Update to Customer Care Situation & Challenges | Cases older than 14 Days



  • Placed order on the 25th November. I've only recently gotten the tracking number but the status is still on "label created". Extremely disappointing level of delays where it hasn't even been sent out for delivery yet many days after creating the label.

    Order number: 1844036

  • but I'm noticing something, what's the point of writing here if fanatec never responds?

  • Hello,

    I placed an order on November 24th, order status " Completely shipped"

    still I haven't received the tracking number.

    Order number 1831717

    Thank you

  • Mostly therapeutic, unfortunately. It goes in stages.

    Excitement, disappointment, frustration, anger, acceptance, relief, excitement.

    After expecting initial shipment of Nov 4, I am transitioning from anger to acceptance.

    Hang in there, as Fanatec seems to do little other than cookie cutter e-mails that say they are working on 'IT' and then thank you for your presumed patience and understanding.

    Hope your transitions are as stressless as possible.

  • Order 1833298

    I placed an order with Fanatec while the site was being buggy. It checked me out without the wheel I had added to the cart, although it was and is still in stock. I intended to use the deal at the time which offered a discount of $150 when you purchase a base and a wheel. I attempted to contact customer service immediately and still haven’t heard back. It now says my order has shipped, but I never received a tracking number and it isn’t available on my account. This is extremely frustrating as someone needs to sign for the package so it would be preferable to know when it is coming. I’ve heard fantastic things about fanatec, so I’m hoping this is just a result of the craziness that came with your Black Friday sales. Can someone help me with these issues? Thank you

  • Hello,

    I placed an order on November 24th, order status " Completely shipped"

    still I haven't received the tracking number.

    Order number 1826928

    Thank you

  • Dear fanatec team,

    On black friday I made an order (NOV 24).

    After paying (paypal) the web told me an error ocurred, the payment went through and money was taken from account, i doesnt see an order “You have not recently ordered.” after some days. I didnt recieve any confimation email either.

    I am calling you and I sent few emails and didnt get any feedback.

    Please can you confirm everything is okay?

    Thanks in advanced.

    Josip Sviben

  • Hello,

    I placed an order on November 17th, order status "Completely shipped"

    Still I haven't received the tracking number.

    Order number 1793545

    Thank you.

  • Hi Fanatec,

    I need information about order number 1853432. Status is completely shipped. But no tracking number received yet. it's a gift for Christmas, so hurry up. If Fanatec is unable to ship, I will have to order elsewhere. Thanks.



  • Hi,

    The package was delivered by ups earlier that day. It wasn't announced. If you're interested: DD Pro 8 Nm. Ordered on November 26th. South Germany.

    Thanks Fanatec.

  • Hello!

    I bought my order 1857012 at 27th November and today still not change the status. It is in completly shipped but i still havent the tracking number... 5 laboral days of delay, its normal but... more? pls can u give me info about my order?

    Thx so much!


  • Hello Fanatec team,

    Order 1844879

    Placed on 25 Nov Pre Paid. Status Completely shipped since I think 27 Nov but still no tracking number.

    I ordered it for a christmas present. Please!


  • Bonjour

    Commande numéros 1827665

    Commander 27 novembre statut entièrement expedier aucun retour au message envoyé à fanatec !!! Aucun message de ups

    Un petit suivi serait le bienvenu !!


  • Me waiting on my Fanatec gear to arrive. 😜

  • Hi Fanatec.

    What about order 1794458?

    I need it before december 20. It's possible?!

  • edited December 2023

    Hy fanatec

    Where is my track and trace ?

    Order 1811527 and order was placed 21 november

    you guys have ruin the hobby for my !!

  • You guys never answer on anithing what are you scammers? Juste the same with my broken wrc wheel it has been 2 months and still nothing

  • Can you please confirm if or when I will receive my order number 1785113 which was placed 06/11 

    I have made various requests for information via multiple formats and receive only generic replies with no answer to why I have not received my order.

    I have received tracking information that shows my order still has not been collected from your warehouse and it has now been 1 month since ordering.

    If you are unable to fulfil my order within the next 7days please kindly refund the full amount including postage and I will take my business elsewhere.

    I feel I have been more than patient with you but this is now becoming totally unacceptable... 

  • can I have updates about the order 1805923 placed the 20th Nov

    you still have it as "completely shipped" when UPS said that was returned to sender


  • Hello,

    I placed an order on November 24th, order status "Completely shipped" and warranty begins on the 25th

    I haven't received the tracking number.

    Order number 1833315


  • Loan SanchezLoan Sanchez Member
    edited December 2023


    Order number 1856651

    Status "completely shipped" I understood delay but the order is in this status since 27th Nov 1PM.

    Hope you can give soon a reply as it was for a Christmas present.


  • edited December 2023


    Order number 1837983

    I placed this order on November 24th order status "Completely shipped" and warranty begins on the 27th

    I didn’t received yet the tracking number ; I’ve open a ticket but apparently the delay to get an answer is 21 business days.

    As the payment via PayPal has been already done, and the warranty has already started, can I hope to get some kind of compensation , at least a warranty extension ?

    For my first order to Fanatec, I’m very disapointed of the curent situation ☹️


  • Ok, this is not a joke, this is a scam. Day 62 and I'm still waiting. They didn't respond my email since November 27th.

  • edited December 2023


    I don't know why I write here if reading the other comments it seems that no one gets an answer or solution, I suppose that for the rest of you, be aware of the situation.

    Two orders, one on November 17th and one on November 22nd, both have changed their status to "Completely shipped" on November 28th at 7:21 am.

    Order numbers 1794781 and 1818803.

    Currently I still do not have any UPS tracking number.

    Resident in the European Union, you should not have problems with customs.

    Much encouragement to everyone!

  • Hello,

    I placed an order from Germany on November 1th, order status "Completely shipped"

    Still I haven't received the tracking number.

    Order number 1780982

    Thank you.

  • 21 Nov 2023 13:54:00 1809624 UPS Standard  The order is in process

    15 days.. no tracking.. nothing else, blue SQUARE.. shipping within EUROPE, all in stock at the moment of order... what's the problem? there is no tax involved no custom duty... I'm seeing a lot or orders shipped after my order.

    What about answering customers?

  • Good Morning,

    my order number is 1860173 .Shipping to Germany and no information since 8 days. Beginning of the post , Fanatec states turnaround of EU shipments within 1 day, I start wondering how many hours has 1 day at Fanatec ?

    It is a Xmas gift, hopefully Fanatec does not ruin it .

  • This video is almost 2 months old and still nothing has changed. Also no detailed information about what is going wrong and lies on the website about processing times!

    Want to buy my son his first setup for christmas but I think I'm forced to take my business elsewhere if I want it to be delivered in time.

    Still waiting on my order that changed status to "Completely Shipped" since 28/11. Only got a generic response from Fanatec. When asking for details, I get no response.

  • Hello,

    I placed an order on November 24th, order status " Completely shipped"

    still I haven't received the tracking number.

    Order number 1831717

    Could you provide the Tracking number and more information about my order status please.

    Thank you

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