Fanatec Forum
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General Discussion
Fanatec news and announcements, general discussion topics, product reviews...
12.1K discussions 23K comments Most recent: Regain your funds today | Got Scammed by a Broker by Emily Svendsen on 12:49AM
A summary of common symptoms and solutions being discussed in the hardware categories, plus links to community-generated tips for Fanatec products.
Discuss anything that doesn't fit in the other categories. Keep it clean!
9.8K discussions 1.7K comments Most recent: CSL DD WRC Steering Wheel by Reinhardt Muller on March 25
Fanatec Hardware
Discuss Fanatec Wheel Bases and Racing Wheels.
4.2K discussions 18.2K comments Most recent: CSL DD Ready2Race bundle wobble and GAP by Eloi Mataran Jimenez on March 25
Discuss Fanatec Steering Wheels (including Hubs and Rims).
2.1K discussions 8.6K comments Most recent: Mclaren GT3 V2 disconnecting from GT DD Pro by on March 25
Discuss Fanatec pedals and pedal accessories.
2K discussions 5.1K comments Most recent: FANATEC keeps selling faulty CSL Brake Load Cell Kits by Eric Himself on March 25
Discuss all other Fanatec hardware, including Shifters and Handbrakes.
693 discussions 2.2K comments Most recent: Handbrake v2 Stiff/Locked by Graham Hayden on March 25
Child Categories: Legacy Products -
Discuss non-Fanatec hardware here, including rigs and sim racing accessories.
144 discussions 183 comments Most recent: Fanatec CSL DD with T3PA pro Issue by Nathan Kubecka on March 19
Child Categories: PCs and Components -
Fanatec Software
29 discussions 8.3K comments Most recent: FanaLab - Share your favorite profiles by MadDog-IC on March 25
61 discussions 17.1K comments Most recent: Fanatec Driver 464 - Release Version by André LASSUS PIGAT on March 25
4 discussions 395 comments Most recent: All new Fanatec software for PC – try out the beta here! by Nils Lehmann on March 25
54 discussions 105 comments Most recent: Xbox sdk it's time to release it fanatec by FLORENT TRAMALLONI on March 3
Racing Simulations / Racing Games
38 discussions 217 comments Most recent: Automobilista 2 (PC) - Fanatec Recommended Settings by Carlos Collado on March 23
258 discussions 1.4K comments Most recent: Clubsport DD+ with QR2 looses FF on Ps5 F1 game by Neil Reuben on March 25
79 discussions 427 comments Most recent: Hanbrake not recognized in FH4 but works in FH5 (pc) by Brian Topel on January 13
222 discussions 2.1K comments Most recent: Gran Turismo 7 (PS4/PS5) - Fanatec Recommended Settings by Neil Reuben on March 19
72 discussions 169 comments Most recent: Can't run PC1 with GT DD Pro and PS4 by MadDog-IC on March 12
63 discussions 168 comments Most recent: RaceRoom (PC) - Fanatec Recommended Settings by Remco Bosgoed on January 14
67 discussions 186 comments Most recent: Random grinding sensation when changing between sessions by Joel Brown on March 22
3 discussions 0 comments Most recent: WRC Generations (Xbox One/Series) by Dominic Brennan on December 2022
195 discussions 666 comments Most recent: DD PRO with older Codemasters Titles??? by MadDog-IC on March 25
Buy, sell, or trade second-hand equipment.
818 discussions 1.4K comments Most recent: WTS Fanatec ClubSport Steering Wheel Formula V2.5 X + QR1 $200 by Charles Mohamed on March 22
294 discussions 539 comments Most recent: When I will recieve my steering wheel? by Marc Izaga on February 19
7 discussions 0 comments Most recent: Issue discussion: '888' error during wheel start-up/autocalibration by Remco Van Dijk -