Black Friday Orders | Shipping Update 3



  • Today, January 2, after receiving the email from Fanatec telling me that the dd1 base that I ordered on November 22 will not be available before the end of March, I have decided to cancel the entire order.

    It took them more than a month to tell me that they did not have stock. For me, that is laughing at their customers and as a new fanatec user I will not buy from them again.

    If it takes more than a month to process a procedure, I don't want to imagine someone who is unlucky enough to have an RMA.

    Having said that, let's hope it doesn't take too long to refund my money.

  • Hi, like so many Ive heard nothing since 21/11 label created and no response from customer services

    I appreciatte your struggling, but you really need to improve your communication and give honest updates on processing and delivery, which would also assist in querys you have to deal with.

    Maybe stop taking orderts until you clear your back log?

    Unfortunatley its catch 22, black Frifay deals were great, but only if they actually turn up!

  • Thanks, but do I get one in an additional mail from Fanatec or is it in the account automatically at the checkout page?

  • two weeks after sending the form and I still don't have the refund with the voucher, I don't care about the discount because I will never order from them again in my life but I want my money back so I can order from simufy, These people have no shame, they are financing themselves with us and they don't give a damn about making us wait.

  • Blake HenryBlake Henry Member
    edited January 2

    I would think by the 1st or 2nd page of this post/blog the CS team would have helped but no huh?

    I have an older TM 358 and this will be a great upgrade but the thing is us PS and Xbox people are the reason why they have me for price but also strong DD and pedals. PC racers have no problem looking at the competition but not us. Moza 3.9 with crap pedals?

  • A TA T Member

    Whats the point of doing BF deals if you dont even half stock for half the orders taken...

    Also, it has been over half a month since the 2.5x voucher was announced and still nothing. A joke.

  • Interesting, guess I was wrong. I thought I had read they were not shipping any partial orders, which is why so many are getting delayed for one backordered component... Maybe it is different based on shipping warehouse location, US, EU, ETC...

  • Fanatec fanboys,I don’t know if I’m the only one but I have NOT received email from the company for the delays of 2.5x.NO option to cancel or to wait.NO replys of the 2 emails that I’ve sent them.So I’m the “can’t wait for your order” guy? Or what?

  • I'm still on their side, but you'll never understand it because you don't have that capacity

  • it is a plan that FanaSCAM devised long ago in order to gain a financial advantage in the capital market with our collected funds. in this way, injections come from the state at the end of the year, investors, sponsors, etc.

    why should they take loans from banks, when here they have us naive and stupid citizens of the world who lend our money for a couple of months without interest rate.

    remember, in those ten days at BF, they collected €27 million. but that's nothing compared to how much they will gain. and now that the new year has passed, they will gradually return our money to us as they like. without shame. so whoever canceled the order and did not do it through the bank or paypal, be aware that you will be waiting for your money maybe some for perhaps over a month.

    25% coupon? who is even crazy to use it with this thieving company, if they ever even allow it to be used with their games on the webshop. there are few items in stock, lot are on pre-order or out of stock.

    FanaSCAM = liars

  • I'm in the same situation, no mails, no nothing, so I'm also just waiting to anything from them. At this point, I'm thinking that I will have my bank reach out to them and get my money back, and then maybe they will be in contact, who knows

  • 🖕


  • just eat and enjoy

  • Not sure why this fucking smelly ROTTEN ass is on fire. Smells like CEO himself can't take people talking truth about his Company. Rather than defending Rotten scam campany, get your shit togather before your company turns into shit forever.

    If company does scam they will ofcourse we called FanaSCAM. Eat that ROTTEN shit bro. Thats what you get when you rip off people and run away with their money.


  • „Smells like CEO himself“

    Damn, Poop Pilot exposed me! 🙀


  • Now that Rotten Ass is exposed, spend some of the money you have from scamming us,

    on first getting a haircut that suits an executive, learning english. and most importantly shipping our orders.

    BTW your smartness can be seen from the name you have chosen. lol

  • „If company does scam they will ofcourse we called FanaSCAM“

    „learning english“

    Good job, Poopi! Any additional tips?


  • If you weren't such an asshole, then you would defend this shit from FanaSCAM with arguments.

    I asked you a smart question in another thread, but you didn't answer it.

    Come on, when you've already found the right of us who are constantly shitting on FanaSCAM, you're taking the form and calling us trolls, explain some facts.

    on what basis is it argued that you defend FanaSCAM so much?

  • The hypocrisy in that statement is absurd. You openly detest a company and then use racial remarks and slander the people who do the same.

    P.S. Life tip, don't try using baseless personal attacks to change your narrative :)

  • you are not intelligent enough to understand that.

    that I continue to justify them for those first 2 weeks. but when they started canceling orders after 3 weeks, there was a problem that FanaSCAM played it on purpose.

    and you and those barkers at the beginning who crapped on them, of course you were unreasonable, because if you know that everywhere in the world there is chaos and a stoppage in the flow of goods because the Chinese had their big 11.11. sale and when BF followed, of course, chaos happened.

    so, I was with them during that period because they had a justification.

    but after 3 weeks, when you get the complete picture and the procedure of the FanaSCAM party, what are they up to, and then you will need to take your interest.

  • edited January 2

    Buenas tardes señores, soy de Tenerife, os comento pedi un csl dd por error me llego en aprox 17 días o 20 días máximo , lo pedí en octubre a principios y llego antes de noviembre, pero en noviembre me he pillado el CSL DD PRO, lo pedí el día 4 de noviembre, a día de hoy el tracking me dice que la etiqueta está creada, y he llamado a ups, y demás y me dicen que ha pasado algo por lo que ups no ha recogido el paquete de la empresa, o algo así me comentaron, no se que pasa con estos señores, y encima me he dejado 700€ en el combo DD PRO para ya tener 2 meses esperando hace el día 4 DE ENERO , y aún no se nada de mi DD PRO, lo único "Etiqueta Creada" en la web.... la verdad que es lamentable, les envias correos y no te responden y no te dicen nada al respecto se que el dueño de fanatec, cambiaron de sede o pasó algo con proveedores o masividad, pero si yo pago por un producto ya es hora que lo envien..... espero que se solucionen los problemas por que ya la verdad que el asunto cansa, no se que pasa con mi envio después de casí 2 meses esperando y haber pagado 700 pavos. Es lamentable... más la aduana que me espera que serán otros 100 mínimo... es muy lamentable, espero que me llegue ya de una vez, os dejo una imagen y si saben algo por favor decidme.... por que no es ningún pack de los últimos y tenían todo en STOCK. Y YO PEDI ANTES DEL BLACKFRIDAY

  • „I asked you a smart question“


  • Florian BraunFlorian Braun Member
    edited January 2


    don‘t spit on each other. It makes no sense!

    There is this funny rating page „kununu“… found Fanatec there… not the best rating… but, as everywhere, who writes such content???

    Only people that are unsatisfied and angry.

    But what caught my interest is, that no one is willing to work long enough for this company…

    And another fun fact… Fanatec hired a new Board member…

    Seems it is a nice, easy and calm way to earn big money… Thinking about to send some profession details (not)… ROFL

  • Go ahead.

    they need more people anyway.

    1-2 people work there. poor guy doesn't make it all by himself, he still has to figure out how to screw up half the world in order to get money for his beloved boss Thomas the CEO.

  • Stating the obvious, bro!

  • edited January 2

    Still waiting for order since 24/11/23.

    Fanatec has the worst customer experience on the internet. No company in Europe allows itself to break regulations so much. It's like the Titan of Oceangate. It's only a matter of time until the end.

  • My order arrived today and you guys shipped me an incomplete order 1865609.... I paid full customs on. No steering wheel. So disappointed in this company. Also you put the warranty date as the order date... that's not how it works, you are eating up in the warranty period. Not OK.

  • Waiting since Nov 22nd.

    No updates on my QR2 order, no emails, nothing! And Fanatec is outrageously still selling the QR2 parts on their website - how can they get away with so much wrong going on? The website says that the QR2 Base-Side (Type-M) part is AVAILABLE immediately and the wheel side will be available on January 17th?

    How are people being informed that they are not getting their parts before March 2024? I am moving to a different province in Canada in about two months and I don't have what to do at this point.

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