Fanatec Driver 402 (before 399) incl. new Firmware Manager for CSL, CSW and Podium WB (all wheels)



  • richEditor.externalEmbed.description

    Then you must be very lucky to be the only user in the world that doesn’t have the jolt issues while using any other screen than the one with the Fanatec logo on it.

    Another option is that you think it’s “normal behaviour” ;)

  • edited January 2021

    Might be since I am coming from real life racing and get a lot of strange behaviors and have learned to adapt quickly, not to disrupt me and still drive steady lap times keeping my delta timings provided by the team.

    I use the recommended in-game setting from fanatec and developers and Maurice's profiles for ACC.

    Also seen videos of the jolts and can confirm that I haven't experienced anything like that (even when I was in ACC in game strength 80 Aris from Kunos has his on 100 for testing purposes ) . So yeah. Using only ITM (not the other functions for base monitoring) and about 200 hours online in ACC and RR in PC (since 1st week of December 2020) and also countless hours in ACC / GT in PS4 (using FANATEC logo screen and Legacy on steering) have not felt the jolts as described in videos found online (although I admit that most videos found are from iRacing which I don't play)

    EDIT: forgot to add touch wood not to jynx it. :D

  • richEditor.externalEmbed.description

    Yes, I still need to erase the Motor Calibration - as long as no new Motor Firmware is included this wont change. But you only have to calibrate or erase the motor once after a Motor Firmware Flash, not after every Base Firmware Flash so if you have already dont you dont need to repeat it again.

  • edited January 2021

    Dear Fanatec Team

    this message just to say thank you about all updates and improvement that you, continuously, give to us in order to have the best sim racing experience.

    Downloaded right now Driver 400 and I'm going to update my Csw 2.5

    thanks for all!


  • Hi, i tried to update it, but i was not capable to get anything up after clicking "yes" to update. i also did everything listed.

    i have: DD2, Formula V2 rim and V3 pedals.

    i flashed drivers, i uinstalled old drivers, plugged and re plugged the wheel and pedals. but clearly nothing is happening. when i even click to update nothing appears. is it a bug that might be lurking around?

    after i reinstalled the working update i had, my next issue is it cant reconice the "PC" mode of my DD2 just the CSL V 2.5 mode on the DD2 for some reason.

  • PBME no longer powers on after failing to upgrade the firmware (driver 400). Progress of the update failed at 3%. Worked fine under driver 372. Looking for any suggestions to fix this issue.

  • edited January 2021

    Thx 4 the new Firmware. I Updated today and i have no Issues - all is fine.

    I can't feel any change in the FFB as others said, I can´t still see a change in the smoothnes on the V3 pedals after updating to 1.31. I compared the braking curves before and after with VRS Tool, no different :(

    DD1, Formula V2, CSP V3

    • Wheel Base Model (product ID): CSW V2
    • Steering Wheel Model (product ID): Formula Rim V2
    • Driver Version: 400
    • Base FW Version: 684
    • Motor FW Version:
    • Wheel FW Version: 40
    • FanaLab Version: V1.54.2
    • With driver related issues collect log files and zip them from C:\Users\Public\Fanatec Logs

    rF2 does is not able to update the steering range like it used to be able to automatically. I now have to set the wheelrange manually on my steeringwheel profile. This seems to be a Firmware issue of either the Steeringwheel or the V2 Base as using a different driver doesn't help to restore it.

    I reverted back to the last know version that worked:

    PC Driver: 365

    WB FW: 672

    SW FW: 34

  • edited January 2021


    Drivers are installed but I can't load the new firmware manager. Nothing happens. The manager doesn't load when I click on Update.

    Hence, I tried to update via bootmode and the wheel base is flashed but I can't update the wheel V2 now.

    Help please?

    WHat is the name of the HEX file for the Formula V2 , V40 please?


    CSW V2.5

    Formula V2

  • richEditor.externalEmbed.description

    I too am sick of wasting time trying to get an update driver that works. Today I fixed it and bought a Simcube 2 pro.

    Fanatec has dropped the ball IMO. Sorry, I have spend way to much for service like this.


  • richEditor.externalEmbed.description

    I’m going to check if a product can be returned based on non conformity (if so I think Fanatec isn’t going to be happy with it) because the screen is advertised as a feature but in fact it’s a feature that cripples the behaviour of the wheelbase and that’s not how it’s advertised.

    Especially with all the info I have now from Fanatec itself where it basically comes down to “don’t expect it to be fixed anytime soon” and the fact that it’s a known issue for 1.5 year without any known progress on it I think it might have a chance.

    Besides above, I think the DD2 is still a fine wheelbase and is as good as a Simecube or any other product out there but when I pay premium I expect premium also and a full working product, not a product that has an issue with one of the main features that hasn’t been solved in 1.5 year. It’s not like Fanatec said “we messed up the display so you will have a 10% discount to compensate it”.

  • why is Linearity now enabled by default? I have a Dd1 recently and I have never used, not even ever seen active in Fanatec's suggestions.

  • richEditor.externalEmbed.description

    Same here.

  • richEditor.externalEmbed.description

    to quote Armin's post:

    "LIN is now on by default because the Podium DD wheel bases now produce 100% linear and consistent FFB from 0-100% effect range continuously - for everybody, by default. ONLY if LIN ON and 100% FFB is still not strong enough (for you), there is a reason to turn it OFF again."

    If you prefer LIN at off and you use Fanalab and have set default profiles to load automatically this shouldn't be a problem.

    Also with the new firmware manager option to save and restore the current settings after updates it won't change for you.

  • richEditor.externalEmbed.description

    I owned a V2.5 and a DD1 and when they work great but, they can't seem to get a hold of the software. My wheel clunks and feel grainy. I'm not saying Simcube is perfect but, I'm at point where I have had enough. I hope to put the frustration of updating my wheel time after time and it not being right.Then rolling back drivers spend hours to get it working again. I'm shocked a company like this has not gotten a hold on this. It's time people have not gotten together and demanded their money back.

  • edited January 2021

    400 here and everything gone ok, flashed DD1, motor, Formula V2 and McLaren V2.

    Then unplugged rj cable from V3 pedals and plugged via USB directly to PC...Firmware Update Assistant don´t open when pedals are connected, when I unplug those you can open FUA and check manual firmware update, plug V3 pedal USB again but it stays gray, not possible to upgrade!?!

    Pedals identified okay with Windows 10 and from control panel everything seems to work with USB connection but just can´t flash them.

    Tried also FwPedalsUpdater.exe but can´t access Bootloader mode because it says device is not connected.

    So, how all other managed to flash V3 pedals but I can´t 🤔


    Managed to flash also pedals.

    Removed drivers, booted PC.

    Power off from base.

    USB cable from V3 to PC.

    Installed 400 driver and booted PC.

    Then gone to Fanatec properties (you can see only pedals) and it flashed okay (actually had to click twice because you have to wait until windows regonize pedals).

    So I´m fine 😎

  • I am currently satisfied with an old software version. 

    Is it possible to update only the V3 pedals?

    Can you describe the advantages that you have with the new V3 software in more detail?

  • Same problem as some guys have already reported above:

    Updated the driver sucessfully from v381 to v400. Tool asks if i want to update DD1 firmware. But when i click to "YES" nothing happens.

    I've tried already the steps mentioned in the troubleshooting section of the manual.

    Setup: DD1, Formula V2 Wheel, CSR Elite Pedals, Win 10 x64

  • edited January 2021

    @Marcel Pfister,

    Could you upload the Formula V2 rim V40 hex please?

    Thank you in advanve,


    BTW the fw manager still doesn't start...

    Setup: CSW V2.5, Formula V2, CSL Elite LC, Win 10 x64

  • PS4 Elite , STD Pedals, Formula V2 , PS4, ACC

    Just got my new wheel & updated drivers to this beta version.

    In ACC I 1st cleared then reset my settings to the default fanatec then try mapping my own button.

    You can't map some buttons or change some.

    The light is stuck on the left stick along with save highlights which at present is a big problem.

    I can't find a way to go back to a older version to fix my problem until it is corrected.

    I can see on the windows control panel that everything looks ok .

    I didn't have this problem with my Esports F1 wheel.

  • hi team

    does anyone else now have to manually adjust their max steering angle in fanalab to match the game? it's not a big deal but the auto feature in fanalab hasn't worked correctly for me since 381 and i was wondering if i was the only one?

    i'm not calling for a fix as it's a 2 sec fix to match in-game and fanalab but curious to see if it was just me so i could investigate if i changed something.


  • After installing the 400 version driver, I though I should report this:

    • Wheel Base Model (product ID): DD1
    • Steering Wheel Model (product ID): Porsche 918
    • Driver Version: v400
    • Base FW Version: v684
    • Motor FW Version: v40

    I installed the new v400 driver without any issue and it felt fine to drive, but when sitting idle I discovered my DD1 had started to emit a noticeable electrical whining noise that I'd never heard before. The wheel also vibrated subtly but continuously whilst sitting idle between driving sessions.

    As I've already had a DD1 from the first batch replaced after it bricked itself, leaving me without a wheelbase for two months, I decided to immediately go back to driver 372, which I've been running without issue now for months. With that reinstalled, the whining and vibrating disappeared again.

  • is this literally identical to 399?

  • edited January 2021

    Could some upload the Formula V2 rim V40 .HEX file please?

    Or at least tell me what is the name of the corresponding .HEX file in the FW folder?

    Thank you in advance,


  • edited January 2021

    No. Changelog see included txt file.

  • "Changelog since 381" 😂

  • richEditor.externalEmbed.description

    Driver v400 available

    Hotfix to replace v399

    Fixed incorrect steering wheel firmware included for McLaren V1.0

    Fixed issue where Firmware Manager isn't opening and an error message is shown.

    Fixed missing 7th gear in Function Test tab when no steering wheel is attached.

    Updated hint for Tuning Menu LIN. Default is now ON.

    Updated button caption in the final step of shifter calibration to "Finish" instead of "Next"

  • Hi there, I have one issue and two findings with this new V400 firmware:

    System: Win 10 64bit, DD1 PS4, PHUB, PBME, V3i

    Issue: I've updated the PHUB without the PBME connected. After successfully updating the PHUB I've connected the PBME. The updater tolds me, that there is a new firmware. After confirming the update, there was a prompt regarding the PHUB being already up to date. After confirmation, the updater got stuck, showing an error after 10 min. I had to restart PC and Wheelbase, then I could successfully update the PBME.

    Findings: When the wheelbase ist started and the "Torque key insert" confirmation prompt is confirmed by turning the wheel 90°, the PBME still shows the prompt (gone on the base) that has to be confirmed again on the wheel by clicking OK.

    And it seems a small shut down "clonk" is back again, which I never had before on V381.

  • Dont worry about any kind of shit down Clunk. In certain Positions of the motor the Clunk can be louder than on other Positions. Nothing to worry about.

  • As i mention earlier in this threat i cannot get csp3 to run with RJ 12 connector . Can i test what causes the Problem CSW or CSP . What happens when ich plug the pedale in the RJ12 for Handbrake . Strange is that the pedals work with USB and i dont know if Base or pedal cause the problem

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