Black Friday Orders | Shipping Update 3



  • well, i ordered only DD2 aswell and i get that with 2 weeks,if you not read news at that time when you ordered there was only limited amount v.2.5, also qr2 was out aswell

  • I see why they do it, but you conceivably could wind up in an infinite loop. What is oos comes in stock, but now something else is oos. It comes in, but the scenario repeats. The real question is what happens when the original oos or something else goes oos stock twice during your waiting period. If they don't save something that has been out of stock but has come back in stock for you, your wait may never end. It's why I cancelled my order, and split the qr2 and dd+ into two different orders.

  • this most likely was right choice because at time when dd+ arrives qr2 can be out again

  • Yeah, I didn't want any delays. I already have the qr2 in hand, just waiting on the dd+. Thankfully, I have the DD Pro in the meantime.

  • I i saw those news. Perhaps you misunderstood my message that the DD2 was put back on sale twice after being sold out, and the 2.5x wheel was only sold above inventory levels at a discount later, while I had ordered it 4-5 days before they oversold. The only item that was out of stock on November 17th was the QR2, which was supposed to be back in stock by November 30th. But it's great that you got your products; I didn't, and it took 80 days just to get a response about what was missing from my order. Just wanted to inform everyone how they deal my case. You can make you own conclusions. GL for everyone hope you get items. Im Out of This shit right now.

  • edited February 2024

    No, they didn't. They just oversold the items on the webshop. DD1, DD2 and 2.5X was oversold.

  • Can we get an update please? I ordered on November 28th and opted to wait for the QR2, which was listed as avail on December 22nd, at the time. My order now shows an available date since January 3rd. It's February 7th. Would really appreciate an update.

  • I feel bad saying this after my black friday ordeal as I know others are still waiting..

    Yesterday my order from November 20th finally went from order processed to handover to ware House.

    This morning I got a carrier has been notified (ups)

    This afternoon I got a picked up by carrier(ups)

    It's moving at an incredible pace all of a sudden.

    I don't know but I feel a greater power may have intervened (will @ boosted media or a moderator)

    either way I'm very greatful as my son has been driving me mad even though its mine. .lol

    I just hope everyone else's gets a speedy resolve and fanatec just communicate what's going on.

  • I think a lot of the Black Friday orders need manual intervention to get them moving and fulfilled. Mine progressed about a week after finally getting a response from Customer Care on Facebook messenger.

  • Hello, I am not sure if i am in the right place, but... i am not sure who/where else i can seek for some advice.

    I have purchased a club sport handbrake and a shifter back in 24/11/23 black Friday via Fanatec JP. My order has been processed and shipped via Japan Post in 8/1/24. It took a bit longer than I expected but it's OK. However, the delivery was unsuccessful due to "address unknown" and my order was sent back to the warehouse on 12/1/24. I have emailed Fanatec support on the same day as i am worried my items will be lost. I explained my situation and amended my address with additional detail as advised by the support team. However, since then, I have not had any response from the support team. I tried to contact the team a few more times since then, but till this day, there has been no response. At this point, I am not sure if they have reshipped my order or if my order went missing.😕what can I do? Any idea what is the usual response time from the support team?😕

  • Awesome!!

    FANATEC seems to have succeeded in maintaining AMEX's trust.

  • have you tried contacting the shipping company? i mean since it was already handed over to the shipping company(ups or fedex) just call them

  • Is anyone having trouble logging in to fanatec website? I tried and i keep getting this

  • Since yesterday looks like this 🤷🏻‍♂️

  • Thanks for the advice, I haven't tried calling the shipping company because the tracking shows the packages have been returned to Fanatec's warehouse. I assume the packages needs to be resend from Fanatec's side instead of the shipping company. Perhaps I will call the company and ask about the order.

  • oh okay that sucks, maybe try contacting fanatec on facebook

  • Yes I had the same problem (chrome/linux), I had to remove all fanatec related data in the browser. That worked for me.

  • Hi Fanatec,

    I think the 3 business days mentioned in this post are over........

    What's happening to our BF orders?

  • well if your order contained the 2.5x you can wait till the end of march

  • Nope, my order doesn't contain any products that Fanatec made a specific statement about... I see that the R320 wheel is on pre-order now (Mar 12), which is the only item on the list that isn't "shipped within 4-7 days". It only went to pre-order status last week or so, which i find a real shame.

    So I guess i can wait until the end of March anyways lol. I just couldn't resist posting something here after reading this update back, stating they almost caught up.

  • This is my fear, I have 14 items in my order, much of which had the BF discount applied, was just waiting for the DD+. However I also have the V2.5 X in my order for which I was never told about a delay. I figured they might look at it once the DD+ arrived and tell me then, I'd been keeping an eye out on stock and it was all available in Australia until the DD+ finally became available, and now the Shifter is on preorder. I wonder if I'll be waiting forever just because I ordered everything at once.

  • You'd like to think it will resolve itself, but I don't know. Hated to pay the extra shipping, but I didn't want to go through the anxiety. I just want my dd+ as fast as I can get it.

  • It's a whole new rig setup for me so it made sense to me to get it all at once instead of having warranty ticking away on items I couldn't use. But yeah I think if they wait for everything to be available before instructing the warehouse to pick any stock at all, I could be waiting a long time.

  • Can we get another general shipping/status update? I understand you are probably slammed with a ridiculous amount of emails that you can't get ahead of, however, an overall status would be very helpful in understanding the situation and managing expectations.

  • Quinten MooijQuinten Mooij Member
    edited February 2024

    Probbably not gonna happen… the communication suck

  • There is no new info so keep asking for updates won't work. Just wait until the end of march? The 2.5x wheels are in development and arrive arround 21 march.

  • I'm in the same boat as others. I'm on the verge to canceling my order and selling what I do have of Fanatec and going with another company. Hopefully I will get better service from them. Getting no response from message and even the US customer service line not working is not proper in my book.

  • My black friday order still hasn't arrived and they don't answer anything. I don't understand why they can't ship an order without a 2.5x wheel. And the wheel as an after-delivery. They stole my money.


  • Hi everyone... I am starting to get really frustated with all this process. I have made an order for a complete kit which included the "QR2 Wheel-side" product which went "OoS" after placing my order. I can understand that it was hard for fanatec to have a full tracking of the orders "real-time" and I can understand that when they accounted for all the orders of this product they had no capcity of delivery. Since after the order, they have given me 3 or 4 dates for availability of the QR2 item being the last one January 5th. No news of availability from then and now it shows that they have all the items of my order in stock and still have not shipped the order. I am sorry, but I can't look at this and not think Fanatec is pushing people on droping their orders from the BlackFriday deals. Fanatec has had our money for basically 3 months now and, again, having in mind that all items of my order are now in stock, there is no sensible reason to be holding the shippment and delivery of the goods at this point. If Fanatec didn't want to give the deals they gave during the BF event they should have not put it up or limit the quantity of products to be sold at those prices (they did that with the Podium DD2, if I'm not mistaken). Having the deals and then punishing the customers for taking advantage of the deals Fanatec gave is just not the way to act on their customers. Bear in mind that my order is on the 4 digit amount. To be honest, if they wanted to go the extra-mile for their customers, in my case, they could have shipped the product with a QR1 kit and then ship the QR2 update later when available, but I'm not asking for that, I'm just asking to get my order when everything is shown as available on Fanatec's website. I don't really know what to do/say more on this issue. I'm just very disapointed with Fanatec at this stage, tbh.

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