Fanatec Driver 410 for CSL, CSW and Podium WB (all wheels)

Changelog since driver 402
Driver UI
- New driver UI for CSL DD and Podium wheel bases. Will be rolled out for more wheel bases later. The old UI can still be accessed through the "USB-Gamecontroller" overview of windows.
- Fixed Tuning Menu tab showing tool tip of APM setting even with no APM attached.
- Correct wheel base is now displayed even when in Compatibility Mode.
- Removed option to choose wheel base when Podium DD is in Comp V2.5 mode (no longer required due to improved detection).
- Changed Tuning Menu setting LIN ON/OFF to FFS LIN/PEAK (Force Feedback Scaling).
Firmware Manager
- Fixed button at the end of shifter calibration being incorrect.
- Fixed issue where updater would erase existing flash even when FW could not load correctly for flashing.
- Option to save Tuning Menu settings during firmware update is now hidden instead of grayed out if base doesn't support this function.
- Added text "No update required" for steering wheels that are not firmware-updatable.
- Text correction for description of Podium DD motor sensor calibration.
Firmware Overall
- Fixed steering angle not being linear after a firmware update.
- Fixed issue where a combination of Formula V2, H-pattern shifter, and second shifter could lead to an inverted shifter input.
- While in BRF setting the LEDs now flash when 100% brake input is reached.
- Fixed constant vibration noise of the motor which could give a grainy feeling and be audible which results in a smoother feeling.
- Fixed damper effect from games being rough and noisy, for example in AC when car is standing still.
- The 'Damper' effect modifier (DPR) is now scaled differently and is able to be stronger. Depending on how a game uses this damper, it might feel too strong for some users, but this can be easily adjusted with the DPR setting in the Advanced Mode of the Tuning Menu.
- Fixed BRF setting not being adjustable in single steps with D-Pad up/down.
- Fixed BLI setting shown as "oFF" instead of "OFF".
- Fixed wrong FFS setting values on 7-segment displays.
- Improved rotation during boot up which is now smoother and less rapid.
Podium DD
- Renamed Tuning Menu setting LIN to FFS (Force Feedback Scaling). ON -> LIN and OFF -> Peak.
Formula V2
- Fixed Thumb Encoders being unresponsive on PS4.
Button Module Endurance
- Fixed Xbox Guide button short press not working and leading to long press function.
- Fixed 2-way toggle switches not working on PS4.
- Fixed cosmetic issues where BME Tuning Menu differed from Podium DD display.
- Fixed BME showing high-torque message when attached to CSL DD.
Universal Hub + APM
- Fixed upper APM paddles not working on PS4.
- Improvements to the pedal type detection when connected to the wheel base
Firmware versions included
- CSL DD Motor: (NEW)
- CSW V1 Base: 686 (NEW)
- CSW V2 Base: 686 (NEW)
- CSW V2.5 Base: 686 (NEW)
- CSL E Base: 686 (NEW)
- CSL E Base PS4: 686 (NEW)
- DD1 / DD2 Base: 686 (NEW)
- CSL/CSW Motor: 22
- DD1 Motor: 40
- DD2 Motor: 40
- SW McLaren: 32
- SW McLaren V2: 41 (NEW)
- Formula V2: 41 (NEW)
- Podium HUB: 6 (NEW)
- Podium BME: 18 (NEW)
- CSL UH: 3 (NEW)
- CSP V3: 1.32 (NEW)
- CSL EP LCK: 1.10 (NEW)
Known Issues
- Podium wheel base jolts can happen on ITM or analysis screens of the base display. A workaround is to use the default screen with “Fanatec” logo while driving. We are working on a fix which involves an extensive re-write of the Podium DD firmware.
- In some cases after all firmware updates are complete, the wheel might ask for another centre calibration which can be performed either via the driver UI or the button combination of the connected wheel which is mentioned in its Quick Guide.
- New UI doesn't yet remember if a different product picture was chosen by the user and reverts back to default when opened again.
- The CSL DD power button pulses when opening the UI which doesn't affect functionality.
- The CSL DD power button colour can appear different during the mode change but will be correct after the mode is completely changed. Does not affect functionality.
- New UI appearance requires further refinements, coming soon.
- Some people report that using 918 or BMW steering wheel won't allow full torque on the PDD while for others its working fine, we are investigating.
- For some users a firmware update doesn't start which seems to be PC dependent as its working with a different PC on another try. We are gathering feedback, log files and are investigating.
Newer version available here:
Compatible FanaLab Version:
How to report issues:
If you report a driver or firmware issue, please make cross checks:
- Update driver and FW separately to isolate an issue and find out if its caused by driver OR firmware.
- Which driver OR firmware does show the issue
- Which driver OR firmware does not show the issue
- Check if you can reproduce the issue again if you go back to the version which seems to have cause the issue
- Post the answers gathered from the questions above + a short description of the issue including the following information:
- Wheel Base Model (product ID): ...
- Steering Wheel Model (product ID): ....
- Driver Version: ....
- Base FW Version: ....
- Motor FW Version: ....
- Wheel FW Version: ....
- FanaLab Version: ....
- With driver related issues collect log files and zip them from C:\Users\Public\Fanatec Logs
This discussion has been closed.
Fanatec Handbrake V1.5 connected to Podium Racing Wheel F1 (DD1).
No possibility to make manual calibration for handbrake axis.
I don´t have Fanatec pedals anymore (calibration worked when handbrake connected to V3 pedals and pedals via USB to PC).
Handbrake is hall-sensor modded.
(Just bought ClubSport USB Adapter if that helps)
If you have a problem in the new UI you can always go back to the old one through the USB Gamecontroller overview of windows.
We'll check your issue, did you check the pedal tab already? If I understand correctly there are no pedals connected and the handbrake is connected directly to the base right?
Thank you Marcel!
Same problem was with previous driver release.
I had connect handbrake through V3 Pedals and those directly to PC to get manual calibration work.
True, now I don´t have pedals at all, handbrake connected to wheelbase. And sure yes, handbrake axis is only visible at pedal tab :)
It would be superb if can be fixed for next release.
Can't update firmware on my DD2. I keep getting this message. I'm coming from driver 402.
sorry for asking but is it worth updating from 401 to 410 and is 410 an official or a beta driver? Thanks in advance to anyone who answers this!!
Button Module Endurance
Thanks for finally fixing this.
just take a look at the changelog and see if if the changes and fixes are worth for you. And yes, usually newer drivers are always worth ;)
Thanks for your time man, is it a beta or an official driver?
Beta and there will be quite some driver updates following in the very near future to make the new UI perfect.
Thank you both guys!
You know this is the beta driver forum, right?
And the package includes known bugs (both new and historic) and an admission that is unfinished and requires refinement.
Yet there are still those who just can't admit that it is beta.
All Fanatec drivers are released in beta state - no matter what some might claim.
my DD2 starts with my 918 wheel only in low torque mode with the message to prevent damage on the simplyfied qr
My Mclaren V1 with metal qr switch in high tourqe mode
I am using 4K monitor , new ui can not show steering and pedals real time values properly, just flashing all the time
The new UI doesn't work on my side.
I updated everything through the old gamecontroller method but it won't fix it. I also removed the driver, restarted my system and installed it again with admin privilege but same issue.
I'm on the Win 11 22000.132 preview. I think the new UI has an issue with the upcoming Win 11.
Please read the first ließ of the Changelog.
The new UI is ONLY working with CSL DD and Podium DD at the moment, more Bases to follow soon.
Please use the old UI through Windows Game controller Menu for your base.
Oh, äh upsi 😅
I get same error on my DD1
firmware 410 have many bugs ,
1) CSP V3 can't detect device through USB
2) handbrake connected to CSP , CSP connected to WB , handbrake doesn't work
3) pedals rumble become weaker
4) real time values keep flashing when using 4k resolution
changed back to FW 402 , all work fine now
Usb pedals need to be accessed through old Windows USB game controller menu, they are not supposed to work with new UI.
Pedal vibrations should not got weaker.
same here, same error
Hardware : DD2, PBME, ClubSport v3 inverted pedals
Have been using 402 since February flawlessly
Updated to 410 drivers with Fanalab 1.57.2 today.
On multiple occasions today while playing AC (LAC), the 'Podium Button Module Endurance' disconnects and is replaced by just 'Podium Hub'.
As per attached video, using KillSwitch to power cycle base restores PBME.
Rolling back to 402
Thanks for the report, we'll take a look. Let me know if you find out more for example if it makes a difference if the base is booted on with the 918 or when it gets attached afterwards.
Is it possible that you show it as a video? Hard to judge from a picture what is going on.
Does it make a difference if you change to a lower resolution or change the scaling option?
Is the scaling set to something else than 100%?
Which WB?
Which CSP?
Handbrake not working generalls, also in game or just not in the driver?
Was there pattern to when the connection failed, a specific kind of situation?
Please share the FanaLab settings you were using, you can export them as a file and upload them here.
no difference If i boot with the 918 or put it on afterwards. The McLaren with metal qr will be correct recognized every time but no chance with the 918.
its no difference if i press ok or wait when the text pops up it stays in low torque mode. I made a fresh Installation of the 410 driver but nothing changed. in the new driver software Wheel is correct detected as 918 and all Buttons work
The issue: Funky switch is not working properly. Navigation works with it but confirmation of a selected entry (pressing funky switch) is very unreliable. The issue occurs not predictable, neither from the time perspective nor from the intensity: sometimes it happens right from the beginning of a session, sometimes later. Sometimes almost every „klick“ fails, sometimes almost none. I do have the impression that fast navigation and klicks produces more issues than slower activities. The typical behavior is that instead of processing the „klick“ by triggering the respective action (jump into a sub menu etc.), the entry is ignored and the cursor positions on a neighbored field and even confirms the neighbored field. Sometimes the „klick“ is only ignored…
My software environment: PS4 only, mainly Granturismo Sport (however the issue sometimes already starts while navigating through the main PS4 menu).
My hardware environment: F1 Podium Racing Wheel F1, Fanatec Shifter, Fanatec Handbrake, Fanatec V3 pedals, Fanatec Kill switch, VR-Headset, Simlab-Rig.
Solution attempts: I was installing all recent firmwares, Changing USB cable, using different USB slot at PS4, grounding pedals, DD1 and myself, disconnecting Shifter and Handbrake.
Due to this issue the bundle was replaced once by Fanatec and the second one seems to be slightly better but not good.
I hoped for the current firmware update...