Black Friday Orders | Shipping Update 3



  • Same thing here but their website is slow to respond like even now mine has been shipped but the website says handed to WH as of today but it was shipped out (all 4 boxes} with 4 tracking numbers yesterday the 27th showing getting to me on 1/2. I noticed that you will only get a response when there is a change or it is generic like black Friday 10 day delay. Look for serial numbers on your equipment which mine didn't show on their website until it shipped. 12/6-1/2 10 day delay is really a 15 day delay but tis the season. Keep the faith!

    Thanks Fanatec!


  • Hello Fanatec Team,

    5 weeks have now passed and my order has still not been dispatched, although it has been in the warehouse since 25/11/2023. When will the goods be delivered? When will the pre-ordered DD+ be delivered? No answers from Fanatec to my emails regarding delivery. So this is the behaviour of the market leader. Collecting money for unavailable goods and leaving the customer out in the rain. very disappointing and damaging to their reputation.

  • Yes must a help if everyone creates 10 Tickets instead of 1....

  • edited December 2023

    After 41 days since I paid for my Fanatec order, I haven’t received a single word from them. Their phone line says they have cancelled phone support so they have time to read emails. Given no alternatives, I have decided to communicate through the only remaining channel: I sent a job application.

    Please support me in my bid for the position of new Fanatec CEO! Let's turn this company into the institution it's meant to be:

  • Where is the voucher i want my fucking 25%

  • Leeann MuirLeeann Muir Member
    edited December 2023

    I’ve got handover to warehouse and I received the item about a week ago.

    I ordered 2 items on the 26th of November I’m still waiting on 1 that I have tracking and serial for over a month now that I probably won’t get until January now hopefully.

    Both item still say handover even though I got 1.

  • They finally figured out how to work a fucking 10% coupon.

    Next step, how do I delete my account? I'm done with these fuckers once I get my wheel side qr2s.

  • Hey fanatec why my order 1820160

    return to sender?

    I have waited nearly 40 days

    do I have to wait another 40 days?

    please respond

  • Final update, order did actually ship. Delivery is expected today of my Gran Turismo DD Pro Bundle (5 Nm) for PS5. I hope a resolution presents itself sooner rather than later than it's already been for everyone else.

    If they messed up and sent me the BMW M4 Wheel i'm keeping it!

  • James,

    thank you for the update. Glad your items are on the way to you. I'm still waiting like many here so I'm hoping my items get here soon. It sucks that they've had my money for over a month now and I still don't even know when my item would be here. I've ordered specialty items in the past and as long as there is clarity provided by the company the waits have been more bearable. Not knowing if we are going to be waiting weeks if not months for our products is what is really getting to me.

    Thank you again for sharing your info. Please have a happy and safe new year.

  • I have a US order from Nov 20 #1806764 that is still "in process" without a tracking number.

    I have not received any emails from Fanatec since Dec 6th stating: "You may be wondering why your ClubSport Steering Wheel F1® 2023 order has not shipped yet."

    Is there a timeline on this? I did send in a support ticket 2 weeks ago with no response.

  • Keep doing it everyday until they respond. I did and they only responded 3 times out of 6

  • I gave up and filed a chargeback with PayPal this morning. If Fanatec miraculously ships all the in stock items I ordered 5 weeks ago I will refuse delivery and let PayPal sort it out.

  • Hi, is it possible to restore a canceled order? The order number 1781292.  If you can't, do you at least know when dd+ will be available again? March? April? June? I sold the equipment in September 2023 to switch to Fanatec.. I'm starting to regret it. They offered me a voucher if I canceled the order but the voucher never arrived. Now I find myself having canceled the dd+ due to the lack of the qr2 (it was in the order with the formula v2.5x steering wheel canceled due to having a voucher that never arrived) and I would like to restore (if possible) at least the order of the dd+ that I canceled and to have it as soon as possible... then I'll buy another steering wheel even without a voucher... I'm tired of waiting. As I said, I haven't had a workstation since September and I'm afraid at this point that I'll have to wait another few months to get the products. But the thing that makes me angry is Fanatec's silence which made me cancel the steering wheel order in exchange for a voucher. At this point we might as well have waited for the steering wheel and the qr2. BUT RESPOND SOMETIMES?

    Salve è possibile ripristinarne un ordine cancellato? L’ordine numero . Se non si può, almeno si sa quando saranno disponibili ancora i dd+? Marzo? Aprile? Giugno? Ho venduto l’attrezzatura a settembre 2023 per passare a Fanatec.. mi sto iniziando a pentire. Mi hanno offerto un voucher se cancellavo l’ordine ma non è mai arrivato il voucher. Ora mi trovo ad aver cancellato il dd+ per mancanza del qr2 (era nell’ordine col volante formula v2.5x cancellato per avere un voucher mai arrivato) e vorrei ripristinare (se possibile) almeno l’ordine del dd+ che ho cancellato es averlo il prima possibile… poi mi compro un altro volante anche senza voucher.. mi sono stancato di aspettare. Come ho detto è da settembre che non ho una postazione e ho paura a sto punto che dovrò aspettare altri mesi per avere i prodotti. Ma la cosa che mi fa arrabbiare è il silenzio di Fanatec che mi ha fatto cancellare l’ordine del volante in cambio di un voucher. A questo punto tanto valeva aspettare il volante e il qr2. MA RISPONDERE OGNI TANTO? 

  • It looks like they all went on holiday early

  • This is beyond boring order # 1822746 hasn't shipped in 39 days, fanatec and @james, please do something about its this is really bad for everyone

  • The status doesn't change after it's handed over to warehouse. Only thing to "change" is the tracking number that is either updated to the order details or you just receive it....

    All my orders from the past are in the same status. Previously it was called "completely shipped" and then they changed it..

  • My October USA order of the Monte Carlo Rally wheel bundle finally turned up today :) Was sent to the warehouse on the 6th.

  • edited December 2023

    Hm ... I can't log in to my account ...

    "Your Access Data Could Not Be Assigned To A User"

    There is my steering wheel with a warranty.

    And unrealized order.

    "Forgot Your Password?" - it doesn't help either.

    Anyone else have it?

    Oh, and yesterday I finally received money from Fanatec. :-)

    Just sell the CSL steering wheel manager which I managed to buy and will be OK.

    Goodbye Fanatec.

  • Did you ever receive a tracking number from FedEx or did it show up randomly?

  • ones it is canceled its canceled ucan only re order it yourself

  • Blake,

    By any chance did your order have a QR2 wheel side adapter in it?

    Thank you and I'm glad you got a response and your order on it's way to you.

  • almost a week gone by since christmas and no news or sign of the 25% voucher. fanatec really just doing everything they can to dissapoint their customers.

  • End of the work week here in Australia on 29/12, no movement yet on my order despite CS DD+ having a 27/12 preorder date, and the QR2 WS having a 29/12 preorder date.

  • Hi, silence is not good.

    Even with the 25%, I'm afraid of the same problem everyone will buy at the same time. And there will be another stock problem and more silence.

    I am extremely disappointed, I advise you to look at the other brand. For me, it's unworthy of a leader

  • My money came back today. Paid by credit card and cancelled 14 days ago. So the Fanatec issue is over for now.

    Good luck to you all.

  • So ordered on 20th November order number 1807xxx.

    F1 2023 plus qr2 bundle for base and wheel side from qr1 to qr2.

    Qr2 combo pack was pre order date 15th December.

    On my order qr2 status had changed to ships 11th December. (I thought great it will be on its way sooner)

    Here we are 29th December not handed to warehouse and not a peep not even an email regarding delays or anything.

    Order still processing red square

    I emailed them once to not try add to the backlog no response.

    I've looked for updates on here Facebook and twitter as fanatec claim a 3 day delay.

    They said there will be regular updates on the situation....nothing.

    Honesty is the best policy.

    Bs and radio silence leads to projecting an image of deceit and dishonesty which is not good for company image especially when the competitors are starting to move in to your niche space of console compatability.

    I actually love my current Fanatec setup and was looking forward to adding and improving my setup.

    The moderator's of this forum have been great in the past extremely helpful even if a little blunt at times.

    But for the good of the forum and company and community to get a general update on how the back log is reducing will help calm people down.

    A moderator of this forum must be able to get an update and post just sonething simple.

    Black friday back log update currently running still at 3 days or has currently increased to 5 day backlog.

    And now for me the big one for can you shut down for stocktake for 7/10 days with a back log,

    Clear the back log then shut down.

    My personal big issue was there have been a couple of people who ordered the exact same items as me one was a day after me and the other was two days later.

    We are all in the UK but they have recieved there orders before me.

    So much for processed in order, put on a shelf and picked at random or first on the shelf ends up at the back of the shelf.

  • Bruce, No mine is just CSL DD Table Clamp, ClubSport Wheel Rim GT Forza Motorsport, and

    ClubSport Universal Hub V2 for Xbox

    QR1 Wheel-Side

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