Black Friday Orders | Shipping Update 3



  • So UPS lost my parcel over 2 weeks ago now and I have still not heard a thing from Fanatec/Endor AG as to what they are going to do about it, such customer service in this day and age is utter disgraceful ......

    UPS won't tell me anything and said I need to speak with the supplier hmmmm .... chance would be a fine thing......

  • [*Dear customer,

    First of all, we would like to thank you for your patience and apologize for the delay in providing you with information on your recent Black Friday order. We understand that you have been eagerly awaiting an update on the shipping status.

    Due to the exceptionally high volume of traffic on our site during the sales event, there was a temporary synchronization issue between our website and warehouse management system. This resulted in an overselling of the Podium Wheel Base DD1 QR2. As we cannot process partial shipments, we are currently unable to ship your order.*]

    So I already got a confirmation email from claudia saying I have a shipping label created for my order? But when i track the order it still hasn't been handed off to usps? does this mean I'm in the clear, or will I have to wait until the end of march to get my order? If I have to wait until the end of march I'm never dealing with this company again in my life.

  • Fanatec is deleting my posts on the forum now.

    42 days and not a word from Fanatec. Ping me on twitter to organize for collective action

  • Great. Now we have to wait our DD+ to be shipped for another 2 weeks when Fanatec back to work. i've never heard that a product can be in pre-order status for a complete quarter.

  • I also think there will be other problems when they give the voucher (provided they give it and if there are products that can be purchased and not sold out) and if they don't increase the prices. I sold everything to switch to Fanatec. When they offered me the voucher I canceled the DD+ to immediately buy a DD pro which is less powerful but at least I didn't have to wait until February for the qr2 and March for the steering wheel. But if I have to wait that long then I'll buy the dd+.. I play on ps and this is a limit. Fanatec's luck is that there are no other major competitors for PS. If Moza had a 10\12 nm direct drive PS line, I would most likely have immediately switched to Moza, and I say this with great sadness.. I didn't expect this big disaster.. But the worst thing is the silence and the indifference. They could have offered me the 2.5 steering wheel instead of the 2.5x steering wheel, I would have accepted. They made their lives difficult with this 25% voucher. The feeling is that Fanatec is a global company managed as if it were a small provincial company. At this point I should have waited for the steering wheel.. Now I will probably wait even later than March. Sorry my english

  • I know but I was hoping to have a stroke of luck eheheheh... If I had to go back I would buy everything in October without Black Friday. However, not responding is the worst thing. I would never have canceled the DD+ order if there had been qr2s. I didn't want to wait until March for a qr2. But then you release a new product and have such low stock in your warehouse? You know that the new bases only have that type of attachment, and you know that those who have the old bases will buy it.. But Order more. The thing that worries me is that I will be able to buy the DD+ again very late and most likely I will wait a very long time... even after March!!! I'm afraid we'll get to May! It was better that I waited for the steering wheel and the qr2 in March and kept the DD+.

  • Playstation is the only reason i bought Fanatec. They're so lucky that Moza does not have the license otherwise I turn to the Moza already. Not to mention the delivery system in China. I can receive my stuff second day I order.

  • edited December 2023

    I love how they said it was a "warehouse issue" as if the german economy isn't struggling right now and they didn't just inflate their end of year numbers for Q4 2023 all while not even needing to have the product in hand. and it took them almost 2 months to realize this? I'm sure the database said "x orders placed for y product" and they know how many they have, so why did it take 2 months to release this information? sure. Honestly I'm so mad right now, I spent over 2000$ on my order, and now that money is going to sit in their bank account gaining interest while I have what to show for it? I can't earn interest on that money and I don't have a sim rig to play in now. I would expect my order to be shipped out in march AND receive a 10% off goodwill voucher for an apology. I'm never ordering from this company again in my life.

  • You are right! But 10% is not much compensation. I only managed to get the V3 clubsport pedal set for €199. If you paid with PayPal you can request a refund but then you risk waiting even longer as will happen to me. If now a Moza or Simagic released a 12\15nm PS DD, I think many would switch to that brand. As I already said this is my first experience with Fanatec. I realize that the organization within the company is not up to the quality of the products it sells. Too bad I never expected it. Perhaps they need to review the organization in the future.

  • Hello Fanatec and James, i know you haven't replied to me recently but i would like to say something funny you did today, on most of the posts I read, fanatec always mentions how much effort they are putting on the backlogs and orders will ship soon the the usual "This only applies if the order does not contain a product that has a pre-order date" the funny thing about this quote is my first order from November 23rd without pre-order items have not shipped, but both my QR2s both in pre-orders, where processed days before estimated "availability date" and shipped within a week of said availability date, can you please just ship my actual main order 1822746, I have no need for a steering wheel Rim, and QR2 without the Clubsport Hub, but i got the first and missing the latter.

  • My feelings exactly, it would have to be a voucher much bigger than that to compensate the lack of trust that this has caused. It's a systematic, bare faced lack of respect for customers. I have reported them to the European Consumer Protection Centre, you can do so here I detail part of my case here

  • Leeann MuirLeeann Muir Member
    edited December 2023

    Calm your jets you can contact the bank or whoever to cancel. They have covered themselves so you can’t do anything against them.

    Places run out of stock sometimes. It’s sad but it will turn up eventually.

    No matter what they come out and say everyone will complain anyway.

  • Bank will execute a chargeback for an order made 42 days ago?

  • Dude where is this 25% voucher for the 2.5x its been two weeks!

  • Blake,

    Thank you for taking the time to share the info. I'm trying to grasp when Fanatec is actually having two of the products I ordered in stock or any movement of the two things I think are causing my order to remain "in progress".

    Thank you again and I hope you have a happy and safe new year.

  • Posts and I would use the chat bot and an email the CS people that you want to cancel and start a new order. Good luck!

  • Order from nov. 29, yesterday arrived. True, that only 3 from 4 boxes, but the 4. will arrive at jan. 2. I ordered from Hungary.

  • Good afternoon

    I bring bad news

    Today I received an email from fanatec

    I have my order for November 22

    with a dd1 qr2 bmw rim and the f1 2023 rim

    They tell me that the dd1 will not arrive before the end of March

    I can cancel the order if I want

    Are they laughing at us or does it seem that way to me?

    my order number is 1814679

    From the European Union I am from Spain

  • Clearly nothing was done this week and now have to wait until inventory is done to hear anything more. Left a poor review with the Better Business Bureau, however good that will do. Will be filing a consumer complaint with the Washington State Atorney General's office as well.

  • Why have no updates been posted for over two weeks?

    Why do I have to come to your forum to hunt down said two week old updates instead of receiving updates proactively via email?

    I have reached out to Support no less than 5 times over the last 6 weeks regarding my still unfulfilled orders, 4 via email and once via your website contact form - and have received absolutely zero response other than auto-responders that tell me that you’ll “be back to me in 3-4 days, due to heavy volume”.

    Please ship my orders or respond and provide a ETA.

    1794627 ordered on Nov 17th.

    1807462 ordered on Nov 20th.

    When I placed the orders the hardware was all listed as in stock and shipping within days. And now here we are almost a month and a half later and you can’t even be bothered to respond to tell me what’s going on.

  • what you mean they laughing, dd1 bundle was at pre order that means product was not ready, they talked somewhere before that some stuff may arrive at March, that is not up to them but factory self what is located in China, they can't kick factory the ass and make it them faster produce

  • but that's why they can fuck in ass of all customers

    and to have their money, dispose of it, invest in the financial market, have financial benefits by collecting funds from the state, investors and sponsors

  • I have been in the Fanatec Ecosystem for a few years so I have accumulated a good selection of products so when my nephew wanted to start sim racing I told my sister let’s get him a Fanatec system and I can help him out along the way. Well as you know that didn’t go well so I have tried canceling my order and bought him a Logitech G Pro system. It all Shipped in a few days and he was up and running on Christmas. This fiasco with Fanatec has brought me to the decision to unload all my Fanatec gear and move onto a better system. Eventually I would have to deal with Fanatec again and I don’t plan on doing that. I want nothing more to do with them.

    Yesterday I ordered a Simucube Pro 2, wheel adapter and a new GSI wheel. Guess what? Everything shipped today and will be delivered Tuesday.

  • it seems that Fanatec has turned into a helper of the competition. deliberately loses its customers and sends them to another camp.

    thank you FanaSCAM for opening people's eyes to see

  • Some Update: Order is cancelled with a confirmation Mail from Fanatec, Refund ist done, still waiting for the voucher. Someone knows how it is gonna work with it or is it just a discount automatically within the next order?

  • It will be a voucher, you will need to apply it at the checkout page.

  • Just looked at ups tracking and my order from 26th of November is being delivered on 5th of January thanks Fanatec.

  • Yeah right don’t be such a drama Queen selling all your Fanatec gear because you never got your order.That will show them eh.

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