Fanatec Driver 456 (prev release candidate) for CSL, CS and Podium (all wheels)



  • ScSc Member

    just wanted to report that, at least in my usecase, everything is working fine with 456.

    no issues with updating Base/WQR FW.

    DD+ // Clubsport RS Wheel

    I only play on ps5 switching between gt7 and acc.

    last weekend I played continuously for 3 hours on Saturday and Sunday each and no disconnections so far.

    no coilwhine. Only a very faint noise when you lay your ears directly on the base.

    you can feel Cogging sensation when base is powered on but not noticeable during racing. You have to force it whith very slow turns of the wheel to feel it.

  • I hope this isn’t a hardware issue with the dd+ and just the firmware needs to be fixed.

  • This happens on my CS DD too, not just CS DD+.

  • I hope it’s fixable. I am getting worried since the hardware is a new design.

  • edited February 2024

    Hello everybody, i received my cs dd+ a week ago and for 3 days my wheel and my force feedback have been disconnecting every 2/3 turns, making it very difficult to enjoy a race. However, the pedals remain functional during disconnection as well as my shifter and my handbrake. Could this be a firmware issue? A connection problem between my qr2 and the base? If anyone has an idea 💡..

  • Please post in English according to the forum rules so everyone understands you.

  • I try another time with rfactor 2…same problem!!! But with ACC everything works fine (only 15 min play). Tomorrow morning I will do a better comparison just to understand if there is a problem with a particular game (in this case rfactor 2) or is the same for all games.

  • Not sure about the CS DD but with the DD+ it is not game related.

  • Sorry Maurice boschen

  • Gökhan OgulGökhan Ogul Member
    edited February 2024

    it happens on all games with my CS DD. rFactor2, Project Cars2, WRC Generations, AMS2....

    Because this, I can't drive iRacing Seasons. I can't risk the freezing of my wheelbase during a important online race. So I hope, that a Hotfix for Driver 456 can may be solve the problem quickly.

  • I’m not getting good vibes that the firmware developers have a handle on this. It is making me nervous about my expensive hardware purchase.

  • Hi Marcel Jeske, I am aware of issues with using extension cables, hubs and third party cables hence I always use the provided cable. As I mentioned in the posts, using the same cable and swapping back to the DDpro instead of the DD+ was fine. During my investigations although, I did try to update the WB only, different USB ports etc all the usual trouble shooting. The DD+ is definitely defective, manually spinning the wheel to complete the self check / calibration would make it visible and I was able to update the firmware on the base and quick release multiple times without issue when completing the self check / calibration manually. The real problem is if you were a new user, not familiar with fanatec wheelbases you would not know that it should rotate once when starting up and given the light is on and red it just looks like it's in pc mode whereas it's actually completely inoperable (and will not switch modes nor go into bootlader mode). This is something that should either be documented in the manual or as I suggested, maybe update the firmware/software to have the red light flashing to indicate it is in a failed state and not just pc mode (which is misleading).

  • Hello everyone

    Unfortunately I have to inform you that I am having 2 unknown issues with the CS DD+, combined with the F1 limited edition steering wheel & V3 pedals inverted.

    After I installed Driver 4.5.6. and have completed the current firmware updates separately, I am encountering 2 unknown problems. This currently applies to F1 23 on the Playstation 5.

    1. If the race ends with the wheel sideways, the following happens. The wheel automatically turns left/right and is fixed in the (steering lock) position, but you can steer the wheel back with a smooth counter force, but it will then return itself to the (fixed) position.

    Or the wheel turns & is stuck left/right with full force.

    2. Twice now I have lost all control of the keys while racing. And the wheel steers without force and can also be seen on the screen.

    If I close the game and restart the base properly, everything works as it should again.

    But point 1 is an almost common issue.

    Anyone have an idea?


  • I've had the same happen a couple of times in "Grid Legends with 10 hrs of racing" also since going to driver v456, that never use to happen previously with other games (Assetto Corsa, Grid Autosport, Dirt2, Dirt3, Dirt4, Dirt Rally) with Fanatec Drivers v451 and v455.

    Game: Grid Legends

    Base: Podium DD1 F1 PS4

    Wheel: Formula 1 V2

    Pedals: CSP v3

    I have no solution as it seems to be the new driver / FW, but I have had wheel disconnects with similar symptoms with my setup when I first bought it and was testing different forces and tuning parameters.

    With strong Force Feedback set (12 - 20Nm) disconnects happened frequently but that was all on the QR1 system not being up to the task, I fixed 99% of those issues by putting layers of tape in the motor shaft grove and wheels matching tongue, then super tightened the gold locking nut to secure the end of the Wheel QR1 and then used the supplied Hex bolt to lock the Wheel QR1 to the motor shaft (No flex in QR1 at all after that). I also then only run the DD1 after that also at (7.5nm - 10Nm) most of the time. Will get QR2 eventually.

  • I'm mean that increase smooth by INT, when FEI set to 100.

    I don't see NDR for CS DD in driver.

  • The problem is definitly a firmware problem. And related to the wheel. Yesterday When it happend i vloed the game and open the Fanatec app. There was no connection with my f1 cs 2.5 wheel. And I have to update the wqr software. But I thit that alteady.

    after a few times on and off the base. The connection was oke

  • Im having issues with my ddpro+ and extreme wheel after installing 456 , everything is updated and I’m having disconnects of the ffb and buttons after 10-15 minutes on gt7, I’ve also lost connection to my v3 pedals which was rectified by unplugging and putting it back in ,

  • I understand may lost point rating :( same to me

  • edited February 2024

    This freezing issue is interesting as a few people reported this with 455 (leds and screen were freezing) and it was said that it is unknown if it's a firmware or hardware issue. I don't have this issue with 455 (CSDD) and now I'm afraid to upgrade as it happens at more people than before (at least it looks like that from the comments here).

    @Maurice Böschen

    Is the latest FanaLab (2.01.28) compatible with driver 455? Currently I'm on 2.01.26.

  • edited February 2024

    Good morning

    Xbox Steering Wheel Tremors in Forza Motorsport.

    On Xbox Series X with that option that is seen in the video of something related to "Wheel damping scale" only with a value of 1 or higher it begins to vibrate as if something were going to appear below the ground :) more The higher the number, the more exaggerated the vibration.

    It doesn't happen on PC, I tried it with all the default settings.

    Is this a known issue?

    Base: Clubsport DD+

    Steering Wheel: Formula V2.5X

    Driver: 454

    Base Firmware: I don't know, I haven't updated it

    WQR Firmware: I don't know

    Fanalab: I don't know, I have to look at it.

    For now I only encountered this problem in Forza Motorsport with the recently arrived base and connected to the Xbox Series X, without updating anything.

    I tested on Xbox Series X:

    Dirt Rally 2.0 - OK

    F1 23 - OK

    Dirt 5 - OK

    On PC:

    Assetto Corsa - OK

    Forza Motorsport - OK

    I have not dared to update the Firmware yet, in case I am going to suffer disconnections, first I would like to test all the games more for a few days, to see the differences I experience the day I update it.

    By the way, the day I update the firmware, how do you recommend I do it?

    Do I update the firmware first and then the driver? or first the driver and then the firmware? or is it indifferent?

    If I update to version 456, can I go back to a previous version later? for example 454? Can I download them from somewhere?

    With the firmware can I also go back to a previous version?

    If I set that "Wheel damping scale" option to 0, it is playable but the steering wheel has no force compared to having it at 1. When turning as seen at the beginning of the video, when going from side to side the steering wheel you notice a small tap when changing the steering wheel from side to side, making like a click, the problem is that with this configuration the game is unplayable and you lose the car easily because you don't have as much control over it, or it's like trying to learn to play with that sensitivity If I can choose, I prefer to play with that option activated because that's when you notice that you have a DD+ in your hands, otherwise it seems like you have a toy as a steering wheel.

    In the race being at 1 you can see that it works well, the problem is only in the menus.

    Thank you so much

    All the best

  • "Is the latest FanaLab (2.01.28) compatible with driver 455? Currently I'm on 2.01.26." -> yes.

  • Don't upgrade the driver to 456 and the firmware of the base/ cs dd + f1 esport v2 works very well with 455 and with the new driver and firmware I can't use the wheel because when you play the wheel freeze and the only solution is to switch off the base, close the game and restart all. Today I test with different game and the problem is the same all. I don't understand why fanatec push me to sell everything and go with asetek or similar. I'm very frustrating!!!

  • I tried to remove 456 driver and reinstall 455. I play with rfactor 2 e ACC half an hour on pc and all going well. In my case the problem is seems to be the driver and not the firmware of the base/qr. Maybe it can help someone. Try it ;)

  • One thing that i noted, was after the 456 update, the freeze happened two times with me but i had the BLI activated. Since the moment i turned off the BLI, the freezes didn’t happen anymore.

    was in the PS5 with ACC Competizione, CS DD+ and formula V2.5, and CSL pedals v2.

  • so I can delete the 456 driver in Windows and than install the 455 driver again. The firmware status the same?

  • When will I be able to use a sequential shifter with the PBMR? It is ridiculous that some of us have spent so much money on a premium product just for it to neuter our system.

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