FanaLab - Share your favorite profiles



  • Mitchell DiazMitchell Diaz Member
    edited June 2024

    Awesome!. LMU also needs to standardize their FFB strength across all vehicles and classes, which i think they did not yet in today’s update, not sure. They changed tire model for all classes but not sure if they tweeked something in the FFB either.

  • Can you give us some advices for the profile until the next release will come?

  • Hi Thank you very much for the effort you put into the profiles for us all. What would your recommendation be to change if i am running the 8nm wheel base ?

  • Did anyone else have Problems with LMU ? the "automatic" profile loading works for me only for the Peugeots. I tried to find a mistake in the Carlists but i didn´t see something wrong

  • Hello, 

    I own a DD1, and I mainly play iRacing. 

    I downloaded the profiles, I have the impression that when I play, the profile in Fanalab loads automatically, but I did not find where is located the InGame configuration of the parameters, do you have that? thank you in advance,

    Have a nice evening.

  • edited July 2024

    Question. Does anyone have profiles for the CSL Elite 1.1 for Iracing? Been using ones from the big collection here but they aren't made for this wheel. Does anyone still use it/still make profiles for it? Don't have the money for a DD for a very long time due to life stuff. Primarily using for the LEDs. I cannot figure them out after nights of trying.

  • AFAIK there are no profiles made for any of the old Belt Bases as almost nobody is still using them these days.

  • Damn. Well, i'll be using it till it dies so ill figure it out then. Just seems everything is always off by a tiniest bit no matter what i do in fanalab.

  • does anyone have a setup profile for The Crew Motorfest using a DD2.

  • Hello!

    Since I formatted my PC, I was already using the profiles here before.

    I have a strange sensation of an effect which is the “DAMPER” when I am at high speed. Do you have it activated?

    It's an effect I must not have noticed before.

  • Yes, in most profiles, especially in iRacing, I have the Dynamic Damper enabled to mitigate oscillation which are caused by the low FFB refresh rate of just 60 Hz of this game. You can of course disable it, but then you have to live with massive oscillations.

  • Ok but weird I didn't have it before and now I do. Maybe an update?

    Thanks for your answer

  • Afternoon

    Does anyone have any settings for RRE as there ffb as been updated and the settings ive found are old and dont really work great on my DD2

  • Hello Maurice,

    do you make the profiles also for the new DLC pack of LMU? The new cars?

  • FINALLY we managed to release a new FanaLab version which adds support for the new LMU 2024 cars, so I can now also finally share my newest profile pack with profiles for them with you!


    • Added new LMU profiles for the 2024 cars:
      • BMW M Hybrid V8
      • Lamborghini SC63
    • Updated the RevLEDs according to the latest LMU game update for the following cars:
      • Corvette C8.R GTE
      • Ferrari 488 GTE Evo
    • Updated the FFB settings for every LMU profile

    The profiles are only compatible with FanaLab V2.01.32 or newer and are incompatible with older Lab versions.

    As always: Hope you like and have fun with them :)

  • Hey Maurice, thank you very much for the new profiles!

    I have a problem in LMU:

    How can i set a car specific FFB?

    "Car Specific Force Feedback Strength: 125% for the Toyota GR010"

    Thank you!

  • I have a question about the dynamic FFb in fanalab. And the profiles of maurice. I use the profiles now with LMU and they feel great, But why is the dynamic FFb enabled? What does it? When I disable it the overal FFB feels weaker? is that correct? And what is better? on or off?

  • Dynamic Damper dampens oscillations which are otherwise extreme in LMU.

  • so this must be enabled? That the advice

  • Its up to you if you want oscillations or if you want some dampening on the straights to mitigate it.

  • oke thanks

  • Sorry that im asking again:

    Hey Maurice, thank you very much for the new profiles!

    I have a problem in LMU:

    How can i set a car specific FFB?

    "Car Specific Force Feedback Strength: 125% for the Toyota GR010" (readme)

    Thank you!

  • Maurice, thank you for all of the work on these profiles. The FFB strength at 60% on most profiles seems really high on iRacing with DD2. Do you have the torque key installed? I have a hard time turning the wheel in some cars and get a workout and shoulder strain trying to use these settings. When I switch the FFB tuning to "Auto" instead of profile 1, it goes down to 35% and feels perfect. Am I doing something wrong to where the FFB is stronger than it's suppose to be, or am I a weakling?

  • I use the Torque Key, yes.

    Auto Setup is not working in iRacing. It just uses the default Tuning Menu settings here.

    Make sure to follow the README file which explains how to Setup the ingame settings to suit the Tuning Menu settings. With wrong ingame settings it can be too strong, sure.

  • Okay, thank you. I did follow the read me -- perhaps I just prefer a little less strength. I went to a SIM racing center, and at 35% the wheel feels exactly like the sim centers settings.

    Granted, they were using an asetek forte -- but the feel is relatively the same. When racing your DD2, do your settings allow the wheel to become violent when crashing or being crashed into?

  • He Maurice i used your iracing profiles in fanalab with my cs dd 12nm what FFB settings i have to put in the game? for example max force 12nm and the other 8nm?

  • edited September 2024

  • This is not an issue at all for this thread as it has absolutely nothing to do with FanaLab profiles.

  • edited September 2024

    Maurice, do you have a profile for a new McLaren GT3 for us for CS DD+, by any chance? 🙏

  • Hey Maurice, after the new LMU update, Fanalab no longer automatically recognizes the LMP2. Could this be due to the 24er livery? THX

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