Black Friday Orders | Shipping Update 3



  • Given Fanatec's last update suggests they should be well through the backlog and I still don't have an order or any idea when I'll be getting it I've gone ahead and cancelled via PayPal seeking a full refund.

    I've also cancelled a QR2 I ordered in a separate order so hopefully that helps out someone in AU to get their order a bit quicker.

    I know this doesn't mean much, but future opportunity cost is probably about 6k for just my business.

  • Again more baseless statements. My first post was yesterday, I was just reading the blog previously to see about any updates and saw you acting like some egotistical loser who talked like you were better than your peers (glad to see that hasn't changed 😉).

    I also find it funny how in a majority of your arguments you always make an attack towards someones intelligence. I really hope this is some form of insecurity because if not your gaslighting strategies are complete garbage.

    I am not saying it wasn't childish for the people complaining in the first couple of weeks, however if you understood Fanatec's past issues you would be concerned as well. It also doesn't call for you responding to everyone with half assed insults to get some reaction which is more childish than complaining in the first place.

    You are a sad excuse for a human being and I hope you get the attention you lust for.

  • Good choice. I did the same thing, but much later. Lesson learned

  • I'm sorry that sucks. My order was November 17th .Today I initiated a chargeback process with my bank. I haven't heard from them one and I can't cancel for refund so this is the only option left.

  • Im going to cancel my DD+ pre-order because of the warranty that is ticking the day you order.

    A month of warranty has already been taken away on my order and no one knows when the bases even arrives. I could have lived with one month off, but after i heard that nothing is going to get shipped before January 10th from Fanatec, this is where i draw the line, enough is enough.

    Im not willing to let Fanatec eat several months off with warranty with a DD base i bought from them. Its right out unethical.

    This is the first and last time i pre-order anything as significant as a 999 EUR base from Fanatec, its also 25% taxes and shipping on top of that.

    I`ll keep using my DD Pro instead.

  • edited January 3

    It is ticking from warehouse process date, but if you message the support after the arrival, they will change the date. This is ridiculous but it's like that for years.

  • You guys are really bad, fanatec, please stop blaming your mistakes on too many orders, logistics, and other problems. You are really bad. There is no news about the order placed on November 22nd. You think users can’t live without fanatec?. Sorry, I plan to cancel the order and go to MOZA instead. I will also sell all the equipment I purchased before and will not buy any of your products in the future. Of course, losing a user is nothing to you.

  • hello, is it true that in the period from January 3 to January 10, Fanatec carries out an inventory and orders will not be processed and shipped during this period?

  • Read the first post

    "Further information: An inventory will be carried out in all regions at the beginning of January. This means that almost no orders will be shipped in the first week of January until January 10, partly also because the week is shortened by the public holiday."

    Almost no orders....or, in other words, they will send what they want to send (dd+ for example)

  • Did you read somewhere that they will ship the DD+ during the inventory period?

  • no, but it's logical to think that they don't need to count the number of new bases they have in stock.

  • you are completely lost in the fog. you are wandering like a sheep and you don't know where you are going. typical of the stupid people on this planet. and there are too many of you

  • Lee RitchieLee Ritchie Member
    edited January 3

    Lets be realistic, we will not see the DD+ till at least the end January

    10th January plus 10 working days on top of the 4 -7 standard working dispatch days

  • Good news to my fellow Canadians stuck in dd1 limbo hell.

    I just priced out a simagic alpha bundle and it actually works out to be cheaper than the dd1 bundle because you don't have to pay custom fees. And I can get it within the week because that's what happens when you aren't trying to be greedy and pocketing every dime from (poorly) running your own distribution network. 15nm vs 20nm but not having to deal with fanatec? Sounds like a big win to me. Bye felicia. I'm canceling my order and doing a cc chargeback since they won't respond anyways.

    Shame since I had 2 fanatec wheelbases break on me in very little time years ago. Thought I'd give them another chance after 9 years of not sim racing. They've proven to be incompetent once again so I'm out. Good luck to the rest of you waiting this out, you'll need it.

  • Just to say, I tried their live chat support and it doesn't work, don't try to call their number because id doesn't work either

  • FanaSCAM does not give up. what a spirit!

    go ahead.

    I hope Thomas CEO and his elves are behind bars in prison soon

  • buddy, live chat has been a joke for a month now, you can try for hours and you won't connect.

  • Smail LaibSmail Laib Member
    edited January 3

    The warranty date starts on the date that they ship your stuff, I had that with the BF order, ordered on 24 October and date of warranty starts on 12 December day that they shipped out my products. And it was delivered on 15 December so 3 days that I lose warranty thats not a big deal

  • as far i know they to start work at 8 Jan, so you may not get response at before that, 10 jan is that time when they may start send products out again im guessing between 8-10 jan is inventory days for check what they have and what not

  • Can’t wait to see if they reply 🫣

  • Hello guys,

    New update from Fanatec regarding the CS DD+ situation :

    "Dear customer,

    We’d like to provide you with an update on your ClubSport DD+ order.

    It was our anticipation that we would have shipped these orders by now - provided your purchase did not include pre-order items that were not yet in stock. To facilitate this, we had the products transported to our global warehouses via air freight. This worked seamlessly and everything has arrived as expected.

    However, we encountered a separate challenge – pending product approval by Sony. The ClubSport DD+ is the first product on the market incorporating Sony’s new security electronics. Consequently, the product approval procedures are comprehensive and time-consuming. Initially we expected to receive this approval sooner. To date, we are still waiting for it, which is why we are currently unable to ship your order.

    We hope to have an update on the matter by mid-January and are doing whatever we can to expedite the approval process and deliver this exciting new product to you as quickly as possible. Please note, the product availability date in your Fanatec account is relevant to your shipping date - not the current date online in the shop, which only applies to new orders.


    Thank you,

    Team Fanatec"

  • Some fresh news about CSDD+

  • edited January 3

    so lets tally this up since black friday:

    First the f1 V2.5 wheel gets a glitch on their website. Fine, mistakes happen. But instead of removing the discount and giving people the option to pay the difference, or even giving people any other options, they just flat out cancel entire orders even completely independent of the broken discount.

    Then they say "oops we sold too many f1 V2.5 wheels, you'll get it in march."

    Then they say "oops we sold too many dd1s, you'll get it in march."

    no extra discount or anything for delaying an order by THREE MONTHS.

    Then they say even despite these delays they can't ship partial shipments despite shipping every single package independently with separate customs forms and shipping labels.

    Then they screw up the dd+ and say "oops we didn't anticipate releasing a product when things aren't actually finalized. "you'll probably get it in march. Maybe". "it's sonyz fault guyz, we promise" That's not an excuse. you don't take peoples money when things aren't finalized. Fine take a pre-order payment of 100$ or something. but taking a full payment for a product you have no control over shipping is just theft.

    I'm very curious how much money they're holding at the moment from taking full payments for products they don't have to ship for months now. Money they're paying off debt with to save the interest. Our money we could be either investing or paying off our debt with.

    They try to handle website payments by themselves it blows up in their face. They try to handle inventory by themselves, it blows up in their face. They try to handle logistics, it blows up in their face. They try doing everything by themselves, they fail miserably. They aren't competent enough to do these tasks by themselves and they're too cheap to hand these tasks off to competent companies. Then they just shrug off their customers like we'll keep crawling back. Hate to break it to you guys, but there's way more companies on the market now than just you. Me personally I'm going to simagic. I can literally go drive to a store tonight and pick it up and start using it.

    I'm done here. this is my last post, I'm cancelling my dd1 bundle order, doing a cc chargeback, and I'm gonna go buy simagic tonight and pretend like fanatec doesn't exist from now on. good luck to the rest of you with this terrible company.

  • I think he was talking about the F1 v2.5, not the McLaren wheel 😊

  • Tiago SousaTiago Sousa Member
    edited January 3

    I hope so... fingers crossed to be one of the happy guys to win the raffle of January shipping 😀

  • No, This have never happened in my country in EU . Any gear i have ordered from Fanatec starts ticking the day im ordering the gear, including what i bought on Black Friday 2023. I have MY PRODUCTS page in my Fanatec account to prove it.

    It seems like Fanatec are treating people differently then, which makes everything unpredictable depending on the customers location.

    I dont see why the DD+ would be any different for those that is located in the "wrong" location.

    But the DD+ really doesnt matter anymore. Now that Fanatec dropped the ball and told us that they haven't cleared up with Sony and we are looking at a huge delay once again, im really happy i canceled my order.

    Its embarrassing the way Fanatec operates these days .

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