Black Friday Orders | Shipping Update



  • Hello for order 1806691 ordered on 11/21 still nothing no delivery tracking it's starting to take a long time I can still wait Tuesday after this deadline I'm asking for a refund I'm going to moza I have lots of other things to order Like the F1 drift steering wheel, I hesitate to order from Fanatec given the delivery time, it's scary

  • Why did you ignore all the customers with the red box „in progress“ questions? You have read them and don’t answer to them for more than a week. Why? I wrote you a pm a few days ago and you ignore them too. What do you have to hide for us?

    how long should we wait for answers?

  • I made an order on Black Friday and took a screenshot of my order number. Money was deducted from my checkings account however there is nothing showing in my account history. I have called several times, left several emails yet no communication. Did my order take? If not I am requesting full refund.

  • Am getting seriously pissed too just saw my order moved to 5th Jan due to a QR2 wheel base … when I ordered it was in stock then it was Dec 21st … after this dec 15th and now 5 th of Jan .. can you please make your part of the sales contract and deliver what is paid and bought or at least advice with clear coms and not for us to check everyday a changing info in the ordered we made :( this is really not helping the PR of the company such a shame whe you have nice products :/

  • What means an order with 🟥 "In progress" ?

    There's thousands of customers asking for that and nobody from Fanatec is answering us

    What's going on?

  • I ordered on 11/17/23. no further information since then.
    why don't the goods I ordered and paid for arrive?

  • Salut j'ai le même problème que toi j ai commander le 21.11 toujours pas de nouvel de suivie de livraison je viens de Belgique

  • that's crazy. I know of buyers from Holland who ordered after me and have already received the same item.

  • At this point, I'd rather them send me everything other than the QR2 so I could at least use the products instead of having to wait for EVERYTHING to be shipped at once. Mine said the pre-order availability for the QR2 wheel-base was Nov 28th and my status still says "the order is in process."

  • I have an order from 11/23 and want to make sure my order will arrive before I go out of town. Is there anyway to get a more accurate status on my order?

  • It really pisses me off when I see people on reddit, who ordered the same bundles after me, post that they already received their orders after 2-3 days from when they placed their orders. Meanwhile, I'm still waiting after 9 days (I know it's not as long as most of you but still). I know for sure none of the stuff that I ordered were pre-orders.

    Driving to Cali and picking up my order would've been way faster than waiting 9 whole days. Also, consider changing "completely shipped" status update to something else because it doesn't mean what you think it means.

  • I ordered on Nov. 24, the money was deducted from the card. I received a confirmation that it was paid, but I can't see the order on the website. No one answers my email.

  • I've Ordered on Nov 24th And my status has been, Completely shipped since the 25th No tracking information or nothing, Wondering if i can get, Any assurance, This is my first time ordering from Fanatec Pretty Nervous now.

  • Why did you ignore all the customers with the red box „in progress“ questions? You have read them and don’t answer to them for more than a week. Why? I wrote you a pm a few days ago and you ignore them too. What do you have to hide for us?

    how long should we wait for answers?

  • This is For sure frustrating.

  • They've hired 24 employees this year (already 200) and are unable to respond to our messages in a useless forum.

    The company's low share price and worse results than last year augur an uncertain future, especially if customer service is very very poor.

  • Wie kann das sein das ich bei euch am 21.11 ein komplettes Paket bestelle es keine Reaktion von euch rüber kommt. Und gestern bestelle ich Button caps von euch und die sind direkt versendet!? Hat hier irgendjemand schon das neue Limitierte Lenkrad bekommen wo drann hängt es.

    Findet ihr das in Ordnung das ihr 2 Wochen braucht um Beschwerden zu bearbeiten ? HOTLINE IST AUS WEGEN ZU VIELER NACHFRAGEN!?

    Fanatec Team ich weiß das geht euch am arsch vorbei aber ihr seid echt das kundenunfreundlichste portal was ich jeh erleben durfte.

  • James .James . Member, Administrator

    Hi Timothy,

    we apologize that you didn’t get a confirmation for your order and that you haven’t been able to reach us. Our customer service is currently experiencing delays of several weeks due to a very high number of requests. However, I have now escalated your concern and you should soon receive a reply via email from us.


  • James .James . Member, Administrator

    We're sorry about this, Attila. We have forwarded your request and you will receive a message from our Customer Care Team shortly.


  • I don't understand why you anwser newest comments first? Is it not logical to anwser the oldest first?

  • Why did you ignore all the customers with the red box „in progress“ questions? You have read them and don’t answer to them for more than a week. Why? I wrote you a pm a few days ago and you ignore them too. What do you have to hide for us?

    how long should we wait for answers?

  • As they are not responsible for their error and thinking a customer's fault reason to complete the story, they will not response to anyone at this moment until they made it. Our money still at their pocket, they are nothing lose.

  • Patrik GerhatPatrik Gerhat Member
    edited December 2023

    Hello @James

    Could you please also check with your team what it means if the order was processed to status "In Progress" with red square near to it? There are probably thousands of such orders and it seems to be similar scenario every time accordig to what people mentioned in various forums - used Advanded paddle module discount provided in the cart when ordering. I have the same status for my order 1828033 for which i have got confirmation through email and then after it was processed to that status it has not changed for almost a week now.

    Would be appreciated by your customers to check mentioned type of orders and let us know when we can expect them to be delivered.

    Thank you,

  • Jakub LabaJakub Laba Member
    edited December 2023

    hello, @James , my order status has been fully shipped for a week, I still don't see the tracking number, what's going on with the shipment? Did you ship without a tracking number? Has it still not been shipped?

    order no: 1827826

  • Same thing, Ordered on 11/17/2023.. "everything" shipped and no tracking number
    Order 1793624

  • Same thing also for me, ordered on 11/24/2023 "everything" shipped and no tracking number... Order 1828610

  • They will not answer anything about shipments, don't waste your time.

    Shipments are made through Aliexpress by bus 🤣 (better laugh than cry)

  • Why did you ignore all the customers with the red box „in progress“ questions? You have read them and don’t answer to them for more than a week. Why? I wrote you a pm a few days ago and you ignore them too. What do you have to hide for us?

    how long should we wait for answers?

  • Same thing also for me, ordered on 11/24/2023 "everything" shipped and no tracking number... Order 1831954

  • Hello, my order 1793332 has been completely shipped for 5 business days. It was passed on November 17 and I am in France...
    I wonder if this isn't a scam???
    I made a complaint to you for a refund because you didn't send me anything!!!! No response of course.
    I want to get reimbursed as quickly as possible so I can buy simucube (good material, like you, but professional company)
    Without a response from you today, I am starting legal proceedings.

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