ClubSport Steering Wheel V 2.5 X - Order Fuflilment Update



  • My order no. is 1828 and nothing happens. So the numbers nothing saying. And the others are right, they liars, because i got a email february and they say, i will get my order till end of february.

  • @ Tiago Machado They just said the orders will be processed by the end of March so that means they should be out from the warehouse and with UPS or whoever by the end of this week, now Thursday since it's a public holiday on Friday.

  • @leonardo puccio

    Everyone's order here is from around BF, everyone got the information about the 2.5x being oversold, they never said delivery in January.

    you probably misunderstood but they said there might be some units arriving to their warehouse in January.

    They said everyone's packages will be sent out at the end of march so if we dont receive the packages or any tracking by the end of the week or start of next week, yeah we can be mad.

    The wheel being back to able to ship in 4-7 days was probably an automatic system change when units are scanned in when they arrive at the warehouse, that's why they were immediately put to sold out the same day.

    im not saying we will likely all get our packages this week but im saying we will probably either get tracking this week or start of next which would be tuesday bc many european countries have public holidays friday and saturday.

  • I don't even believe they give the tracking number since I didn't order this v3 with the dumper and the rubbers and it's all sold out. They said they would keep our orders until the steering wheel comes so they can send everything but I don't believe anything about it. They say tomorrow is Thursday, the last day of this month since Friday is a holiday, so I don't think there will be any changes

  • Another day has basically gone by and nothing so I guess they have 1 more day left until they p*ss everyone off again with their nonsense and incompetent.

  • If they dont ship tomorrow i will cancle. Dosent look to good for Fanatec.

    Since we cant post any Pictures.

    Stocks lost in 1 Year -73%

  • Just got a text saying ups will be here tomorrow morning !! Order nr 1841xxx

    got no tracking nothing not even on ups !

  • @Joey Samson that is hopeful since my order number is 1842xxx so hopefully they can fulfill it the day before their deadline since it’s a public holiday on Friday.

  • @Joey Samson great news - my order number is 1842* also so hope I’ll be getting that msg soon too! 🙏

  • Actually just checked the UPS app and it’s ready for shipment! 🤞🏻

  • Mine is also a 1842, that would be great, it would arrive tomorrow but I can't believe it, I have the UPS app and active notifications for when there is an order for me and nothing so I have no hope.

  • Just checked ups with my reference number and postcode, it says the shipment is ready for ups. Order num 1840xxx. Probably not long left until everyone gets their orders now.

  • Praying its sooner rather than later for me.. im number 1843

  • just checked ups and put my post code in and 3 packages are there just worried the qr1 isn’t there if they ship them separately with separate labels

  • Still nothing on Fanatec’s website though

  • Kind of confused since I ordered 5 items.

  • UPS says 3 packages tomorrow
    Order number 1843…

  • @Diogo Rosa

    Is your delivery UPS or Fedex?

  • Isn't it a bit concerning that there are only three packages? XD

    But still better than zero...

  • edited March 27

    No changes in my account. "Handover to warehouse" since 11 march. Order 1843XXX 😕

  • edited March 27

    I got the 2.5x, DD 5NM, CSL V2 Pedals, QR1 and the table clamp but only have 3 tracking numbers. @Tiago Machado

    Order 1842XXX and ordered 24.11.23

  • i guess its good seeing orders getting shipped out unfortunately mine is 1847 :') so i guess ill have to wait a bit longer

  • i am on 1847 too ;-) hope it will be shipped next week

  • edited March 28

    Hi! W8ing since 24th November (obviously). Order number is 18420** still no info. 2 weeks passed since I wrote 2 emails and opened 2 tickets. Maybe you can help me somehow, but I think I've got scammed. It's impossible to produce and ship things with the 4 months delay:)

  • Order 1840xxx No news, no update, no UPS, no tracking code and it is almost the END OF MARCH !!!

    ORDER NUMBERS doesn't mean anything....I know that another person in the Netherlands ordered 1 hour earlier with the exact same content as me, and he has his wheel and I am still waiting.


    I don't expect much from Friday and the rest of weekend that will provide new outcome as these public Holidays

  • Hello everyone this morning 03/28/2024 fanatec finally sent me the v2 2x5 with the qr1 my order number is 1844... heading to France if all goes well ups tells me that the package is delivered on the 29th /03 at 7 p.m. courage to all for those who have no news

  • thats really good news, thanks for the update enjoy it!

  • Finally got the email this morning saying my order has been dispatched from fanatec this morning order 1842xxx.

  • There is no serial number for my CSL 5NM DD and QR1 though but there is one for all the other products so that’s a bit concerning.

  • I noticed that too, but there are 8 packages on the way so I think the QR1 and CSL DD are also included.

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