ClubSport Steering Wheel V 2.5 X - Order Fuflilment Update



  • @leonardo puccio

    i have seen a lot of people receiving their gear and their orders from BF.

    if you literally read the last 3 pages in this forum you would see a lot of people posting they received their goods. i saw on facebook that they will try to send all BF orders today regarding the 2.5x and otherwise definitely monday.

    They have been shipping not everyone posts in this forum.

  • @marvin broos

    I hope you are right and I am wrong!

    actually I think they scammed us!

  • @leonardo puccio

    you really think one of the biggest sim racing companies in the world scammed you, even while you see a lot of other people receiving their goods?

    i even see people that ordered like a week ago receive everything that didnt have qr1 and/or 2.5x

  • Well I see a lot of people that did not receive there goods and don’t get any support or wrong shipped packages!

    But as I said!

    I hope you’re right and I’m wrong!

  • yeah i dont have a lot of trust either but ive spoken some people from my country and they got their orders so im hopeful

  • Well I order the v2.5 which is in stock with qr2 in stock too and I’m still waiting since 3 weeks 🤣

  • Finally my order arrived, hope everyone gets his order soon!!

  • Let's hope let's hope let's hope I'm paranoid!! I read too many negative reviews!! I am a long-time customer and have placed many orders from them!! let's hope so

  • Just got mine 1844*** no text from ups or email, just luck that i saw the delivery guy. Mine was shipped in 25th of march and just got here today so 10 days for shipping.

    This was delivered in Portugal, and i got a tracking email by fanatec and i couldn't track it by the order number of fanatec on UPS.

    I wish to all of you luck, anything that i can help im here!

  • fanatec answered my comment on facebook if i dont see tracking on monday i should contact them

  • @marvin broos

    contact them and wait again 3 Months to get an answer ^^

  • Wheel arrived today, yet to be tested, but at least it's here :D good luck everyone.

  • Still stuck on label created for 2 numbers and 1 is with UPS. But ordered 5 items so still a little bit confused.

  • Order number 1848xxx

    Still on the status Handover to warehouse.

  • 1847 me too

  • 1847 no news like always

  • No news Me too 😞

  • Order 1842 3 packages on the way now.

  • @leonardo pucci just contact them on facebook and if they dont reply the same day comment on your own comment and tag them, they then usually respond within a day

  • but yeah it sucks that they said everything in the first week of april and they didnt deliver

  • I will try it!

    hope this will come to an end!

  • so I checked earlier and have a delivery date of Wednesday for my packages, now it says a date will be provided soon. What could have caused the change? Maybe it’s coming sooner than they expected?

  • My wheel has made it to the UK! 😅

  • Alan LoiAlan Loi Member
    edited April 2024

    Everything delivered yesterday to italy. Order 1841xxx

    Wheel 2.5x +qr1

    Csl dd + boost kit

    Club sport pedals V3 + 2 kits

    7 different packages from ups, no tracking infos yet on fanatec website, still handover to warehouse.

    Anyway, worth the wait.

    Good luck everyone.

  • Where is yours now stevie cripps? Stanton depot? Mine isnt even uk yet

  • Hey @Lee Swift Stanford Le Hope 👍🏻

  • till when is april fools day count (the whole month)

  • @stevie Cripps last time i had a parcel go through stanford it was held for days. My order will prob go through there this time. Hope its improved

  • @Lee Swift date of delivery confirmed for tomorrow but I won’t hold my breath 🤞🏻

  • @Marvin Broos

    Thank you!

    recevied on Facebook an answer from Fanatec that says the same as they have did to you!

    „Hi Leonardo, thank you for your message. Please note that we’ve received the final batches of the CS SW V 2.5 X as planned and the very last batch for Europe was dispatched on Friday and will also be dispatched today. Please keep an eye on your tracking number that will appear in your customer account. If you don't see any progress by the end of this day, then please do not hesitate to contact us again. Your Fanatec Team“

    i hope it will be so!

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