
Discussion List

  • Introducing FanaLab: Beta Version available now!

    • FanaLab is our new PC software that allows fine-tuning of Fanatec hardware settings and features. We originally designed this software for the Podium Series wheel bases, but as the development scope has grown, it now alsofully  supports the ClubSport Wheel Base V2.5 and CSL Elite Wheel Base +, as well as improving display functionality on all Fanatec steering wheels, plus improved control over vibration motors in compatible wheels and pedals. The CSL Wheel Base, CSL Elite Wheel Base V1.1 and the ClubSport Wheel Base V2 are compatible as well but with limited functionality as the Tuning menu cannot be synced. We are working on improving the compatibility of at least the CSL Elite Wheel Base V1.1 as this can be fixed by firmware.

      With this new software, you’ll have another means of adjusting Tuning Menu values on-the-fly, with a wider overview of the settings compared to the wheel displays. You can save as many profiles as you like, and create an unlimited number of Tuning Menu presets. These can be assigned to automatically load when you launch your favourite sim from FanaLab, and you can export and share your best profiles with your friends.

      We’ve also enabled new dynamic FFB effects driven by car telemetry data. At this stage, we’re including a speed-sensitive damper and an additional damper for driving in reverse, with more dynamic features to come, for example front suspension effects, countersteer effect, and Dynamic Force Enhancement. The speed-sensitive damper is useful for taming high-speed oscillation without needing to add too much ‘natural’ damper or friction, meaning that you can have a very active wheel at low speeds, and a stable one at high speeds.

      In addition, display functionality has improved on all wheels, as FanaLab allows you to select what available telemetry data is shown, and the order of priority. The activation point for all RevLEDs can also be changed, and the new RGB RevLEDs and FlagLEDs allow for custom colours.

      FanaLab is now available for free

      Bear in mind that this is beta software, and that sim support will improve and new features will be added over time. We welcome your feedback; please discuss any technical aspects of FanaLab in this dedicated section of the forum.

    82 comments 62.7K views 83 comments Most recent by Maurice Böschen Subscribe to this blog
  • DD2 review of Barry from SRG
    • Here it is!

      The long awaited review of Barry Rowland. The master of disassembly! And while I always have some screws left over after I re-assembled everything he always manages to put back everything perfectly.

      This is our very first DD wheel base and it is a great honour for us that he sees the overall experience you get with our DD at the level of the very best last gen DDs out there. Thank you, Barry!

      He also gives a great explanation of the Fanalab software and it looks like he liked it a lot.

      A few notes I would like to mention:
      1. With an upcoming new firmware you can also turn down the torque only if you press the power button short and to turn it off you press it 2 seconds.
      2. The flex in the QR will not cause any lack of fidelity as it is not rotational flex. You can also avoid it by using the locking bolt if it bothers you. I personally doubt that there is any chance that you notice that while driving.
      3.  Fanalab will be available for all wheel bases and not just Podium
      4. The dynamic force feedback damper works now ;)

      PS: The Fanalab software is really close to release now and it is just a matter of days or weeks and not months.
    77 comments 7.7K views 78 comments Most recent by Gary S Subscribe to this blog
  • Mircosoft announces compatibility of Xbox One Accessories with next gen console Project Scarlett
    • Good news for owners of Fanatec Xbox One steering wheels!

      Not only can you play all your current games on the new console you can also sync your achievements and most of all continue to use your accessories as it all comes forward with Scarlett.

      It is a very user friendly move which will make existing customers very happy and makes sure that your investment in expensive peripherals is not wasted as soon as the new console launches.

      Now personally I hope that PlayStation does the same and everyone will be happy. 

    20 comments 3.2K views 21 comments Most recent by Regan Hemopo Subscribe to this blog
  • CSL Elite Wheel Base V1.1
    • The original CSL Elite Wheel Base was out of stock in most regions for quite some time now as we were working on an improved version. This CSL Elite Wheel Base V1.1 is now ready to ship to customers.
      • Same advanced electronics as the PS4 versions of the CSL Elite Wheel base minus the PlayStation security chip.
      • Improved force feedback
      • New appearance with new front plate, silver top and Fanatec logos on the side
      It is the perfect entry level to the Fanatec ecosystem if you play on PC or Xbox One (Xbox One steering wheel needed for compatibility). If you already have the original CSL Elite Wheel Base you don't need to bother about upgrading as the changes are not significant enough to justify an upgrade.

    25 comments 7.7K views 26 comments Most recent by Thorsten Rinkenberger Subscribe to this blog
  • Podium peripherals UPDATE: Products are now available for pre-order
    • I would like to give you an update about various Podium related topics:

      Podium KillSwitch
      This product is available from today in all territories for immediate shipment.
      We are also working on a new firmware which allows to decide if you just want to turn off the force feedback or to turn off the complete unit.

      Podium Mounting Brackets
      This product will be available in the first half of July. We made a last minute change to make it more compatible to 80/20 cockpits and not just the RennSport Cockpit.

      Podium Hub
      We will show and explain this product on the 28th of may and will put it on pre-order. The exact delivery date will be announced as well but you can expect a launch in August/September.

      Podium Software (Final name still pending)
      The software has still some major problems and is simply not ready yet but you can expect at least a good beta version in May so you can try it out.

      If you have further questions, please let me know.

      We just put on a few more goodies online on our website. Besides the Podium hub we also have new products available.

      Podium Wheel Rim R300
      This is the perfect allrounder. With a diameter of 300 mm it is perfectly balanced for any GT racing series and the automotive grade leather and aluminum is on a different level.

      ClubSport Button Clusters
      This is a set of button units which you might know from the ClubSport Universal hub. In fact they are identical so if you have one of those you can either use them to install an additional button cluster on your ClubSport Universal Hub or to the Podium hub. With a set of Button Clusters and the Advanced Paddle Module you have a total of 10 buttons and 2 analg axis available. If you need more you can get one of the upcoming button and display modules which will fit between the wheel rim and the Podium or ClubSport hub. 

      Podium and ClubSport Steering wheel R300
      These are pre-configured packages for you. It is the beginning of our modular steering wheel system.

    437 comments 41.6K views 438 comments Most recent by Loris LAGREF Subscribe to this blog
  • DD2 motor permanently for DD1
    • Originally we developed a special lower spec motor for the Podium DD1 and the Racing Wheel but it turned out that we could not meet the specs.
      We therefore decided to develop a new motor for DD1 and use the DD2 motor in the lower spec models as an interim solution to fullfil the pre-orders.

      We decided now that we will permanently use the bigger high-end DD2 motor in the smaller models as well until a new Dd1 motor is ready but this will still take quite a long time. 

      Together with the bigger motor you will also get 3 years warranty instead of 2 years on both DD1 and Racing Wheel.

      As you can imagine, this comes at some price as we are forced to increase our prices a bit due to the extremely low margin we make on our DD1 which does not allow us to recoup our huge R&D expenses for many years. Here is the new pricing:

      Podium DD1: 
      EU: 1199,95 Euro
      US: 1199,95 USD
      AUS: 1699,90 AUS
      J: 159.900 Yen

      Podium Racing Wheel:
      EU: 1599,95 Euro
      US: 1599,95 USD
      AUS: 2599,90 AUS

      Please keep in mind that the Podium Racing Wheel not only includes a steering wheel but also the magnetic shifter paddles. This makes is the best deal for PC racers and the PS4 compatibility is a free bonus.

      Order now if you want to purchase at the original low prices as the price change will be effective on May 7th (9:00 UTC+2)
    171 comments 15.9K views 172 comments Most recent by Maurice Böschen Subscribe to this blog
  • Introducing the new ClubSport F1 2019 Steering Wheel - Limited Edition UPDATE
    • As already mentioned last year we want to make a limited edition Formula steering wheel every year. Last year our production run of 2018 units of the gold F1 wheel were sold out within 24 hours during Black Friday 2018.

      This time we've created something special as well and we are giving priority to our Podium Series pre-order customers who ordered for the very first release date which had to be postponed.

      Those customers received a voucher of 350 Euro/USD which can be used on any product and they also get the first chance to look at the new ClubSport F1 2019 Steering Wheel and order it before anybody else.

      More details can be found in the newsletter we sent to customers today and will be revealed in a blogpost tomorrow.

      The new steering wheel is now available in the webshop to everyone. 

    138 comments 13.4K views 139 comments Most recent by Andreas Gremme Subscribe to this blog
  • Please help us to find the right name for our new software package UPDATE Please Vote!
    • We already announced that there will be a new software coming together with our Podium DD Wheel Bases and so far the project name is "Podium Software". 

      This is just a working title and now we need a final name for it. Of course we already have some ideas but this community probably knows best how to call it.

      The name should 
      • describe the functionality of the product or at least has some association
      • be independent of the product line as it will work with all Fanatec wheel bases
      • be innovative and unique
      • be short and memorable
      This is what the software can do for you:
      • Synchronize the Tuning menu settings of the wheel base with your PC for unlimited amount of different setups
      • Save and load the optimal settings automatically as soon as you launch a game
      • Allows up to five settings per game so you can even fine tune your favourite cars
      • It reads out telemerty info from the game 
      • Show various info on the Tuning Dirsplay
      • Change the colour or style of your rev lights
      • Map functions like traction loss on the flag LEDs or vibration motors
      • Create customized force feedback effects
      • Share your setup with the community or easily get the best setups into your wheel base

      Please write your suggestion in the comment field of this blog post.
      We will pick our favourites and make a poll in a few days so you can vote for your favourite.

      The winner gets a nice surprise and eternal glory.

      UPDATE: Please vote on page 1
      Thanks for the fantastic feedback and the sheer amount of creativity. Some of the suggestions made me love and there are plenty of good candidates. My team selected their favorites and we want to know your opinion as well.

    345 comments 14.8K views 346 comments Most recent by Bill Krause Subscribe to this blog
  • Podium DD unboxing - The wait is over
    • The day has finally come.

      I am happy to tell you that we started to ship the first Podium Wheel Bases today to our customers.  We started with the Podium Racing Wheel but DD1 and DD2 will follow soon so we will deliver all pre-orders of the first batch on or before April 30th, as promised.

      Here is the first unboxing video:

      The additional software package is not final yet but we will make it available by the end of the month as well. Driver and firmware are ready of course so you can immediately use it. Only the stand alone version of the Podium Advanced Paddle Module does not make it in time as we had to postpone the shipping date to mid June due to a production shortage.

      I can't wait to see the first customer reviews and impressions. We worked many years and we never invested so much money into anything in the history of Endor / Fanatec so I really hope we made it right and you like it. Let me know once you receive your Podium Direct Drive Wheel Base.
    548 comments 38K views 549 comments Most recent by Benjamín Navalon González Subscribe to this blog
  • Data Safety
    • Let’s talk about data safety. We have discovered a potential safety leak on our website which could have theoretically been used by an attacker to obtain some customer data, including names, addresses, and passwords. Payment and credit card details were never in danger.

      Popular websites like are the target of hacker attacks every week, and usually they fail on our firewalls; in this case we cannot 100% guarantee that all attempts were unsuccessful. If we found the leak someone else might have found it as well.
      There is no evidence that any data was stolen but due to the new data protection laws in Europe we want to be extra cautious and therefore are implementing a mandatory password reset. 

      Here is the direct link to do so:

      Of course we are now working hard to improve the security on our website. The new website with a state-of-the-art shop system will be launched in April/May. 

      If you also want to improve your personal data safety, I would personally like to recommend a database for your passwords (Password Manager) which is convenient and 100% safe. I’ve used it for 2 years and couldn’t live without it anymore. This is a great solution for passwords on the internet because it is safe and very convenient.
      Use an individual and very complex password for every website you need to log-in.
      No need to memorize dozens of different passwords.
      All the passwords and website links are available on all your devices and in one place.
      Use it for all your website log-ins, credit card details, banking details, passport data, etc.
      Super convenient because you only need to memorize ONE password, and you can even log-in with your fingerprint. Auto-fill of forms on websites is also supported.
      The passwords are not saved in the browser or cloud (which is NOT safe) but locally on a super encrypted and personal database file on your mobile phone, tablet, or PC.
      The tool is free of charge and from a non-profit organization which uses open-source code. Your personal password database is protected with the same algorithm which is used by the NSA.

      If you like to do this, you need to install two things:
      1. A data cloud service like Microsoft OneDrive (free)
      2. The database tool KeePass (free)

      First you install OneDrive (or similar) on all your mobile phones, PCs, and tablets. There is now a data folder which is synced to all your devices.
      Then you install KeePass on all your devices and create a new password database. Store this database file in your OneDrive folder so it will be available on all your devices.

      You can now access all your passwords with one single master password, or your fingerprint, and don’t need to worry that your 12345678 password is used by a hacker to log-in to your iRacing account then drives like a maniac in your name.

    40 comments 3.1K views 41 comments Most recent by Richie Ryan Subscribe to this blog
  • Podium Series Status Update: Shipments begin next month, first batch stock almost sold out!

    • image

      I’m pleased to confirm that we are on track to ship the first batch of the Podium Series direct drive systems on April 30th. This includes all three systems: Podium Wheel Base DD1, Podium Wheel Base DD2, and Podium Racing Wheel F1® PS4™. All units already pre-ordered until now will ship on time.

      Please note that due to high demand, we are very nearly sold out worldwide for this first batch. In fact, some variants are already sold out in some regions, for example the Podium Racing Wheel F1® PS4™ in Australia, and the Podium Wheel Base DD2 in Europe. So if you see the estimated availability date change on the product page, this isn’t because we are delayed, it’s because you’ve missed the first batch!

      Production continues to ramp up and we are beginning to prepare the second batch, which will ship in June. Thank you for your patience; we’re really excited to get this remarkable technology into your hands.

    366 comments 35.7K views 367 comments Most recent by Jevon Gregory Subscribe to this blog
  • Shipment of the Formula V2 starts in time
    • Good: We just started the shipment of the Formula V2 and therefore it is in time with the expected launch date

      Not so good: Due to the strong demand we just sold out and have to put this product on pre-order again.

      Along with it comes a new driver / firmware package 328 which fixed several small issues as well as improving the force feedback on Xbox significantly.

      Development still goes smoothly for the Podium DD. All remaining minor issues can be fixed by firmware so that we can ship in April as planned. Please put in your order in time so you can make sure your unit will ship in the first batch.

    91 comments 7.8K views 92 comments Most recent by Marcel de Groene Subscribe to this blog
  • Steering Wheel Compatibility
    • We get several inquiries about the compatibility of our steering wheels to other Direct Drive systems. 

      Fanatec is supporting open systems and we made our wheel bases, pedals, shifters and handbrakes compatible with other products as you can use them with USB together with any other brand.

      We also allow and welcome the use of custom steering wheels on our wheel bases as long as there is no connection to our electronics and those wheels are using the Universal Hub or the upcoming Podium Wheel Adapter as a basis. This has several reasons:
      • Untested devices can damage your wheel base. The electronics as well as the mechanics.
      • Our products are fully certified (CE, FCC etc.) and this certification is only valid with original Fanatec equipment
      • Our license partners do not tolerate a connection of untested devices on their consoles
      For the same reasons we do not allow the connection of one of our steering wheels to an adapter and use it on an untested non-Fanatec wheel base. You risk damage to your steering wheel and of course will lose the warranty.
      Because it is hard for us to identify if a steering wheel was used on such an adapter we had to encrypt the communication between the wheel base and the steering wheel in order to prevent the wrong usage.

      Our Podium DD has a special QR adapter on the base side which prevents any shaking and therefore damage. This is very important with the high forces of Direct Drive Wheels. Therefore I can only emphasize that you should use your Fanatec steering wheels only with Fanatec wheel bases in order to avoid damage.

      We could probably make some more money by tolerating  the use of  our steering wheels on OSW but those customers could end up in a bad surprise with damaged products without warranty. Therefore please take the compatibility notes on our product description serious and use your Fanatec products only in the way they were designed.
    79 comments 21.5K views 80 comments Most recent by Ryan Reid Subscribe to this blog
  • Fanatec is hiring! Recommend someone and get a free DD1!
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      Following another successful year of growth, Fanatec continues to expand quickly, and new positions have become available within the company as we look to build an even stronger team.

      One of the key reasons why we can innovate and create great products is because our team has a passion for sim racing. This drive keeps the company full of fun and energy, and we want this culture to continue.

      If you would like to turn your hobby into a career, please take a look at the jobs section of our site. We are looking for skilled and enthusiastic people to join the company, located in the beautiful Bavarian town of Landshut, expanding our R&D, marketing, and support departments.

      Leave a comment and mention someone who wants to work with us; if we hire this person you will win a PODIUM Wheel Base DD1!

      Please note: when sending in applications, it's important to mention who recommended you for the position. If the application is successful, the person who recommended you will receive a Podium Wheel Base DD1.

      Only the first person who mentioned the name will get the reward. So hurry up!

    2 comments 2.7K views 3 comments Most recent by Wendy Latka Subscribe to this blog
  • Introducing the ClubSport Steering Wheel Formula V2
    • It’s a great pleasure for me to reveal one more product before 2018 comes to an end: 
      the ClubSport Steering Wheel Formula V2

      This incorporates all of the new features we introduced in the limited edition ClubSport Steering Wheel F1® 2018, in a more familiar shape. We’ve listened to your requests, and here it is: our first Formula-style wheel officially licensed for Xbox One and Windows 10. The Microsoft security chip inside the wheel means you can attach this product to any of our current wheel base lineup and enjoy full Xbox One compatibility.

      The Formula V2 enters our product range permanently; it is not limited. This means that everyone has access to new features such as 12-way multi-position switches with rotary encoders, thumb encoders, rocker switches, multi-colour LEDs and so on. It’s also compatible with the Podium Advanced Paddle Module, which upgrades this wheel way beyond ClubSport spec. 
      You can control the amazing amount of 67 (!) different game functions with this steering wheel. This includes up to 4 additional analog axis and the new Multi Position switches which now can be operated in two modes. You can either use them to jump directly to a specific value or you use them as rotary encoder with endless rotation.

      No need for any button box if you have this steering wheel.

      This steering wheel will replace the Formula Carbon and will co-exist with the F1 Esports wheel whhich will replace the Formula Black.

      The ClubSport Steering Wheel Formula V2 is available for pre-order today. Please check out the webshop product page for all the details.

    190 comments 21.8K views 191 comments Most recent by Monik Gadhvana Subscribe to this blog
  • Announcing the Podium Racing Wheel F1 for PS4 and Podium Advanced Paddle Module
    • Now for some good news: I’m proud to reveal the full details of our Podium Racing Wheel F1® - Officially Licensed for PS4™! 

      The first ever direct drive system for PS4 completes the lineup of our three Podium Series Direct Drive systems, and this is my favourite!

      Officially licensed by Formula 1™, the Podium Racing Wheel F1® is based on our DD1 technology, bringing unprecedented performance to the Sony platform. It is quite simply the most realistic force feedback system ever on a console, working seamlessly with all PS4™ and PS4™ Pro systems. Compatibility is tested and certified. It is fully backwards compatible to all titles supporting the CSL Elite Racing Wheel.

      A new ClubSport Steering Wheel F1® PS4™ is included, an F1®-style wheel with a huge number of features and controls, including 12-way multi-position switches, thumb encoders, rocker switches, RGB RevLEDs and FlagLEDs. It uses the same technology and materials of the F1 2018 steering wheel and will not be offered separately at this point.

      And we’re including the Podium Advanced Paddle Module, which provides two magnetic shifters that generate a solid, positive feel to every shift and two additional magnetic paddles for functions like DRS. Dual analogue clutch paddles allow F1®-style launch control by pre-defining the clutch bite point. Automotive grade quality, with real carbon fibre paddle plates, and an aluminium cage. You have to feel it!

      The P APM is available for pre-order from today for 179,95 Euro/ USD and will launch together with the Podium Racing Wheel at the end of April. You can even upgrade your existing Universal Hub for Xbox One with it.

      The Podium Racing Wheel F1® is available to pre-order for 1499,95 USD / Euro from today. Please check out the webshop for all the details.

    186 comments 16.9K views 187 comments Most recent by Maurice Böschen Subscribe to this blog
  • Delivery of the Podium Wheel Bases UPDATE2
    • To all customers waiting for the Podium Wheel Base 

      I can imagine how much you’re looking forward to the release of this product. We’ve been working tirelessly to optimise and improve long term reliability, implementing many changes during the development phase. Until recently, it was looking very good that we could fulfill our estimated availability date in early December, but in final testing we discovered a serious issue which affects about 0.7% of the units produced so far. 

      We discussed if this really justifies a delay, but I made the painful decision to stop delivery. This product must be nothing less than flawless! In electronics design there’s always a chance that something can be missed, but if we are already aware of an issue, we cannot ship the unit. Not our flagship.

      The problem requires thorough analysis, and we need to determine if we can rework the electronics of the units which were already produced or need to make new electronics. It is therefore important to adjust our realistic shipping date to the end of April. If we can begin shipments earlier, then we will do so, of course.

      I’m sure you are just as disappointed as we are, but we want to keep you happy, and we want you to stay with us. Of course you are free to cancel your order now, but if you are willing to wait, we are offering a special gift as a gesture of appreciation.

      All customers who pre-ordered the Podium Wheel Base DD1 or DD2 up to yesterday will receive a free steering wheel. It will be the new ClubSport Steering Wheel F1 2019 which is due to be released in May next year. It is very similar to the F1 2018 version we just released, but comes in a special and exciting new colour scheme. It is also a limited edition product, with a value of 349,95 USD / Euro

      Rest assured that the Podium Series Wheel Bases will be well worth the wait.

      Thank you for your patience and understanding.


      In case you have already ordered the F1 2018 steering wheel or you want a different steering wheel you can let our sales team know and we will send you a voucher for the same amount so you can use it on a different steering wheel.

      All Podium DD1, DD2 and racing Wheels which were supposed to be shipped on or before April 30th have left the warehouse. Thank you very much for your patience.
      If you did not receive your base yet then make sure you are really on the first batch or that the product is still onthe way or in customs.
    596 comments 49.3K views 597 comments Most recent by Adam Baldwin Subscribe to this blog
  • Advent Calendar 2018
    • It is Christmas time again and independent of what you believe in or not I think everybody loves to receive little presents.

      Instead of doing an auction again or a boring raffle we thought about a very special system for the Advents Calendar 2018 which gives all of you a fair chance to get your desired Fanatec product for free!

      We will give away prices worth 35.000$ this year and this means every day one product per region.

      Everyday at the same time, we will put a 100% discount code on a random product page and you will get this product for free (plus shipping).

      You need to be fast to find the product we've assigned each day as only ONE customer can access the code. We give away almost 100 products in total and not everybody looks at the same page so you have a realistic chance to win.

      And in case you win, you will receive another 10 discount vouchers so all your friends can also buy this product with 10% off.

      Here are the rules: 
      • The Advent Calendar starts December 1st 2018. The last code will appear on December 24th 2018.
      • 24 different products will be featured in the Advent Calendar. (For each region different as well)
      • A 100% discount button will appear on a random product page.
      • The first person to press the button will receive an email with the code.
        - This code is only valid for the product assigned with the button.
        - Apply this code to your basket.
        - The code is valid for 24 hours after receiving it.
      • A new code will go live each day at 19.00 local time (EU is CET, AU is AEDT, US is PST, JP is JST).
      • There can only be one winner (in every region) each day.
      • To complete the deal, the customer must add the product to the basket, enter the code during the checkout process, and pay the shipping costs for the item.
      • On top of that, the winner gets 10 vouchers. The 10% off vouchers provided in the winner’s confirmation email must be used within 24 hours of receipt and are only valid for the same product the sender received.
      • Log-in or register at least 30 minutes before the code appears as the website can be slow
      • Open the product page of your favourite product and refresh the page at exactly 19.00

      Good Luck!
    692 comments 50.1K views 693 comments Most recent by Luis Trapero Subscribe to this blog
  • Black Friday 2018
    • Here are our special offers this year. After a lot of people complained about the lack of PS4 deals we made sure that this
       year we have offers for everybody.
      And there will be a new product announced this year!

      The offers will be available from Friday morning (German Time) until Monday.  Exact times will not be announced on purpose.

      We have moved to a new sever but could not get the new website online so website problems on Friday can occur.  Please be patient. Thank you.

      Let us know your favourite!

    363 comments 53.9K views 364 comments Most recent by Luna L Subscribe to this blog
  • Podium DD1 Auction dates UPDDATE 1 *IMPORTANT*
    • I’m pleased to confirm that auctions for US and EU customers will commence next week! The auction for the Podium Wheel Base DD1 for Fanatec US customers begins *Tuesday 13th November, from 18:00 PST (21:00 EST)*. 

      This will be followed by the auction for Fanatec Europe, which begins *Thursday 15th November, from 19:00 CET (18:00 GMT)*.

      As before, each unit starts at $1 (1€ for Fanatec Europe) with no reserve. Several Australians made a very good deal so expect that some lucky winners in Europe and USA as well.

      *These are the only auction sessions we have planned for these two regions.*

      There will no more auction in Australia and no auction in Japan. All DD1 units sold by auction (as well as the pre-ordered DD1) will have the bigger DD2 motor.

      If you are a PS4 user you should wait for early December when we will release all details about the Podium Racing Wheel for PS4


      - For those based in the relevant region wishing to participate, please create a Fanatec account in advance and log in.
      - Once active, you’ll see an ‘Enter Auction Page’ button on the DD1 product page, which launches a secure bidding area hosted on Amazon’s servers, which has been thoroughly tested for stability. (Anyone can click this link to watch the bids in real-time.)
      - Click to bid as many times as you wish. Each click automatically increases the price by a fixed increment of $10 (10€).
      - After every new bid is placed, a 60-second timer will reset.
      - If there are no new bids after the timer reaches zero, the auction ends, and the winner receives an email with details on how to complete the pre-order.
      - The next auction begins immediately, starting at $1 (1€).

      *Please note:*

      *- There is an unlimited amount of auctions if the auction ends at $970 (970€) or higher (which is still below the regular price of $999.95 (999.95€).*
      *- We will stop the auction sessions after 30 units (for US) and 45 units (for Europe) reach an end price below $970 (970€).*
      *- You will be able to see the previous winning bid values.*
      *- Any bids above the regular pre-order price are automatically invalid.*
      *- If you win an auction, it is not possible to bid for another unit.*

      Standard pre-orders for both the DD1 and DD2 wheel bases are already available in all regions; the auction system is a genuine opportunity for our customers to score a great pre-order price for this cutting-edge sim hardware.

      Links to product pages:

      UPDATE 1

      Here are some important tips and tricks for a succesfull bidding and how to get a cheap unit.
      • The longer you wait the lower the prices. In USA the prices got really low after 3 hours after the session started.
      • Be patient and don't click like crazy. Do not place a bid if the price is above your limit.
      • Do not place a bid if the counter shows above 30 seconds. You will only win after nobody is bidding for 60 seconds anyway.
      • Do not place a bid if the price is above the pre-order price. It just delays the auction session for everyone else and is therefore not only unreasonable but also unfair to other bidders. We can block you in such a case.
      • Watch how many units are left below the threshold. After 45 units in EU we will end the session.
      • Be patient and wait. You will have ONE MINUTE before the auction ends. If prices go up like crazy then there is no chance that your bid is succesfull anyway.
      • All pre-ordered or auctioned DD1 as well as the Podium Racing Wheel PS4 will get the DD2 motor
      • If you win an auction and cancel the pre-order you made, you will lose your delivery slot
    313 comments 15K views 314 comments Most recent by Gaetano Cammareri Subscribe to this blog
  • Showing the new Podium Steering Wheel System
    • At the Simracing Expo 2018 we were showing the new modular steering wheel system which is an eco-system with our eco-system.

      Here is a brief introduction and some impressions about the expo:

      • The new Podium Wheel Adapter is the motorsport version of our universal hub and allows the connection of advanced button plates like the new Podium Button Plate.
      • You can also attach any non-Fanatec custom wheel to it and then use a USB cable just like on any other DD system.
      • The new Podium Advanced Paddle Module provides 4 magnetic paddles and two analog paddles. It can be mounted to the Podium Wheel Adapter as well as to the Universal Hub for Xbox (with full functionality) and future steering wheels of the Podium and ClubSport series
      • The QR is also exchangeable and upgradeable
      • We were also showing 4 new wheel rims at the expo. Two versions of the 911 CUP rim, the R300 which has the same shape but 30 cm diameter and the Alcantara version of our GT rim

      Have you been at the Expo? What was your impression?
    134 comments 15.1K views 135 comments Most recent by Christophe Zwecker Subscribe to this blog
  • Pricing and auction system of Podium DD1 explained
    • After reading some comments on the live stream we thought it was a good idea to make this video in order to explain some points in more depth.

      This video summarises the unique benefits of the Podium DD Wheel Bases, announces pricing and explains the auction system. I will even show a new steering wheel which is in development.

      We also decided to publish these torque graphs so you can see how our outrunner servo motors behave over time. Even the most expensive DD motors de-rate when they heat up as it is a physical law that heat increases resistance and therefore reduces power. But please consider that it is not typical in simracing that the motor is operated in full stall for 5 minutes or more.
      In our realistic life test scenarios we reach only 60°C motor temperature if operated with 100% force feedback. But not everybody really wants to drive at 100% ;)

    136 comments 19.8K views 137 comments Most recent by Thorsten Rinkenberger Subscribe to this blog
  • Auction System of DD1 - UPDATE 4
    • This is how the auction system for the DD1 will work.

      Our intention was to create a system where everybody has a fair chance to make a good deal and to eliminate luck. We also want to avoid any technical problems and therefore the auctions are hosted on the Amazon webservers with much better performance of our current server. Side note: We are working on a complete new website and change our server host with it sometime later this year.

      Our target is to start with the auctions on the 30th of July but only if it was tested carefully and runs stable. The exact timing and all parameters will be revealed later.

      This is how it works:
      • The DD1 will be on pre-order before the first auction starts and will be available for regular pre-order the whole time. So you have the choice to place a regular pre-order or to take part in the auction system.
      • Every registered customer can place as many bids as he like per auction but is allowed to win only one auction. We want to avoid resellers.
      • The auction starts at 1 USD / Euro and every bid changes the auctionprice for a certain increment (e.g. +5,00)
      • With every bid a countdown is reset. 
      • If nobody bids within the countdown, the auction is closed
      • After an auction is closed the next product will be put on auction automatically.
      • We will put as many products on auction until a certain amount (will be announced) of auctions reach a certain price of XXX (will be announced) which is  below the regular pre-order price. 
      • This will guarantee that a lot of customers will get the DD1 well below the pre-order price and it can go down as far as a couple of Dollars if there is no more demand. Naturally demand will go down the more we put on auction.
      • Auctions will be held in Europe, USA, Australia and Japan but not at the same time. Exact timing and dates will be announced here and on the auction page.
      • We currently plan only one event but if it is succesful then we might make more events in the pre-order phase.

      If you have any questions, please let me know.

      UPDATE 1
      The auction system is still beeing tested. The auction will not start before 12.00 German Time. We will let you know more by that time.

      UPDATE 2
      The auction system is running but we need more time for testing. We have to avoid the problems we had during the Adventvalendar auctions and therefore we decided to postpone the auctions. I assume it will be postponed for two weeks but I will give you an exact date as soon as we have a reliable date.

      UPDATE 3
      So the first auction will start on Monday 20th of August at 20.00 AEST. It is limited to Australia only as we want to get familiar with the new auction system and we expect less traffic in this region.
      We will put plenty of DD1 on auction and make sure that there will be several units sold below the RRP of 1599,90 AUD. Prices above the RRP make now sense and such auctions will be ended by us if the bidding goes above.
      After a succesful first round we will announce the date for Europe, USA and Japan. 
      Please note that you must live in Australia and have an australian account on in order to place a bid. But other regions can follow the auctions on the austrialian webpage of the DD1 .
      There will be an auction button which you need to press in order to get to the auction page. 
      We will annouce the auction results here as well.

      Perhaps we will do another round of auctions. We will not stop until we have sold at least 100 units well below the pre-order price.

      UPDATE 4

      We’re giving our Fanatec Australia customers a second opportunity to participate in an auction for the Podium Wheel Base DD1 on Tuesday 30th October, starting 21:00 AEDT. Other regions will follow, and we’ll make separate updates about that.

      As before, each unit starts at 1 AUD with no reserve. This is for Australian customers only, but all regions can view the auctions in real-time.

      - For those based in Australia wishing to participate, please create a Fanatec account in advance and log in.
      - Once active, you’ll see an ‘Enter Auction Page’ button on the DD1 product page, which launches a secure bidding area hosted on Amazon’s servers, which has been thoroughly tested for stability. (Anyone can click this link to watch the bids in real-time.)
      - Click to bid as many times as they wish. Each click automatically increases the price by a fixed increment of 10 AUD.
      - After every new bid is placed, a 60-second timer will reset.
      - If there are no new bids after the timer reaches zero, the auction ends, and the winner receives an email with details on how to complete the pre-order.
      - The next auction begins immediately, starting at 1 AUD.
      - There is an unlimited amount of auctions if the Auction ends at 1500 AUD or higher (which is still below the regular price of 1599,90 AUD).
      - We will stop the auction event in Australia after 10 Auctions reached an end price below 1500 AUD.
    172 comments 21.9K views 173 comments Most recent by P K Subscribe to this blog
  • Community Event and Community Manager
    • I would like to introduce you to Dom Brennan who works as a community manager for us now. He moved from the UK to Bavaria and is a simracer who knows what he is talking about.

      Dom will also be active in this forum from now on and help you with answers. He is also building up a real forum with help section and guidelines how to set up your Fanatec product in a game.

      This year we are celebrating 20 years of Endor/Fanatec. As we take any chance to make a party we will celebrate that on the 25th of August in Landshut.

      Such a party would not be complete without our fans and customers.Therefore we would like to invite a couple of you to celebrate with us so it will be a community event.

      We will put our old products on display as well as showing the latest Podium DD wheel bases. You can even compare them with its most important competitors both in a racing simulation as well as with test tools to measure torque, smoothness, acceleration, etc.

      So who would like to come to Landshut? 
    45 comments 2.7K views 46 comments Most recent by Thomas Schuster Subscribe to this blog
  • Fanatec is now an official partner and supplier of Formula 1
    • Esports is getting more and more popular and while other game genres are already attracting millions of viewers, racing is a bit behind in popularity.

      This will change now and one of the leading racing esports series will be Formula 1.  

      All participants of the F1 Esports finals will use Fanatec gear and we also get a massive presence with our simulators at the F1 races and Fan festivals. This agreement is for five seasons.

      But of course we will also come up with licensed and official F1 branded steering wheels which will feature new technology and will be supported by the upcoming F1 games by Codemasters. 

      In parallel we also made an agreement with Codemasters and starting in 2018 you can expect attractive bundle deals of the F1 games with our products.

      Oh and we will have some Paddock Club tickets available for our community.  

      Are you a fan of F1? What is your favourite race?

    64 comments 4.7K views 65 comments Most recent by Stephen Frith Subscribe to this blog
  • Our first stand-alone PS4 wheel base is now available: CSL Elite Wheel Base+
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      Let me present our first stand-alone wheel base officially licensed for PS4: CSL Elite Wheel Base+

      These features are exclusive among official licensed PS4 racing wheels and wheel bases:
      • Unmatched compatibility. It is the master of compatibility among all racing wheels on the market
      • Precision. The steering sensor mounted directly on the axis and not on the motor avoids all the negative influence of the belt drive on the precision
      • Silk smooth single belt drive system
      • 1000Hz update rate with lowest latency of all PS4 wheels
      • Strongest servo motor on the PS4 (identical to the ClubSport Wheel Base V2.5)
      • Solid metal QR system
      • Integrated rev lights
      This product is available and will ship right away! Please use our configurator to add all the peripherals you would like to add.
    47 comments 4.6K views 48 comments Most recent by Antoine Goossens Subscribe to this blog
  • 220 comments 26.2K views 221 comments Most recent by Paul Hartl Subscribe to this blog
  • New Clutch Bite Point Mode
    • We are about to release a new firmware for the Mclaren Steering Wheel which will feature a new Clutch Bite Point Mode.

      Now you can finally launch your car like a F1 driver. SimRacingGirl will explain how to use it in this video:

      The McLaren is only the first wheel which will make use of this feature. There will be more steering wheels in the ClubSport and Podium series with this very useful function in the near future.
    33 comments 7.7K views 34 comments Most recent by Massimiliano Pecora Subscribe to this blog
  • CSL Elite McLaren Steering Wheel will ship in June
    • If you missed the pre-order opportunity for the CSL Elite Steering Wheel McLaren then here is your chance to place an regular order.

      From today you can pre-order those steering wheels again and they will be available worldwide on June 6th for shipment.

      I kindly invite all pre-order customers who already revceived their McLaren wheel to give me their impressions or reviews here in the comments.

    218 comments 13K views 219 comments Most recent by Rami Ahola Subscribe to this blog
  • GTS fully supports Fanatec CSL Elite Racing Wheel UPDATE
    • PlayStation Announcement

      With the March patch, GT Sport will add full native support of the Fanatec CSL Elite Racing Wheel. The ClubSport Shifter and even the ClubSport handbrake is supported as well if connected to the wheel base.

      There is no more need to switch to compatibility mode and your Fanatec wheel will be shown in the options menu of the game.

      Kazunori Yamauchi told me that the implementation is still not completely finished and they will continue to add features and better functionality in future updates.

      I will meet with him very soon so please let me know how you like the implementation now and what improvements related to our wheels you would like to see. Please do not list any issues related to the overall force feedback system of the game.

      It took a little bit longer than expected but we are building up a solid long term relationship with Polyphony and in the long run this you all will benefit from that.

      As a lot of our community members are complaining about the understeer rattling effect, I would like to mention that this effect is not a bug but present with other wheels as well. 
      Please head over to GTplanet and participate in this poll so you can tell us your favourite choice.
      My personal suggestion to PD will be to make this effect adjustable in the game options.

    234 comments 30.7K views 235 comments Most recent by Andrew Hake Subscribe to this blog
  • Updates on Mclaren, Podium Base and GTS
    • I would like to give you a short update on some important topics.

      CSL Elite Steering Wheel McLaren GT3
      We had some last minute electrostatic issues on this product and we had to make some small design changes. This means that the shipping date will be postponed to late April.
      All customers who pre-ordered the steering wheel will get an e-mail and they can also expect a nice compensation for this delay. All affected customers will get a free ClubSport quick release adapter or a coupon code if they already purchased one. Of course they can also cancel the pre-order at any time.

      Podium Wheel Base
      Talking about delays... 
      We are all waiting for this product to be released but we had to fight a lot of small issues. The pre-production is done and we are still making internal tests to verify the design and sort out some obvious issues.
      Currently we select the beta testers and will get in contact with them shortly. The beta tests will start in late february and it is still planned to held a community event in our HQ where we will invite interested potential customers and direct drive specialists to help us fine tuning the wheel base.
      At the moment we are aiming to start selling the DD wheel bases in summer.
      Some good news as well. We managed to crank up the torque on both versions. We also successfully eliminated all torque ripple so you can expect the same smoothness as on your ClubSport Wheel bases which is on par with the very best DDs out there or even better.

      Full Implementation of the CSL ELite Racing Wheel in GTS (blue mode)
      I have received an update from Polyphony and got the confirmation that the wheel is already implemented in the code and that they are fine tuning it. Unfortunately I did not get any confirmation when this change will be patched to the game.
      But it looks that this this should not stop you from going fast. 

    752 comments 68.2K views 753 comments Most recent by Dominic Brennan Subscribe to this blog
  • Design the official Fanatec car liveries and win UPDATE2 - The winners
    • Happy new year everybody!

      2018 will be an exciting year for us. Not only the long awaited Podium DD Wheel Bases will launch in the next months but much more good stuff is coming.

      We will start this year with a competition to design a McLaren 650S GT3 and a Porsche 911 Cup livery in full Fanatec design.

      The winning liveries will be featured in Raceroom Experience so that anybody can use them. The Porsche design will also be featured on the giftbox of one of our new products this year. And of course the winner of the McLaren livery will also get our new McLaren GT3 steering wheel with ClubSport QR and the winning designer of the Porsche artwork will get a surprise product as well.

      • Competition ends on January 14th
      • Submit the livery of the McLaren 650S GT3 race car and /or the Porsche 911 Cup (2017 /2018) here in the comments of this post. Make sure you post several views but not more than 4 pictures / car
      • Fanatec logo and "F" signet can be downloaded in the download section. Please use either black on white or white on black.
      • A third coulour is allowed but you need to choose either ClubSport red (#B8161C / R=184, G=22, B=28) or Podium gold
      • You can use any game or program to create the artwork
      • By posting your artwork you agree that Endor or any other community member can copy and/or use this design.
      All other users are welcome to let us know what designs you like the most.

      Good luck!

      The terms have changed

      UPDATE 2
      It was quite hard for us to choose the winners as there were so many really great liveries submitted. All of you made a great job!
      But we had to pick just two winners and those were:

      Fabien Tarakci


      René-Yves Jean-Charles

    138 comments 19.6K views 139 comments Most recent by Richard Higgs Subscribe to this blog
  • Advent Calendar - UPDATE

    • image

      To make waiting for Christmas a bit easier for you, we came up with our Advent Calendar which started today.

      It is an advanced Auction system and the rules are created to give everybody a fair chance and at the same time to make sure that the winner ends up with a good deal.

      As it is a new system we first launched it only in the US and EU. The first auction just finished and the winner just grabbed a ClubSport Racing Wheel BMW for 426,-€ instead of 849,90€. This is a discount of 50%!

      Please make sure you read the instructions carefully because you only have ONE bid per day. Use it wisely. It is more about luck than having the biggest wallet.

      Auction start and end times as well as the duration changes daily and it is different in both regions. If you do not want to destroy your F5 key then I recommend you subscribe to the auction newsletter.

      Auctions are new to us so we want to learn how to improve it. Please tell us here in the comments what you like or how you want to improve it.

      Good luck!


      We decided to change the terms in order to make it more convenient for you.
      Everyday the auction will start at the same time and will last for 2 hours.
      We are still improving the performance so I hope it gets better everyday.
    398 comments 19.7K views 399 comments Most recent by Roman Kruszewskki Subscribe to this blog
  • CSL Elite Steering Wheel McLaren GT3

    • We already put it on pre-order and here is a short video aboutr the main features. We have put a lot of attention to details in this steering wheel.

      Please participate in the survey and let me know what you like on it. 

      I will fly to to the factory next week in order to supervise the start of production. Can't wait :)
    164 comments 16.3K views 165 comments Most recent by Monik Gadhvana Subscribe to this blog
  • Black Friday 2017 - UPDATE2
    • So it is Black Friday again. :-bd

      This year we will have 4 offers and I hope this pleases existing customers as well as new ones. All offers will be revealed during this weekend and the sale starts on Nov 24th at 9.00 German time. As usual we will continue the sale until Monday or as long as supply lasts. There is enough inventory so that you do not have to be there at 9.00 but I would not recommend to wait until Monday if you want to be 100% sure to get one of those offers.

      Offer 1 of 4:

      ClubSport Pedals V3 inverted
      Get the inverted pedals for the price of the regular ones! -40% !
      359,95€ (incl. VAT)
      499.95AUD (incl. tax)
      42,900JPY (incl. tax)
      Offer 2 of 4:

      ClubSport Steering Wheel Universal Hub for XBOX One
      Get the Rim for FREE!
      349,95€ (incl. VAT)
      499.95AUD (incl. tax)
      43,900JPY (incl. tax)

      Offer 3 of 4:

      CSL Elite Wheel Starter Pack for XBOX One & PC
      299,95€ (incl. VAT)
      399.95AUD (incl. tax)
      39,000JPY (incl. tax)

      Offer 4 of 4:

      Our last offer is the new steering wheel which will be exclusively available for pre-order during the Black Friday Weekend.

      Some people were dissapointed that there is no offer for PS4 users but this is actually not true as you can create your own PS4 bundle if you combine offer 1, 2 and/or 4 with the CSL Elite Racing wheel.


      This was a painful and slow experience today and I would like to apologize for that. This Black Friday is much stronger than in the years before and in the first 8 hours we made about 16 times the turnover of a normal full day.

       Please take your time as you will get your discount for sure, even if the product is out of stock. But we do have inventory.
      You have plenty of time until Tuesday morning 9.00 CET and all pre-orders of the McLaren will be shipped on the same day anyway.

      The CSP V3i are sold out in USA and Japan now but we will keep the discounted price for pre-orders as promised.
    465 comments 62.7K views 466 comments Most recent by Lorenzo TMR Subscribe to this blog
  • Blank Discussion Topic
    • So what is this?

    62 comments 8.4K views 63 comments Most recent by Danilo Alfio Longhitano Subscribe to this blog
  • Finding the right force feedback settings on PS4
    • The CSL Elite Racing Wheel is the most compatible racing wheel out there. It works with all PS4 and PC games as well as all Xbox One games if you connect a Xbox One steering wheel to it.

      Finding the right setting is easy but you need to know how to do it. Therefore I will give you some guidance how to tune your force feedback settings.

      First of all you need to get the latest firmware. Please make sure that the wheel is in PC mode (red) if you open the game controller options to do the firmware update. It also works on an Apple PC if you install Windows on it.

      Some games (e.g. Assetto Corsa, WRC 7) also require that you first configure the game with the Dualshock controller and choose a wheel in the controller options menu.

      Selecting the right mode for PS4 is important. You need to do that before starting the game.
      For most games you can use the blue mode. This list will tell you what games require the compatibility mode (purple).
      For Dirt Rally, F1 2015 and Project Cars 1 I recommend to use the yellow mode. You need to press and hold the mode button for 10 seconds to go to yellow compatibility mode.

      Please note that Project Cars 2 currently has a major bug in the support of our wheel so we recommend to use the purple mode until this is fixed. They are fully working on it.

      Every new game will use the blue mode so it will get easier.

      In game settings:
      The most important is to avoid force feedback clipping. This means the game sends out signals which are to high for the motor to reproduce. You will lose fine signals from the road. If the ff is very active on straights but in corners you only feel the full power but no more details then you probably have clipping. Lower the ff strength in the game (not the wheel) to avoid clipping.

      I also suggest to add some small dead zone on the pedal axis which will avoid that you accidentally press a pedal if your foot rests on it.

      Tuning parameters on the wheel:

      FEI Force Effects Intensity
      Always start at 100% and if the effects are too sharp or there is a strong and noisy rattle which you do not like then turn it down to a lower value.

      FF Force Feedback
      Some games like GTS do not have the option to adjust overall force feedback strength. Therefore you can reduce the strength in wheel. Otherwise I would always suggest to keep this value at 100 and adjust the ff strength in game.

      SPR Spring
      Very few games use spring effects instead of force effects. This value controls the signal coming from the game. Keep it at 100 unless you notice dull force feedback because there is a permanent spring over all other force effects.

      DPR Damper
      This option controls only the damper effect signals coming from the game. It really makes sense to keep it at 100 unless an effect really annoys you. Usually a damper makes sense for example when the car is standing and you try to turn the wheel.

      DRI Drift
      The default is -5 but all values from -5 to 0 will add a damper over all other effects. A natural damper will avoid shaking on straights and also make the car feel more realistic but you might want to choose a higher value if you prefer a faster response from the wheel. Values above 0 will  use motor power to artificially accelerate the steering wheel. Please note that this can cause the wheel to shake heavily if you release it. Those higher values are recommended for heavy steering wheels or for drifting in games.

      And if you think that you screwed up all settings then simply make a reset by pressing the Tuning menu button for 10 seconds until you see "rst" on the display.

      Please let me know if you want to know more or still need help.

    170 comments 29.4K views 171 comments Most recent by Thorsten Rinkenberger Subscribe to this blog
  • Fanatec CSL Elite Racing Wheel - GT Sport Compatibility - UPDATE
    • Announcement:

      "Some of you might have tried the demo version of GT Sport which is online as of today.
      Unfortunately, at this time it is not possible to select the CSL Elite Racing Wheel in the GT Sport controller options menu. Therefore players can’t enjoy some of the wheels advanced features in the game, such as Force Feedback.
      We apologize for any inconvenience caused, and are working hard with our engineers and partners with the aim of rectifying this for the games launch. We will continue to update you and appreciate your patience. "


      GT Sport has been released and it works great with the Fanatec CSL Elite Racing Wheel. Due to time constraints, Polyphony was not yet able to fully implement our wheel in the controller options menu but you can enjoy full force feedback and support for the rev lights and the ClubSport Shifter if you install the latest firmware v335 (which is included in the driver v293) on your wheel.
      This firmware has a revised compatibility mode which now adds compatibility to:
      • GT Sports
      • F1 2016
      • WRC6
      • DriveClub

      Polyphony assured us that they will fully implement our wheel and that they are working on it. In the meantime you can already enjoy the game with the compatibility mode.

      Please let us know your preferred Tuning settings for the new games.

    901 comments 104.1K views 902 comments Most recent by Chris Gambera Subscribe to this blog
  • CSL Elite Racing Wheel now available in the USA
    155 comments 7.7K views 156 comments Most recent by Maurice Böschen Subscribe to this blog
  • Fanatec Podium Series - UPDATE

    • image

      Introducing the new Fanatec Podium Series.

      The Podium products will be our hardcore range of products and positioned above the ClubSport Series. Of course the compatibility throughout the whole product palette will remain.

      We try to set new standards in terms of functionality, performance and durability combined with the typical Fanatec attributes plug&play comfort, compatibility and a great price performance.

      We will show the first Podium product at the Simracing Expo: Our new  direct drive wheel base


      Some interviews:
    166 comments 59.2K views 167 comments Most recent by Jesus Gallegos Subscribe to this blog
  • Fanatec Eco-System
    • I am quite proud of what my team has achieved together with our strong community in the past 20 years. 

      Fanatec invented the idea of an eco-system and nobody offers a bigger variety of high-end sim racing products than us.

      We already have three product lines and will add another one very soon. Almost every component is compatible with each other and we managed to make the first and only true multi platorm licensed racing wheel.

      Products like our ClubSport Pedals or the Formula rim became sim racing Icons and our community is growing every single day.

      Please keep telling us what you want and we will make it happen.

    32 comments 2.3K views 33 comments Most recent by Thorsten Rinkenberger Subscribe to this blog
  • Introducing the CSL Elite Steering Wheel P1

    • image
      We are continuing to expand our range of CSL and CSL Elite steering wheels to make high-end performance better available for a broader group of sim racers.

      Of Course it looks familiar to you as it is based on our popular P1 steering Wheel. But the Elite Version of the P1 Comes with the following improvements:

      • The realistic sized steering wheel (Ø30cm/11,81") has a lightweight design of only approx. 970g which makes it the lightest steering wheel Fanatec currently offers.
      • The design incorporates aluminum spokes, a fiber enforced back cover, as well as genuine Alcantara® with an eye-catching red cross-stitched seam. 
      • The newly designed durable shifter paddles utilize Snapdome™ technology and have an intensive and positive click feeling.
      • The Xbox One® button caps can be exchanged easily to racing style button caps (included), with symbols that match the most popular functions needed during a race.

      It is an Xbox One licensed product and just like our other licensed steering wheels it will work fine with the upcoming Xbox One X later this year.

      Please check out our new "Xbox One Competition Pack" which combines the power of our V2.5 base and the fully metal CSL Elite pedals with this steering wheel for just 699,95 €

      It is available for pre-order and will be delivered in early September.
    55 comments 4.6K views 56 comments Most recent by Maurice Böschen Subscribe to this blog
  • New Tuning parameter "Force Effects Intensity" (FEI) - Beta Firmware & Survey
    • We have developed a new firmware and driver (v291) for the CSL Wheel Bases and we kindly ask you to test it and give us your feedback. 
      On one hand the CSL Elite Wheel Bases (CSL E WB, CSL E RW PS4) can reproduce high-dynamic force feedback effects as intense as sent by games/simulations. On the other hand some of you and some reviewers reported that these harsh effects can cause some mechanical noise within the new and extremely direct (single) belt drive system. Even if this behaviour does not harm the hardware in any way, in some situations the mechanical sounds of the wheel base might be perceived as being too loud, depending on your game and tuning menu settings.

      To provide optimizations according to your personal preference we are introducing a new tuning menu parameter called 'FEI' ('Force Effect Intensity'), adjustable within the range of 000 - 010. The current default setting is 000 which is equal to the parameters in previous public released firmwares for both bases. Increasing the value for FEI means that the motor will decrease the attack impact, when FFB effects are leading to immediate direction changes. Higher FEI values softens up the intensity of harsh effects to reduce mechanical sounds and can even make them feel more natural. 
      We’re giving you full ability to tweak your wheel within the FEI scale to find your preferred sweet spot, or still enjoy the product even without using this new parameter. 

      Please tell us which FEI setting you would recommend to be our new default setting providing a perfect balance between effect intensity, feeling and noise. This should suit to the average customer out of box, not only the hardcore sim-racer. Please test it in as many simulations/games and platforms as possible.

      If there is anything you want to let us know then please post it in a comment.

      Driver changes:
      Included new CSL rim option "Disable CSL Steering Wheel RevStripe" in Property Page - Settings tab.
      Included new CSL E WB PS4 option "Allow CSW V2 Compatibility mode on PC" in Property Page - Settings tab.
      Various small improvements and bug-fixes

      Firmware changes:
      New firmwares for CSL E WB and CSL E WB PS4 (CSL Elite PS4 Racing Wheel)
      “FEI” function has been added to tuning menu
      CSL P1 rev-stripe can be de-activated by the driver

      There is no new firmware for other wheels, wheel bases, pedals or accessories included in this package but the driver still can be used for other devices as well.
    105 comments 28.7K views 106 comments Most recent by Maurice Böschen Subscribe to this blog
  • Fanatec is hiring! Recommend someone and get a free DD Wheel Base.
    • We are happy and proud that Fanatec is growing and growing and already became one of the pacemakers in sim racing.

      Main reason for our great success story is a strong team of professionals which know exactly what to do in order to bring us to the next level.

      We are now looking for three more team members and would love to recruit those among our strong community. Please check out the detailed job descriptions and contact us as described below.

      If you know somebody which would be a good fit, please post his name below and ask her/him to contact us as descibed below. Only the frst member who mentions the name will get the reward so hurry up and check with your friends.

      If we hire the person you recommended, you will get a free Direct Drive Wheel Base once it is available!

      Position 1: Quality Manager

      Endor is looking for an experienced Quality Manager for its worldwide operations. Multi-country Supply Chain Management is also an appreciated experience.

      This individual will be responsible for extensive personal , written and programatic interaction with Endor's  suppliers, on-site in Germany, China, the USA and some other countries.

      Primary activities include enforcement of Quality Control Systems, defined in written form, with owners, managers, QC managers and workers in Endor's primary suppliers, both in person and by electronic communications.

      Also included in the duties of the job:
      • Management of Endor's own QC team in China
      • Root-cause analysis of common quality errors
      • Manufacturing line inspections
      • Materials inspection
      • Leading continous improvement efforts in suppliers and in HQ offices
      • Problem solving
      • Observing and reporting activities in suppliers facilities back to HQ offices
      • Supplier relations
      • Writing, and teaching the writing, of Quality Standards and Methods
      • Design and implementation of QC procedures and HQ offices
      Formal qualifications include:

      • 4-5 years experience managing internal company quality control and document control
      • 2-3 years experience interacting deeply with domestic or foreign manufactures, specifically in areas of quality control documentation
      • Team leadership in manufacturing and/or manufacturing QC experience
      • People skills
      • Superb ability to read and write German and English
      • Knowledge of Mandarin is a definite plus
      • Experience manufacturing in China is a plus
      • Experience with standard certification processes (ISO, BRC, etc.) is helpful, although we will not implement such a system
      Travel is a significant part of the job. Total travel per year not less than 4-5 months. 
      Salary commensurate with experience. In case you are interested, contact us the way described at the very bottom of this blog post!

      Position 2: PR Manager
      In July 2016 we already looked for a PR Manager and also found somebody but we still need to expand in this area. If you already applied for this job in 2016 and you are still interested, please feel free to apply for this position again.

      • Manage press and  community reviews and tests
      • Provide ideas from the community/press to the product development team
      • Helping to create, develop, and manage all proactive and reactive press opportunities (print and online)
      • Press release and newsletter writing and dissemination
      • International media outreach
      • Provide content (reviews) to the web and social media team
      • Decent knowledge of sim racing equipment and racing simulations
      • Fluent spoken and written English with excellent grammar is mandatory. German or other languages are a plus
      • Strategic thinker, with excellent public relations skills, solid and cooperative media relationships, and knowledge of the evolving digital and social media fields 
      • Should have strong writing and organizational skills, excellent people skills, plus the ability to always keep calm and proffessional.  
      • Bachelor's degree is not required but a plus.
      • Two or more years’ experience in an agency or corporate environment

      Position 3: Customer care / Technical support
      Since German-speaking is a mandatory skill for this position the call for proposals is expressed in German:
      Als stetig wachsendes Unternehmen suchen wir einen neuen motivierten, engagierten Mitarbeiter als Unterstützung im Bereich technischer Support, aber auch Qualitätssicherung und Entwicklung. Die Hauptkompetenz von Endor/Fanatec sind bekanntermaßen Projekte im Produktumfeld Spiele-Controller für PC und Konsolen (PS4, Xbox One) mit dem Hauptaugenmerk auf Sim-Racing-Hardware.

      Wir bieten Ihnen ein interessantes Arbeitsumfeld mit vielseitigen Aufgabenbereichen als Teil eines hochmotivierten Teams an unserem Standort im Zentrum von Landshut.

      Ihr Aufgabengebiet:

      • Unterstützung und Entlastung des technischen Supports
      • Sofortige Mitarbeit an konkreten Projekten in der Produktentwicklung
      • Schnittstelle zwischen technischen und administrativen Abteilungen
      • Übernahme diverser Aufgaben in unserer Werkstatt

      Ihr Profil:

      • Flüssiges Deutsch und Englisch in Schrift und Sprache ist Voraussetzung. Weitere Sprachkenntnisse in Französisch/Italienisch/Spanisch sind von Vorteil aber nicht notwendig
      • Praktische Erfahrung in Sachen Hardware, Elektronik/Mechanik wünschenswert
      • Belastbar, flexibel, teamfähig
      • Gute EDV Kenntnisse: Erfahrungen mit PC-Hardware sowie Microsoft-Betriebssystemen und Spielekonsolen 
      • Handwerkliches Geschick sowie Basiskenntnisse Umgang mit Schraubenzieher, Kabeln und Steckern
      • Erfahrungen mit PC- bzw. Konsolenspielen (vA. Rennspiele) sind hilfreich. Diesbezügliches Interesse wird vorausgesetzt.
      Der primäre Arbeitsort wäre unsere Firmenzentrale im Zentrum von Landshut. Alternativ könnten konkrete Vorschläge bzgl. Fernarbeit, nach einer ausreichend intensiven Einarbeitungsphase, in Betracht gezogen werden.

      Wenn Sie an dieser abwechslungsreichen Aufgabe interessiert sind, freuen wir uns über Ihre aussagekräftige, schriftliche Bewerbung.  Bitte senden sie uns ihre vollständigen Bewerbungsunterlagen mit Angabe Ihrer Gehaltsvorstellung und Ihres frühestmöglichen Einstiegstermins wie im folgenden Absatz (Englisch) beschrieben:

      To apply for those positions within our company please send your CV and other documents to [email protected]
      Since there will be automatic filtering, please use the following subjects in your Email: “Quality Manager”, "PR Manager" or “Technical Support”.
      Please notice that we will not be able to process incoming Emails which do have other subjects or which do not have the necessary document(s) attached.
      Please do not forget to mention the first person who recommended you so that we can give him/her a new Fanatec DD.

      Thank you very much for your time. I hope to welcome you very soon to our great team.

    21 comments 5.9K views 22 comments Most recent by Torbjørn Mundal Subscribe to this blog
  • Fanatec Direct Drive
    • It is an open secret that we are working on a Direct Drive wheel. I have posted in several forums and there are some bits of information here and there. It's time to open a single thread for this subject.

      This post will be updated from time to time and the main purpose for us is to collect information of what you really want. Of course we already have nailed down several specs but there are still things we can change or add. So please tell us what your dream system looks like.

      We are developing more than one base. The main difference will be the maximum torque. The torque range is starting at a competitive level far above the CS WB V2.5  and ranges up to a level most of you will not be able to use for a long time. 
      It will not replace the CS WB V2.5 and we will keep this model as the best non-DD solution on the market.
      The DD wheel bases are the first products of a complete series of hardcore products which are positioned above the ClubSport series. This series will include wheel bases, steering wheels, pedals, shifters and handbrakes in the (very) long run.

      The DD will be a typical plug&play product like other Fanatec wheel bases. All in one housing and no cable mess. 

      Like any other Fanatec product, the DD will be fully certified and lab tested. This will avoid EMI issues and other interference with your other devices. The DD uses a lot of power and huge magnets are involved so this is a very important point which is often not considered until you get a lot of mysterious issues and damages to your whole system.

      PC for sure as this is the main market and there is no reason that it should not work on Xbox One. The first generation will not be compatible to PS4.
      We have a great relationship with all racing game developers and you can be sure that there will be broad support for this wheel base. Our target is to set a new standard in simracing.

      We looked at the current motors on the market and there was nothing which really fulfilled our requirements. Those industrial motors were not designed for simracing. Steppers and hybrid steppers deliver a way too notchy feeling for a hardcore product, no matter how good you tweak the software. Also other servo motors are always a compromise. Therefore we developed complete custom servo motors where we decided about what speed, torque, size, power consumption, pricing etc. we need.

      Steering Wheels
      All the current ClubSport steering wheels will be compatible. We developed a new QR system on the base to handle the extra power but it will stay a quick release. 
      There will be no cable from the wheel to the base or to USB. The wheel will be able to rotate unlimited without the risk to snap off a cable or to disturb you while driving.
      The CSL and CSL Elite steering wheels will be compatible as well but torque will be reduced if such a wheel is detected.

      Please let us know what kind of software your are expecting to get with the DD. What parameters do you want to adjust and how and where do you want to adjust these parameters. We are pretty flexible on this point.

      Target Dates
      Dates are always a very sensitive subject. In principle you need to understand that the DD technology is not only new to us, our DD wheels are completely designed from scratch and a breakthrough for the whole industry. This involves some completely new technology which had to be invented and everything is customized. A lot of unknown factors are not good to give any solid time projections. 
      We simply cannot give you any guaranteed dates at this point. But at least you get some indication of our target dates.

      Community event: 
      There will be a community event where we invite interested simracers to test and compare our new DD wheels directly to all other solutions on the market. Time and date is not defined yet but it will obviously be before the launch date. More news and how to apply for this test will be posted here.

      Beta Test: 
      The external beta test will start after all internal tests are done. We will also make a separate announcement where you can apply to become a tester. We are interested in the opinion of current DD users and ultra hardcore users as well as people with analytic and structured thinking which are able to find remaining bugs and make suggestions for improvements. 
      Please make sure you already filled out this form

      First public appearance:
      We plan to show this product at the Simracing Expo this year.

      Launch date: 
      Q4 2017

      There will be a significant difference to the current wheel bases we have so there will be different performance levels at different price points. As the current CS WB V2.5 is still priced significantly lower than any other DD wheel on the market (please compare it with a full system incl. steering wheel with buttons) there is still room for us to make a very competitive offer.
      Our new DD bases can compete in pricing as well as superior functionality and performance. 

      Oh and did I mention the beauty of them? :)

    163 comments 43.5K views 164 comments Most recent by David Madden Subscribe to this blog
  • Introducing our first officially licensed racing wheel for PlayStation®4 (PS4™) - UPDATE 1
    • image

      The CSL Elite Racing Wheel - officially licensed for PS4 is available in our webshop from today and it is the first Fanatec® racing wheel which is officially licensed by Sony Interactive Entertainment Europe (SIEE) for PlayStation®4.

      In the press release we will talk about the specs and features but most of you already know our products well so let me tell you some inside information.

      The Wheel Base
      The base looks obviously very similar to our CSL Elite Wheel base, but there are some significant differences.
      • As this is an officially licensed product we added some electronics provided by Sony and this ensures that the racing wheel is properly recognized by the console
      • The motor driver electronics are completely different to the CSL Elite Wheel Base and the same as on the ClubSport Wheel Base V2.5.
      • The motor itseld and the power supply is also identical to the CS WB V2.5 but because of the diffferent gear ratio, this wheel base has less torque but more speed.
      The Steering Wheel
      The steering wheel of the CSL Elite Racing Wheel also looks familiar but we improved it significantly on several points over the existing CSL P1 Steering Wheel.
      • It now comes with perforated genuine leather and suede fabric with blue stitching.
      • The weight is now reduced to 970g which makes it the lightest steering wheel in our range. This increases acceleration and consumes less torque.
      • The shifter paddles have been re-designed and now include Snaptron® snapdomes. They deliver a sensational positive and strong click feeling.
      • The buttons are now interchangeable so you can use easy symbols to remember the mapping of your most important racing game functions.
      Please note that the steering wheel will not be sold separately for now.

      By working really closely with SIEE on the development of the CSL Elite Racing Wheel we have been able to integrate features that we know racing fans on the PS4 will be able to appreciate, including: 
      • Fully supported within the PS4 console menu.
      • Enables advanced functionality with select upcoming compatible games, including GT Sport.
      • The CSL E RW is backwards compatible to all games which were compatible to the CS WB V2 with the help of a compatibility mode. It will work fine in the game but not in the system menu of the console.
      •  Assetto Corsa and Dirt 4 are the first fully compatible titels and many more will follow. This includes F1 2017, Project Cars II and of course GT Sport.
      At the moment the CSL Elite Racing Wheel is only available in Europe and Australia but we are exploring the possibility of expanding the availability into further markets. 

      The orders will be shipped right away. 

      We will also have a special introduction bundle which will be attractive especially to new customers. For just 519,95 € you get a complete set with CSL Elite Pedals.

      More info and a video to be posted soon.

      How do you like it?

      UPDATE 1

      We just signed the agreement with Sony Interactive Entertainment LLC about selling this wheel in the US. Now we need to make new packaging and produce products and get all of that apporved so we are still some time away from shipping it to customers in the US but we will get there.

      We have also developed a new firmware which gets rid of the clunky noise in some games. It will be adjustable through a Tuning parameter and is currently under beta testing.

    399 comments 30.1K views 400 comments Most recent by Hristo Goshev Subscribe to this blog
  • You found the Easteregg! - UPDATE
    • But what is it?


      Here  we go ;)

    566 comments 43.4K views 567 comments Most recent by Joseph Gossen Subscribe to this blog
  • ClubSport Wheel Base V2.5 reviews
    • The first reviews of our new ClubSport Wheel Base V2.5 are coming in and Shaun Cole gives a detailed overview about the product and it's new features:

      If you have bought a V2.5 it would be great to share your opinion in the comments as well.
    57 comments 7.5K views 58 comments Most recent by Dan Binder Subscribe to this blog