Fanatec Driver 464 - Release Version



  • Hello,

    I have a DD2 but while installing the drivers 464 I have an error while installer telling me that is copying files.

    What I need to do? Where's my fault?

    Thank you

  • Installed driver 464 yesterday, installation went perfect like actually from day 1 which is already 4-5 years. Never had driver installation issues luckily. DD2 owner here.

    Had some misshift issues previously and FFB going out for a sec but did 2 races yesterday of 30 min on iRacing and did not encounter any misshift or FFB losses…

    I DID NOT run Fanalab because I don’t need to but I WILL use Fanalab now because of the upcoming GT3 Rim which then I’ll need the LEDS and screen of the Button Module Endurance. Have a Porsche wheel now but because it’s round, it blocks my view for in-game dashboard so I use a Simedal X-GT Audi/Lambo wheel instead but I’m gonna buy the upcoming Fanatec GT3 rim and then I’ll enjoy it for ALL Cars…

    Hopefully WITH Fanalab everything works also well like yesterday. It’s a real joy to TRUST your DD2 without any misshifts and FFB losses… Previously my races were mostly ruined because of mainly the FFB losses and crucial laptime lost with misshifts…

    All in all my DD2 is still rocking after countless hours, winter-summer day in day out it’s built like a tank for sure !

    I say positive things because it doesn’t have to be always bad right ?

    Best Regards from a happy Fanatec User !

  • Allan LehtlaAllan Lehtla Member
    edited December 2024

    to you have admin privileges for install the drivers? you may need check also core isolation if something block at there for the installation

    for windows 11 may have little harder to install compared to windows 10 because they to have some new features what may block installation

  • edited December 2024

    Good evening,

    I tried a lot and until middle January the support can't help me because of the holidays. Maybe someone has an explanation or something to fix this.

    I got this issue after I updated on the 464 Driver. After the update the device (DD2) can't be founded and I can't even Power On the DD2 because of this report: (I already tried a lot of other drivers)

  • Hello,

    I want to report an issue with Podium Button Module Endurance (P_BME) mapping on PS4: cross button and square button are each mapped on the two same buttons.

    Experienced it on Gran Turismo 7 and Asseto Corsa Competizione

    When Pressing button "8" or "9" (extract from the PDF manual of P BME), the "Cross" and "Square" inputs are given to PS4 at the same time

    Very uncomfortable.

    I'm new customer, used directly the last drivers (464) /firmware for my new setup, and always experienced this issue.

    The setup:

    • Wheel Base Model (product ID): CS DD+
    • Steering Wheel Model (product ID): Podium Porsche 911 GT3 R
    • Driver Version: 464

    Other products of the Setup:

    Clubsport Pedals Inverted V3 (latest firmware), connected to base

    Clubsport Shifter SQ V1.5 (connected to base)

    Clubsport Handbrake V1.5 (connected to base)

    If you can work on this for the next update please, it will be appreciated!

    (And if, incidentally, you could also work with Sony/Polyphony Digital to improve support for the features of your high-end wheels, that wouldn’t be a bad thing (ITM display, MPS, Funky switch, Flag LEDs, Fullforce, Pure Force Effects, pedals vibrations...)

    Thanks per advance.

    Have great holidays.


    Brice KLEIN

  • edited December 2024

    The Button Mapping of the BME is a known issue for a long time and is planned to get fixed with a firmware update at some point in the future next year, not necessarily directly the next update.

  • guan chaofanguan chaofan Member
    edited December 2024

    Why do long-standing known problems take several years to fix? It's hard to have a favorable impression of fanatec for their irresponsible attitude towards devices that have already been sold!

  • You will get used to it. Even high priority problems can take over a year to fix, if not even more. It all became a joke at this point.

  • Terho NuojuaTerho Nuojua Member
    edited December 2024


    I bought a Red Bull Clubsport steering wheel and started getting miss shiftings. It is annoying and not possible to race using FFB setting 100%, if I set it to 70% then it has only about one miss shift per race which is acceptable (once happened on start on the 1st gear at race start which wasn't good when starting from the second position). It happens in all of our racing games and mostly when upshifting in corners.

    We don't have the problem with the CSL BMW wheel.

    The setup:

    • Wheel Base Model (product ID): CSL DD
    • Steering Wheel Model (product ID): ClubSport Steering Wheel Formula Oracle Red Bull Racing 2024
    • Driver Version: 464
    • Wheel base version:
    • Wheel base motor version:
    • Steering wheel version: 1
    • Wireless QR version:
    • Fanalab version: 2.01.58

  • Hello everyone, I have the following problem. I had driver 463 installed, Fanatec Control Panel said there was a new driver 464. Downloaded, unpacked and installed. Now I am shown version 457 and of course the message that there is a new driver. I uninstalled the driver manually, also the folder in %appdata but no changes, version 457 is shown again after installation 464. On a second computer, which has never had a Fanatec driver installed, it works without any problems to install the CORRECT version. Do you have any ideas or how can I cleanly uninstall the old driver and everything else?

  • Hello everyone,

    there is a problem with my DD+ since i use my new wheel.

    Game: Assetto Corsa Competizione (PC) offline and online

    During the game, I suddenly can't shift with the paddles after about 45 minutes to 60 minutes of play. Sometimes the LED display, the REV-LED's and the FFB fail completely at the same time, it then feels like rubber when steering. After a restart in the game of the wheel base via the on/off switch on the base, I can shift again, but the LED indicators and the FFB stay away. I then have to get out of the game and restart the PC and the wheel base to make it work again.

    There are no issues when i play with the CSL Elite McLaren GT3 V2 wheel (Firmware 47)

    • Wheel Base Model (product ID): ClubSport DD+ (CS_DDp_EU)
    • Steering Wheel Model (product ID): Podium Hub (P_HUB_PURE) + Podium Advanced Paddle Module (P_APM) + Podium Button Modul (P_BME) + ClubSport Wheel Rim GT3 Endurance + QR2 (QR2_WS)
    • Driver Version: 464
    • Base FW Version:
    • Motor FW Version: 1.0.2
    • Wheel FW Version: Steering Wheel Hub: 6 / Button Module: 24
    • Wireless QR: (see pictures)
    • FanaLab Version: V2.01.45
    • Tuning Menu settings:

    SEN: 900

    FFB: 50

    FUL: 50

    NDP: 60

    NFR: 4

    NIN: 4

    INT: 3

    FEI: 100

    FOR: 100

    SPR: 100

    DPR: 100

    MPS: Encoder

    ACP: Brake / Throttle

    • Driver/FanaLab installed on C: drive or else? : Installed on C:
    • With driver related issues collect log files and zip them from C:\Users\Public\Fanatec Logs:

    Greetings, Michael

  • Hi, I have the same issue with my DD+ and PBME on PS5 since the FW 464 update. After some time I can't shift or no input on the steering wheel is recognized.

    Should I downgrade the PBME or PHub to the FW455 ?

  • The Phub and BME versions are the same since 455. Try downgrading the base and wqr to 455 FW

  • if you own a CSL DD then under no circumstances should you install this release of drivers. Missing upshifts randomly, random attempts to update the wheel firmware even though there is no update needed (ClubSport Steering Wheel Formula V2.5 X) . Driver fails to install , puts the wheel base in update mode and crashes and leaves it flashing purple and orange and green and red... power button becomes un responsive, only removing the power cable resets it. Then on PC restart the drivers fails to load and needs to be reinstalled but it won't reinstall and then tries to rollback only to go into a loop again....

    A really bad release and poorly executed and clearly drowning under support requests again. New owners but same old problems ?

  • can anyone tell me how to revert back to pre 464 and 463 ... what a mess

  • uninstalled and went back to 462 but upshift issues still remain in both iracing and AC... must be the firmware update that is causing it ? hard to race when you can't shift... so frustrating, none of this was happening and I was very happy with my setup but right now all I want to do is throw it all out.

  • Hi. We are new to the racing world. We just gave our son the Xbox ready to race bundle with the McLaren wheel for Christmas. However, when he updated everything yesterday and tried to race his wheel was not shifting properly. Sometimes it would shift and then again it wouldn’t shift at all. He had updated to 464. Any help is much appreciated on what he needs to do to get his gear to work. We are lost right about now.

  • To fix shifting issues, downgrade to 455 and downgrade the firmware of the wheel.

    After that you can install the current 464 driver again, but leave the firmware on the old version.

  • Thanks Daniel, but how do I downgrade the firmware for the wheel or where do I find the older firmware?

  • ah , I see, downgrading the driver seems to have done it

  • thank you Daniel that worked perfectly...

  • firmware comes with the drivers, downgrade the firmware is needed todo usually manually.

  • Well, here is another point of view because not all units are affected, as you have alluded to. I have zero issues with my CSL DD and CS DD and have never had any issues at all, with this latest and any previous drivers that I have used. I'm on PC, only.

  • if hardware manufacturer makes changes in they product line, it comes with a consequence, usually that means, two almost identical hardware may need two different firmware

  • Well, except that they don't need two different firmware's so I don't see your point!

  • Allan LehtlaAllan Lehtla Member
    edited December 2024

    well, then explain me how the hell 455 firmware works just fine without miss shifts, and you say you not have issues at 464

    it by default meas we dealing here two different types hardware in they production line

    i don't see your point either if you say that your hardware works, even tho allot people been talk that they to have miss shift issues after 455

    or to you want say, that all the users who have miss shift issue, needs change the company. is that what you want say to users?

    if you to not understand, hardware can't be faulty if 455 or 451 firmware work just fine

  • My point was a different point of view to what the OP was suggesting that all CSL DD units will be affected by the latest drivers/firmware's, etc. which is obviously, NOT the case, same with my CS DD...simple! But once again, there are not different firmware's for the CSL DD's or the CS DD's so I still don't see what the point was that you were trying to make. And it does not mean that by "default meas we dealing here two different types hardware in they production line", that's just speculation and would actually make no sense to actually do that.

    I have no idea why some are affected and others are not and because of that, I will not attempt to offer solutions to anyone. You also do not know why these things are the way they are and your guesses and speculations are just that, guesses and speculations!

    "or to you want say, that all the users who have miss shift issue, needs change the company. is that what you want say to users?" Hahaha, where did that come from? No, that is not what I want to say to users...don't speculate on what I'm thinking or what I want to say. LOL!

    "if you to not understand, hardware can't be faulty if 455 or 451 firmware work just fine" Oh don't worry yourself, I understand, just fine

  • I have a DD 8nm with many wheels and PS5. I never updated before and worked perfectly but yesterday stoped working and asked “please update firmware”. I succesfully updated newest versions but this is terrible. Sometimes start but after few minutes cluch stop working and wheels also few Second later. Or i could not start any wheels….Any idea? I dont know how can i downgrade and to be honest i dont want hacking. So the only way to wait Fanatec to correct this *** version?! I bought a very wide Fanatec ecosystem and i could not use it…..

  • Allan LehtlaAllan Lehtla Member
    edited December 2024

    for downgrade you need install older driver and then manually install the firmware

    they to have holiday, so i doupt there would be any update in this year and also in early next year as well

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