Fine, but Thomas promised he will stay in contact with Kazunori Yamauchi in order to achieve full support sooner or later. And based on your reply we should not expect that the rim display will work with the PS4 DD base as well, right?
Man you got to realize as a hardware manufacturer all he can do is offer to be a resource. It's all PD for the implementation. Fanatec has zero control over what is in GT. I'm not saying you don't have a right to be upset about the lack of progress, but you should direct it at PD. All Fanatec can do is write emails and maybe make a phone call. Get upset at the people that write the code, because the hardware, firmware, and SDK are all, already inplace.
You made my day. Thanks for your wise guidance in terms of what I have to realize. I hope I can count on your support whenever I might need it again. The world needs more helping hands like yours. My wholehearted thanks to you!
I have driven many miles with our direct drive system on GT Sport. Features that require our Fanatec SDK integration like the display require specific updates from Polyphony Digital, but that does not affect the main functionality of the force feedback steering system. It already works very well.
Glad to read it. Can You (Fanatec) share some video with it's gameplay (with webcam for the base)? 3+ months.. ~O) 8->
Fine, but Thomas promised he will stay in contact with Kazunori Yamauchi in order to achieve full support sooner or later. And based on your reply we should not expect that the rim display will work with the PS4 DD base as well, right?
The display will work on the PS4 on games that support the display. Whether that applies to GT Sport depends on Polyphony Digital's update schedule, it is not specific to the direct drive system.
...Kazunori Yamauchi told me that the implementation is still not completely finished and they will continue to add features and better functionality in future updates.
I will meet with him very soon so please let me know how you like the implementation now and what improvements related to our wheels you would like to see.
...Kazunori Yamauchi told me that the implementation is still not completely finished and they will continue to add features and better functionality in future updates.
I will meet with him very soon so please let me know how you like the implementation now and what improvements related to our wheels you would like to see.
He promised to try, indeed. That's no guarantee that it will happen soon, or at all, though.
A friend of mine is concidering purchasing a ps4 podium when it is released mostly because he likes the look of the steeringwheel, and because he wants a DD base in the near future, but it is going to be used on pc only, so the question is : will it automaticly start up in ps4 mode every time it is powered on, or wil it remember what it has been used for the last time?
The same question could be asked regarding the black and red V2 F1 rim just xbox instead of ps4 if mounted to a DD1 or DD2?
A friend of mine is concidering purchasing a ps4 podium when it is released mostly because he likes the look of the steeringwheel, and because he wants a DD base in the near future, but it is going to be used on pc only, so the question is : will it automaticly start up in ps4 mode every time it is powered on, or wil it remember what it has been used for the last time?
The same question could be asked regarding the black and red V2 F1 rim just xbox instead of ps4 if mounted to a DD1 or DD2?
The Base will remember in what mode she was. So when you were in PC mode the last time then it will reboot in PC mode. Even when you have an Xbox rim attached. However, after a firmware update the base will bot in default Xbox mode and needs to "learn" that she has to start in PC mode again ;-)
Fanatec says self-assured that is the last base you will
buy! If it is really so good where is the problem with 5 years warranty? By the
way, Fanatec gives a 5 years warranty on the DD2 why not with the DD1, which is
only limited to the Sofware
Fanatec says self-assured that is the last base you will
buy! If it is really so good where is the problem with 5 years warranty? By the
way, Fanatec gives a 5 years warranty on the DD2 why not with the DD1, which is
only limited to Sofware
DD2 only comes with 5 year Warranty for pre-orders and was "gifted" for the not so very good live presentation. Standard warranty for the DD2 will be 3 years after pre-order phase, at least that's the last communicated info.
It would be a strong sign and vote of confidence from Fanatec if all pre-orderers DD1 & DD2 would get the 5 year warranty. Currently, it seems that Fanatec does not trust its product itself. if it's as good as Fanatec promises, the 5 year warranty should not be a problem for the pre-orderers.
if u want 5 year warranty, buy it. Its that simple. Same as any product on the market, you weigh up the risk and how much piece of mind you want, and either pay a bit extra, or go without. All those who preordered and are suffering a delay got a voucher or a free wheel....sure you could have used that voucher to buy the extra warranty, no problem. Most people however given the choice bought something else or took the free wheel. When you look at it this way, Fanatec did offer the chance of a 5 year warranty for nothing...
By the
way, Fanatec gives a 5 years warranty on the DD2 why not with the DD1, which is
only limited to the Sofware
The DD1 is not only limited by the software. As Thomas said, it also uses other electronics. And by the way, it was not planned that the DD1 get the same motor as the DD2.
We DD1 / PS4 preorder have no "gift". As a vote of confidence and a sign
to the customers, a one-time warranty extension for the base would be
appropriate for the pre-orderer. If you already advertise "this is
the last base you will buy ..."
We DD1 / PS4 preorder have no "gift". As a vote of confidence and a sign
to the customers, a one-time warranty extension for the base would be
appropriate for the pre-orderer. If you already advertise "this is
the last base you will buy ..."
You get the DD2 Motor for free which for now is only confirmed to be used in the pre-order bases. So of course you are already getting some "gift". And I think you can stop asking, Fanatec won't do extend the warranty for DD1 bases. And they simply can't extend the warranty for the DD1 PS4 Racing Wheel because this bundle includes a steering wheel and they can't give 5 year warranty on this as this was confirmed already long time ago.
On the Fanatec website they say "German Design with 5
years warranty" not a word of pre-order only! The required warranty extension is logically
only on the base the wheel can be excluded. But you can already see how much
Fanatec trusts his product, sad!
^ I think you've explored that line of argument for too long Noel. It's just getting boring now and clogging up the thread with pointless negativity. If you don't like what Fanatec are offering, you don't have to buy it. End of argument.
Does the standard PS4 CSL Elite Wheel need a counterpart for the QR on the podium? Or you can connect it directly to the Podium QR?
It'll connects, but it downgrades the motor to CSW v2.5 levels of strength. There isn't a way to upgrade the QR so to get full strength you'll need a different rim.
PS4 compatibility is deteremined by the base, so any fanatec rim should work.
I just want to raise a question, will you offer some side mounts to mount this adorable piece of hardware to my aluminum rig? I really liked the golden one which was used at the community event, would be really great to have the option to get this...
I just want to raise a question, will you offer some side mounts to mount this adorable piece of hardware to my aluminum rig? I really liked the golden one which was used at the community event, would be really great to have the option to get this...
Yup, I'd love some 80/20 mounting hardware. OTOH I don't know how they could predict the width or our rigs since there are so many vendors.
I just want to raise a question, will you offer some side mounts to mount this adorable piece of hardware to my aluminum rig? I really liked the golden one which was used at the community event, would be really great to have the option to get this...
Yup, I'd love some 80/20 mounting hardware. OTOH I don't know how they could predict the width or our rigs since there are so many vendors.
At the community event it was a kind of bracket which was attached to the Fanatec Rig. I would use it and mount it just to my rig, I Wand it more because it looked pretty nice and has the perfect holes for side mounting.
Sure I will build something on my own, if itś not available. But the golden part would fit nicely with the color scheme of the wheelbase >-
I think the DD2 motor was only for the First batch standard DD1 pre orders ? Imo the DD1 PS4 comes with the DD1 motor...if I look at the specs, DD2 motor has peak torque of 25 Nm and 18 Nm holding torque. DD1 20 Nm peak and 15 Nm holding torque
I think the DD2 motor was only for the First batch standard DD1 pre orders ? Imo the DD1 PS4 comes with the DD1 motor...if I look at the specs
No. There is no DD1 motor actually. It was confirmed several times now that ALL pre orders of the DD1 and the DD1 PS4 will have the DD2 motor. The DD2 motor in the DD1 bases will use different electronics though and therefore have less holding and peak Torque and also slightly slower acceleration.
Fanatec says self-assured that is the last base you will buy! If it is really so good where is the problem with 5 years warranty? By the way, Fanatec gives a 5 years warranty on the DD2 why not with the DD1, which is only limited to the Sofware
We DD1 / PS4 preorder have no "gift". As a vote of confidence and a sign to the customers, a one-time warranty extension for the base would be appropriate for the pre-orderer. If you already advertise "this is the last base you will buy ..."
On the Fanatec website they say "German Design with 5 years warranty" not a word of pre-order only! The required warranty extension is logically only on the base the wheel can be excluded. But you can already see how much Fanatec trusts his product, sad!
At the community event it was a kind of bracket which was attached to the Fanatec Rig. I would use it and mount it just to my rig, I Wand it more because it looked pretty nice and has the perfect holes for side mounting. Sure I will build something on my own, if itś not available. But the golden part would fit nicely with the color scheme of the wheelbase