Black Friday Orders | Shipping Update 3



  • I was checking everything every day the last update was that the last thing (the qr2 wheel side) will be available 5 January ... I checked with UPS with reference number like some of you here suggested....and voala there is some packets but i can't see a lot of info about them i didn't receive info from anyone and for sure did not receive anything at home .... I hope i am not from the people who have problems with their order .... But we will see....

    For some of the packages are at warehouse some are elsewhere one is delivered at door.... I just don't know what to think anymore.... Because it is one order but they send every item with different tracking number .... If they manage to send it ..... And without any information from Fanatec i don't know what to do.....

  • I think just wait and see .... And if nothing happens maybe ask a lawyer.... Because i want one of those wheels .... But how i don't know .... I have done everything right pay them in advance..... But nothing for my money.... Just the excitement that maybe some day in a few years a will try a direct wheel drive ..... The lack of communication its so unfair in those situations.... I am a customer who payd everything..... I must get my stuff!!!

  • edited January 15

    Get stuff is a thing, get working stuff is another thing^^

  • That too.... I hope that i will have luck with working peace..... If i aver have the chance to try it ....

  • D@vidD@vid Member

    i received a mail from Fanatec saying my order is waiting pick up from ups point 😯

    but i have no tracking number, no ups mail and no new information about my order on fanatec website..

    i send fanatec a message.. wait and see 🙄

  • Now on the Fanatec Website menu QR2:

    If you order one QR2 Wheel-Side: Pre-order date is 12.02.2024

    If you order the QR2 Wheel-Side Triple Pack: Pre-order date is 15.02.2024

    For me this is a clear sign that these dates are no real dates, but just some calculated dates due to the amount of orders for a single item. They won't get one delivery on the 12th of February and one three days later for sure...

  • Finally got everything I ordered on BF (21. Nov, EU Shop) - F1 2023, Magnetic Shifters, QR2 Wheelside, QR2 Baseside.

    • Like everyone else my order got delayed due to QR2 WS, which was bumped to 5.Jan
    • 8. Jan I got an email that they were preparing shipment
    • 9. Jan Tracking number appeared on my account and Serial numbers for 2 of the 4 items, no email from Fanatec or UPS though
    • 12. Jan late evening I finally saw some movement on the UPS tracking with a arrival estimate of 15.Jan
    • Package was stuck in Hamburg until late sunday evening when it finally started moving again
    • arrived Today around lunch, got everything setup and working

    So yeah, long 2 month wait but everything worked out fine in the end

    Things to note:

    • I never got an email with tracking information, so had to regularly check ups myself to see what was happening in order to be able to be home for the package. Even after registering for updates on UPS I never got any, the only thing they notified me off was the successful delivery 🙄
    • had to pay import tax to the Driver, but value was correct (i.e. what I actually paid, not the the fantasy non-discounted price)
    • everything arrived in a single large box with the 4 smaller boxes inside of it
    • serial numbers for both the QR2 Wheelside and F1 2023 wheel never got added to my fanatec account, but everything arrived luckily

    Hope this helps those of you still waiting for their order to get an idea of what to expect and what to watch out for

    => check your fanatec account for tracking number

    => then check ups for updates (their notifications don't work), registering helps as it'll show more information when logged in as to where exactly your package currently is.

  • Hello,

    Does anyone have an update on the production of the formula 2.5x wheel?

    i send a few mails to fanatec but no answer in over a month.

    Kind regards,


  • I just saw the clubsport formula wheel 2.5x available in America and Australia.

    I'm no expert in commerce, but I think would be an Idea to ship those stocks towards Europe, here there are people like me who are waiting since end of November, and would be no damage ( i think) to leave the wheel unavailable in USA and AUS, since here people are waiting for 2 months while some people can order the same wheel 2 months after us and receive it before us.

    This being said I wanna reinforce the fact that I'm no expert in commerce things, but I'm simply tired of waiting for something I paid for.

    I wish all the best to Fanatec

    Kind Regards


  • Hi, I placed two orders, one on the 22nd November 2023 (order number 1814723) this was not picked up by UPS until the 21st December 2023 it then sat with UPS awaiting customs information, on the 29th December 2023 it was sent back to you "Fanatec" and arrived with you on the 2nd january 2024 at 09:06am

    I have sent meany emails to find out what is going on and I am yet to receive a reply and today is the 15th January 2024.

    My second order (1850775) placed on the 25th November 2023 and still hasn't been sent and l've had NO update on that one either.

    As of 15th January you have had my money for 54 days with no communication, I want to know what is going on and where my Item are.

    What makes it even worse is that UPS requested for me to pay the import fee and tax before they said it was being returned, to which I have paid and UPS will not refund me so that's another £200+ out of my pocket.

  • Did you pay from paypal or credit card? If so why dont you refund from there, or contact the bank

  • I have the same. I ordered on November 6 for Iceland. They sent it to me, but the parcel was returned to the sender before it left Germany. Now it's in storage and gathering dust. And according to the information, the warranty started from the moment the invoice was issued. And it's been well over 60 days, so I've already lost 2 months of warranty.

  • Yo ya hablé hoy con mi banco BBVA, se les va acabar el cuento llevo 2 meses también esperando ya estoy hastá el culo, parece que lo están fabricando con lupa el DD PRO

  • 2 months now and no movement or communication...for a set of V2 pedals!

  • probably costs them too much money to ship those wheels back to germany and then ship them out, but also i am not an expert in commerce and transport xD

  • thats the pre order date, if you ordered during black friday their first stock might arrive end of january to fulfill some orders while a majority of the stock probably will arrive mid march

  • Hello Raphael,

    Enjoy your new stuff! ;)

    That tax you paied are only for German?

    • had to pay import tax to the Driver, but value was correct (i.e. what I actually paid, not the the fantasy non-discounted price)

    Material buyed inside EU doens't pay duty taxes?

  • I'm in the same situation, it would be great if they updated the orders with the expected delivery date. Mine still shows as if the wheel is available for delivery. If I knew in advance that my order would be on the March batch, I'd cancel it to receive the voucher, but they didn't respond to my contacts in time, and now the voucher form is gone.

  • I ordered the dd1 bundle with qr2 and wheel bmw gt2 on November 23rd but I haven't received any updates yet

    When will I get one? given that the amount spent is very high I would like to have at least a delivery forecast

    I also sent 3/4 emails, contacted by phone but nothing

    answer please

  • Thats BS, if you ordered the 2.5x you received an email on the 15th of december or around that date regarding the 2.5x status.

    In this email they said they probably will receive a batch at the end of january and that they will receive a batch in march. you couldve decided then what you wanted

  • I'm in Switzerland, so not in the EU, hence the taxes - on the plus side Fanatec deducted the 19% German VAT from my total when I ordered, so it all works out ;-)

  • As you mentioned the route in Germany, I thought you were German.

    Thanks for the clarification. It's good that you only pay fair taxes. :)

    And most importantly, you have the material available to enjoy... ;)

  • edited January 16

    My €640 order placed on 11/24,

    changed to Handover to warehouse on 12/14 with the invoice received,

    Still not shipped on this day (01/16) and still not taken by UPS.

    Is normal ? (I'm in France).

    It seems strange to me because from the moment it is handover to warehouse, means that all the items are ready for shipment.

  • Yes that is, it takes some days before to get tracking number (4/5 days) usually.

  • The QR2 Wheel-Side preorder date in my order (24/11 Aus region) has changed to 16/01/24 from (IIRC) 28/12/23. So I'm guessing anything that still carries a preorder date in an order even if the date has long since passed means it hasn't yet been picked for that order.

    I'm still waiting on a CS DD+ so as long as everything else is ready to go before that is available it's not really a concern for me.

  • edited January 16

    Yeah but it’s already been more than 21 working days since my order changed to handover to warehouse, not 4/5 days.

  • edited January 16

    So it's not usual yes , surely QR/DD problem disponibility then wich did you order?

  • An EU order.... I think that its either the Xbox hub or more likely the free QR1 that is the issue! No idea when this will arrive, as in their customer services email they just alluded to an issue that they take full responsibilty for.... WT.F does that even mean??

    Funny thing is, I didnt even want the QR1 as I'm only QR2 but it wouldnt let me drop that from the order because its free!!!!

    Total mess and still no answers from Fanatec!

  • The only suspicious thing is the 2.5x but I never received the mail of Dec 15 and I got the invoice and the completely shipped status (handover to warehouse) on the Dec 14.

    In my order there is a Porsche rim leather, Universal Hub v2, Podium Advanced Paddle, Stickers, 2.5X and two QR1.

    But for those who received the DEC 15 mail for the 2.5x, what is their order status ? Still in progress or handover to warehouse ?

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