FanaLab 2.00.09 Release Candidate (prev. 1.99.02) - Post your Feedback here



  • I am attempting to honor the #README instructions that come with Maurice Boschen's profiles, but My app.ini file does not contain steeringDampingParkedMaxPercent or steeringFFBSmooth.

    Should I ignore those since my app.ini doesn't have them? Or maybe, since they are missing, I should create a new line in the file and add those parameters?

    Any advice on this issue would be much appreciated.

  • Could we please please please get a quicksave button somewhere on the tuning page?

    It is most challenging to be on the tuning page and making adjustments whilst lapping and then have to switch pages, hit find and hit save button, hit the confirmation button, then switch back to the tuning page, most straights arent that long...

    A simple quicksave button (perhaps configurable by the user to be active or not) on the tuning page that saves with one click (ie no confirmation clicks or popups) would be a magnificent edition, and truly reflect that renowned German efficiency.

    Upvote people!

  • Why not just changing settings in the Tuning Menu directly on the wheel? No need to Alt+Tab out of the game to adjust anything in a software...

    I dont really see the benefit of such a quicksave button, every change you do in the TM is directly saved to the Base, just not to aa FanaLab profile but when you adjust FFB settings you might just want to try somethiing different without immediately have it saved, makes no sense to me...

    I also dont think that such a button would be technically possible with how FanaLab is designed.

  • Please...

    I am completely lost with adding custom profile to every single car in AMS2 (using Maurice pack). This is incredibly confusing for me... and whatever combination I try it does not pair matching profiles with selected car, it keeps it at what I selected last.

  • Remove the yellow Favorite Star. That's for game default profile so FanaLab ALWAYS loads that profile on game start which is not what you want with CDALP.

  • Ah! And that is all, no need to select, match, pair anything then? I have to check if something is not blocking the telemetry for Fanalab then... I mean imbecile paranoid Windows11 security - like it blocks for example Joy2key if it is not run with root rights.

  • edited August 2023

    Well, you currently only have one car bound to a profile, so only that car would load... No other car as you did not bound them.

    If you download my profile there is a README text file included which explains what to do (basically copy/paste the content of the ProfileCarsList_AMS2.xml file into the already existing one). Then all profiles are bound to the respective cars immediately. Alternatively, if you feel uncomfortable with copy/pasting xml stuff, just bind the profiles to the cars manually via the Cars List dropdown.

  • edited August 2023

    Hi Maurice!

    I have a problem with the new fanalab and AMS2, for some reason if I click on AMS2 in the game profile section in fanalab, it instantly crashes yet doesn't do this with any other game.

    So I opened fanalab again then opened AMS2 through steam itself and when I Alt Tab to go back to fanalab it's crashed again?? I've never had this issue before and fanalab seems to work fine with all the other games I have being AC, ACC, Iracing etc. Was hoping someone could help me figure this issue out.

    Many thanks.

  • Do you use my profiles and you copy-pasted some xml stuff? If yes then you did something wrong there and you would need to delete the xml files to start from scratch.

  • Yes I do use your profiles and have always used them. I copy and pasted your ProfileCarList_AMS2 and CarList_AMS2_Custom also as I usually would. After these issues I deleted fanalab completely and also AMS2 off my computer re-installed both fresh as new downloads ans the issue still seems to be happening? When trying to open ProfileCarList in CDrive/UserName/AppData/Local/Fanatec/Fanalab/XML I get an error saying Line 71 Column 39 which seems to be the Fusca 1 & 2 Hot Cars.

  • edited August 2023

    If you copy/pasted the content from the CarsList_AMS2_Custom.xml file and ProfileCarsList_AMS2.xml file properly then you need to delete the xml files (as these dont get deleted when you uninstall Fanalab), restart FanaLab and manually bind the cars to the profiles again. Some weird incompatibility then with your pc so you cant use my xml but you need to create one on your own (dont worry, takes just a few minutes).

  • I'm not entirely sure how to do that manually but I have deleted line 71 column 39 Fusca 1 & 2 Hot Cars and everything seems to be working again as usual.

  • hi everyone, im new here...just installed fanalab on the pc but i cant seem to find the "ITM" option next to "LED" and "GAMEPROFILES" what am i doping wrong here? i downloaded the app on my pfone but when i start the game (assetto corsa) it doesnt seem to connect

  • edited August 2023

    Which base / wheel do you have?

    ITM is for Podium Bases or BME only.

    To use the phone app you dont need FanaLab but the TrayApp which is an optional software and part of the driver installation, has nothing to do with the Lab

  • Maurice,

    Bumping this question in case you missed it .

    I am attempting to honor the #README instructions that come with Maurice Boschen's profiles, but My app.ini file does not contain steeringDampingParkedMaxPercent or steeringFFBSmooth.

    Should I ignore those since my app.ini doesn't have them? Or maybe, since they are missing, I should create a new line in the file and add those parameters?

    Any advice on this issue would be much appreciated.

  • edited August 2023


    When those settings are not available, then you might have an old app.ini file and it would be best to delete it and let the game create a new one.

    However, I also dont think that it's dramatic if those lines are not included. My profiles will still work perfectly fine.

  • Hi. This know issue with vibration , is there any tix how to avoid it? Thx for answer

  • CY HCY H Member

    Hello, where can I download version 1.99.03. I have a problem after installing 1.99.05. I don't know if it is a software problem or a hardware problem, I want to rule it out. Thanks

  • You cant download 1.99.03 anymore.

    Also it would be highly unlikely that a downgrade to that version would fix anything which 1.99.05 might broke because it's almost impossible that 1.99.05 broke something as only cosmetic things were changed.

    You can however always go back to the last official version 1.69.7. Note that all your profiles will be incompatible with that older version though.

  • CY HCY H Member

    Well, thanks for the reply. Let me talk about symptoms. I use CSW V2.5 and McLaren GT3 V2, everything was normal yesterday, and I updated 1.99.05 before going to bed. When I was running lfm today, the upshift failed when exiting a certain corner. I turned the steering wheel and it recovered, but the rear Situations still happen. Then I turned off FanaLab, and used Fanatec_driver to check that the steering wheel turned to a certain angle and the buttons all failed, and then returned to normal after returning to the right position. Is this a problem with my hardware? Thanks

  • That sounds like a hardware issue, yes.

    Definitely not related to FanaLab for sure.

  • CY HCY H Member

    Haha, fixed it, one wire was broken, the software is completely fine

  • Joe RayJoe Ray Member
    edited August 2023


    this may be a little late to suggest, but in future builds would it be possible to include a way of displaying the torque output of the profile in fanalab?

    it is already a feature in fanatec control panel, but could be handy to see what nm value you are running instead/as well as ffb %?

  • Have you sorted it out? I am having the same problem. Installed 1.99.05, imported Maurice’s profiles as per instructions, everything looks ok in Fanalab, profiles are linked to cars but they won’t autoload in ACC and Automobilista 2. It was working in 1.69.

  • Can you show a picture of the game profile Tab for the profile list and car list?

    Note that you can always delete the ProfileCarsList from any game to manually bind the cars through the FanaLab UI itself if my xml lists, for some reason, dont work.

  • Rafal RazmusRafal Razmus Member
    edited August 2023

    See above. I am in Alpine. As you can see this car is bound to the profile, but Fanalab didn't load it. It still shows the default recommended profile I loaded manually before starting ACC.

    The game is detected correctly in the MAIN tab.

  • What happens when you left-click on the Alpine in the CarsList, then click the "Remove car from profile" button and then afterwards the"Add car to profile" button?

    That's basically a manual re-bind. Maybe something just went wrong in the copy-paste process with the xml files and you need to do it manually...

This discussion has been closed.