Black Friday Orders | Shipping Update 3



  • I#ve got mine...

    ordered 08.12.23 - delivered 15.12

    ordered the csl dd 8n package -> wheelbase, normal rim, csl pedals

    LOVE IT!!!!!

  • Does the discount on a future order seem adequate to you from the point of view of Black Friday prices?

    From my point of view:

    CSL v2 pedals - 50% off

    V2.5x whel - 75% off

    Stickers for wheel - 600% off

    CS DD - 0 % off (currently +14%)

    QR 2 - 0% off

  • fanatec believes itself to be stronger than the law

  • Let´s calm down a bit. I'm fine with the offer. That being said, I understand that this offer doesn't make sense for everybody. AT the moment It all comes down to a massive lag of communication. Failures can happen, what I don't understand:

    • why is it impossible to cancel single items from one order. Every low level programer should be able to integrate such an option
    • why does take it this long, to say/write something. it would have been possible, to say directly after the ending of the BF Deals "sry, sth went completely wrong, do not hope for your ordered "F1 Wheels", we are working on a solution this will take some time" . They must have known this for a long time. "We sold more than, we had, we will make you an offer in three weeks".
    • why don't you make it possible to order a wheel without any QR. Asking myself this for a long time. in the current situation this is an immediate case. Or implement sth like: you get 30 Bucks of if you choose your wheel without the free QR. But there is no possibility to get it rid of the QR in your basket.
    • last but not least: WHAT ABOUT THE DD+ ?????????????????? James??????? Anyone??????????? Gimme a sign!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • yes but there are still people like me who had that order canceled

  • More so, there's no more QRs available. If you take the 25% off there's nothing much you can buy and get in a reasonable time.

    It's a bullshit offer.

    For some it might work, depending what they need, but those are specific cases, but if you need a base and a wheel there's no option available.

  • I ordered several items from Japan, including Formula V2.5x, but they have not been delivered and I have not received an email giving me the option to cancel or wait.

    Of course, no cancellations have been made on the grounds that I have used glitches so far.

    My order seems to be up in the air.

    This situation is very stressful as I don't know if I should wait for delivery or if I should wait or if I can cancel.

    I have also contacted them, but have received no response at this time.

    My most optimistic guess is that they have not bothered to contact me as they are already preparing to deliver, but unfortunately this is not a realistic expectation.

  • Ah, and they hold the BF orders while fulfilling the ones after BF at full price. Pushing all this orders for the next year. Definitely QRs heave been sold instead of blocking them for the already confirmed orders, I think also v2.5x wheels, I'll have to check.

    I'm filling the ECC complaint, not much they can do if the wheels are not there anymore, but will open the route that this gets to the authorities in charge for this situation.

    At this point is not just false advertising anymore, it's unfair competition and market manipulation.

    They are using the financial reports to present them to their investors. Financial reports with orders for imaginary products. Blows my mind.

    • You mentioned: why is it impossible to cancel single items from one order. Every low level programer should be able to integrate such an option

    Exactly!!! Or change the wheel v2.5x -> 2.5 (for the same price and deal). Mass change of status orders clearly showed that such changes are possible!!!

  • yes I think that we do this on purpose for the investors and for their turnover and I think that they will not go unnoticed with what they do

  • One example from our country (Czech Republic). Order no 1832xxx with v2.5x was successfully delivered, but the order 1831xxxx with the same v2.5x was postponed and the customer received the same email about an error in the system with the stock quantity.

    Is Fanatec really going to tell us that it processed orders FIFO (first in, first out)?

  • i am 1837xxx , i think LIFO is the best way :-)

  • You do have the possibility tom order a wheel with the plastic qr1... Or am I missing something?

  • personally, I canceled my order. not keen to wait for a minimum of 4 months with 500 euros out. I ordered a 2.5x a received THE email.

    I will order the McLaren bundle for even cheaper with the 25% off once I receive the discount. Hopefully my cancelation frees a wheel for one of you guys !

  • Did this cancelation link work for anyone of you in a proper way? I was not able to fill the required fields (order nr. and account name) with my data. They are blocked. Is it because of using a macOS computer? Any experiences?

  • Works yesterday seems to be unavailable now (I'm on OSX w/ chrome)

  • Knows someone if is possible to use 'temporally' the QR2 Lite in the formula v2.5?

    My idea is to use the Lite while the aluminium QR2 is available.. (in Feb !!!!!). I know the base will limit the torque to 8nm, but cannot find info about the compatibility with the wheel itself.

    Maybe the question is for another section but maybe several people here affected by the same problem.

    Now we cannot buy a wheel even with the discount without long waiting... again.

    And frankly speaking I'm worry because if they don't reserve the preorders stock... in February maybe there are QR's but the wheel is not available... Infinite loop....

  • The lite has a pin, that wheel don’t have the hole for the torque limit pin, maybe it works if you cut the pin from the qr lite

  • Instead pf clicking it just copy and paste it, they even messed up the link ffs

  • What QR do you plan to get? Did you check availability?

  • Another great move from Fanatec - to cancel the orders from Black Friday, which were reported to the shareholders, and then in January to show "Hey look, we still have new orders growing in the new year".

  • edited December 2023

    I cancelled everything:

    The chance of the DD+, QR2 and Formula V2.5 X all ligning up in the warehouse are non existing.

    I rather have 1500€ invested in Crypto, than leave it with Fanatec's management for the next .....? Nobody knowns how long.

  • Btw: In US are customers, that received this email, but they have already received the wheel 2.5x or they were informed by FedEx about the delivery of the goods. What is this nonsense again? Does FANATEC really have such a mess in their systems? Do you really (but REALLY) believe that Fanatec will deliver your new order?

  • i’ll get the basic QR1 Lite. I’m new to sim racing so I’ll start easy then wait for availability to order other things :) I’m on Xbox SX btw

  • I've received email to choose what to do, but link isn't working. Do anyone else have same problem?

  • D@vidD@vid Member
    edited December 2023

    select all the text includes mail and copy/past on url bar

    https:// ......... "email"}

  • Order 1832xxx was delivered?

    OMG Fanatec!! I have 1830xxx and got THE email…

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