Fanatec Beta Driver V373 (372 before) for CSL, CSW and Podium Bases (all wheels)



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    Can I ask if you have the APM on your Formula V2, or stock paddle shifters? I have not experienced any freezing with the stock shifters, but I wondered if the freezing was related to the APM? I asked this question above but so far have not seen a response.

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    Are you sure it is a bug or should you really delete the current Motor calibration?

    I've tried and it feels smoother but not as detailed as if a filter is now active.

    I did the Motor calibration again, I am thrilled again and now I know how important it is.

    To me, it feels like a belt-driven FFB steering wheel without it and the benefit of direct drive is lost.

  • FFB can't feel different, motor calibration only adds anti cogging so the wheel feels smoother but not more detailed. And it's base depending how much stickiness you feel with motor calibration enabled, but from what I know pretty much every base should have this slight stickiness which just feels unnatural which you would not have without the calibration (but without the calibration you would have slightly (!) more cogging though). But without calibration no FFB details gets lost, that would be a classical placebo.

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    I should have used more direct instead of more detailed in order to rule out this misunderstanding and I don't mean the FFB details, but the feedback when turning in. But as they say everyone interprets it differently, for me it is much better with the engine calibration and brings exactly what I had hoped for from a DD steering wheel.

    I have a DD1, with the UHX, GT steering wheel, V3 pedals, handbrake, H-Shifter and magnetic Clubsport paddles.

  • Maurice,

    Thanks for all of the hints and tips. As you will recall I have had a good experience with the recent beta’s (with minor BME issues) and am generally really pleased with my DD2.

    I took the suggestion from one of the other posts and did delete my motor calibration and without doubt the wheel now feels sooo smooth. I do agree with Volker that the detail has gone away a bit (currently racing Radical SR8 in iRacing) so i reduced interpolation to 3 and added a bit of natural damper which has improved things further. I do think that i might be encountering a few ‘micro knocks’ but nothing at the moment i can put my finger on.

    I am, without doubt, GPU challenged on my rig and the more I investigate the effects of this I wonder how many of the non FW upgrade issues relate to over committed CPU/GPU issues and not directly to the drivers. I have been running triple 27 qhd’s (2560 x1440) and was really struggling with iRacing and its lack of ‘fluidity’. Having reduced my monitor resolution to HD the situation is so much better and the ‘fluidity’ with reduced ‘input lag’ has markedly improved the immersion/feeling in the sim.

    No conclusions, just some observations about my experiences.

    Still think I made the right choice with my DD2 and v3 pedals.



  • How do you identify all the files associated with the driver to correctly delete them before reboot when upgrading?

  • edited August 2020

    Hello! I have a DD1 PS4 edition that I recently purchased the Podium Porsche GT3 rim for. I have successfully updated to the most recent drivers, currently running:

    PC Driver: 372

    WB FW: 674

    SW FW: 13

    HUB FW: 3

    WQR FW: 6

    It seems I have one issue I can't seem to figure out and before I go bashing my head against the wall trying to figure it out I figured I'd ask here :)

    The wheel will only display what seems to be the "legacy" page, I can not chose any other ITM pages. The base on the other hand displays them without any issues! I've tried re-installing FW, settings etc and nothing seems to be working. The Fanalab (v1.47) ITM page allows me to select what ITM page I want to see on the base, however it does not allow me to select anything for the Podium Button Module Endurance?



  • Ryan,

    If it helps I am having similar BME issues with my Porsche wheel and ITM on my PC. Had been fine until the last couple of days.


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    On the PC you click on the Start button or whatever button that brings up the contents of the computer.

    Navigate to C drive, then to where the drivers and such are installed. Then in the search type Fanatec (that should reveal a folder named "Fanatec". That folder contains everything Fanatec-wise. Delete that folder. Or better yet inside that folder navigate to the driver...right-click on it and select "Uninstall". That should uninstall the driver and associated contents.

    You can also after uninstalling perform another search for the same name "Fanatec" just to make sure nothing is there again.

    If you also have the Fanalab software installed do the same search but this time type in "Fanalab" and repeat procedure.

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    As explained in the Fanalab 1.47 Changelog, the ITM page selection as well as the Auto Page Switch function is currently only enabled for the DD ITM.

    You have to manually switch through the BME ITM pages by pressing and holding the Tuning Menu Button and then TURN the Funky Switch. Of course Fanalab has to be running.

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    I've been doing some tests, and I think it fails me if I open the fanalab before turning on the base, if I turn on the base without the fanalab open, everything is perfect, if I have the fanalab open, it loses the calibration.

  • edited August 2020

    Base de rueda ClubSport V2.5 

    Volante ClubSport Formula V2

    Drivers : 372PC

    Firmware Base : 674

    Firmware Volante : 35

    Firmware Motor : 22

    Como al amigo Puck Van Vliet el volante falla algunas veces al encender la base , el logotipo se distorsiona y luego  sale un volante incorrecto como el CSL Elite Steering

    As to friend Puck Van Vliet the steering wheel fails a few times when turning on the base, the logo gets distorted and then a wrong steering wheel comes out like the CSL Elite Steering

    O no detecta nada y no sale ningun volante conectado

    Or it does not detect anything and no connected steering wheel comes out

    Ya no falla tanto como con el Driver 365 pero sigue habiendo problemas con la deteccion del volante

    Costo instalar los drivers  ya que no salia la ventana de propiedades de la base ni funcionaba fanalab 1.47

    La unica solucion que encontre fue instalar  windows limpio , instalar los driver , fanalab y despues todo lo demas .

    It no longer fails as much as with Driver 365 but there are still problems with steering wheel detection

    Cost to install the drivers since the properties window of the base did not appear nor did fanalab 1.47 work

    The only solution I found was to install clean windows, install the drivers , fanalab and then everything else

    Un saludo , Perdon por mi ingles

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    This happens also to me sometimes. I switch the base off and on and it usually works.

    Did you have the same problems also with old drivers like 347?

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    Hi, i had at the beginning only the stock shifters. Than after 2 Month i change to the APM and than after 2-3 weeks freezes starts. At beginning only 1-2 times in 3 weeks and than more and more. I go back to the stock shifter and the freezes starts again after 2 weeks. At the end i cannot do a round at lemans without a freeze

  • Hello!. I know this shouldn't go here. but could someone tell me where I can find the configuration of leds for assetto corsa competitione ??. I know it's here in the forum but I can't even find it with the search engine! hehe. thank you very much in advance

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    At this link

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    No Matteo , con 347 no tuve problemas

    No Matteo, with 347 I had no problems

  • Today after 3 or 4 months, I again had a disconnection from the usb of about 5 seconds ...

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    ohhhhh !!!. You can not imagine how much I thank you. I knew it was here but I couldn't find it. Thank you very much for the inconvenience. regards

  • Hi There,

    DD2 + Formula V2 + APM

    My Formula V2 wheel freezes are back since the last ACC update to v1.5.5. last wednesday

    Shifting and LEDs gone.

    I updated from the 372 to the 373 bata driver hoping this would fix it but I had the same problem again today.

    What is going on ?

    the last beta firmware released was supposed to have fixed this.

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    Your wheel version looks strange for a Formula v2 it should be 35 with this driver and not 120. So I would try to flash the wheel with included firmware in the driver.

  • Reverted to driver 356 and problem with random disconnections went away. Had to revert to the firmware that ships with those drivers also. Seems to be the actual Podium Base Firmware that causes the problem.

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    sorry to bother you again. but i can't open the file. Could you tell me what I need to be able to open it. it tells me the file is unknown :(. thanks again

  • Wheel vibration still not working properly with 373

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    working fine here. Which game? Only pC2 and AMS2 are using native Wheel Vibration for Wheel Spin, for every other game you need FanaLab.

  • The fanalab that doesn’t work with Xbox One..?

  • No, only compatible with PC.

  • Kamen KunevKamen Kunev Member
    edited August 2020
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    In ACC, ABS vibration is definitely not working(If it is, it's too weak and vague) with 372 and 373. The vibration works fine in the Fanatec Wheel Property Page. To make it even weirder, the vibration, in ACC, works for other telemetries, like Wheel Spin and others. The ACC ABS vibration worked perfectly fine by v365.

    I've tried everything: reinstalling drivers, Fanalab and even the game.

  • Make sure to set BLI to off, only then the ABS setting in Fanalab will work if you set strength to more than 0 and Shock in Tuning Menu to more than off (and it's working fine on my end).

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    I've always had BLI off, allowing the game to take control over vibration. The vibration strength is set up to 10 in Fanalab and SHO is set to 100%. I've had this setup for a few months now and I know what each setting means and does. For whatever reason, it seems that the in-game ABS threshold is not communicated to the wheel. As I mentioned, all other parameters do cause normal vibration, except the ABS. The ABS in the game is turned on and it clearly gets actuated - brake bar flashing yellow. Tried, in-game, to pre-load the DD2/Formula Wheel combo, as well as tried to load up generic wheel. ABS vibration is still not there. Reinstalled twice the Fanatec drivers, the game and Fanalab.

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