ClubSport Steering Wheel V 2.5 X - Order Fuflilment Update



  • good to see some packages get delivered

  • Arrived 10 minutes ago!

    I finally got my V2.5X!!!!!!!!!!!

  • great to see people receiving their goods, i hope ill receive mine soon as well :')

  • Or n order?

  • i think his number was like 1836, could be wrong its somewhere in this forum

  • I'm anxious but mine is 1842 and nothing has changed for me yet

  • The order numbers dont even make sense, i have an order nr of 1847 and i saw a comment of someone in this chat with an order number of 1841.

    he ordered the 27th of november, i ordered the 25th of november..... 2 days earlier.

    make it make sense

  • I'm afraid it is still a lottery, indeed.

    Last week Friday somebody in the Netherlands received their order, orderno: 1838-- and yesterday there were orders from 1836---. I honestly think, there is no system in place for the ordernumbers and the FIFO.

    The only solution is to check UPS on reference number, because the orderportal is also not updated correctly with tracking info, assuming on earlier posts.

    I think, if I speak for myself, I can not count on receiving the wheel this week. And even though they said to someone the expected delivery date was the 19th.. it is al full of shit.. Sick of it, sick of the miscommunication and tired of checking for track and trace codes.

  • yeah i think the people at the warehouse totally dont follow the order numbers and just complete a package and send it as long as it contains everything, i was also hoping to get it this week, but seems like it will most likely be next week.

    i had contact with fanatec last friday they said i should see a change in my order status "soon", dont know what they mean by soon but its been 7 days. in my book soon is a few days not over a week but i guess that can differ

  • my order is due on the 24th! 1842 and nothing every day I see it on the website and I see it at UPS and nothing and it's frustrating that we don't have any communication!!! I haven't been able to play for 4 months and no news at all

  • D@vidD@vid Member

    Black friday order 1837xxx received today (FR)

  • Hello, another week without news, I was hoping that this week the vast majority of us would have news but it seems that things are going slower than expected, Fanatec could be more precise and faster when managing all this on Wednesday I made a query to Fanatec support and they responded to me with the usual generic email saying that my order would be in 1 or 3 days... I'm still waiting and things remain the same, have a good weekend everyone

  • @Diogo Rosa

    I don't have any news about mine :( . But I'm glad you received yours. When you receive it, please post the time it took to receive it, since we are both in Portugal, it should be around the same time for me when I get notified.

  • ok, I'll let you know but I still don't have any news yet, I don't have a tracking number or anything 🤬

  • Just checked UPS with my Order Number, seems like the order is finally on the way !

    1838xxx FR, should arrive early next week.

    There is hope everyone !

  • Oh wauw! Thanks to this comment i Just checked, and for the first time in months there was a hit with country and zipcode in combination with the order number.

    I Will keep you updated! Delivery scheduled for monday.

  • Dear fanatec, I hope to receive it before Easter but I don't think it will happen, right?

  • How do I check my order with ups

  • D@vidD@vid Member
    edited March 2024

  • klick track without a number. In the next window you can klick on "Track by reference number". Here you can insert your ordernumber.

  • Yeh I put my shipment reference in as my order number and I go to track but just says refereance required

  • Then their is no package with ur ordernumber at this time…

  • same shit with me!

    Order from November 25th, 2023 order number 184.... since November 25th handover to the warehouse... I haven't received anything yet!

    The only rubbish Fanatec says is that I have to wait for the batch to which my order was assigned to be delivered!

    Damn liars they are!

    I hope this dirty bunch goes bankrupt.

    I've been waiting for 4 months now and these bastards don't even think it's necessary to keep their customers updated. The main thing is that the money is collected.

    Excuse my choice of words, but my collar is slowly bursting

  • I searched my ups tracking with the order number (1838xxxx) and I finally have a date. It normally arrives on Tuesday March 26. Fanatec didn't give me the real tracking number!

     I hope all orders will be delivered to everyone this week!

  • If they stick by what they say then it should be out by the end of this coming week since it’s the last working week of march and they stated all orders would be out by the end of march, but I won’t be shocked if it’s “delayed” yet again due to their incompetencies.

  • @leonardo how are they liars? they said orders will be completed at the end of march, march is still not over, im mad as well but they said end of march so just wait a little longer. if its not this week then you can be extra mad

  • 1838xxx arrival today.

  • TommyTommy Member

    Okay, it's happening.

    1839xxx dispatched today.

    F1 2.5X ,CSL DD, CSL pedals, QR1, stickers.

  • Curious, though. Friday, 5 shipments were created. 3 of them will arrive today. 2 of them, only label created. I will see when UPS arrives, if I finally can start simracing, or if i still need to wait till an unknown time.. Can't wait :-). Hopefully everyone else will receive their orders soon!

  • My order has arrived, only missing the QR1.. So hopefully this will be sent soon, without it, it is impossible to use the equipment :(

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