ClubSport Steering Wheel V 2.5 X - Order Fuflilment Update



  • @stevie cripps when did this change im still stuck at label created in the uk

  • edited April 3

    Hi, 1847, 0 news

  • Finally ! UPS-Status is now "On The Way" . Fanatec information is still "Handower to warehouse". My order date was 24 Nov 2023 22:25:00 and number 1842xxx.

    Shows like this in UPS -tracking service:

    xxxxxxxxxxxxxx6104. On the Way Estimated delivery: Monday, April 08 by End of Day

    This is European delivery.

    Please be patient I'll think you all will get your orders delivered.

    And why so? Because The finansing istitutions of Endor Ag / Fanatec are willing to save the company

  • Same here. UPS-Status is On the Way Estimated delivery: Monday, April 08 by End of Day.

    Order 1843XXX to Spain. No tracking number and mail from Fanatec. Order is still "Handover to warehouse"

  • Order number 18420** will arrive by the Friday's evening. 6 packages: wheel, pedals, base, qr, sticker set and table clamp. Ordered 24th November 22:05. Finally, after 4 months of waiting! Hope nothing changes, so good luck to others!

  • @lewis Anderson 6pm tonight. Now updated to delivery on Monday. Have you had any more updates?

  • @stevie cripps no updates still on label created.

  • Mail received from Fanatec saying my order was dispatched. In the web now I have a tracking number and serial numbers assigned (except for the CSL DD)

  • edited April 4

    While my V2.5X is on the way since yesterday, the warranty has began since the order date on BF (27/11/2023). Has anyone successfully contacted Fanatec and changed that?

  • ive had contact with fanatec about this and the warranty starts from moment of arrival, the warranty date shown is just a preset date after confirmation of order has come through.

    best way to contact them is through facebook and just post a comment under the most recent post if you want them to change it in your product page

  • got an mail from Fanatec: During our initial assessment of processing our backlog, it was projected that all orders would be dispatched by the end of March. However, due to the increased backlog processing workload and upcoming Easter holidays, the final batch of orders will now only be shipped in the first week of April. so one day to go. lol what a joke.

  • UPS say it’s on its way but there is an outstanding payment due for import costs is that not covered in my purchase and do I actually have to pay it

  • @ron rodenberg dude that email was from last thursday everyone here is already up to date

  • @theo gardener you live in the UK i assume? i have seen multiple people from the UK that had to pay import costs everyone here paid those from my understanding.

  • @lewis Anderson Strange. Hope it progresses soon!

  • @theo gardener as the UK is out of EU we have to pay tax on goods when they are imported. Expect a message from UPS to pay the duty. BUT make sure it’s coming from a genuine source. Lots of scammers out there pretending to be couriers asking for delivery fees!

  • Wohoo, QR1 received! :-D

    Wheel is still under it's way, though it's also in Finland, but "due to severe weather conditions delivery will be delayed" (which we had yesterday lol).

    But I'm guessing it's because I "forgot" to answer to UPS delivery SMS about the delivery - and most likely the wheel will be dropped off to a pick-up point in couple of hours (or delivered tomorrow).

  • 1847xxx no news, i hope tomorrow...

  • @Ricardo Me too ...

  • edited April 4

    1894.. no news 😂

    I am part of the orders of the month of January with the 25% discount following my cancellation of orders 184... of Black Friday.

    My order 1894.. with the V2.5x was placed Handover to warehouse on March 11.

    It's difficult not to have any news..

    Good luck to everyone.

  • 1842 been stuck on label created for over a week such a joke.

  • Now one of my tracking numbers says exception and the other 2 are still on label created. I am so confused.

  • Last day guys

  • It's the last day of the first week of April.....

    Please James give us news 🙏🙏🙏

    These are the words of Fanatec, e-mail received on 28/03:

    The final batch of orders will now only be shipped in the first week of April.

    Please tell us the progress of the warehouse.


  • Received order 18429xx yesterday in the Netherlands. I also had the handover to warehouse e-mail on March the 11th.

  • edited April 5

    Another week ends and nothing happens.

    Order : Germany 24.11.2023 13:41:00 1828XXX

  • Hahaha as I expect!

    nothing chanced!

    Order 1847xxx handover to the warehouse since 25 November 2023 ….

    received the same email like Vincent …

    to everyone who, like me, is waiting for their BlackFriday orders!

    Does anyone know anything about a class action lawsuit?

    I would be interested in reporting these attempted frauds.

    Fanascam … a couple of liars and frauders!

  • I have just paid duties, so the wheel etc is definitely on way for Monday (unless anything crazy happens and Im not ruling it out!)

    I hope the rest of you get your wheels soon! 🙏🏻

  • @leonardo puccio its still morning 11 am, still like 6 hours of a working day to send the last BF orders

  • @Marvin Broos

    do you really think they will do this today?

    from Tuesday to Thursday they are not able to handle this and Friday they will ship it!


    I don’t beleave and trust them!

    to many times they have lied to us!

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