Update to Customer Care Situation & Challenges | Cases older than 14 Days



  • James .James . Member, Administrator

    Hello Steve,

    the warranty period begins on the day you receive your order. The full period will be honoured, with consideration of the delays that affected the actual late receipt of your order. Warranty enquiries sent by you toward the end of the warranty period will be treated with the goodwill you deserve and understanding of the inconvenience resulting from the current issues. 


  • James .James . Member, Administrator

    Another Update: The first batch of Clubsport DDs is on its way to customers!



  • Good morning James,

    Please check my order #1792221 wich was sent back to sender again!

    Explanation from UPS was that it used the standard service instead of the express saver. It needs to be EXPRESS SAVER because I live on an Island.

    And in check also the address again , Portugal - Madeira, needs to be in the packages

  • Does anyone know if when you pay by PayPal with the 0% 4 month plan, do you have to start paying after you receive the item? Or does it not take into account that you could possibly not have received the item 6 weeks after ordering it? Because that would suck - paying for something you didn't even receive

  • @Alexandre Lungu

    Paypal does not care when your ordered items.

    i can give you the advise to wait until you can affors it completely, maybe Fanatec is then able to ship ur products all at once.

  • my replacement order 1786870 still sitting on label created and also still saying 2 items,

    6 Items ordered and was 6 items that was sent then returned back to fanatec due to missing information.

    Been sitting there for 12 days now.

    James can you check please that all 6 items are now in the 2 that is being sent .

  • USA - Paypal pays the vendor 100% at time of agreement and charges your credit card or method of payment in four equal payments over the next 6 weeks with the initial payment due upon placing order.

  • They will probably all be returned to Fanatec in the next week or so, when you are informed that the paperwork is incorrect - as usual.

  • order 1782044 made on 2 Nov 2023 16:11:00 - no info provided marked as completely shipped with no tracking information

    order 1780413 made on 31 Oct 2023 18:48:00 - no info provided marked as completely shipped with no tracking information

    I've sent various emails with no reply

  • Can someone please check my order? I also contacted Fanatec via Facebook and still dont know what is going on.

  • @james I’ve got 2 comments on page 13 of this thread. Can you or someone from Fanatec reply to my issues? Don’t want to retype the issues here again.

  • Hello Fanatec,

    Having purchased a BMR on 10/31/2023, (Order no. 1780169) which was available on that date (BMR launch day), to this day it only shows that "the order is in process".

    22 days have passed since the date of purchase and it has not even been sent to the carrier. I am aware that Fanatec has had problems sending orders, but I think that a lot of time has passed, so I would like you to give me an update on this matter.

    It should be noted that all my simracing equipment is from your brand, as you can see and I have never had any problems with deliveries, so I don't understand what is going on.

  • I also ordered the BMR on 31.10.2023 (order no. 1780072) when it was in stock, my order status has from day one been "The order is in process"

    I asked about my order in this post last week, and two days ago I received this email from fanatec support:

    Thank you for your message!

    The estimated shipping date of your order no. 1780072 is 04.12.2023.

    Your Fanatec account will be updated regularly to show your UPS shipment number and pre-order date(s) - please be advised that this is unfortunately not visible on mobile devices.

  • Back payment of QR1 which I have paid too much for, fanatec wrote that I will receive them on my account, fanatec wrote 25-10-2023 now its 22-11-2023 and I have I have not received payment yet


  • Anything going out to Australian customers? If so, when?

  • Hello Fanatec,

    Fanatec does not respond to any contact I have tried. I sent an email before making the purchase for technical questions and no response. I'm on holiday in London, so I took the opportunity to buy a McLaren steering wheel, and after I made the purchase I saw such an absurd delay in delivery, this is a lack of respect for customers. I'm in London until the end of November. I ask Fanatec, what will my situation be like if they are not going to be able to deliver the product on time? Will I simply lose the money? Will you deliver the steering wheel to the address after I leave? Lack of commitment from the company to customers, and lack of clarity in information. If there is a delay in delivery, they should at least notify the minimum time required for delivery, and not wait for the customer to buy and what would be fun turns into a problem.

    I await feedback on my order: 1791173

    kind regards,


  • Fanatec please stop increasing your own problems!!

    The Black Friday deals are great, but the setup (a new deal each day) is adding to your already HUGE PROBLEMS !

    I have ordered some Pedals last week, which I will now cancel and reorder together with the Porche steering wheel, which dropped today.

    You will probably still ship the pedals next week, which I will then reject. This will generate both a return in your warehouse and a payback action form your service department.

    All which could be avoided!

    Unfortunately you will likely not read this post, as you are overwhelmed already with tickets. 

  • Thanks for the information Torbjørn Mundal. Let's see what Fanatec say about my case.

  • So i got an answer, it took them over a week to reply, but they did.

    Order got shipped back to sender, but i agreed to have it send again.

    Just be pacient friends.

    I ordered at 1st of November :D

  • Update order #1792221

    Dear Mr Rodrigues, Thank you for your message to us. You are correct, your replacement order 1792221 was sent as UPS Standard by mistake by our warehouse service provider, which is why the goods have been returned to us. I have already contacted the warehouse and ordered the creation of a new replacement order. This will then be labelled with a UPS Express label by the warehouse manager there and sent to you. This should prevent this from happening again. Please accept our apologies for this. Best Regards, Your Fanatec-Team

    They knew about the issues of the first order, second they did the same...

    Im completly fed up with this.

    Last chance, sort it out once and for all !!

    Only acceptable if you send it until tomorrow otherwise refund me

  • To further my post from the 15/11.

    I did receive an email upon the issues im having, and another order number (1793023) created on 17/11.

    Received a tracking number for it on 20/11, same as my last orders the label has been created but not given to UPS.

    Are you even sending the parcels or just making tracking numbers just to give false hope. Now 12 weeks since orignal order was placed, yet again completely let down by Fanatec.

    Now with their black friday sales my order will yet again take a back seat whilst they focus on getting the more recent orders dispatched.

  • can i get an update on my order 1771823 and when it will be shipped out again? the order details say a label was created two weeks ago, when will it leave the warehouse?

  • i've been waiting since the 2nd of september its getting quite ridiculous now the amount of information i've been given, no shipment update both times you've tried to send my order out its unnaceptable

  • Have the CS DD's left the warehouse yet? Thomas Jackermeier stated there would be alot of happy CS DD users this week. That was last week, on friday. I am inclined to believe that they've got a total of zero happy CS DD customers this week.

  • Is this seriously how Fanatec conduct their customer service? Through a forum? Very amateurish in my opinion. I placed an order for a new wheel on 9th November. I see now that I will probably not get the wheel until my demise due to your ridiculous, childlike attempts at logistics and customer service. Think I'll look at some competitors...

  • If all the CEO‘s here in the forum sre so smart about how to run a company, go ahead and start your own.

    Everyone os complaining but not thinking.

    They are on it. Problems with to less workers are not solved within a few days or weeks.

    If something bad happens, and a lot happened in the same period of time, you need to be pacient and go step by step, otherwise there will not be any progress.

    The CEO of Fanatec said it on an interview, PLEASE be patient.

    Why would you applie even more pressure and more hate speech on a company thats already solving their issues?

    I don‘t understand the people nowadays, alsways angry…

  • Hello James,

    Sent a message by PayPal.

    Please someone respond to it.


  • James .James . Member, Administrator

    Hi Fadie, if you’ve purchased a product before our Black Friday Week and missed out on some discounts, you can get in touch with our Customer Care Team. Whether or not your order qualifies for consideration of the Black Friday deals has to be determined on a case-by-case basis. But if you write to our customer service team via [email protected] and ask for a voucher for the difference in price, we’re sure the team can let you know what your options are. Please just be aware that currently there’s a delay of up to several weeks with our Customer Care Team, before they can process your request. 

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