Nooooooooo!!! Maurice, I assure you that with 447 and 1.20 the feedback has improved considerably, I would dare to say as with 1.16 (if I'm not mistaken).
I noticed a big improvement on the DD Pro after updating the firmware that came in 447, my previous firmware was from 442. It seems to be moving in the right direction.
Oh, then I can't explain why, but I hadn't expected any difference in GT7 so I was surprised when the force was stronger after the update. I was playing GT7 1.21 for a few hours before I updated the firmware and there was a difference with the same car on the same track. I hope polyphony will find a solution together with fanatec, fingers crossed.
Logitech just released their DD-Wheel for Playstation, Xbox and PC. The wheel for the Playstation comes with Trueforce support for GT7. According to reviews on YouTube (i.g. Boosted Media) the force feedback is on par with most PC-Games and ways better than with the GT DD Pro or Podium DD Playstation wheel from Fanatec. I don't know why Logitech gets it somehow right from the beginning and Fanatec users are stuck with mediocre FFB on their DD-Wheels with native Playstation support.
Maybe Polyphony Digital is responsible to implement better FFB for Fanatec wheels but I think right now Fanatec just looks bad. There's absolutely no reason for a console player to buy a wheel from Fanatec when there is a better alternative out there when it comes down to the main reason for a DD-Wheel: the FFB.
Hi Maurice. Thank you for the additional information. So basically Trueforce is an own api that is used as a workaround to „fix“ Polyphonys shitty FFB implementation. Maybe I‘m so annoyed by this because meanwhile even motion support for GT7 is working on my rig. GT7 has no official support but nevertheless it works perfectly. So I see and feel every time I start the game what could be possible on a console in terms of fun and „serious“ sim racing if the developer puts any effort in it.
Well - there is still an chance Polyphony is working in a better FFB support.
One more thing. I‘m using Fanatec products for about 20 years and never ran into any big issues. Since I own a Podium DD and whenever I had any questions regarding hardware or software I often found help in form of postings from you. So thank you for your steady and always friendly support. All the informations about the settings in Fanalab and your presets helped me a lot. Keep up the good work!
With todays Patch 1.23 they implemented a Preset for the Podium Racing Wheel F1 and they also enabled the use of the Rotary Encoders (=MPS and Thumb Encoders)!
Still no update to their "not so good" FFB though but at least some Fanatec related improvements!
I’m currently running DD pro base with Formula v2.5 wheel, I was so excited about the rotary mapping in new update but now my wheel is still recognized as dd pro wheel, is this update only supporting dd1 with f1 wheel or am I missing something? Many thanks!
Yes, they only implemented a Preset for the Podium Racing Wheel F1, but you can still use the rotary on the Formula v2 with a DD Pro, you just cant re-assign the functions because of how PD has implemented Wheel Presets.
Has anybody found any way of being able to communicate with PD, at all? Only thing that I've been able to unearth is their Twitter account, to which they do not respond to in any way shape or form.
I'd be happy to present some constructive criticism, hell, even front a poll / petition if we can actually find a way to get some dialogue going with them.
By this stage, even though I know that the only team that can fix this are at PD, I'm disappointed that Fanatec haven't put some pressure on, or if they have then we don't hear of it. They do have ways of communicating with PD, where we don't.
They surely monitor these forums - It's the least that we as paying customers, for an officially licensed GT product, expect. Just a bit of feedback, at the least.
I wish I had that much... the Mclaren GT3 encoders don't work all... it's very strange how PD handle the wheel presets, ACC manages to make wheel support more generic and better at the same time while PD are futzing around with their own funny ideas.
Non credo sia bello x i clienti Fanatec una risposta del genere, ieri ho provato un Trustmaster T150 giravo meglio del mio DD pro ed ho anche 2 Pedaliera la V3 e la V3i con Fanatec non si riesce a frenare devi frenare 10 metri prima di tutti gli altri con pedaliere da 50€ e poi sembra sempre di girare col le gomme dure anche con le morbide, oggi provo un DD1 domani un TGT II vediamo la differenza se no vendo tutto e faccio come Valerio gallo ed altri piloti che usano il TGT mediamente si perde più di 1 secondo al giro con Fanatec e poi vendete il volante come x GT7 siete scandalosi e non avete una ruota da 30 decente per le gruppo 3 non quella plasticata di McLaren con display ridicolo.
don't think it's nice for Fanatec customers such an answer, yesterday I tried a Trustmaster T150 I ran better than my DD pro and I also have 2 Pedalboards the V3 and the V3i with Fanatec you can't brake you have to brake 10 meters before all the others with pedals from € 50 and then it always seems to run with hard tires even with soft ones, today I try a DD1 tomorrow a TGT II let's see the difference if not I sell everything and I do like Valerio Gallo and other riders who use the TGT, on average yes loses more than 1 second per lap with Fanatec and then you sell the steering wheel as x GT7 you are outrageous and you don't have a decent 30 wheel for group 3 not the plastic one of McLaren with ridiculous display.
Well with the state of GT7, including its very disappointing FFB, and the latest 1.8 update for ACC on consoles which seems to have weakened the FFB and introduced wild oscillations for me, I have decided enough is enough. No point in waiting and hoping things improve, so all my Fanatec kit will be going up for sale. Hope things improve for those who stay the course.
in fact what they did not understand is that the biggest problem they have is that the SEN AUTO does not work, try to take the Huracane GR4 you will have 6 centimeters of VACUUM and you have to set the degrees by hand between 660/670 but be careful that you risk of slamming because too precise, taking the T150 no PLAY with Fanatec feels like driving a 1980 Ford Transit.
I'll explain better if I gauge the steering wheel with the one inside the car and put it precisely with Huracan (as an example) the steering wheel is precise but I have about 6 centimeters of gap between right and left. T150 zero, T300 very little, now not to to have almost game I have to put it at 660, but I turn the wheel 1/4 if you see the view of the car it is at 45 ° so in my opinion you have communication problems between Hardware and Software. I'm not a technician but maybe a few more bits to get more detail wouldn't be bad for the pedal board too.
I tried the DD1 to my surprise it works well on gt7 so the problem is not gt7 but the DD pro, on DD1 finally if the car takes a curb as soon as it touches the ground it has a great grip on DD pro it slips. pity that the DD1 had never been updated since it was bought 2 years ago, and now it made me update the base the crown but it does not update the motor with fw 38 to load and it no longer works as you can fix or if you have a link with solution Thanks
Nooooooooo!!! Maurice, I assure you that with 447 and 1.20 the feedback has improved considerably, I would dare to say as with 1.16 (if I'm not mistaken).
Come back with us, your advice is important
I recently tried GT7 2 weeks ago with newest game Patch 1.20 and newest Firmwares and highly disliked it.
When they dont fix their FFB back to how it was in 1.15 I most likely will never touch it again.
I noticed a big improvement on the DD Pro after updating the firmware that came in 447, my previous firmware was from 442. It seems to be moving in the right direction.
442 and 447 use basically the same Firmware ;)
Even between 439 and 447 there was zero change made to the firmware which can change FFB feeling on a GT DD.
Also, it's impossible to fix the not so good GT7 FFB via Firmware.
Oh, then I can't explain why, but I hadn't expected any difference in GT7 so I was surprised when the force was stronger after the update. I was playing GT7 1.21 for a few hours before I updated the firmware and there was a difference with the same car on the same track. I hope polyphony will find a solution together with fanatec, fingers crossed.
It's not up to Fanatec to find a solution together with PD. It's exclusively up to PD to find a solution.
Logitech just released their DD-Wheel for Playstation, Xbox and PC. The wheel for the Playstation comes with Trueforce support for GT7. According to reviews on YouTube (i.g. Boosted Media) the force feedback is on par with most PC-Games and ways better than with the GT DD Pro or Podium DD Playstation wheel from Fanatec. I don't know why Logitech gets it somehow right from the beginning and Fanatec users are stuck with mediocre FFB on their DD-Wheels with native Playstation support.
Maybe Polyphony Digital is responsible to implement better FFB for Fanatec wheels but I think right now Fanatec just looks bad. There's absolutely no reason for a console player to buy a wheel from Fanatec when there is a better alternative out there when it comes down to the main reason for a DD-Wheel: the FFB.
That's because Logitech has their TrueForce API which is a different API than the usual FFB API.
When you disable TrueForce then it's the same "not so good" FFB which you get with Thrustmaster and Fanatec.
Hi Maurice. Thank you for the additional information. So basically Trueforce is an own api that is used as a workaround to „fix“ Polyphonys shitty FFB implementation. Maybe I‘m so annoyed by this because meanwhile even motion support for GT7 is working on my rig. GT7 has no official support but nevertheless it works perfectly. So I see and feel every time I start the game what could be possible on a console in terms of fun and „serious“ sim racing if the developer puts any effort in it.
Well - there is still an chance Polyphony is working in a better FFB support.
One more thing. I‘m using Fanatec products for about 20 years and never ran into any big issues. Since I own a Podium DD and whenever I had any questions regarding hardware or software I often found help in form of postings from you. So thank you for your steady and always friendly support. All the informations about the settings in Fanalab and your presets helped me a lot. Keep up the good work!
With todays Patch 1.23 they implemented a Preset for the Podium Racing Wheel F1 and they also enabled the use of the Rotary Encoders (=MPS and Thumb Encoders)!
Still no update to their "not so good" FFB though but at least some Fanatec related improvements!
I'm afraid they aren't going to fix it, because they don't think it's broken.
Hi Maurice,
I’m currently running DD pro base with Formula v2.5 wheel, I was so excited about the rotary mapping in new update but now my wheel is still recognized as dd pro wheel, is this update only supporting dd1 with f1 wheel or am I missing something? Many thanks!
Yes, they only implemented a Preset for the Podium Racing Wheel F1, but you can still use the rotary on the Formula v2 with a DD Pro, you just cant re-assign the functions because of how PD has implemented Wheel Presets.
Has anybody found any way of being able to communicate with PD, at all? Only thing that I've been able to unearth is their Twitter account, to which they do not respond to in any way shape or form.
I'd be happy to present some constructive criticism, hell, even front a poll / petition if we can actually find a way to get some dialogue going with them.
By this stage, even though I know that the only team that can fix this are at PD, I'm disappointed that Fanatec haven't put some pressure on, or if they have then we don't hear of it. They do have ways of communicating with PD, where we don't.
They surely monitor these forums - It's the least that we as paying customers, for an officially licensed GT product, expect. Just a bit of feedback, at the least.
So we stuck with break balance on the right and fuel map on the left ? No chance we can change it ?
I wish I had that much... the Mclaren GT3 encoders don't work all... it's very strange how PD handle the wheel presets, ACC manages to make wheel support more generic and better at the same time while PD are futzing around with their own funny ideas.
How is that possible? They have a private API in GT7?
Or trueforce is artificially enhancing the mediocre GT7 output somehow? So interpolation on steroids.
Either case is something Fanatec could do if they wanted though I understand why they would prefer PD would just fix it for all...
I kinda wish I hadn't just invested even more in Fanatec frankly though the CSL Elite v2 pedals are very nice indeed, I want decent FFB!!!
When you want decent FFB then you should take a look at ACC or other games but not GT7.
Non credo sia bello x i clienti Fanatec una risposta del genere, ieri ho provato un Trustmaster T150 giravo meglio del mio DD pro ed ho anche 2 Pedaliera la V3 e la V3i con Fanatec non si riesce a frenare devi frenare 10 metri prima di tutti gli altri con pedaliere da 50€ e poi sembra sempre di girare col le gomme dure anche con le morbide, oggi provo un DD1 domani un TGT II vediamo la differenza se no vendo tutto e faccio come Valerio gallo ed altri piloti che usano il TGT mediamente si perde più di 1 secondo al giro con Fanatec e poi vendete il volante come x GT7 siete scandalosi e non avete una ruota da 30 decente per le gruppo 3 non quella plasticata di McLaren con display ridicolo.
Please post in English according to the forum rules.
don't think it's nice for Fanatec customers such an answer, yesterday I tried a Trustmaster T150 I ran better than my DD pro and I also have 2 Pedalboards the V3 and the V3i with Fanatec you can't brake you have to brake 10 meters before all the others with pedals from € 50 and then it always seems to run with hard tires even with soft ones, today I try a DD1 tomorrow a TGT II let's see the difference if not I sell everything and I do like Valerio Gallo and other riders who use the TGT, on average yes loses more than 1 second per lap with Fanatec and then you sell the steering wheel as x GT7 you are outrageous and you don't have a decent 30 wheel for group 3 not the plastic one of McLaren with ridiculous display.
Well with the state of GT7, including its very disappointing FFB, and the latest 1.8 update for ACC on consoles which seems to have weakened the FFB and introduced wild oscillations for me, I have decided enough is enough. No point in waiting and hoping things improve, so all my Fanatec kit will be going up for sale. Hope things improve for those who stay the course.
in fact what they did not understand is that the biggest problem they have is that the SEN AUTO does not work, try to take the Huracane GR4 you will have 6 centimeters of VACUUM and you have to set the degrees by hand between 660/670 but be careful that you risk of slamming because too precise, taking the T150 no PLAY with Fanatec feels like driving a 1980 Ford Transit.
SEN AUTO can only work properly if the game supports it. GT7 seems to not support it. Typical game issue / limitation.
then tell me why it works with Trustmaster
Thrustmaster has no such feature like a AUTO SEN.
I'll explain better if I gauge the steering wheel with the one inside the car and put it precisely with Huracan (as an example) the steering wheel is precise but I have about 6 centimeters of gap between right and left. T150 zero, T300 very little, now not to to have almost game I have to put it at 660, but I turn the wheel 1/4 if you see the view of the car it is at 45 ° so in my opinion you have communication problems between Hardware and Software. I'm not a technician but maybe a few more bits to get more detail wouldn't be bad for the pedal board too.
I tried the DD1 to my surprise it works well on gt7 so the problem is not gt7 but the DD pro, on DD1 finally if the car takes a curb as soon as it touches the ground it has a great grip on DD pro it slips. pity that the DD1 had never been updated since it was bought 2 years ago, and now it made me update the base the crown but it does not update the motor with fw 38 to load and it no longer works as you can fix or if you have a link with solution Thanks