug that can damage your wheelbase.(The fan will only spinn for some seconds when the base is Switching on.So that is no hardware failure.)

  • for what I understand this driver supports  CSW or CSL bases but support for BME (button box endurance) on  CSW or CSL bases is not ready yet (probably there is closed beta for BME on CSW )

    more info have

    is you base few minutes after switching on hot to a touch?

    fun curve is probably intended, no need to blow air on cold metal

  • Hi. So I have the DD1 version PS4 with its respective steering wheel, it is not necessary to upgrade to v365, right? There is no change in this model ... or I'm wrong. Thank you!

    Driver 356

    Firmware 670

  • richEditor.externalEmbed.description

    Where did you find Fanalab 1.24??

  • richEditor.externalEmbed.description

    read the changelog of 361 and 365 and judge by yourself, there are tons of improvements for your wheel.

  • richEditor.externalEmbed.description

    for someone that is not every day on this forum that answer has very little actionable information

  • richEditor.externalEmbed.description

    what should I do, list him all the 44 changes or what? :D

    Its literally EVERYTHING in the very first post!

  • richEditor.externalEmbed.description

    Thank you for the answer.No the plastic shell of the wheelbase is not so hot but it does not have direct contact whith the motor, so it is enought air as a Isolation ,and you can't juge if it is too hot.

  • richEditor.externalEmbed.description

    links is all that is needed

  • richEditor.externalEmbed.description


    Just download the podium package and you will find in the folder the 1.24 Fanalab version.

  • Installed successfully. Have driven many hours without any single issue. Really stable and good update:

    CSW 2.5

    BMW Rim

    Thank you very much team,



  • I just tested on my PS4 DD, works great so far. Left stick is not inverted, funky stick is not mapped to "X+PS", just the "X" button. So far, so good!

  • Dan BlakeDan Blake Member
    edited May 2020

    For anyone wanting to get the buttons working again on their Universal Hub, I rolled back to driver 346, but it wasn't until I rolled back my wheel base (CSW 2.5) to the f/w that came with 346, did the buttons begin working again. I imagine that it's the same with 352. So remember to roll back your wheel base firmware as well.

  • Daniel HaynesDaniel Haynes Member
    edited May 2020

    Podium f1:

    I installed the 365 drivers.. now I can’t get into the fanatec control panel whatsoever.

    to start with they showed up in the usb controllers. But they disappear when you try and load the control panel.

    If i delete the 'usb input device' and scan for new devices it will be listed in the windows game controller panel again. when I load the properties it will come up with 'initializing device control panel...' only to disappear and then the devices removing themselves from the windows game controllers and the device manager having another 'USB input device' with an error - Error is: Windows cannot start this hardware device because its configuration information (in the registry) is incomplete or damaged. (Code 19)

    Ive tried uninstalling and reinstalling drivers 336,346,356,365 - and I can flash the base firmware by using the force 8sec hold on the power button for each driver and it finishes correctly, but still no changes on being able to load the control panel.

    so I’m completely stuck now.. tried every USB port I have, new cables, deleted all non used usb devices with usbview. Drivers just will not load in window 10.... any suggestions?

    obviously a windows issue as podium base still works fine, when you delete the fanatec drivers completely and load the use controller properties the windows default controller window pops up immediately and all button presses etc. are registered.

  • richEditor.externalEmbed.description

    I had the same issue last night when I went from 346 to 365 but I can't remember how I fixed it now, lol. It wasn't from changing USB ports. Ah, now I remember. You have to click on the download like you go to install it again but this time you click on repair and that should fix it.

  • Yea I’ve uninstalled, repaired and restarted pc with every combination of drivers and still nothing changed so far.

  • drastic measures had to be taken.

    fresh windows install (even though it was already very clean and only a few months old)

    installed 365 drivers straight away before anything else and low and behold it jumps straight into fanatec control panel with no errors whatsoever.

    super annoying though as I’ve now got hours getting my windows and everything back installed how I want it.

    I tried literally everything before a windows wipe nothing worked that I could find

  • richEditor.externalEmbed.description

    Hi Daniel,

    I would try uninstall Fanatec software, restart, and run the software installation As Administrator.

    Good luck,


  • Daniel HaynesDaniel Haynes Member
    edited May 2020

    Like I said - fresh windows install was literally the only thing I could do to get it working again.

    done about 5hours on the drivers now though and have to say it feels great to me. Best so far, easy. Only issue is getting jolts when podium screen is on anything but the home screen. I left it in the tuning menu a couple of times and would then also get a couple of random jolts. This doesn’t bother me as I race in VR anyway and don’t use any of the data screens. So it’s only if I accidentally leave it in the tuning menu. But clearly needs fixing ASAP. still get little knock when powering off the base... as long as fanatec are 100% that this is ok again I don’t mind but if it’s an easy fix then obviously that needs doing ASAP too

    I have also been using fanalabs 1.24 but find it does crash out ALOT and has to be reloaded.

    I have been someone plagued with formula v2 rim freezes for months and months. A beta firmware fix for this has been given me and actually looks very promising. However more testing needed. By far this is the most important issue for them. It’s more and more common and RMAs for this will start building up - I have an exchange Rma already approved for a new podium base to fix this, but have not been able to ship for last two months due to lockdown rules In South Africa. I’m convinced it can be fixed with firmware which would be better for everyone.

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