I also would like to know how to map the 12 position rotary switches, I hope that Sim Racing Girl can bring up more detailed videos how to work best with the wheel and how to map everything. Thanks.
I have No Idea If or How those 12 way knobs can be used...
I don't think they will work with Pcars2, Assetto Corsa--> the Manual says that
games have to be optimized to use them so the Best hope would be iracing or Race Room getting updated to make them work.... I set Mine to the 11 switch
position with 1 being Off.... I think thats best for Now... I doubt that
Pcars2/ Asetto Corsa will be optimized to use those switches also Playing in VR it
would be almost impossible to use them any way.... But the Mapable Dual
Clutch paddles are Very useful EX: Pcars2 I mapped 1 to Head Lights
On/Off and the other to Windshield wiper im going to switch it to Pit
Speed limiter so Now when playing in VR No more fussing feeling around
for Buttons.
I wonder since you can map button box inputs for PCars2. There's got to be some use for it.
I can't get those capable oaddeks to do anything. Encoders do nothing. Ked speed gear nothing handbrake mode doesn't work. Pretty disappointed
Hey Brian,
You can’t map the clutch paddles or red toggle switches? I hope this is not the case especially for an Xbox licensed wheel. Is it the same thing as the Xbox Hub where the buttons are just duplicates?
Not sure if you asked this Brian or the clan McKirdy Hope I'm entitled to respond:
I mapped the red toggle switches to ABS and TC. So you can map them to either function you like. For the moment tHe two 12 way rotary switch knobs is just one up-down until games give full support for all 12 possibilities (obviously ABS&TC)
Mapping of the "analog" clutchpaddles depends on the game. I still have to figure out how it exactly works. Also have to test it for the intended function of releasing clutch at e.g. 50%. Maybe that function is a bit too professional for me? I tried in PCars2 left paddle for flashlight and right paddle for pit limiter. But it seems to be duplicated -->could also because of me not paying enough time to figure it out exactly.
My challenge for the moment: I want to map the buttons the same for each racesim I often play. AC, R3E Pcars2. But not all of them offer the same essential functions. choices, choices
@WIlly: I walked to the DC and demanded to deliver the wheel to my southern friend NOW. In about 10 minutes they drove off. But just with one package though....
And now back to my rig and do some racing. PCars2 challenge with the Ferrari 488 at Watkins Glen.
Some silly people are already moaning about the rotary switches, probably without understanding the difference between PC and console.. I really like the rim, feels good, looks great and plays/ drives good..
Not sure if you asked this Brian or the clan McKirdy Hope I'm entitled to respond:
I mapped the red toggle switches to ABS and TC. So you can map them to either function you like. For the moment tHe two 12 way rotary switch knobs is just one up-down until games give full support for all 12 possibilities (obviously ABS&TC)
Mapping of the "analog" clutchpaddles depends on the game. I still have to figure out how it exactly works. Also have to test it for the intended function of releasing clutch at e.g. 50%. Maybe that function is a bit too professional for me? I tried in PCars2 left paddle for flashlight and right paddle for pit limiter. But it seems to be duplicated -->could also because of me not paying enough time to figure it out exactly.
My challenge for the moment: I want to map the buttons the same for each racesim I often play. AC, R3E Pcars2. But not all of them offer the same essential functions. choices, choices
@WIlly: I walked to the DC and demanded to deliver the wheel to my southern friend NOW. In about 10 minutes they drove off. But just with one package though....
And now back to my rig and do some racing. PCars2 challenge with the Ferrari 488 at Watkins Glen.
Thanks Brian. Can you map the clutch to be the handbrake? Would love that for rallycross in PCars.
Some silly people are already moaning about the rotary switches, probably without understanding the difference between PC and console.. I really like the rim, feels good, looks great and plays/ drives good..
Silly ....the Rotary Swithes cant be Mapped on PC Pcars Either... I tried...Also Note that the Manual Sez that Games Need to be Optimized for them to work and that has Not Happened yet. Have you had Success Mapping them to anything yet??? Know the facts before you Name call at people. My best advice.
I had No problem Mapping the Paddles in Pcars ---> Note that Rotary switch has to be in the D position for them to be custom mapped... The A, B, C positions are pre programmed and Not custom mappable.
Has any 1 Noticed a Performance Difference because of the Lighter weight of the Rim... Im using a CSW v2.5... I have Not Noticed any Real dufference due to lighter Rim VS XBox Hub w/ Firza Rim, 918 Porsche Rim.... The Diff i Notice IMO is due to Slightly smaller Rim Size so turns are a Tad Quicker and a little More Snappy.... But All the Rims Feel Really Good.
Some silly people are already moaning about the rotary switches, probably without understanding the difference between PC and console.. I really like the rim, feels good, looks great and plays/ drives good..
Silly ....the Rotary Swithes cant be Mapped on PC Pcars Either... I tried...Also Note that the Manual Sez that Games Need to be Optimized for them to work and that has Not Happened yet. Have you has Success Mapping them to anything yet??? Know the facts before you Name call at people. My best advice.
You’re making my point Lorrell, nice name never heard it
before, nagging about the rotary switches whilst most games aren’t prepared for
it yet and I don’t think many PS4 games will ever.. So far I’ve heard only
Iracing has..
bonsoir j,ai bien recu ma roue mklaren gt3 avec en plus le quik rellasse super bien merci fanatec j,ai bien fait toute les mise a jour driver + faw quand je passe les vitesse sur l,ecran de mon volant il affiche pas la 6iem vitesse a la place il affiche N MERCI DE ME DIRE SI VOUS avez le meme probleme merci de me le faire savoir merci peut etre a bientop sur les piste a++++++++++
Personally i dont see Myself using the Rotary switches.... the only way i see to use tbem would be a Game that lets you Map Fuel or Suspension settings to them.... I believe as they are Now each slot is a Constant On position and only toggles Off when you move the dial.... Maybe they can be used to Map Menu settings screens for quick access then use the Funky switch to scroll through and Make selections.... But the Look Really Nice and its Uber Cool that tbey actually Do work even though i cant figure out a use for them.
Im Really enjoying the Dual Paddle Mapping maybe 1 for DRS other for Kers... The Combinations are endless --->Look Back, Flash Head Lights, Windshied wipers.... + or - Roll bars on the fly Between Corners!!! <--- Master that and its a Heck of a Advantage it would almost be like cheating :-\"
Question will the McClaren Rim with the Quick Release be able to Handle the upcoming Fanatec DD wheel at Full power??? Or would the DD wheel Auto Reduce the FFB strength because it reads it as a CSL wheel???
What im asking is Just How strong is the wheel Made... I know it will Handle all Current wheels but i want to future proof Myself Even if it Means i have to spend more $$$ when considering to buy future Fanatec rims.... Just a Random Question build Quality is Good but its alot more plastic to it than the other 3 Rims i have.
When you think about it this McClaren Rim is a Huge deal!!! because it has Pressure sensitive bottom paddles that can be used for Gas and Brake input Fanatec has opened the door for many people who may not have full use of their legs to Sim race with a Quality wheel set up at a reasonable price range now it does not have to cost extra because its special or custom equipment. Kudos and cheers Fanatec =D>
Can some one test the mappable shifter paddles... test pull left paddle and see if you get a stable reading then test right paddle and see if you get a stable reading... The
left paddle is stable and will Hold at 50% but my right shifter paddle
the reading is Not stable it goes up and down constantly --> EX: if i
want to make clutch bite point 50% it wont stay on 50% .... i tried
this with both hands also to make sure that my right hand is not shaking
and same results.
I doubt its a hardware issue it maybe in the FW the right shifter paddle needs tweeking.
Right paddle Reading is Not stable on the Wheel Oled screen or on the PC Fanatec wheel properties page.
Can some one test the mappable shifter paddles... test pull left paddle and see if you get a stable reading then test right paddle and see if you get a stable reading... The
left paddle is stable and will Hold at 50% but my right shifter paddle
the reading is Not stable it goes up and down constantly --> EX: if i
want to make clutch bite point 50% it wont stay on 50% .... i tried
this with both hands also to make sure that my right hand is not shaking
and same results.
I doubt its a hardware issue it maybe in the FW the right shifter paddle needs tweeking.
Right paddle Reading is Not stable on the Wheel Oled screen or on the PC Fanatec wheel properties page.
no problem to hold the right clutch paddle at a constant level of 50 without any flckering in the OLED.
I also would like to know how to map the 12 position rotary switches, I hope that Sim Racing Girl can bring up more detailed videos how to work best with the wheel and how to map everything. Thanks.
I have No Idea If or How those 12 way knobs can be used...
I don't think they will work with Pcars2, Assetto Corsa--> the Manual says that
games have to be optimized to use them so the Best hope would be iracing or Race Room getting updated to make them work.... I set Mine to the 11 switch
position with 1 being Off.... I think thats best for Now... I doubt that
Pcars2/ Asetto Corsa will be optimized to use those switches also Playing in VR it
would be almost impossible to use them any way.... But the Mapable Dual
Clutch paddles are Very useful EX: Pcars2 I mapped 1 to Head Lights
On/Off and the other to Windshield wiper im going to switch it to Pit
Speed limiter so Now when playing in VR No more fussing feeling around
for Buttons.
I wonder since you can map button box inputs for PCars2. There's got to be some use for it.
I can't get those capable oaddeks to do anything. Encoders do nothing. Ked speed gear nothing handbrake mode doesn't work. Pretty disappointed
Hey Brian,
You can’t map the clutch paddles or red toggle switches? I hope this is not the case especially for an Xbox licensed wheel. Is it the same thing as the Xbox Hub where the buttons are just duplicates?
Unfortunately that is correct mate the wheel as no more functionality than my P1 elite rim on an Xbox
Can some one test the mappable shifter paddles... test pull left paddle and see if you get a stable reading then test right paddle and see if you get a stable reading... The
left paddle is stable and will Hold at 50% but my right shifter paddle
the reading is Not stable it goes up and down constantly --> EX: if i
want to make clutch bite point 50% it wont stay on 50% .... i tried
this with both hands also to make sure that my right hand is not shaking
and same results.
I doubt its a hardware issue it maybe in the FW the right shifter paddle needs tweeking.
Right paddle Reading is Not stable on the Wheel Oled screen or on the PC Fanatec wheel properties page.
no problem to hold the right clutch paddle at a constant level of 50 without any flckering in the OLED.
Im pretty sure its a FW thing....The Right paddle flickering input level is exactly the same as the V3 brake pedal flickering input issue that many had when they first launched <--- it was something with the calibration process they fixed it with a FW update ...I will wait a bit and if the right paddle stops working or the flickering gets worse i will contact support.
Thanks for testing if any one else test post your results thanks. <-- see the post i made 2 above for more details on how to test.
So I got in touch with the support on Tuesday already, as my wheel was not working properly. RMA was confirmed and I got a return label yesterday. I then read about the issues with QM028 wheels, and mine is one of them. However, my new wheel will only be sent when my defective wheel arrives at Fanatec. But other people, whose 028 isn't even defective, have already been sent the confirmation of the delivery of a new wheel.... While I probably have to wait another week to be able to use it again.
Ppl have to remember that it's MS's fault that their console's op doesn't support as many wheel/controller buttons as it would be needed. So we should send our hatemail directly to BGates.
leider ist unserem Lager beim Versand des McLaren GT3 ein Fehler unterlaufen und es wurden versehentlich an vereinzelte Kunden Vorserienmodelle verschickt, die nicht für den Verkauf bestimmt waren. Dies betrifft ausschließlich McLaren GT3 Rims mit der Seriennummer „QM028…“ Die Lenkräder haben keine technischen Fehler, könnten aber Fehler aufweisen, aus diesem Grund tauschen wir sie vorsorglich aus.
Die betroffenen Kunden wurden von uns bereits angeschrieben und es wurden Retourenlabels zur Verfügung gestellt. Das korrekte Serienmodell wird heute an alle betroffenen Kunden versendet. Falls ein Besitzer eines McLaren GT3 mit einer Seriennummer beginnend mit „QM028…“ keine Benachrichtigung mit Retourenlabel erhalten haben sollte und diese auch nicht in dem Spam oder Junk Mail Ordner im E-Mail Account zu finden sein sollte, bitten wir die Betroffenen, sich bei unserem Fanatec Support zu melden.
Wir entschuldigen uns für die Unannehmlichkeiten.
Hello all, Unfortunately our warehouse made a mistake by shipping units to customers and a few customers unfortunately have received a pre-production unit which was not meant to be sold. Only McLaren GT3 Rims with a serial number starting with “QM028…” are affected. These units do not have a technical fault but they may show issues and this is the reason why we replace them as a precaution.
We already have contacted the customers which have received these units. These customers also have received a prepaid shipping label to send the unit back to us and today we will ship the correct production model to the affected customers in advance. In case an owner of a McLaren GT3 with a serial number starting with “QM028…” did not receive this e-mail with the shipping label included and if this E-Mail also cannot be found in the spam or junk mail folder of the e-mail account, please contact Fanatec support.
We apologise for any inconvenience caused.
ich bin einer der betroffenen, warum muss ich erst das wheel schicken bevor ich ein neues bekomme laut ihre e-mail.???? warum kann man es nicht ups mitgeben ,wenn das neue geliefert wird. ich finde es sehr umständlich, bin ich im nachteil nur weil ich den fehler gemeldet habe??
leider ist unserem Lager beim Versand des McLaren GT3 ein Fehler unterlaufen und es wurden versehentlich an vereinzelte Kunden Vorserienmodelle verschickt, die nicht für den Verkauf bestimmt waren. Dies betrifft ausschließlich McLaren GT3 Rims mit der Seriennummer „QM028…“ Die Lenkräder haben keine technischen Fehler, könnten aber Fehler aufweisen, aus diesem Grund tauschen wir sie vorsorglich aus.
Die betroffenen Kunden wurden von uns bereits angeschrieben und es wurden Retourenlabels zur Verfügung gestellt. Das korrekte Serienmodell wird heute an alle betroffenen Kunden versendet. Falls ein Besitzer eines McLaren GT3 mit einer Seriennummer beginnend mit „QM028…“ keine Benachrichtigung mit Retourenlabel erhalten haben sollte und diese auch nicht in dem Spam oder Junk Mail Ordner im E-Mail Account zu finden sein sollte, bitten wir die Betroffenen, sich bei unserem Fanatec Support zu melden.
Wir entschuldigen uns für die Unannehmlichkeiten.
Hello all, Unfortunately our warehouse made a mistake by shipping units to customers and a few customers unfortunately have received a pre-production unit which was not meant to be sold. Only McLaren GT3 Rims with a serial number starting with “QM028…” are affected. These units do not have a technical fault but they may show issues and this is the reason why we replace them as a precaution.
We already have contacted the customers which have received these units. These customers also have received a prepaid shipping label to send the unit back to us and today we will ship the correct production model to the affected customers in advance. In case an owner of a McLaren GT3 with a serial number starting with “QM028…” did not receive this e-mail with the shipping label included and if this E-Mail also cannot be found in the spam or junk mail folder of the e-mail account, please contact Fanatec support.
We apologise for any inconvenience caused.
ich bin einer der betroffenen, warum muss ich erst das wheel schicken bevor ich ein neues bekomme laut ihre e-mail.???? warum kann man es nicht ups mitgeben ,wenn das neue geliefert wird. ich finde es sehr umständlich, bin ich im nachteil nur weil ich den fehler gemeldet habe??
Maybe you should read the statement again which is a concretization of the mail...
All new rims were sent out to the affected customers yesterday so you can keep your actual rim until the new one arrives. You got a prepaid shipping label and you should be able to arrange a pick up with UPS so you dont even have to leave your house to send the old rim back.
wir bitten Sie, uns zuerst das defekte Produkt (CSL Elite Steering Wheel
McLaren GT3) unter Beachtung der folgenden Rücksende-Hinweise
* Falls sich Ihre Adresse geändert hat, aktualisieren Sie diese
bitte in Ihrem Fanatec Webshop Kundenkonto und teilen uns dies per Email
* Paket mit gut sichtbarer RMA Nummer ----------------------------- kennzeichnen
* Produkt vollständig (inkl. kompletten Paketinhalt) und in der Originalverpackung einsenden
* Für die Rücksendung bitte angehängtes bereits bezahltes UPS-Label verwenden
* Paket in der nächsten UPS-Filiale abgeben oder mit UPS eine Abholung direkt vereinbaren
* Nach Erhalt des defekten Produktes wird die neue Ware zugesendet
Vielen Dank für Ihr Verständnis.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Best regards,
Natallia Siegel
Fanatec Gameshop - Sales Department
wir bitten Sie, uns zuerst das defekte Produkt (CSL Elite Steering Wheel
McLaren GT3) unter Beachtung der folgenden Rücksende-Hinweise
* Falls sich Ihre Adresse geändert hat, aktualisieren Sie diese
bitte in Ihrem Fanatec Webshop Kundenkonto und teilen uns dies per Email
* Paket mit gut sichtbarer RMA Nummer ----------------------------- kennzeichnen
* Produkt vollständig (inkl. kompletten Paketinhalt) und in der Originalverpackung einsenden
* Für die Rücksendung bitte angehängtes bereits bezahltes UPS-Label verwenden
* Paket in der nächsten UPS-Filiale abgeben oder mit UPS eine Abholung direkt vereinbaren
* Nach Erhalt des defekten Produktes wird die neue Ware zugesendet
Vielen Dank für Ihr Verständnis.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Best regards,
Natallia Siegel
Fanatec Gameshop - Sales Department
was habe ich falsch verstanden?????
In your previous post you already quoted the statement from Johannes which is the concretization of this mail because this mail was a bit unclear.
Just read again.
Anyway, I will quote the important sentence here for you:
"We already have contacted the customers which have received these units. These customers also have received a prepaid shipping label to send the unit back to us and today we will ship the correct production model to the affected customers in advance."
So you will get the new rim IN ADVANCE and then you can send back the old one to Fanatec.
Popping off the Xbox button caps revealed the original button colors and looks much better. But the “P” and “N” seem like they should light up, but don’t? But the wheel feels great, the harder grips would have suited motors in them very nicely.
Hey Brian, You can’t map the clutch paddles or red toggle switches? I hope this is not the case especially for an Xbox licensed wheel. Is it the same thing as the Xbox Hub where the buttons are just duplicates?
Not sure if you asked this Brian or the clan McKirdy
I mapped the red toggle switches to ABS and TC. So you can map them to either function you like.
For the moment tHe two 12 way rotary switch knobs is just one up-down until games give full support for all 12 possibilities (obviously ABS&TC)
Mapping of the "analog" clutchpaddles depends on the game. I still have to figure out how it exactly works. Also have to test it for the intended function of releasing clutch at e.g. 50%. Maybe that function is a bit too professional for me?
I tried in PCars2 left paddle for flashlight and right paddle for pit limiter. But it seems to be duplicated -->could also because of me not paying enough time to figure it out exactly.
My challenge for the moment: I want to map the buttons the same for each racesim I often play. AC, R3E Pcars2. But not all of them offer the same essential functions. choices, choices
@WIlly: I walked to the DC and demanded to deliver the wheel to my southern friend NOW. In about 10 minutes they drove off. But just with one package though....
And now back to my rig and do some racing. PCars2 challenge with the Ferrari 488 at Watkins Glen.
Thanks Brian. Can you map the clutch to be the handbrake? Would love that for rallycross in PCars.
You’re making my point Lorrell, nice name never heard it before, nagging about the rotary switches whilst most games aren’t prepared for it yet and I don’t think many PS4 games will ever.. So far I’ve heard only Iracing has..
test pull left paddle and see if you get a stable reading then test right paddle and see if you get a stable reading...
The left paddle is stable and will Hold at 50% but my right shifter paddle the reading is Not stable it goes up and down constantly --> EX: if i want to make clutch bite point 50% it wont stay on 50% .... i tried this with both hands also to make sure that my right hand is not shaking and same results.
I doubt its a hardware issue it maybe in the FW the right shifter paddle needs tweeking.
Right paddle Reading is Not stable on the Wheel Oled screen or on the PC Fanatec wheel properties page.
Thanks for testing if any one else test post your results thanks. <-- see the post i made 2 above for more details on how to test.
warum kann man es nicht ups mitgeben ,wenn das neue geliefert wird.
ich finde es sehr umständlich, bin ich im nachteil nur weil ich den fehler gemeldet habe??
wir bitten Sie, uns zuerst das defekte Produkt (CSL Elite Steering Wheel McLaren GT3) unter Beachtung der folgenden Rücksende-Hinweise zurückzusenden.
* Falls sich Ihre Adresse geändert hat, aktualisieren Sie diese bitte in Ihrem Fanatec Webshop Kundenkonto und teilen uns dies per Email mit
* Paket mit gut sichtbarer RMA Nummer ----------------------------- kennzeichnen
* Produkt vollständig (inkl. kompletten Paketinhalt) und in der Originalverpackung einsenden
* Für die Rücksendung bitte angehängtes bereits bezahltes UPS-Label verwenden
* Paket in der nächsten UPS-Filiale abgeben oder mit UPS eine Abholung direkt vereinbaren
* Nach Erhalt des defekten Produktes wird die neue Ware zugesendet
Vielen Dank für Ihr Verständnis.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Best regards,
Natallia Siegel
Fanatec Gameshop - Sales Department
was habe ich falsch verstanden?????