Fanatec Driver 443 (Beta) for CSL, CSW and Podium WB (all wheels)

How to report issues:
If you report a driver or firmware issue, please make cross checks:
- Update driver and FW separately to isolate an issue and find out if caused by driver OR firmware.
- Which driver OR firmware shows the issue
- Which driver OR firmware does not show the issue
- Check if you can reproduce the issue again if you go back to the version which seems to have caused the issue
- Check if the issue is related to specific settings of for example the tuning menu. Is it happening more or less with a specific setting raised or lowered?
- Post the answers gathered from the questions above + a short description of the issue including the following info:
- Wheel Base Model (product ID): ...
- Steering Wheel Model (product ID): ....
- Driver Version: ....
- Base FW Version: ....
- Motor FW Version: ....
- Wheel FW Version: ....
- FanaLab Version: ....
- Tuning Menu settings
- Driver/FanaLab installed on C: drive or else?
- With driver related issues collect log files and zip them from C:\Users\Public\Fanatec Logs
Previous driver 442 brought several fixes and improvements to the Podium DD, Load Cell Pedals and more. You can check the previous changelog with the following link or check the full changelog.txt from the driver zip-file.
Changelog of driver 442:
Changelog of driver 443 (since 442)
Firmware versions included
- Podium DD1 / DD2 Base: (NEW)
- Podium DD1 / DD2 Motor:
- CSL DD / GT DD PRO Base: (NEW)
- CSL DD / GT DD PRO Motor:
- CSW V1 Base: 691
- CSW V2 Base: 691
- CSW V2.5 Base: 691
- CSL E Base: 691
- CSL E Base PS4: 691
- CSL / CSW Motor: 22
- Podium BMW M4 GT3: 8
- Podium HUB : 6
- Podium BME: 21
- CS SW Formula V2(X), V2.5(X): 45
- CS SW RS: 3
- CS SW BMW V2: 2
- CS UH V2 / UHX V2: 1
- CS SW F1 Esports V2: 4
- CSL SW McLaren GT3 V2: 45
- CSL SW McLaren GT3: 35
- CSL UH: 3
- CS P V3: 1.35 (NEW)
- CSL EP LCK: 1.13
- CSL P LCK: 1.8
Control Panel
- Fixed crash of UI with CSL E 1.0/1.1 and CSW V1/V2
- Added new Driver Repair button for cases where Windows is not detecting the base anymore, for example after a bigger Windows update.
- Added new “Help” page which summarizes trouble shooting steps and gives access to recovery tools.
- Added trouble shooting steps for not detected steering wheels.
- Added button to steering wheel page which links to the Help page in case a wheel is not detected.
- Fixed wrong MPS settings of McLaren V1 shown on Steering Wheel and Tuning Menu age.
- Improved trouble shooting steps for not detected wheel base.
- Some text and hint improvements
Firmware Manager
- Added new downgrade feature for P DD, only available if FW is already up to date. Offers 3 version ranges to downgrade to and is performing the correct downgrade procedure automatically. This must be used in case you want to downgrade because of an issue with the new driver before installing an older driver.
- Improved update procedure when coming from a specific range of older FW versions to make sure it updates without the need of manual intervention.
- Added steering wheel and button module firmware recovery tools for cases where the device appears to be bricked.
- Added additional pop-up message between motor and base firmware update of P DD to inform that it's normal that the fan is running at 100% in this situation.
- Disabled base FW updates in case the motor firmware needs to get updated first.
- Adjusted order of firmware shown in the overview, motor now being first and base second.
- Fix for failing wheel and button module firmware updates.
- Fix for base freezing when turning off Xbox console.
- Fix for controller disconnection with PlayStation.
- Fix for controller disconnection with PlayStation
- Improved lower end dead zone of all pedal inputs to prevent unwanted inputs
Known Issues
- When entering a game menu while driving it can happen in some games that the FFB effect doesn't get canceled which results in the wheel turning to one side. (this got now fixed for the Podium DD but can still happen on the CSL DD. We will now apply the fix for the CSL DD as well)
- Natural friction can start to feel weird after some time of driving. In case you experience issues with NFR, we suggest to turn it OFF for now. (this got now fixed for the Podium DD but can still happen on the CSL DD. We will now apply the fix for the CSL DD as well)
Compatible FanaLab Version:
This discussion has been closed.
Thanks for getting this out, very appreciative of the work you've been doing!
Thank you Marcel for the update, time and effort :-)
Hi, I need help.
It turns out that in the middle of a race the paddles on my fanatec dd1 f1 stopped working, it allowed me to shift from the shifter.
At the end of the race the f1 ring did not work.
I turned off the base and when I turned it back on it stopped working.
I wanted to go back to a previous driver and firmware and nothing always gives me the same error:
Error: Connect device failed(Error: UartPeripheral() cannot open PC UART port(COM6), speed(19200 Hz).).
Power OFF the wheel base and retry update.
If the problem persists, please contact FANATEC support.
If someone can help me I would be so thankful.
It was with driver 442
A question (perhaps silly) but is it necessary to download this driver if v442 works correctly?? Thank you!!
Maybe not necessary but it's definitely worth to download, read the Changelog for improvements and fixes..
"Changelog of driver 443 (since 442)
Firmware versions included
None of the above should be included in the 442 to 443 changelog as they are the same version - not "NEW". I expect same applies to other hardware that I don't own.
It's not .2
Is the FFB the same between 442 and 443 with Podium DD?
Yes of course.. ;) As you can read in the changelog there are no changes made that could let the FFB feel any different.
FFB in general does not change significantly. Only between the BIG Firmware rewrite and the "old" Firmware was a bigger difference in FFB feel but such a big step wont ever happen again.
Noticed same thing.
I came from 442 and only new firmware was for base (Podium Racing Wheel F1)
Tried McLaren V2 and Podium BME, no new firmwares.
So if there should be also newer motor fw and motor fw should upgrade before base...
However everything seems to work fine.
The ONLY new Firmwares compared to 442 are these:
All the other listed Firmwares were already included in Driver 442.
Okay fine 😀
You are confused. Base and Motor
But the engine (although it puts new) is not updated.
The ONLY new Firmwares compared to 442 are these:
All the other listed Firmwares were already included in Driver 442 so they are only NEW to anyone who did not updated to 442 before.
As the changelog lists NEW stuff compared to 442 these wrong "NEW" tags for the other Firmwares will most likely be removed tomorrow.
OK perfect. Everything updated without problems!!! Thank you for the work done. ;)
Since i guess there are a LOT of nervous people out there after the 442 fiasco. can confirm im updated and no problems touch wood.
Wow...great work guys!!
I've a CSLDD and I'm comfortable with 442. I'll wait for ffb changes in CSLDD, hope you will include it in the next update 🤞
This sounds like the communication to the wheel suddenly stopped working.
Does the base itself work and gets detected when you remove the steering wheel?
Which updater shows you this issue?
Ok, now I am confused.
In the changelog for driver 442 it says:
However, changelog for driver 443 states:
How is the motor firmware for Podium DD1/2
not new?
Thanks for clarification (and @Fanatec the great work with the new drivers)
Was a typo in the old Changelog. It was always also in 442.
Got it, thanks Maurice.
I don‘t have access to my wheelbase right now, so I couldn‘t check…
Did you fix the problem of 100% FAN on 443V for a while?
No, this would have been listed in the changelog.
And its not for a while, its since the last new re-written Firmware included in 442 which is just one Driver before this so a rather short time ;)
Also its not a critical issue which harms functionality or damages anything as its just an issue which makes some noise for 1 second, so only at most an annoying bug but rather low priority I guess compared to the still happening Input Jumps which first need to get fixed with priority.
Do I need to know that you didn't fix it?
As said, things which are fixed are listed in the changelog. ;)
When there is no mention of such an issue to be fixed then it is not fixed.
Despite waiting for 6+ months, the PBME is still bugged with ITM. Same issue remains. With the latest firmware and Fanalab, DD2 in ACC, ITM works for the first race/session, then ITM stops working all together. The PBME screen itself works for wheel base settings, however, the screen defaults to 'legacy' and refuses to load any of the five ITM pages. Only fix is a hard reset. If Fanatec cannot fix this, I would think they would owe me a refund.
Did you made sure that FanaLab did not crashed in the background when the issue happens? Anyway, this should be reported and discussed in the FanaLab thread and not in the Driver thread as ITM issues are FanaLab related.
Or maybe its a hardware issue where the connection to the BME gets lost for a split of a second which is enough to disable ITM on the BME until the devices get refreshed or ITM gets disabled/enabled again. So double check the USB-C cable if it sits tight and if the QR has wobble etc as connection issues can also be the root cause of such things which not everyone has.
Hola, muchas gracias por contestar.
Ahora mismo la base se enciende y gira a la derecha y la pantalla base se apaga, pero si la enciendes es más difícil que apagas.
Poner el volante que pones no enciende ninguno.
Es con el controlador 442 funcionando perfectamente hasta que esto me sucedió, luego instalé muchos controladores para ver si podía obtener algo pero nada.
Estoy tan perdido