I just updated to this driver and now my universal hub funky switch isnt registering on the spin axis, up/down/left/right are detected in the driver page and in games but the rotational spin left or right are not seen in anything. But it works to adjust on wheel settings!!!? I can change SEN/FFB/FFS etc. on the fly no issue though which makes it even more confusing.
Sometime for the future it's planned to add an alternative image selection for every of the 8 Formula v2 variants but as it doesn't add anything for functionality it's rather low Prio.
I don't have trouble with the H side of it, just the sequential. Doesn't always register a push ar pull. I suppose you have redone the Calibration in the Fanatec Control Panel, or on the wheel?
I'm not sure if you are console or PC. I'm on PC and did have missed shifts occasionally while connected to the wheelbase CSWB v2.5 Driver 448 but when connected to the PC (USB) the shifter works flawlessly, so try USB to PC, (if you are on PC) 😉
Edit - this fixed it so not firmware related after all. Surprised it was an issue as I don't go crazy on it and certainly don't try and lift myself out on it, but maybe since getting a second wheel recently, changing them over moved it out over time.
Seem to have broken my CSL DD Base and or wheels. Was just driving normally in practice session before my race with the Podium Porsche wheel setup and noticed my APM stopped working, stuck in gear and couldn't use clutch ect - nothing. Everything else was fine, steering and endurance module buttons. Went to pits. still nothing so went to Fanalab, all looked normal. Opened the driver software (white background/Black F logo) and wheel seemed disconnected and this firmware updater pop up appeared. Wasn't sure what to do so just clicked flash firmware as prompted and it seemed to progress along, then when done everything came back up, wheel turning but still no APM (and possibly buttons) just looking in the steering wheel view on the software, then within 10 seconds it disconnected again and the pop up re-appeared. I don't use the Porsche wheel often so stuck my Formula V2.5 on which I use 85% of the time and looked to be working, then within 10 seconds, same thing happened. I've re-installed driver 448. This includes repair and then when that didn't fix the issue an uninstall, restart pc, re-install etc. Still no good. Removed 448 and tried 447, still same thing with pop up to update wheel firmware. Base is in update mode by the looks while the rim is attached going between yellow/purple lights. Not sure what to do now? Sorry long message but wanted to try and explain it as best as possible although I'm not sure what the story actually means. I've been using 448 and the new fanalab almost since day of release, no issues till now. Anything to try before I have to put in a support ticket? Daytona 24hr this weekend...
I've decided to update to the new driver 448 (beta).
The motor now runs at 100 % and ive tried to do a firmware update to on the motor firmware but it just refuses to do the upgrade.
current state of the wheel is now the blinking CAL sign on the wheel and base even though ive done the calibration (wheel/shaft didnt move)
and the motor is still at 100%. its obviously unusable in this state.
Any ideas on what to do next? ive put in a ticket request but id really like to get this fix without having to send it away just to do a firmware update.
I now have the same, almost identical problem as Jason Richards. My DD1 was working fine and today the fan went to 100% and it stated that the motor firmware needed update to I am on 448. It also says unable to update and then asks for calibration which shows it going to 100% but the shaft does not move and the screen on DD1 says calibration in process. I tried repair with 488 but no luck.
Same issue happened again today when I started base after starting computer. Fans full speed and motor firmware needed update to I again used repair function for 448 install, restarted computer and wheel base went back to normal. Not sure why it keeps happening where the motor firmware disappears. I also performed a windows scan for corrupt files and none were found. Any ideas out there?
Hello!!. I keep getting those random glitches with the upshift paddle. I deduce that it is being investigated because it really is quite annoying and we are already a few fans with this problem. The bad thing is that it is impossible to reproduce it. In the control panel not a single error.
I have not shut off the computer since my last post. I have put it to sleep. I have had no issue with the wheel base since. Could the culprit be windows and start up more than the motor losing connection from the base?
Then why when I had my GT DD PRO that had the EXACT same issue, I got two test motor firmware that almost if not completely solved the issue ? (Their name are: GT_DD_EBLDC_V1_0_2_3_testExport_20_kHz_app_S.hex and GT_DD_EBLDC_V1_0_2_3_testExport_18_kHz_app_S.hex)
These solved my issues with it, then I bought a DD1, and the exact same issue was there (exact same frequency and all) but all the sudden it's not fixable ?
I don't want to be rude or anything, I'm just confused.
I just updated to this driver and now my universal hub funky switch isnt registering on the spin axis, up/down/left/right are detected in the driver page and in games but the rotational spin left or right are not seen in anything. But it works to adjust on wheel settings!!!? I can change SEN/FFB/FFS etc. on the fly no issue though which makes it even more confusing.
Control Panel shows my F12019 Steering Wheel as a Standard Formula V2. Any way to change this?
No. That's normal.
Sometime for the future it's planned to add an alternative image selection for every of the 8 Formula v2 variants but as it doesn't add anything for functionality it's rather low Prio.
Maurice here is my log file i can load a firmware that works and send that as well have tried 447-448 both crash curently i am on 447
the H pattern is basically useless on these latest updates. Constantly miss shifting
I don't have trouble with the H side of it, just the sequential. Doesn't always register a push ar pull. I suppose you have redone the Calibration in the Fanatec Control Panel, or on the wheel?
I'm not sure if you are console or PC. I'm on PC and did have missed shifts occasionally while connected to the wheelbase CSWB v2.5 Driver 448 but when connected to the PC (USB) the shifter works flawlessly, so try USB to PC, (if you are on PC) 😉
Edit - this fixed it so not firmware related after all. Surprised it was an issue as I don't go crazy on it and certainly don't try and lift myself out on it, but maybe since getting a second wheel recently, changing them over moved it out over time.
Fix - https://forum.fanatec.com/discussion/25554/resolved-strange-movement-during-steering-gt-dd-pro
Seem to have broken my CSL DD Base and or wheels. Was just driving normally in practice session before my race with the Podium Porsche wheel setup and noticed my APM stopped working, stuck in gear and couldn't use clutch ect - nothing. Everything else was fine, steering and endurance module buttons. Went to pits. still nothing so went to Fanalab, all looked normal. Opened the driver software (white background/Black F logo) and wheel seemed disconnected and this firmware updater pop up appeared. Wasn't sure what to do so just clicked flash firmware as prompted and it seemed to progress along, then when done everything came back up, wheel turning but still no APM (and possibly buttons) just looking in the steering wheel view on the software, then within 10 seconds it disconnected again and the pop up re-appeared. I don't use the Porsche wheel often so stuck my Formula V2.5 on which I use 85% of the time and looked to be working, then within 10 seconds, same thing happened. I've re-installed driver 448. This includes repair and then when that didn't fix the issue an uninstall, restart pc, re-install etc. Still no good. Removed 448 and tried 447, still same thing with pop up to update wheel firmware. Base is in update mode by the looks while the rim is attached going between yellow/purple lights. Not sure what to do now? Sorry long message but wanted to try and explain it as best as possible although I'm not sure what the story actually means. I've been using 448 and the new fanalab almost since day of release, no issues till now. Anything to try before I have to put in a support ticket? Daytona 24hr this weekend...
Thanks for checking in. I ended up RMA'ing the wheelbase, working through that process right now.
I guess this isnt an issue for others, i would like to fix this issue but i think i have to down grade drivers??
Hi guys,
I've decided to update to the new driver 448 (beta).
The motor now runs at 100 % and ive tried to do a firmware update to on the motor firmware but it just refuses to do the upgrade.
current state of the wheel is now the blinking CAL sign on the wheel and base even though ive done the calibration (wheel/shaft didnt move)
and the motor is still at 100%. its obviously unusable in this state.
Any ideas on what to do next? ive put in a ticket request but id really like to get this fix without having to send it away just to do a firmware update.
I now have the same, almost identical problem as Jason Richards. My DD1 was working fine and today the fan went to 100% and it stated that the motor firmware needed update to I am on 448. It also says unable to update and then asks for calibration which shows it going to 100% but the shaft does not move and the screen on DD1 says calibration in process. I tried repair with 488 but no luck.
not sure why but I just started computer from sleep and started wheel base. It now is back to normal and all updates are current. Very weird.
Working flawlessly with DD1 / Formula V2.5
Unfortunately the small constant very slight vibration is still present on all DD1 bases, will it be fixed one day?
Quote from Fanatec Support on RMA
Information from RMA/-----.
Customers Problem: Vibration coming from WB can be confirmed -- not an issue. The symptom is present on all Podium DD bases
Product Condition: multiple scratches
Package content: WB, PSU
Testing: tested without any errors using internal SW and PSU
FW Update: updated with driver 448
Package: ready for shipment
Customers product: delay -- task created
No, that's the typical characteristica of the motor in combination with the used fan. This is absolutely normal and can not be fixed or improved.
Same issue happened again today when I started base after starting computer. Fans full speed and motor firmware needed update to I again used repair function for 448 install, restarted computer and wheel base went back to normal. Not sure why it keeps happening where the motor firmware disappears. I also performed a windows scan for corrupt files and none were found. Any ideas out there?
Sounds like the motor sometimes looses the connection to the base.
This would mean you need to contact the support for a repair
Not sure if its 448 but I've had FFB drop outs and button drop outs with Raceroom,never had it previously.
Gone back to 447 for further testing.......
Hello!!. I keep getting those random glitches with the upshift paddle. I deduce that it is being investigated because it really is quite annoying and we are already a few fans with this problem. The bad thing is that it is impossible to reproduce it. In the control panel not a single error.
DD1 ps4
Porsche gt3 r
"The bad thing is that it is impossible to reproduce it" -> That's EXACTLY the BIG problem, also for Devs to analyze the issue........
Marcel here is my log file this was with 447 which crashed as well as 448 .. 443 does not crash and works fine
Lo entiendo perfectamente. Es muy dificil resolver un problema asi...
I have not shut off the computer since my last post. I have put it to sleep. I have had no issue with the wheel base since. Could the culprit be windows and start up more than the motor losing connection from the base?
Then why when I had my GT DD PRO that had the EXACT same issue, I got two test motor firmware that almost if not completely solved the issue ? (Their name are: GT_DD_EBLDC_V1_0_2_3_testExport_20_kHz_app_S.hex and GT_DD_EBLDC_V1_0_2_3_testExport_18_kHz_app_S.hex)
These solved my issues with it, then I bought a DD1, and the exact same issue was there (exact same frequency and all) but all the sudden it's not fixable ?
I don't want to be rude or anything, I'm just confused.
That's a completely different issue where the base developed extreme cogging when the motor was too hot.
This is a hardware issue of some bases and has nothing to do with the "normal" cogging every base has.
Where can i download the 451 (beta) version?
There is no 451 beta version yet. Maybe next year.
here are my files you requested i have posted before guess you missed them .
thanks for the help