Fanatec Driver 415 for CSL, CSW and Podium WB (all wheels)

To see the previous changelog of driver 411-412 please visit this post:
Changelog of 415 since 412
Firmware versions included
- CSL DD : (NEW)
- CSL DD Motor:
- CSW V1 Base : 686
- CSW V2 Base : 686
- CSW V2.5 Base: 686
- CSL E Base : 686
- CSL E Base PS4: 686
- DD1 / DD2 Base: 686
- CSL/CSW Motor: 22
- DD1 Motor: 40
- DD2 Motor: 40
- SW McLaren: 32
- SW McLaren V2: 41
- Formula V2: 41
- Podium HUB: 6
- Podium BME: 18
- CSL UH: 3
- CSP V3: 1.32
- CSL EP LCK: 1.10
New driver UI
- Fixed some button input indicators.
- Fixed FW update for CSL UH not getting prompted.
- Changed update order to do motor firmware before base firmware to prevent needing to do the center calibration twice.
- Added link to driver download so it's easier to check if a newer version is available. There will be an implemented update function with notification later on.
- Added links section to the "No Device Found" page for easier trouble shooting if needed.
- Added BoostKit detection for CSL DD. Boost kit logo will be shown on the wheel base page if in use.
- Improved handling of MPS when in CONST or PULSE, positions should now always match.
- Potential fix of UI not opening for CSL UH in special cases.
CSL DD Firmware
- Fixed tuning menu not visible on Universal Hub 7-segment display
- Fixed visual bug of SEN bar in the standard mode tuning menu
- Added missing bar for MPS setting on small OLED screens
How to use the new function to collect log files
- Open the new UI via the desktop short cut or search for "Fanatec Control Panel". When the base is connected this only works with CSL DD and P DD. If you have a belt driven base you need to turn it off and then click on the shortcut so the new UI opens, then the collect log function will be on the first page)
- Press the "Collect Logs" button.
- This may take ~30 sec to collect all log files and put them into a .zip archive.
- The folder with the .zip will appear and you can upload it to the forum when reporting an issue.
- The classic way of collecting logs is to put the files from the following folder into a .zip: C:\Users\Public\Fanatec Logs. The downside oft his is, that it won't include the windows logs.
Known Issues
- Podium wheel base jolts can happen on ITM or analysis screens of the base display. A workaround is to use the default screen with “Fanatec” logo while driving. We are working on a fix which involves an extensive re-write of the Podium DD firmware.
- The CSL DD power button pulses when opening the UI which doesn't affect functionality.
- The CSL DD power button color can appear different during the mode change but will be correct after the mode is completely changed. Does not affect functionality.
- BMW GT2 wheel on CSL DD can have ghost button inputs when pressing a D-Pad direction.
- New UI appearance requires further refinements, coming soon.
- Some people report that using 918 or BMW steering wheel won't allow full torque on the P DD while for others its working fine, we are investigating.
- CSL Elite, CSW and pedals via USB are still not supported by the new UI. This will be added later.
Compatible FanaLab Version:
How to report issues:
If you report a driver or firmware issue, please make cross checks:
- Update driver and FW separately to isolate an issue and find out if its caused by driver OR firmware.
- Which driver OR firmware does show the issue
- Which driver OR firmware does not show the issue
- Check if you can reproduce the issue again if you go back to the version which seems to have cause the issue
- Post the answers gathered from the questions above + a short description of the issue including the following information:
- Wheel Base Model (product ID): ...
- Steering Wheel Model (product ID): ....
- Driver Version: ....
- Base FW Version: ....
- Motor FW Version: ....
- Wheel FW Version: ....
- FanaLab Version: ....
- Driver/FanaLab installed on C: drive or else?
- With driver related issues collect log files and zip them from C:\Users\Public\Fanatec Logs
This discussion has been closed.
Only csl dd ?
New UI still works with Podium DD and CSL DD.
Old UI for all Belt Drive Bases.
This time my CSL DD managed to update the motor firmware but got stuck with the same "Failed to load default firmware file [-4]"
Then when i tried to recalibrate the center position after the motor upgrade im stuck with "cal" flashing on my wheel.
Any ideas how to fix this? Pushing the buttons on the wheel that should confirm the center position wont work but i can see everything else working when i try different buttons.
Finally solved my update problems (after weeks of trying) by creating a new windows-user with a name without any special characters like the "ö" in my name.
Installed the driver package with that user and after that everything worked!
Hey all
A while back I read a response (That I cant find now) from either Maurice or Marcel that mentioned a work around for a driver issue having to do with the motor sensor calibrationfor the DD wheel bases. I don't remember the issue in need of the work around but the work around was to not do or erase the motor sensor cal. Was wondering if I should be doing the Motor sensor cal now that we are well past that driver? I haven't been doing the sensor cal as I have not seen any mention of it up to this point.
Thank you for your time
Maurice Böschen August 19
Alastair WalkerAug 19, 2021
Maurice Böschen are you still clearing the Sensor Calibration on the DD with this new version?
YES! ;)
ok so I found this responce in the comments for the 410 drivers is this still true with 415? and also what is/was the underlying issue?
This will be true forever until the rewritten new firmware with a completely new motor firmware is released.
Underlying issue is that for the majority of people the motor calibration alghorythm is not powerful enough anymore after the Major firmware changes 2 years ago and with or without calibration the cogging is the same but with calibration you get vibrations, oscillations and a bad stickiness Feeling on first movement.
Is this something that I can/should do on my csl dd?
my dd1 with bmw steering wheel remains only with low torque
Because that is a firmware issue which a new driver without a new firmware wont fix.
Until a new firmware is mentioned in the Changelog you should avoid upgrading to Firmware 686 and stay with Firmware 684 from driver 402.
TY for the reply, I will just not do the Sensor Cal, Side note I Updated to the Latest Fanalab and Driver 4.15 with 0 issues. I do not have the low torque issue with FW 686,it all works fine. I am Running a DD1 wheel base, BMW GT2 Rim, V3 Pedals and Shifter SQ 1.5. FWIW my update process is as follows,
Step 4 is unneccessary, step 7 has to be done after step 5 (after driver installation but BEFORE FW updates and before calibrating anything), step 9 is again unneccessary.
Rest is exactly how it should be done.
So this firmware for the csl DD won’t sort out the ghost buttons on the BMW M3 GT2 wheel ?
In that case, when do you think it will be fixed ?
Can the right paddle shifter working randomly also be related to the firmware ?
Thanks for good support so far. 👍
Thank you for the log files.
Does the center calibration work when doing it in the driver UI
Oh wow, thanks a lot for that information
There is no calibration available for the CSL DD. It's a function of the Podium DD because of its bigger magnets and stronger cogging effect, the CSL DD is much smoother by default and without calibration already challenging the Podiums smoothness with calibration.
The ghost inputs are happening when pressing a D-Pad direction, we are working on a fix and it will come soon with the next firmware update. As a "workaround" until then the only thing I can suggest is to not use the D-Pad directions for now.
No reports on problems with paddle shifter linked to the firmware ?
I see that beta drivers comes out quite often. Is there need for upgrade them regularly or we are better off with older, stable version?
These drivers are not Beta, they are stable official drivers. They only get posted for discussions here in Beta because you cant discuss in non-beta Forum section.
But all the latest drivers were posted in the thread for latest official final public drivers so you can call them official drivers and not beta drivers.
Lol - a series of software releases, each of which contains known issues and in which other issues are quickly found and reported by those users using that software is called - what?
so, I've tried this new version.
Starting from 402 driver and according firmwares on my DD1. I have BMW GT2 and Formula Black wheels.
After upgrading driver + Fanalab 1.57.4, rebooted my pc, I started the Control Panel.
First strange thing was the WQR firmware with 0 but saying it's up to date.
I started the base firmware upgrade anyway, and got the stuck popup again (as I got in 410, 411 and 412) even after the base reloaded and was waiting for CAL.
I had to reload base and pc and everything looks fine
Then I did :
At this step, the base screen shows High Torque. But if I plug any of my wheels, the base goes to Low Torque.
For all drivers 410 to 415, when I go back to 402, I don't have this torque issue, nore the "please wait" stuck when downgrading the firmware.
I attach the logs files.
Calibration of H-shifter with CSL DD and 911 GT3 R still flawed. The driver control panel instructions do not match these on the EBM display, they are one step backward (the neutral position). I had to follow what EBM says or gears do not match.
Not other than in the combination of using the Funky Switch
With such a complex eco-system, thousands of different possible combinations and millions of different PC/Windows/localization combinations there will always be known issues and things you find out after releasing a new version. Also even though there are still some issues open a release might still be worth it because other significant things got solved like a display not working.
These issues of configuration complexity are normal.
The issues being discovered quickly by multiple forum users are indicative of limited testing prior to release.
The real testing is done here by normal users - you even include a checklist to be completed by those testing this release to report the issues they find.
I'm not saying that you shouldn't test in this way, or that you shouldn't release updates until every issue is fixed. But this insistence that these iterative releases should not be regarded as beta is disingenuous at best.
Same issue
I'm not sure if this is the same issue or not, but I had discovered that when using JoyToKey assignments for my Podium Button Module Endurance's joystick along with the [APM] set to "Mappable Axes", I would experience ghost button activity.
Hello, everyone, the only thing that strikes me now is that the LED lights on the Porsche GT3 Podium steering wheel are not displayed in the correct colors as they were set.
Platform: PC Game: ACC Base: CSL DD with Boster Kit
Maybe there is a solution for that. Have a nice evening.
That sounds like the native LEDs are in conflict with the Fanalab LEDs because you might have forgotten to disable them in the game settings?!