Advent Calendar - UPDATE



  • I do not understand your frustration really. Daily it adds a part of Fanatec. to win a little luck simply belongs. however they regulate are, Fanatec determines them, and every day only one person is the happy one.
    I find, it is a cool action, thanks Fantec.

  • I do not understand your frustration really. Daily it adds a part of Fanatec. to win a little luck simply belongs. however they regulate are, Fanatec determines them, and every day only one person is the happy one.
    I find, it is a cool action, thanks Fantec.

    I do not understand your frustration with people who are giving tips to improve the auction system.
    Fanatec even asks for it: (guote from the first post in this thread)

    "Auctions are new to us so we want to learn how to improve it. Please tell us here in the comments what you like or how you want to improve it."

    If you look at the auction of yesterday, 120 bids were placed in 1 min 43 seconds after which the auction was closed.
    What's wrong with that?
    - many people can't be online in that timeframe (103 seconds) or the server is too busy to get in, so many people don't even get a chance to participate.
    - It isn't simply a matter of luck anymore if bids are placed about twice per second, it's pure gamble.

    I think Michiel van der Wal's suggestions are a step in the right direction. Of course it's up to Fanatec how they want to change the auction system for future events like this.

    I think this whole auction idea is great and people have to understand only one person per day can win and not get frustrated if they didn't win. But the way the system works as it is now adds frustration and that is something that could/should be avoided.
    Give people some time to make a bid at least. As I said, Michiel's idea sounds interesting to start with.
  • What a bunch of sore losers!  Fanatec cannot build a custom auction around the way every one wants it to be done.  They determined that this is the way it work and thats that.  I for one do not have a problem with the current way.  I think it is fun, and the element of luck adds to the suspense.  I have been bidding on items I do not want or need just to keep the auction going for those waiting until their price is reached.  Fanatec doesnt HAVE to do any of this.  They didn't HAVE to put so many products on sale, but they did and you guys still complain because its not what YOU want.  We need to stop with this me me me mentality.
  • Do you actually read posts before you reply to them?

    Neither me or Michiel are complaining, we're giving the Feedback Fanatec asked for.
    They dit not "determine this is the way it works and that's that", they ask for feedback in order to improve their auction system.
    They do not need to make a system that suits every individuals needs but a system that gives most people at least a chance to place a bid would be nice.
    Maybe "YOU" are having "fun" with the system as it is but people who can't be online at 6PM sharp or people who can't get the page loaded due to an overload of the server have no fun at all. But I guess as long as "YOU" have "fun" it's all perfect.

    Nobody says Fanates "HAVE" to do anything and I explicitely wrote the auctions are a great idea, just the implementation of a system that works for more people and give more people time an/or a chance to place a bid would be nice.

    So we are not just talking about what "WE" want unlike "YOU". It would be a great idea if "YOU" start with stopping the "ME" mentality.
  • This is a lottery rather than an auction! Auction by its definition finds the buyer who is willing the highest price. This is not the case here. The $1/ 1€ increments from a single bid per bidder makes the last bidder in time to win. You had sold items with 60% discount where I would have paid up to 90% of the sticker price and you did not allow me to participate. This is not fair and is annoying! Make the game fair, stop damaging your brand.
  • It took a while before I understood, but I’ve put the in a few bids and had some fun. The term reserve confused me a bit. Normally a reserve is the minimum bid that can buy the item, but here it is a maximum bid that ends the auction to guarantee a bargain price for the winner, right?
  • How about putting up one of those bases with the Zebra camo! On second thought we’d just break your server and everyone would get mad...
  • This is a lottery rather than an auction! Auction by its definition finds the buyer who is willing the highest price. This is not the case here. The $1/ 1€ increments from a single bid per bidder makes the last bidder in time to win. You had sold items with 60% discount where I would have paid up to 90% of the sticker price and you did not allow me to participate. This is not fair and is annoying! Make the game fair, stop damaging your brand.
    It’s more of a game, if you win you get a great deal! A real auction would overload their server and the price would get so close to full price it wouldn’t be fun. I wouldn’t let that last 10% keep me from getting a new toy, just buy what you want, it’s worth the price.
  • Marino VicicMarino Vicic Member
    edited December 2017
    When I first saw the auction I did not like it ! Because i wanted something like ebay, and I wanted to be able bid more times. Now I see that it was not worth it, because that did not make any sense. This how is now i see it is the best. Because this is not a classic bid this is simply a game of luck and someone will be lucky to get a product at a lower price. So this is a great idea and I like it. Good job Thomas keep it up with this great offers :wink:
  • Making an eBay out of it would indeed defeat the intention Fanatec had with these auctions which is giving a lucky winner a chance to get a one time big discount.
    The bidding system as it is now isn't ideal either: servers get overloaded so people can't get in and often the time to bid is just a few minutes.

    That's why I like Michiel's idea. Let Fanatec decide on their discount price just like it is now but give people ample time to bid the amount they want or think it will be sold for.
    After the auction time is finished the person who bid the exact right amount gets the discount. If more people bid that amount a lottery draw between them is made by Fanatec. If no-one bids the right amount the person that bid closest (be it higher or lower) is offered the discount, again followed by a lottery draw if needed.
    So that would be keeping with the idea Fanatec had for this auction while giving all those interested the time to place a bid.
    Result would be no overloaded servers and allowing for much more people to participate. It's fine a luck factor is included but not getting a chance isn't that great.
    Yesterday 120 people were able to participate. Does anyone think only that amount of people out of the Fanatec customer base were interested?
    Again, not complaining here, just giving some feedback and sharing some ideas.
  • Craig RobertsCraig Roberts Member
    edited December 2017
    That was the first time I got on the auction, boy it’s fun fast and furious. I bottled it and bid sub €200 =D> Congratulations to the winner. Congratulations to the team at Fanatec working hard to make it a bit of fun for all (293 bids) nearly triple the amount of traffic from yesterday. Big steps equal lots of hard working people making it happen.
  • Today my two friends wont this CSL but no lucky. Fast very fast and site today is work good :smiley:
  • Do you actually read posts before you reply to them?

    Neither me or Michiel are complaining, we're giving the Feedback Fanatec asked for.
    They dit not "determine this is the way it works and that's that", they ask for feedback in order to improve their auction system.
    They do not need to make a system that suits every individuals needs but a system that gives most people at least a chance to place a bid would be nice.
    Maybe "YOU" are having "fun" with the system as it is but people who can't be online at 6PM sharp or people who can't get the page loaded due to an overload of the server have no fun at all. But I guess as long as "YOU" have "fun" it's all perfect.

    Nobody says Fanates "HAVE" to do anything and I explicitely wrote the auctions are a great idea, just the implementation of a system that works for more people and give more people time an/or a chance to place a bid would be nice.

    So we are not just talking about what "WE" want unlike "YOU". It would be a great idea if "YOU" start with stopping the "ME" mentality.
    My comment was not directed towards you, but this made me laugh!  Thanks!
  • I didn’t assume it was directed only to me, I just found the tone of your post childish and unrespectful towards everyone who tried to give some feedback here in order to improve things for the whole community, which you obviously didn’t understand. Same goes for your last post.
  • What time do the auctions start???  I'm in New York city ...I haven't been able to get in on Not 1 Auction --> I have a Full time job I have to pay for these Fanatec Goodies some how But it seems I'm either too early or too late ~X(  I work for Transit so i can Not have access to a PC or be on My phone checking the internet while I'm at work [-X  seems that the Auctions are at random times and that sucks because if you don't have a desk job with that you can be on PC or phone internet you never get a chance to get in on the Auctions.

    #Feeling left Out X_X
  • edited December 2017
    What time do the auctions start???  I'm in New York city ...I haven't been able to get in on Not 1 Auction --> I have a Full time job I have to pay for these Fanatec Goodies some how But it seems I'm either too early or too late ~X(  I work for Transit so i can Not have access to a PC or be on My phone checking the internet while I'm at work [-X  seems that the Auctions are at random times and that sucks because if you don't have a desk job with that you can be on PC or phone internet you never get a chance to get in on the Auctions.

    #Feeling left Out X_X
    Just read the advent calender introduction/instructions... The auctions will start 5pm PST and the duration is 2 hours. (but in reality just a few minutes because the auction will also end as soon as the maximum unknown price is reached)

  • What time do the auctions start???  I'm in New York city ...I haven't been able to get in on Not 1 Auction --> I have a Full time job I have to pay for these Fanatec Goodies some how But it seems I'm either too early or too late ~X(  I work for Transit so i can Not have access to a PC or be on My phone checking the internet while I'm at work [-X  seems that the Auctions are at random times and that sucks because if you don't have a desk job with that you can be on PC or phone internet you never get a chance to get in on the Auctions.

    #Feeling left Out X_X
    Just read the advent calender introduction/instructions... The auctions will start 5pm PST and the duration is 2 hours. (but in reality just a few minutes because the auction will also end as soon as the maximum unknown price is reached)
    Lets have a Race Off while i kill time watching the clock count down to auction time :-h
  • Landon LoperLandon Loper Member
    edited December 2017
    just whatever......this is just dumb but it's honestly no surprise.  the person who happens to get their bid in before any site issues on the very last second wins..while the person who bid 1.5 secs earlier loses and person 1.75 secs before that...  

    high bidder winner = auction

    last bidder on a slow buggy site which is this = sigh.
  • If we would do a regular auction then all auctions would end at about the regular shop price. We have hundreds of people on our website which are willing to pay the full price so even one Cent less is better. Selling at the normal price was not the idea of this promotion.
  • I really like the auction and it is fun, the only problem I see is that someone has to start the bidding at $1 and if you only get one bid then you certainly have to waste that one bid just to start the auction because we all know that you're not getting any of these products for $1. I would think that it would have to start at the maximum of 90% off list price otherwise your bid is definitely wasted at $1.
  • Not true.  IF only 1 person bids and the auction ends at $1 then you get the item for $1.  The auction ends either when the time limit expires or the bidding reaches the pre-determined sale price (between 10-90% off).  Look at some of the past auctions.  The V3 inverted pedals sold for $11!  Thats almost 98% off!
  • Pedal sold for this small price because site is not working good. This system how it work now is good and nothing has to be changed ! Only need luck and thats all :wink:
  • edited December 2017
    Not true.  IF only 1 person bids and the auction ends at $1 then you get the item for $1.  The auction ends either when the time limit expires or the bidding reaches the pre-determined sale price (between 10-90% off).  Look at some of the past auctions.  The V3 inverted pedals sold for $11!  Thats almost 98% off!
    I know but that only happened because the site was messed up, it won't end at $1 because there is no way that $1 is going to be the reserved price and a $1 bid will not last for 2 hours. Hence your "one bid" per auction has been wasted.
  • Landon LoperLandon Loper Member
    edited December 2017
    If we would do a regular auction then all auctions would end at about the regular shop price. We have hundreds of people on our website which are willing to pay the full price so even one Cent less is better. Selling at the normal price was not the idea of this promotion.
    do it and lets find out.

    i mean a raffle would be better than waiting to .001 secs left in auction to use your only 1 bid you can even have.
  • Not true.  IF only 1 person bids and the auction ends at $1 then you get the item for $1.  The auction ends either when the time limit expires or the bidding reaches the pre-determined sale price (between 10-90% off).  Look at some of the past auctions.  The V3 inverted pedals sold for $11!  Thats almost 98% off!
    I know but that only happened because the site was messed up, it won't end at $1 because there is no way that $1 is going to be the reserved price and a $1 bid will not last for 2 hours. Hence your "one bid" per auction has been wasted.
    Right, but it still sold below the reserve price is what I am saying.  I know myself and others are bidding on items we do not want just to keep the bidding going.  Therefore others can wait until it gets to a price you are willing to pay. If the item is not at the your ideal price, dont bid.  If you're running out of time use your bid wisely.  Its all part of the game.
  • edited December 2017
    myself and others are bidding on items we do not want
    key words!
  • 16 seconds, this is getting ridiculous. By the time the page automatically reloaded the auction was finished.
  • Frank LehmannFrank Lehmann Member
    edited December 2017

    ...  the person who happens to get their bid in before any site issues on the very last second wins..while the person who bid 1.5 secs earlier loses and person 1.75 secs before that... 

    i mean a raffle would be better than waiting to .001 secs left in auction to use your only 1 bid you can even have.
    Seems like you still don't get, how this auction thing works. It's not the point to wait until the time is up, because the auction usualy ends when Fanatec price is met.
  • Natalie BNatalie B Member, Moderator, Betatester
    edited December 2017
    I really love the idea/concept and execution of the advent calendar, I hope to see this become a yearly tradition :)
  • Unable to bid on page just freezes or crashes and this has been for the last 4 days?
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