Gran Turismo 7 (PS4/PS5) - Fanatec Recommended Settings



  • Here is what I am currently using.

    Podium DD1 PS4

    Sens: 450

    FFB : 44

    FF Scale: PEAK

    NDP: 50

    NFR: 25

    NIN: 5

    FFB INT: 8

    FE Sens: 70

    Force Effect Str: 120

    SPN: OFF


    Controller settings: 5, 7, 10

    Working for me, not sure how it will work with DD Podium or CSL.

  • What a totally frustrating week on my Podium DD1, does PD not realise the DD1 is far stronger than a DD Pro ?

    1.15 was perfect on my DD1 but all the DD Pro users found it too light. Now they have put the strength back up it’s horrific, I’ve got the game on torque setting 1, if I put it on 2 it’s way too strong to control.

    I know there’s some DD Pro users here unhappy still, but on Kie25’s you tube stream he says the FFB is fixed, he certainly isn’t having any trouble getting around Suzuka quickly, that said, is he running the latest drivers ? I don’t know.

    The game is unplayable for me, well done PD.

  • A lot of streamers would rather have power than feel realistic... they also didn't bother setting their wheelbase to the correct settings like Maurice gave us. It is similar to users who buy a macbook pro and ask to have windows installed because they are not interested in learning how to use macOS.

    I don't know anyone who did the DD pro setup in 1.15 with Maurice's settings who is now happy with the new update.

  • Nick ParksNick Parks Member
    edited June 2022

    You're finding it too heavy using the recommended FFB of 42 and in game torque of 1? Wow - I find that really strange - FFB at 42 and in game at 5 feels perfect for me, admittedly it doesn't have the detail of 1.15 but strength wise feels fine....

  • I have a problem with the Force Feedback, I'm guessing similar to others have described in the latest update. When I turn the wheel about 1/8th in either direction I lose almost all force feedback,, around the centre I get some feel for the road. Its almost an instant drop off at a certain point where the only thing you feel is some resistance to try and take the wheel back to centre. It feels a lot like clipping but I'm using recommended settings in a car that doesn't have a huge amount of feedback. Its definitely not the hardware clipping that is for sure.

    I also tried ACC for the first time and the FFB is completely different. Gran Turismo really could do with a decent FFB update to try and come close to ACC. 1.15 using the recommended settings was actually quite good with a lot of feedback shame we can't just go back. At least the feedback through corners existed. To be honest its so bad its putting me off playing GT7 for the time being. I'll keep an eye on updates and see if gets an update

  • Hi, I have to join those dissatisfied with the current FFB. Really, the settings from Maurice after update 1.15 were perfect for me as well, I don't understand that most GT7 players obviously don't care, at least that's how it looks. I have a DD1 version for PS.

  • According to the GT7 manual, Max Torque should be at a lower limit to prevent clipping:

    Steering Force Feedback

    ・Force Feedback Max. Torque

    Adjust the maximum torque. This is an example of force feedback, which communicates information about the road surface to the driver through their tires. The greater this value, the duller the response from the tires when cornering hard. The lower this value, the more responsive the car becomes.

    ・Force Feedback Sensitivity

    Adjust the resistance of the steering wheel when you start to turn it. This resistance is an example of force feedback, which communicates information about the road surface to the driver through their tires. The greater this value, the more responsive to changes the steering wheel will become. The lower this value, the more gentle steering becomes when driving in a straight line.

    Seems Max Torque should be 2 to 4 at most, Feedback Sensitivity at 7 to 10 and set FFB to 100, PEAK and Force Effect at 100, I will be testing this later and post my result.

  • After some testing I have changes the Max Torque to 4 with FFB Sensitivity at 9, feels very good, I did change my wheel settings.

    Here is what I changed to.

    Podium DD1 PS4

    Sens: 450

    FFB : 75

    FF Scale: PEAK

    NDP: 50

    NFR: 25

    NIN: 5

    FFB INT: 8

    FE Sens: 70

    Force Effect Str: 100

    SPN: 10

    DAMP: 10

    I can feel the road through the wheel at slow speed and high speed corners, the details are there.

    Again, not sure how it will work with DD Podium or CSL.

  • 82828282 Member

    Agreed. Turning the in-game max torque value down (2-4) and increasing wheelbase FFB seems to bring back that mid-turn feeling from 1.15

  • Any decent settings for 8nm? I feel like it sucks bad, using the old settings from release.

  • Pretty much what I posted a week ago :)

    It's still not great, but much better! There is so much detail missing.

  • The last post I saw from Maurice regarding the 1.16 update was that the FFB could not be fixed with the wheel settings.

    He certainly didn’t seem happy with it unless I’ve missed a post from him ?

  • Sens at 450 is a massive no for me, it makes the car way too twitchy. Anything under 540 (unless it’s an open wheel type car or kart) I’m all over the shop lol

    on a GT3 car I use 540 - 630, on a GT4 car I use 900 - 810, that said if I don’t feel comfortable I will put it on Auto and try it too.

  • edited June 2022

    New update coming to GT7 on June 19th, hope they have a fix for that...

    Changing Max torque (in game settings) to 4 really changes the FFB and brings more detail, but far from perfect (I have a GT DD pro, 8NM)

  • The update will be this week not today, June 19th.

  • Ooohh... Thanks for the correction Steve, so far there is no mention about FFB for this update...

  • Hi everyone!

    Well, I wouldn't hold my breath on this....I have this feeling about Polyphony giving absolute priority to the Dualsense implementation and 'tailoring' the FFB experience around the controller rather than a proper driving set.

    It makes (dual)sense....sorry for first being the controller's feature exclusive and unique to the PS5 platform....and second because the number of proper sim setups are rising and rising, yes, but it's still a minority compared to the masses.

    Just my two cents....maybe I'm wrong and as I wrote before it's only a matter of time........maybe... 😊

    Have a great day!


  • At least they put pedals calibration in game settings

  • WOW. Amazing! It's exactly what we are waiting for... f#$k&$g PD.

  • extreme frustration to all these days and not being able to find anything that can leave the csl elite close to what it was, you only notice the loss of income, and all this time waiting for the solution that comes to mind and the change of equipment, alo fanatec help

  • I just finally started up GT7 after the 1.17 update to check out the Watkins Glen track. I hadn't been too motivated to play since the FFB reverted back from it's much better 1.15 state. I was doing some of the circuit experience for Watkins Glen and the FFB is so numb with the Genesis car that it makes it really hard to know where the traction limit is. Particularly on the segment with the chicane. The last turn that goes up hill is a total guess as to how much throttle you can give on the corner exit.

  • edited June 2022

    I use fanatecs recommended from page 1, in-game 6/1 (dd pro) and have no problem with that circ. exp. 🤷🏻‍♂️

  • Do you use 5nm or 8nm? On 8nm the recommended settings from page 1 is like armwrestling. I cannot feel any detail in medium/high speed corners at all.

  • hmm. F1 22, pre-released today, has a similar issue, though it's better than GT7, it makes me wonder if this actually a Fanatec SDK issue, and the game devs are innocent... it's very strange these two new titles have similar clipping but older ACC does not.

  • 8Nm and I use F1 Esports wheel

    But, for example, that new Time Trial with Escudo on Alsace I use ingame torque 3. I think my time is at 1.84% atm

  • I also might just be a bad driver! 😂 I'm not by any means a seasoned sim racer with a wheel. The DD Pro is the first sim wheel I've ever had. Always driven with controller before. So I'm sure I still have room for improvement. But it just seems like trial and error and I either go to fast and break loose or too slow. It seems like better feel would help me find that limit better.

  • edited June 2022

    Mate, I am 51y old fart, but OK, I am on wheels since GT4. And few years on fanatecs.

    My advice is to choose one settings and change only ingame torque. You just need time to get used to wheel.

    Also, one settings are not for all types of cars. I like gr3 cars with ingame torque 6. In Gr4 I use 5. This will probably be too much, so you can try with lower numbers and than raise them

    I think the best way to learn and adapt to wheel is to set all golds on licences, but without assists (abs only, turn off all other shit that exist in assist settings menu)

    After that, go for track expirience, best way to learn tracks sector by sector.

    Be patient and practice, don't give up, speed will come... If you stuck at some licence or sector, take a brake, return later....

    Oh, and Watkins Glen is hard track. Watch replays from top guys and go to YT and find some track guides

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