Update to Customer Care Situation & Challenges | Cases older than 14 Days



  • can i get an update on my order 1771823 and when it will be shipped out again? the order details say a label was created two weeks ago, when will it leave the warehouse? i've originally been waiting since the 2nd of september its getting quite ridiculous now the amount of information i've been given, no shipment update both times you've tried to send my order out its unacceptable

  • haven't even requested collection, this is getting ridiculous

  • Order 1790750 has been stuck on label created for 2 weeks now. For Christ's sake, please get the warehouse to call UPS to collect to and deliver

  • when did you first order mate? this whole thing is ridiculous isn't it

  • Hi! This afternoon I made a purchase at your website, but an error occurred.

    The money disappear from my account, however, in my profile the item doesn't appear.

    By the time the payment was confirmed the website was collapsed so i can undertand a little delay, but it's been hours and still nothing showed up.

    I want to undestand what is happening in order to short out this situation as soon as possible.

  • Dale BrooksDale Brooks Member
    edited November 2023

    fuck off

  • Can't really believe. Third replacement and AGAIN, WRONG UPS SERVICE.

    What's going on with the logistics department? Now yes, I'm starting to get really annoyed and sick off this nightmare.

    For christ sake, is there anyone at the warehouse that knows to read and invoice and do the proper items exports?

  • Hi,

    Order 1798944 - from 19 November 2023 - still no additional info about Tracking Number, No information about sending, packing or non-delivery of the shipment.

    It is unthinkable that a company can take money but has problems with UPS shipping - and what's worse, contact with customers..

  • Tool. They have taken money and provided nothing. Close your business if you can't supply your customers. Plenty of other providers out there...

  • Hello,

    I‘m missing my orders:

    1793143 and 1782870.

    Since you‘ve took my money and i‘ve got no informations where my orders are.

    Allegedly they were deliverd but I don‘t have any information from UPS or any tracking number so im conclusion I think thats a lie.

    Could you kindly look for any informations?

    thank you

  • David DeGreefDavid DeGreef Member
    edited November 2023

    USA - For those posting about being stuck IN PROGRESS I received this notice.

    Order Placed: Oct 21

    CS DD / QR2-WS / Formula Esports V2

    IN Progress : Nov 10

    In short I guess it says hold tight, cross your fingers and you'll get it when you get it. Surprise!!

  • Hi everyone, I am a brand new Fanatec customer in the USA and I wanted to provide my feedback and updates to the current situation. First of all, I want to say that every issue I had in the last week has been resolved all within this last week. I can see response times increased last week leading up to Black Friday; however, during this week I got all my open tickets responded to and resolved. My items that were lost by Fedex just magically were found by FedEx and I received them on Saturday. So as of now I have gotten all my items... OH AND FOR THOSE WANTING TO GET BLACK FRIDAY DISCOUNTS BUT ALREADY MADE PURCHASE... contact Fanatec and they will kindly provide you with a voucher for one year to use as your credit. Though this isn't ideal if you've already bought everything you want, the 1 year voucher still will help as I'm sure Fanatec will provide more new products in 2024. Hope this helps anyone who is wondering what's going on and is in the USA! Best wishes everyone and FAST RACING OUT THERE!!!

  • Hi Fanatec,

    I’m reaching out for an update on my order 1798254

    We are now on the 6th full working day and still I don’t have any tracking number but in my account I have the information that it was shipped.

    can you guys kindly review it ?

    Best regards

    Joao Leal

  • Dear Fanatec Team,

    on Friday I tried to place an order, unfortunately it was canceled due to an error in your system, but my credit card was charged anyway!!! The order does not appear under my orders either! The amount is 346,65€. Please refund me the money promptly! And please leave my other order, which I placed afterwards, in place.

    Best regards Sebastian

  • Hello Fanatec. I would like to get any update on my order no 1770872. I still don't have any tracking number on website, and it is almost a week since my order is "Completely Shipped". I will be very grateful for any information.

    Thank you!

  • edited November 2023

    I most say do people not read at all when they buy things? It does say multiple times about shiping issues and "completly shipped" can show incorrect! Also even says they have long time on support answers! Time to stop gettin pissed at Fanatec when you clearly just skip to read the information about shiping,support etc.. Its my first time order from Fanatec even tho i saw this forum post and some others i went and read what and decided to still order! Did order on 25th nov and 2 min later got confirmation mail and this morning at 8am got a mail its "completly shipped" so ill just wait and let them handle it. 😎

  • Now i actually needed to ask the support something not about my order but something else! And look here even says "over 2 weeks"

  • I think that you also need to read with more focus. They are also saying that wrong status should be also "temporarily", and processing can take "up to 5 business day" so there is no reason that "Completely Shipped" status are longed that 5 days and people are not receiving ANY information. We paid our money for that products and we have right to at least ask for a status. I am against of disrespecting the company or aggressive language in posts and also you can wait quietly as long as you want but you cannot request from other people to just wait without any reaction.

  • I never said "you cant have a reaction" but if you actually read, the reaction is not super valid in my eyes when they actually tell you multiple times on different places the issues that currently is a problem!

    • and whys is there no reason that "Completely shiped" status are longer then 5 days? It cleary says also 7 business days and not 5 for that matter and yes temporarily is a word you can interpret in different ways. Also they do state they are under staffed so to be honest at this point people need to calm down a little and have patient. Would been a WHOLE different story if there were absolutly NO information at all and i payed over 900 euros to but doesnt mean i never gonna get my stuff or money back if things go sideways never seen someone not gettin there money back so im not worried. You most understand doesnt matter what company you order from things can ge sideways just sayin.

  • Here i post it like this insteed of need to download the pictures i dont know why it came out like that

  • I know that they have issues but at the moment they are not showing that they are working on it (I am not telling that they are doing nothing but the communication with customers is an issue here). Also, you ordered 2 days ago, i have ordered over a month ago and just got 1 email that is obsoleted already as they were saying about 5 working days in that email. Understaff issue and too many orders I can accept - it happens. But lack of communication and just ghosting people for months (not 2 days) is just unacceptable. BTW that 'Completely Shipped" status is not completely fair for customers as it is blocking order cancelation option when people don't have any info from Fanatec. I am also not worried that I will not receive my product but if I ordered it with delivery date 7th of November and I will receive it with 3 months delay and without any updated in mean time it is also not fair don't you think? (i hope that will not be the case). All that I would like to get is just a small update "Customer, we are working on that batch delivery, but we will have 1-week delays" or something like this. You don't need a lot of additional staff to send that email. Just have a little more empathy for people that are waiting way longer that you.

  • 2 months waiting now.. to Jersey UK

    30/9/23 original order made (1755099) which stayed on ups tracking as 'label created'

    23/10/23 Made 'Shipment incomplete/not received' ticket

    17/11/23 After a few emails, Fanatec staff member told me a replacement order (1793222) would be shipped in the next few days

    20/11/23 Order placed at no charge and UPS tracking says 'Shipper created a label, UPS has not received the package yet'

    27/11/23 (Today) My original order has been returned to sender

    However, it seems the replacement order is in exactly the same situation with no update to UPS after a week. The only change is it's one big package instead of 4 small ones.

    If tracking doesn't update next week I guess I have to submit a ticket again..

    Just want it before Christmas please. Thank you.

  • Can you please update me on the status of my order 1785113. Ordered 06/11

    Tracking information from ups shows my package still hasn't left your warehouse, can you tell me if/when I am likely to receive my order or at least when will it be collected by ups???

  • Once again you miss one thing they also mention that they workin on the backorders wich is one of the reason this forums is made to speed of the process to help the customers. Where in my text did i do something that gives you the right to say "just have some more empathy"?. The thing here is not to show empathy or not ofc it sucks for thoose who have to wait for a long time but the fact they complain and whine on things Fanatec have stated and answered is the problem here also "you dont need a lot of additional staff to send the email" ehh do you have any clue how many people writing to them? why do you think they say "can currently take over 2 weeks" again they are under staffed. Ive seen you post on more things in this forum being mad about the whole thing and i understand your frustration but its nothing you can do by waiting and they also say "please dont send same emails of the same issue more then once". Ofc i have empathy for people that waited months but they are not alone but can take a exemple of a guy i know he got a answered this friday about his 3 months delayed orders and now everything is on the way (i think he got it today actually). So yea again they have some big issues and it takes time to solve it, its not just "press a button" and everything is fixed.

  • Third replacement, order number

    As I said, wrong UPS service, again return to sender. 2 months after the purchase, the third replacement and still the SAME problem?

  • Ok you pointed out that they are understaff and have big backorders - tell me why in that case they are still giving unobtainable delivery dates and why are they blocking possibility to cancel orders by putting it in fake "Shipped" status? I really understand a lot - I have similar issues in my daily work with delays, understaff etc. but I need to manage it. "Sorry it will be delay" is not enough and that's how business works now sadly. I will tell you this one more time, I am not frustrated for the delays - it can happen to everyone. I am frustrated by the lack of communication and unprofessional treatment of the customers. That's why I will keep challenging them because at the very end I love Fanatec products and I want them to become better company.

  • Dear Fanatec Team, 

    Unfortunately, my order 1831807 has jumped to red status. What does that mean?

    Best regards Sebastian

  • Hello! Can I please get an update on 1773446? I have placed the order on 22nd of October. I have got an update a week ago that the order is completely shipped but it’s been stuck to label created ever since. Thanks

  • Dear Fanatec Team,

    This is my order.

    Do you have any update on when I will receive a tracking number ?

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