Fanatec Beta Driver V373 (372 before) for CSL, CSW and Podium Bases (all wheels)



  • richEditor.externalEmbed.description

    I am using Assetto corsa competition and by turning the lever I get stuck on page number 5 and does not make me change anything, also inhibiting the endurance buttons

  • richEditor.externalEmbed.description

    Hello Luan Zeqollari :)

    See sreen shot :) Go to wheel properties page, under Turning Menu tab on the right hand side you will see "?" for each tuning menu click each one for a detailed list of what each one does ....Hope that helps :)

  • richEditor.externalEmbed.description

    Hi, yes I was on FW 22.

  • richEditor.externalEmbed.description

    It's not really is it? The driver development is a mess. My comment that we are all beta testers should have made that clear. If we want to use the functionality of products we bought last year like the PBME we have no choice other than to become beta testers and risk finding one or more bugs on Fanatec's behalf. The risk is all ours - Fanatec have failed to provide stable tested versions since the PBME was released. You might think this is reasonable but I do not. This happens far too often, this is not an exception, it is a pattern - Fanatec release a new beta release - tell us all the improvements, let us know of some issues and leave us to find the rest. At our risk. I'm sure folk will eventually get their issues fixed but it's not acceptable. It's an inconvenience and a frustration.

  • tbh i'm glad i sold my dd1 and went back to a csw, the driver team here at fanatec appear to be incompetent

    at least the csw has a working driver from a long time ago

  • Hello Fanatec Team, Hello Maurice/Marcel,

    i had old V365, testing the BME in a CSW v2.5. i was advised to not let driver update BME firmware.

    On this v373 driver, should I let driver update BMW firmware or not?

    Thank you.

  • richEditor.externalEmbed.description

    I had this issue

    all i did was close the updater window, turn off base, turn base back on and then the updater window reappear and installed the motor firmware without any issues

    Can provide a video if this is the cause of the bricked bases

  • richEditor.externalEmbed.description

    How the noise of the fan? And do you experience high pitch noise / chirping when turning the wheel ingame or in menu's?

  • richEditor.externalEmbed.description

    I still cannot believe it, the only thing I dream about at the moment is to get my money back and never get involved with this company again.

  • richEditor.externalEmbed.description

    I wanted to say BME

  • richEditor.externalEmbed.description

    Yes, with this driver you can flash the BME firmware, but make sure too first update the wheel base firmware.

  • Installed 373 yesterday lunch time.

    Ran 4 iracing races so far and a load of practice sessions.

    FFB feels really nice, best so far for me of all the drivers I have tried

    No clunks or freezes yet, long may that continue!

    Will test ACC today.


  • richEditor.externalEmbed.description

    Hello Maurice,

    The initial stickiness is the Anti Cogging Algorithm. I also hate it and can't run it, therefore I erase the motor calibration in the settings Tab of the driver which results in a MUCH smoother FFB, especially on the very first mm of movement.

    What do you mean by that we should run dd bases without motor calibration or erase it and calibrate again?


  • You typically should run motor calibration after every update of the motor firmware, but I personally don't like how it feels... Therefore I always immediately erase the calibration again..

  • Hi Maurice,

    Probably a stupid question as you are doing it already but are there any potential hazards from not having the motor calibration?

    I'd like the smoother FFB but not if there's a risk to the hardware or stability.


  • There is no risk to run the DD without motor calibration.

  • Thanks

  • Hello all, recently updated to the latest beta drivers because my wheel base / rim (DD2 +Universal Hub) would freeze while using Beta drivers 352. Now when I say "freeze" what I mean is that all the buttons on my universal hub become unresponsive, paddle shifters, buttons, tuning menu button, nothing would work until I powered down the base and restarted it. I could still drive the car in sim because the input of the wheel being turned was still recognized, but I had major issues if I was driving a paddle shifted car as I was basically stuck in whatever gear the car was in before the base froze up.

    Anyways, I've updated my drivers to 373, updated base firmware, updated motor calibration and motor sensor. I did everything by the books. Tested it on track and everything seems to be working fine, and all of a sudden my base froze up exactly in the manner I mentioned before. I was hoping this beta driver would fix this issue but no luck. I cannot replicate the base freezing in a consistent manner.

    I'm beginning to think my best/safest option is to return back to the official drivers/firmware, even though that means losing my FFB interpolation setting :(

    Really bummed out, as I had very high hopes for this driver/firmware package.

  • richEditor.externalEmbed.description

    Well for me the BME works flawless, I srsly don't understand why you and others are getting so heat up about the "beta" in the driver. Even stable drivers can have issues.

    I doubt any of you would be happy if Fanatec released this or previous drivers as "stable".

    Performance improvements are great, and work fine for me.

    And don't get me wrong, if I were one of those who had serious problems with my base after I tried to update the FW I'd also be pissed.

    Yet again, these problems can also happen with "stable" drivers.

  • richEditor.externalEmbed.description

    sorry Maurice. I imagine it is because of the google translator. what you mean is that you update the firmware but you don't calibrate the motor. it is right??. and so you get less dead zone in the center ??. Thank you!!

  • richEditor.externalEmbed.description

    By erasing the motor calibration I don't get less deadzone but less stickiness in the steering and also less vibrations / jittering in the wheel.

  • Maarten SpoekMaarten Spoek Member
    edited August 2020


    I only had a small problem updating from the previous beta (365) to this one (372). After installing, when I was asked to update the Base FW of the WB (first device?), it put the DD1 in update mode (power led flashing), but didn't show the window where you could update the actual FW.

    I had to reboot and reset the Podium, then after asking to update, it showed the correct window to continue and all worked fine.

    • Wheel Base Model (product ID): Podium F1
    • Steering Wheel Model (product ID): Formula 1 v2

    coming from:

    • Driver Version: 365
    • Base FW Version: included in 365
    • Motor FW Version: included in 365
    • Wheel FW Version: 34
    • FanaLab Version: none


    • Driver Version: 372
    • Base FW Version: 674
    • Motor FW Version: 40
    • Wheel FW Version: 35
    • WQR FW Version: 6
    • FanaLab Version: none

    All 64-bit.

    Raced for about 3 hours yesterday on iRacing and ACC. All good.

    I had 2 freezes the day before on 365 with 34, after it had been turned on for about 10h.

  • edited August 2020

    Has been reported here twice but gave no help

    installed 372 driver, updated base firmware, updated the motor firmware

    open driver user interface, accept the pop-up message to update the firmware for Formula V2 Wheel, nothing happend! Restart the base, re-open the driver user interface the whole process starts anew.

    I've had the problem with all drivers over version 356!

    Wheel Base Model (product ID): DD1

    Steering Wheel Model (product ID): Formula V2

    Driver Version: 372

    Base FW Version: 674

    Motor FW Version: 40? (no chance to get into the driver user interface overview)

    Wheel FW Version: 28

    FanaLab Version: 1.47


    Got no issues with:

    Driver Version: 356

    Base FW Version: 672

    Motor FW Version: 38

    Wheel FW Version: 28

    FanaLab Version: 1.24 Beta


  • Daniel HaynesDaniel Haynes Member
    edited August 2020

    Podium F1.

    Small insight regarding power down knocking. - on latest drivers

    I have my base connected via a powered USB hub which I switch off when not using my rig.

    I noticed if you power on your base and turn it off without my usb hub connected i get the same old knock. If the usb hub is connected so the base it actually connected to my pc then when you power off the knock is gone or allot less violent.

  • richEditor.externalEmbed.description

    The issue is not just the naming - it's the fact that betas by their nature have limited testing - when you install the beta you become the tester - ergo you are more likely to discover faults. Also the barrier to release is lower - the previous release broke the universal hub and that wasn't fixed for 5 months. Anyway you clearly think this constant stream of betas is fine, we should agree to disagree. I would not accept this from any other supplier and I won't accept it from this one either. PS - I also personally have no issues with this version either (so far) but that's not the point.

  • It was the third day since my base became a brick, WHEN to expect a response from support?

  • Marcus ToniniMarcus Tonini Member
    edited August 2020

    I haven't heard anything for my brick either.

    A few months ago, I had a printer brick doing a firmware update. I logged a ticket that day. A refurbished printer was shipped to me the next day. I then sent back the bad printer in the new one's box. Yes. The printer is much cheaper than my DD2, but their support was immediate.

  • richEditor.externalEmbed.description

    You can trust me, this beta was not tested in limited manner, so your "fact" is simply not true.

    My last two cents on this: The only major issue to be solved are the jolts, other than that my gear is working as it should. So I don't care if it is called beta or not.

  • Anyone else having issues with notchy, grainy feeling in the wheel after this update?

    My DD2 feels like its got sand in the motor after updating! Tested with the Podium 911 GT3 wheel with PBME and the F1 2020 wheel. Same feeling.

    I did the motor calibration as per the instructions, though it might be that, so removed the calibration. Feels the same, no change.

    I will try uninstalling the drivers and re-flashing the firmware and installing this driver version again, but I think the end result will be the same.

    Are there any instructions on how to revert to a previous driver please?

  • richEditor.externalEmbed.description

    Sand in the Wheel comes from a too low Interpolation Setting. Whats your INT set to? And also what FEI are you using?

This discussion has been closed.