Black Friday Orders | Shipping Update 2



  • My order was a complete set of base, pedals & wheel for F1 driving. I went with my order over 1000€ on 24th november.

    Today i got my refund over paypal. I ordered another brand on sunday 10th december. The other "driving set" arrives me tomorrow or friday 15.12..

    Good luck to the other persons who are waiting for their orders from Fanatec. I hope you all get them soon. My personal experience says me that i doesn´t will order from Fanatec again. Customer Service is the badest i´ve ever seen.

  • I think people who have problems with orders should also leave a comment on their instagram page, at different pics, so that other see what problems there are with this company and stay away from them. Nothing hurts a company more than negative reviews all over.

  • That's true, but... Bad news is also better than no news, even though it might make some of them run away, but the publicity makes sure that they receive more new customers too 😅

  • A friend of mine and myself ordered nearly the same stuff, both 24th november. (CS V3 pedals, Formula 2,5X wheel and CSL DD 8nm/he CS DD) he received his order yesterday. So there is hope, that one day we'll get our stuff :)

  • I only had the V2.5 X wheel + qr1 in my order and thankfully I have a working setup... I would still like to get it during 2023 😂

  • I have messaged the CEO, CFO, and Exec Board Member and an Operations Head directly via LinkedIn.

    Let's see if that results in any action, I'll let you know if any reply.

  • Ion CirciuIon Circiu Member
    edited December 2023

    Hopefully, the delay could be explained by the apm glitch. It is mentioned in the post they had to manually check some orders.

    So they put everything on hold, or all orders suspicious of the glitch, like the ones containing the 2.5x wheel, to manually sort it. Orders made after they fixed the glitch don't need to be checked anymore. I think this was Friday.

    I'm baffled they didn't find an automatic way to do it in their system. All you need is at least an export in excel and then it's a 30m job to sort them out and give the go for the valid ones.

    And this is the most optimistic assumption.

    Nevertheless, with this lack of communication you always hope for the best scenario, but the worst one keeps bugging you from the back of your head.

    Who knows, next week they cancel a few more. Maybe they are still pondering which offers were valid or not.

  • I sent an email to Fanatec a couple of days ago asking for status on my order since I ordered all in stock merchandise on November 23 and the order says completely shipped since November 25 but I have no tracking information on their website or in my FedEx account. Here is the reply I received this morning. I was surprised I even got a response but not surprised it doesn’t answer my question.

    Thanks for reaching out to us! 

    Due to a higher order volume, our warehouse is currently experiencing a processing backlog. 

    Please rest assured that our team is working hard to get your purchase out to you as soon as possible. Once your order has left our warehouse, the tracking number will be uploaded to your order in your Fanatec account.

    We greatly appreciate your patience and thank you for choosing Fanatec!

    Best regards / Freundliche Grüße

    Fanatec Sales Order Management Team)

    ***If you reply to this email please choose the reply-function of your email program***

    ***Falls Sie auf diese Email antworten, benutzen Sie bitte die Antwortfunktion Ihres Email-Programms***


    Endor AG

    E.ON-Allee 3, D - 84036 Landshut

    Phone +49 (871) 9221-122 | Fax +49 (871) 9221-221

    E-Mail: [email protected]


    Sitz der Gesellschaft Landshut - Handelsregister Landshut HRB 5487

    Management Board: Thomas Jackermeier (CEO), András Semsey (CFO), Matthias Kosch (Deputy CFO), Daniel Meyberg (COO), Belma Nadarevic (CMO)

  • You're right of course, this should be simple to resolve from their end. Then they could send a bulk message to all those impacted, example.

    "we noticed an issue with your order would you like to pay the difference or get a refund"?

    Everyone is then happy, as most people just want the product. Brand name preserved. 😁

  • Alex MeekAlex Meek Member
    edited December 2023

    Sent customer support several messages now (the oldest one being nearly 2 weeks...) with no response from anyone, incredibly frustrating.

  • Ich habe um Erklärung gebeten und habe eine sehr ausführliche nette bekommen.

    Hier ein kleiner Ausschnitt:

    Jeder Kunde, der von Problemen betroffen ist, scheint seine eigenen Gründe dafür zu haben - deshalb dauert es auch so lange, den Rückstand aufzuarbeiten. Dies soll keine Entschuldigung sein, sondern nur eine Erklärung. Unser Ziel ist es, jeden einzelnen Fall zu lösen.

    Hat mich ein wenig motiviert muss ich sagen.

    I asked for an explanation and received a very detailed one.
    Here is a small excerpt:
    Every customer who experiences problems seems to have their own reasons for it - which is why it takes so long to clear the backlog. This is not intended to be an excuse, just an explanation. Our goal is to solve each individual case.
  • I placed my order on November 4th. It was a pre-order for the Clubsport DD, that was supposed to ship Nov. 14th, and then Delayed until Nov. 28th. Since the 28th of November, I have not heard an update. Anyone who also pre-ordered the CS DD receive tracking info yet for it?

  • good afternoon guys just to inform you that about 30 minutes ago I just received my complete package and nothing was missing, everything was complete luckily and I never received a shipping number from either fanatec or UPS just because of the reference number and I was able to look at it but I couldn't It seems good because now I don't have proof of the delivery date for the warranty and the UPS guys didn't give me any receipt.

    Good luck to all!

  • I mean, without any of the other context you may have gotten this is literally a complete worthless non-answer that dodges any actual responsibility.

  • From Poland , no tracking. Only found tracking in UPS by reference number as Others mentioned. But it was on delivery day.

  • hi im french

    I bought the 24

    CSL Elite Pedals V2

    ClubSport Steering Wheel Formula V2.5

    CSL DD (5 Nm)

    completely shipped on 27 until nothing......

    i tried the ups technique with the refence number

    if i dont put the country and the postal code i find this

    it is mine ????

    if i put my country and /or postal code nothing appears......

    with the reference number you can find something when you put your country ??

    ps: yesterday I received a delivery notice from "LAPOSTE" with no information on the paper just the delivery date....

    I went to the "LAPOSTE" and there was nothing in relation to this notice.

    I don't know if it has to do with the fanatec command....

  • Country/postal code tella u that it might be yours (if there is nobody else at your area who is waiting for package). As the reference is order number, which is numbers and UPS handles packages all around the globe, there is high chances that it is not even from Fanatec :)

  • If you put your postal code and they appear, they would be for you. If it does not appear when you enter the postcode, it will sadly not be your order.

  • Finaly

    Some good news

    Order placed 11/11

  • Damn. I ordered QR2 Pro on 11/26 and v3i pedals on 11/28. Both were in-stock at the time i placed the order. Still no updates.

  • Looking forward to my order cancellation to put my hands on the beautiful Moza.

    Every year the same shitshow. How can they be so bad in forecasting and managing purchase order, stock and websites?

  • I have already filed a complaint with the European Consumer Center.

    Fanatec doesn't make the rules!

    Market rules exist, and Fanatec has to comply with them!

    They can't cheat their customers all the time. They can't leave customers without an answer. They can't just cancel orders more than 2 weeks later because they regret the discounts they made...

    Commitments are to be respected. Demand your rights!

  • Bonjour,

    il y a t'il des personnes qui ont eu un mouvement de leur commande aprés ce numéro : 1861171 ?

    commande passée le 29/11 pour un bundle CSL DD sans rien de particulier et pas de mouvement pour le moment


  • My number is 181**** and the order is still on "the order is in process" 😅

    Order made on 22/11

  • I'll wait another week and then the order will be cancelled. They will want to save themselves for the Christmas holidays and then we can wait until the middle of January. I don't fancy that.

  • The bundle discount is for the loadcell and boost kit!

    Had the same discount on my order and this was delivered at Monday.

  • I received the refund today for the DD+ ($1100) that I cancelled last Friday after they cancelled my BF Porsche/V2.5x wheels order.

    Has anyone actually received the 10% off coupon that they promised us in the email as consolation for their BF mistake and appalling handling of the issue? I wonder if we'll be able to stack that with the current discount on the 911 GT3 wheel which is now available for pre-order again or will that result in another cancellation? Sorry, but I don't trust them anymore after everything that happened.

    Also when are they going to offer wheels/hubs with QR2 so all the people who have moved to QR2 don't have to pay for QR1 adapters they don't need and can't use?

  • edited December 2023

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