Black Friday Orders | Shipping Update 3



  • Maybe they need to approve it because i am talking about a collective action against them .... But that is normal .... I suppose.... Doesn't matter.... I saved for almost a year to buy the goods and now after a few months just nothing.... I want my stuff... Even if you give me back my money they don't worth the same after 2 months....and I want my wheel..not my money....

  • Hey Fanatec guys we Bulgarians don't leave our donkey in the mud.... I will seek for my rights every day till i get the things that i payed for ...

  • I know I have a friend who is Bulgarian but he is married to a french woman for 12 years .. i have an idea...he lives in France for that time ... And i have heard a lot of stories...but that's off topic ... We have a saying that United we are strong .. devided we are week soo lets get united and seek for our rights... Let see what they can do if everyone with problems with orders are united and seeking their and goods ... because i want my goods i want to try it finally....

  • If we just wait and see ... Nothing will change ... We must take action because that kind of attitude it is just unacceptable... If they come to my opticians store to make glasses to see and I take their money and than nothing from me .... They will go crazy because they want to see .... That's the same here i want to play with DD wheel ... I spend my hard earned money ....and than ... nothing.... Thanks Fanatec for giving me such an adrenaline rush ....

  • Indeed i just hope the wheel and my other gear i ordered will arrive by the end of march.

  • I have an another suggestion..this time for the guys who manage the web site ... You must put a new logo otthe front page which says.... Enter this website and leave all hope outside....or something like this ....

  • I will not chill Johnny Rotten ... Not until i have my gear.... even if i have to start WW 3.... I just don't care anymore ....

  • And i am starting to think that this preorder changes may stay for a veeeeery long time .... My date was changed a few times and every time i check there is new date ... People order month after me already have theirs... I want to ask when I will get some info at least.....

  • KetanecKetanec Member
    edited January 21

    And to Johny Rotten ... Don't say to chill because you may find your self in trouble

  • I can sand you some covid bacillus if you want ... because i am bored and sick at home with nothing to do .... If i had my gooods it would be otherwise...but no .... Let's keep shopping interesting

  • No i wont because i have every right to be angry and if you don't want to take it all on you shut your rotten mouth

  • And that is it I am calling the Russians to hop in the tanks and go and see what is Berlin doing and after that and the Fanatec company... I really want to see their faces in front of a tank gun... I am out a already lost all hope ... I am done with this laying bastards....

  • For every pig there is Christmas... Soon it will be their turn ...

  • And when this moment arrives i will be waiting for them in Hell with a bunch of their bases and wheels to smash their heads until all hell breaks loose....

  • It is not about the delay.... It is the absence of communication.... How its possible for the Chinese to keep me inform on every step of an order for 3 EUROS.... And the Germans cannot say a word for 2 months..... For order for 600 EUROS....

  • Someone please explain this to me because I can't get my head around it...

  • Ooo there is another idea maybe i can sue them for causing mental problems on people.... The more they delay any info or goods the more ideas will come to me and one of them will work ....

  • Now, isn't this just great. Not only do we have to wait on the dd+, but now we get the added bonus of Ketanec's diarrhea of the mouth.

  • Sorry mate .... I am just trying to get their attention because I don't want to be in the dark anymore...

  • I said everything that i have to say and it feels good to get it of my shoulders... Sorry to everyone who doesn't like what i wrote .... It is not your fault...sorry once again....

  • I understand the frustration, even though I haven't waited anywhere near as long as some of you. I come on here for any possible update and I see 7 or 8 new comments. I'm thinking maybe it's something, but nope, it's the same poster. Again, I do understand where you're coming from.

  • Doesn't matter... What matters is that i was gathering that money for so long ... I made an order on 24.11.23 ..... And still not a word .... So expect to hear from them in a few months

  • And don't check for comments chek for new updates on the home page :) there you will find some information.... If they decide to share it

  • O and one other thing they said that they are exporting every order from 24.11 but once again just lies so don't believe anything except the tracking number if you receive it I strongly suggest to make a UPS my Choice or if you use other companies use their app

  • In my case, it would be Fed Ex. My fear is with all the canceled orders and bad word of mouth, that Fanatec would go under down the road. If I've already got my dd+ my warranty would be gone, and would be praying that nothing went wrong with it.

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