I have been building my rig for some time now with no good luck had 1 beautiful girl and another one coming in February, so things are going slow, great news about the wheel base that for sure Im going to purchase, so its not a slowdown for my rig, I think is an upgrade, all features sound amazing just waiting for the xbox one compatibility to unite pc, xbox one into 1 rig.
I would have to say the motor upgrade is the most important feature of the new base and then the potential for compatibility with the new consoles with the change of a wheel rim(ingenious).
Yeah, I can't wait to get one. I ordered the wheel already. But, I can't get the wheel Base V2 until a couple months now, had a few things come up with my sick wife I just can't wait til I can get one. I think Fanatec will really make a Quality Product this time with all the bad reviews that have been popping up for several years. I've had very good Luck with my GT2 wheel, CSP V1's,Pedals. their still going strong. :-bd.
I think the new Motors and Sensors and the Cooling part to me is the biggest thing, I don't do Console gaming so I don't need that. I'm hoping to get a code for one to use in a couple months. Thanks, Fanatec and Thomas for all you have done with this New Build.
Niche enthusiast products tend to have no shortage of drama and hidden agendas on the forums out there. It can be hard to get timely, relevant, qualified information. Some people also cannot resist just going along with the prevailing sentiment on some forums. It can take some strength and energy to do so which not all of us possess. So in some cases half truths and even lies can become "true" if often repeated and supported by that forum. Beware!
Da die fanatec-Produkte sowieso alle schon sehr gut sind, habe ich keine Bedenken.
Deswegen: (1. Priorität) Kompatibilität zu PlayStation 4 und PC
(2. Priorität) Kompatibilität zu xbox one und pc
(3.Priorität) Bessere Kühlung und Haltbarkeit
Wichtig ist auch die Haltbarkeit, denn Dan ist Mann auch zufrieden. da jetzt alle Zubehörteile als clubsport teile vorhanden sind wird es zeit für die base. Dann glühen ps4 , xbox one und pc
Now that you have seen the specs and details of the new Fanatec ClubSport Wheel Base V2 please tell us what features you are interested most.
Please vote and leave a comment if you like to win an invite as we will give-away 5 additional invites among all people who voted and left a comment.
The other invites will be sent out by end of next week and in several waves over the next months. You will be notified by e-mail and the invite will be shown in the customer profile.
I just checked my status so I look like im 3rd tier on getting the wheel for $499 but I will get one w/ my past purchase history. been waiting to pull the trigger on wheel so now I can. Thanks Fanatec ,,, im your loyal customer!! cheers!!!
Das CSR Elite war das wohl mit Abstand beste Lenkrad, dass man sich für die letzte Konsolengeneration holen konnte. Das Formula Rim war hierbei dann auch noch das perfekte Addon. Im Vergleich zur CSW Base v1 wurden nur wenige Abstriche gemacht, jedoch schaute ich immer mit einem neidischen Blick auf die Rim Auswahl und die zusätzlichen Softwarefunktionen.
Mit der CSW Base v2 wird dies endlich der Vergangenheit angehören. Alle Funktionen am PC und eben das, was auf der Konsole zugelassen wird mit dem entsprechenden Rim.
Wenn jetzt noch zeitnah Infos zur Xbox One Kompatibilität und den Rims (vllt ja nen Xbox branded Universal Hub? ) ist die CSW Base v2 für mich ein Pflichtkauf, denn bis jetzt konnte ich mich noch nicht dazu überwinden für die One ein Lenkrad von Thrustmaster oder Madcatz zu kaufen.
2. Bessere Kühlung und Haltbarkeit
Die Original Firmware des CSR Elites besaß noch kein FFB throrreling und so wurde der Motor doch des Öfteren sehr heiß. Bei mir ging nach einem Jahr auch das erste Mal die Motoreinheit kaputt. Ich hatte hierbei noch Glück, denn in meinem Bekanntenkreis waren defekte CSR E und CSWs keine Seltenheit.
Der Einbau einer neuen Motoreinheit hat mir sehr viel Spaß bereitet, jedoch könnte ich Zukunft auch darauf verzichten.
Dass man bei Fanatec hier angesetzt hat und das Problem hoffentlich nun aus der Welt geschafft ist, halte ich für ungemein wichtig!
3. Weniger cogging und ein besseres Gefühl für feine FFB Effekte
Warum gingen so viele CSR Es kaputt? Meiner Meinung nach wegen der FFB Implementation in Konsolenspielen von Codemasters. Der Spring Bug seit F1 2011 verursachte ein starkes cogging, welches selbst mit den OnWheel Einstellungen kaum beseitigt werden konnte.
Wenn es jetzt von der Hardwareseite eine Verbesserung für dieses Problem geben würde und die Softwarehersteller die Kompatibilität gewährleisten werden wir einiges an Spaß mit der neuen Base haben...
So jetzt bitte noch mehr Infos zur Next Gen Kompatibilität!!!!
Well, i think i will receive an invitation sooner or later because i fullfill some of the required criteria, but i'm so happy to see this benchmark in sim industry that i can't help myself in saying what i think is the biggest plus... ......it adresses ALL the REQUIREMENTS of a "simmer", therefore more than descriminate a number of great features it presents, one easilly can resume all of the in one word...PERFECTION announced!
I think that the Clubsport wheel base will once again be the most technologically advanced base that will be on the market once it hits the shelves. I've never had the chance or the money to try out this base, but from experience with the standard CSR, this thing should once again be in a league of it's own. I hope the compatibility with the new-gen consoles (e.g. the Xbox One) will be available, and reliability of the base will be its two biggest strong-points, as these are what sets apart the majority of wheels on the market. This should hopefully grab a
In the market for a new wheel for the PS4, and I can't wait to get one of these babies hooked up, and playing Project Cars, GT7 and likely numerous other racing games which are more than likely going to come out on PS4 in the future.
Well beings all the US Customers were jipped by Thomas on the Premium Service Pack after being told we would receive it. Hopefully this base wont crap out in over a year like the others did just outside of warranty... for the sake of the US customers. I purchased my original CSW before the P.S.P. was even spoken outside of Endor's office, and my CSW started taking a dump in May of this year only a mere 4 months out of warranty. I received my wheel in Mid january due to the holiday season in 2012 and spent half of 2013 about 400 miles from my sim rig working out of town not even using my wheel. So this year I mess around with it a little here and there no that I'm back working in town and have the time, then bam once I start getting back into the groove of sim racing my wheel rim just flat out isn't recognized by my base nor do I have another wheel rim to see if it's the rim or base thats messed up. Pins all look good and seem good and firm in place still just no communication between base and rim. Quite disheartening and beings they don't seem to have customer service anybetter at all from what it was 3 years ago with the original clubsports I highly doubt that I'll ever sim race again cant afford it anymore due to economic changes in my life...
I'm Saving all my money for a complete Fanatec set to blow my Friends away. I'm really hoping for an invite because this will be my first Fanatec journey and I'm allready excited. Durability and Percision exactly what I was looking for. Go Fanatec... Gr. Denny.
Having all the latest product you've released is a must go me son this will be next once avaiablr, ill sit and await my invite!! Hurry up tho so I can rebuild my rig at the same time,
I would have to say the motor upgrade is the most important feature of the new base and then the potential for compatibility with the new consoles with the change of a wheel rim(ingenious).
I'd like an invite but i'm not begging,
Voted 1 cooling system and durability
2 compatability Pc and PS4
3 improved belt drive
The very best of luck to all in getting an invite, to those that do enjoy the new base.
To Fanatec , Nice move toward a great future in gaming
(1. Priorität)
Kompatibilität zu PlayStation 4 und PC
(2. Priorität)
Kompatibilität zu xbox one und pc
Bessere Kühlung und Haltbarkeit
Wichtig ist auch die Haltbarkeit, denn Dan ist Mann auch zufrieden.
da jetzt alle Zubehörteile als clubsport teile vorhanden sind wird es zeit für die base.
Dann glühen ps4 , xbox one und pc
......it adresses ALL the REQUIREMENTS of a "simmer", therefore more than descriminate a number of great features it presents, one easilly can resume all of the in one word...PERFECTION announced!
[email protected]
I hope compatibility xbox one to be able to appreciate the future games (project cars, f1 2014).
I'm really hoping for an invite because this will be my first Fanatec journey and I'm allready excited.
Durability and Percision exactly what I was looking for.
Go Fanatec...
Gr. Denny.
Having all the latest product you've released is a must go me son this will be next once avaiablr, ill sit and await my invite!! Hurry up tho so I can rebuild my rig at the same time,
Cant wait I'm worse then a child at Xmas.....
Sorry I had to.