Fanatec Beta Driver V347 for CSL, CSW (all wheels)

Hello Everybody,
Take a look at the known issues before downloading! DD users might want to skip this version.
Changelog of 347:
1. Fixed issue that H-Shifter Button overlaps in the Wheel Calibration Buttons.
2. Fixed issue that Settings Page and Update Page does not close when USB is disconnected.
3. Disabled the H-Shifter button if the H-Shifter is not connected.
4. Podium DD now supports up to 2520 degrees of rotation in the [SEN] Sensitivity setting of the Tuning Menu.
5. Fixed Formula V2 prompting two messages when booting the DD. Potential fix for the crashes.
6. Fixed Podium DD Fan Speed 100% when booting while 0°C temperature and Motor Driver 0 shown.
7. All bases now should support the new shifter calibration in the driver.
Firmwares included:
- CSW V1 Base : CSW_Base_V664_rev1712_app (NEW)
- CSW V1 Base : CSW_Base_V664_rev1712_app (NEW)
- CSW V2 Base : CSW_V2_Base_V664_rev1712_app (NEW)
- CSW V2.5 Base : CSW_V2_5_Base_V664_rev1712_app (NEW)
- CSL E Base : CSL_E_Base_V664_rev1712_app (NEW)
- CSL E Base PS4 : CSL_E_PS4_Base_V664_rev1712_app (NEW)
- DD Base : PDW_DD_Base_V664_rev1714_app (NEW)
- EBLDC : CSLEWBPS4_CSWBV2.5_EBLDC_V22_rev335_app
- EBLDC DD10 : PWBDD1_EBLDC_V34_rev401_app (NEW)
- EBLDC DD20 : PWBDD2_EBLDC_V34_rev401_app (NEW)
- RMCL : RMcL_V30_rev38_app
- RFORMV2 : RFORMv2_V28_rev113_app
- PHub : SW_P_Hub_V2_rev128_app
Known Issues:
- After updating Podium DD to 664 the fan will run at 100% until you update Motor Driver to v34!
- If you have a Podium DD you might experience bad FFB noise, please run the motor calibration in the driver and turn down FEI a bit to 70 or so and see if it helps you.
- Sorry the "notchy" issue of CSW V2.5 and CSL E PS4 which some testers experienced is still under investigation and couldn't get fixed yet. I've attached motor firmware V20 which has less coil whine than V18 and less notching than V22 according to some testers.
- There might be issues with the new max rotation of 2520° on the DD and FanaLab 1.12 because it wasn't updated to support this yet.
If you report a driver or firmware issue, please make cross checks:
0. Update driver and FW separately to isolate an issue. Most likely it will be driver OR firmware.
1. Which driver OR firmware does show the issue
2. Which driver OR firmware does not show the issue
3. Check if you can reproduce the issue again if you go back to the version which seems to have cause the issue
4. Post the answers gathered from the questions above + a short description of the issue including the following information:
Wheel Base Model (product ID): ....
Steering Wheel Model (product ID): ....
Driver Version: ....
Base FW Version: ....
Wheel FW Version: ....
Thank you very much!
We hope for your positive feedback!
This discussion has been closed.
Good to know I‘m not the only one feeling that!
No difference in oscillations between erased motor calibration or calibration done. The oscillations change with NRF. They are not completely gone when NRF is OFF, but very very subtle then. As soon as you turn NRF to 1 you start feeling the oscillations. It’s hard to say if they increase with increasing NRF, to me the oscillations at 10 feel the same as at 50 or 100. For me changing FEI doesn’t change the oscillations. No difference between any FEI value, NDP also has no influence on the oscillations. Interestingly, now I reverted to 346, and there is oscillation, too. It is much more subtle than at 347 and does not change with any of the values. Now that I knew what to „feel for“ I got aware of that. I hadn’t noticed it before in 346.
Steering Wheel Model (product ID): P1
Driver Version: v347
Base FW Version: v664
Wheel FW Version: n/a
Pedal Model (product ID): CSP v2 (wheel connected)
Issue: Brake rumble motor does not operate via driver test nor software like FanaLab or FanaLEDs. The rumble motor DOES work, but only in junction with the ABS function on the wheel, yet it does not work at all via driver/software at all no matter if set to OFF or an X-percentage. The rumble motor also tests fine in driver when the pedals are connected to USB, and they also work in software.